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Welcome and CATT Code of Ethics
Welcome to the 2022-2023 Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe (CATT) Building & Remodeling Guide.
This publication is widely distributed around the Truckee Tahoe region and represents a valued service for those looking for a trusted general contractor, sub-contractor, supplier or professional. Whether you are a homeowner, local professional, renter or visitor, this publication will help connect you with the industry ro e ional wit a ro en track recor in t e region
Natural beauty, lifestyle and recreation are all reasons why more people are calling Tahoe a great place to live. Stories in this publication are directed at readers interested in real estate trends, defensible space, xeriscaping and home hardening tips, and the latest innovation with metal, heat pumps and smart homes. For businesses, we have articles on video marketing, supply and demand impacts on general con truction, an taff retention a ter t e Big uit Al o in this publication we have highlighted the winners of t e CATT Annual Buil ing an n i i ual Awar Competition. These awards represent the highest level of performance and craftsmanship within our membership and in our industry.
CATT i ere to er e our new re i ent an long time local t roug a o to Bi er ice connecting homeowners to a reliable professional for a new con truction or remo eling ro ect All CATT mem er are a ro e y our CATT Boar o irector an e ecte to u ol t e CATT Co e o t ic n , CATT taff re erre o or u lic an ri ate ro erty owner t roug our o to Bi rogram
CATT mem er are a le to grow t eir com anie t roug omeowner re erral , critical a ocacy effort on key issues, training resources and event and volunteer committee networking opportunities. The CATT mem er irectory i a olutely t e lace to tart when seeking a reputable builder, specialty contractor, supplier or professional.
Since , CATT a e i te to ro i e a tronger oice an nee e enefit to our mem er an to the community. Our building environment may have become more complex over the years, but our founding mission remains the same “To promote a positive business environment for the building and housing industry and enhance opportunities for its members and the community”.
Please visit our website www.ca-tt.com for all CATT related services as well as information on our sponsored organizations CATT Community Project (CATT CP) and CATT Political Action Committee (CATTPAC).
Kellie Cutler, Executive Director
kellie ca tt com
CATT Code of Ethics
The following Code of Ethics shall be honored by every member of this Association:
Be mindful of your responsibility to CATT and fellow members, and through conduct of your business, demonstrate that membership in this organization is an assurance of integrity and quality. Ensure that agreements and contracts are clear and understandable and state the essentials of every transaction with adequate protection and representation to all concerned. Provide fair and just compensation for services rendered in each transaction. Keep your insurance and license current. Provide opportunities for employment in a safe environment.
• Cooperate with all public officials and comply with all laws and regulations governing the industry and our community. Say or print nothing that may reflect unfavorably on others except in an articulate, intelligent manner and only when protection of the public good and/or our industry dictates. Dedicate yourself to bringing together members of the construction industry and community at large in the bonds of fellowship, mutual understanding, and positive solutions.