Studio Arts College International (SACI) Post-Bac in Studio Art Exhibition Catalog
Chiasso Perduto Gallery: April 11-13, 2019 - Florence, Italy
Artists: Caroline Berzi, Mary Maude Crenshaw, Chase Hafer, Geoffrey Krist, Nhi Le Phuong, Penny Maday Ciochetti, Christopher Norcross, Nayla Tohme. Curator: Anna M. Rose.
The pendulum, whose properties were first described by Galileo in the early 17th century, served as the most reliable system of timekeeping until the advent of the digital age. Its hypnotic swing, in ideal conditions, marks out perfect time with each oscillation, yet when acted upon by even the slightest friction, the plodding constancy of the pendulum is disrupted. Through diverse media and visual languages, the works of "Pendulum" reveal a common challenge to the momentum of the current age, raising questions about the impact of migration on personal identity, the limits of the cultural and political systems of gender and the body, and the thrust of technology in the 21st century.