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CATT Community Project

CATT Community Project (CATT CP) is a 501(c)3 charitable organization sponsored by the Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe (CATT). CATT CP was founded with the intent to promote a positive image for the local construction industry by having local contractors contribute generously to community improvement projects. Established in 1999, CATT CP celebrates 23 years of giving back to our community y ro i ing con truction a i tance to local non rofi t an e er ing groups. If you live and work in the Truckee Tahoe area, you are likely to have seen at least one of the 26 projects that CATT CP has contributed to. The Mission of CATT CP is: To be a conduit for funds, materials, volunteerism and project coordination towards the restoration or construction of selected structures that are deemed benefi cial to the community.


Current Project

Truckee Community Art Center: Truckee Downtown Park Expected Completion September 2022

On July 14, 2021, a ceremonial groundbreaking took place for the Truckee Downtown Park Project located at the Community Art Center Building at 10046 Church Street T i e ent marke t e o cial tart o t i e te rior revitalization project and was an opportunity to recognize 15 funders and community partners and 18 local companies on the construction team, without which this project would not have been possible. By close of the 2021 construction season, project manager Jen Weis en erg re orte t at all ma or e ca ation a een completed, concrete poured, and all conduits were in. Construction started up again in March 2022 with back fi ll now com lete, natural lay tructure taking orm, all boulders are being set, and base has been laid. The a er at way, arti t mural an fi nal lan ca ing will e com lete in t e ne t ew mont To ate , has been raised through in-kind business, material and labor donations, individual donations (282 individual pavers), grants and sponsorships. “This project represents the extraordinary capacity of our community and generosity of our local contractors to give back to a project that so represents the values and lifestyle of our residents.”—CATT Executive Director Kellie Cutler.

Expected completion is September 2022. For project updates please visit: www.downtowntruckeepark.com.



A-Diaz Masonry • Al Pombo • Blacktop Paving Caseywood • CED Truckee • Design Outdoor Elements Mtn Company • Fereira Construction Grate ul Gar en Lo e ca ating nc Quick Space • Reno Tahoe Steel Summit Electric • Truckee North Tahoe Materials Truckee Tahoe Lumber Co. & Design Center Western Nevada Supply

CATT Community Project Board: Top left, John Manocchio acific Cre t ealt lanning , a e R o en, C airman Ca eywoo ront le t, ike Brown, Secretary Stoel Ri e LL , ellie Cutler CATT ecuti e irector , C ri Cree on uff Con truction Com any, nc Not pictured: Mike Nethersole, Treasurer (MD Construction Con ulting, nc , en o ter B o ter Ci il ngineering , Ric Lo er e Lo er e Buil er , Ryan Ryan Con truction Ser ice , nc , aul Sc no ric Sc no ric oo wor


Arts For The Schools East River Public Relations Joseph Foundation Kosla Family Fund Martis Camp Foundation Nevada County: Proposition 68 Park Bond Allocation Rotary Club of Truckee Rotary Club of Truckee Community Foundation Tahoe Forest Health Systems Tahoe Mountain Resorts Foundation Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation Queen of Hearts Fund Truckee Donner Public Utility District Truckee Donner Recreation & Park District Truckee Downtown Merchants Association Truckee Tahoe Airport District

To donate to these important community impact projects, or to apply for CATT CP project assistance, contact CATT CP at the CATT office: (530)550-9999 or email: kellie@ca-tt.com.

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