Sacred Eden - July 2010

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Back to Perfection

July 2010




Ways to Burn Fat

Stevia: A Superior Sweetener Increase Your Energy with Zensight

of july Scourge no more— A primer on breast cancer

Smart Eats, page 8

Beat Diabetes Top food choices and coping tips, page 15

A note from the Editor

A ‘rich’ life “The greatest wealth is health.”



et’s take some time out to really think about what it means to be rich. Does it mean being monetarily wealthy? To have the ability to buy anything you might want or need in this world?

Does it mean being filled with experiences, having seen the world, and having connected with different people and their journeys? Does it mean having the vast opportunity to touch someone else’s life and make a difference in it? We all may have a different opinion on what being “rich” or “prosperous” is. What matters ultimately, though, is how we use those resources we’ve been blessed with. This issue—as all issues of Sacred Eden magazine are—is a particularly “rich” issue. We start out with tips on how to celebrate this year’s 4th of July while keeping our healthy diets intact and our wits about us (page3); and we go on to telling you how to enjoy your indulgences at your favorite restaurant while taking control of your calorie intake (and what restaurants to avoid, once and for all!), on page 7. We disclose the secrets of Zen healers with Zensight, an amazing visualization process that can re-balance your energies and calm your mind (page 5), and we give you related features on one of the world’s most common diseases and how to cope with it: Diabetes (all about it, on page 15, and the sugar substitute you should consider, page 13). Commonly known as the “prosperity” disease, diabetes strikes when one lets his diet go and indulges in rich, sweet, and fatty foods. One of the risk factors of diabetes is obesity, and a lifestyle composed of sitting around with minimal or no exercise—a lifestyle many of us may associate with luxury and idle freedom. That luxury has its price, however: your health. The fact that 2.8 percent of the world’s population is afflicted with Type 2 Diabetes tells us that people have got to start re-wiring their thoughts about health, diet, and exercise—immediately. We at Sacred Eden have been given the wonderful opportunity to share with you information from experts all over the globe on the latest in general wellness and health. Their support and input makes for the majority of the treasure trove from which we draw from, to reach like-minded folk like you—and hopefully, people in the 2.8 percent mentioned above. Sacred Eden believes in sharing this wealth of knowledge to anyone who cares to pay attention. That, we think, is the true mark and purpose of being “rich”—to open every human being to the possibility of full health, a long life, and enjoying its fruits.

Benjamin Ravaru Editor

Table of Contents

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A Note From the Editor


Healthy Solutions



Beat Those Food Cravings!; 20 Signs That You May Have a Booze Problem; 10 Diet Rules You Can Break; 5 Reasons Why Alcohol Will Destroy Your Muscle Gains



Alleviate Anxiety With Zensight Process. You can teach yourself this powerful visualization tool to rebalance your energies and bring peace of mind






Body Nature’s Cleansers. The proper amount of fiber a day will help you cleanse your colon, lose weight, and add more energy to your day


Dining Out, Keeping Fit. Treating yourself to a meal in a restaurant may be a pleasurable—but fattening— experience. Here’s to how to keep those calories off your plate, and your waistline


16 Ways to Burn Stubborn Body Fat. So you’re already eating less and exercising…here’s other stuff you can do to get leaner


3 Things About Exercise You Shouldn’t Take for Granted. Newbies to work-outs might gloss over these things. Read through and work out like a pro


Food and Nourishment

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Smart Snacks. Choose munchies that both satisfy and keep your calories under control. Some tips



Power Apricot Bars. It’s summer, the season for apricots! Try this quick and healthy recipe for a fast power snack

The Woman’s Scourge. What women should know about breast cancer and waging war against it

The Ultimate Sugar Substitute. This tiny herb packs a sweet punch: stevia, a natural, sweet, healthy food with none of the dangerous side effects linked to sugar and artificial sweeteners


Do You Have Diabetes? Almost one third of all people with diabetes don't know they have it. Know if you’re at risk for this ‘prosperity disease’ and how to cope


When You’re Feelin’ Blue… Training your mind to take a 180-turn can help shake depression away

HealthySolutions Beat Those Food Cravings! * Try to plan 5 to 6 small meals with one to be eaten around every three hours of the day and make it a point not to miss any of them. It takes an average of two hours for the human body to digest a meal, so by the time you start to feel a craving coming on, it’s almost time for your next meal anyway. * Make it a point to drink plenty of water. Quite often, feelings of hunger between meals are really your body trying to signal thirst. By keeping a bottle of water with you all day and making it a point to take constant sips throughout the day, you will keep hydrated, feel better, and eliminate one common cause for cravings to happen. * When you are at home, always try to keep some fresh fruit on hand. If you are hit with a craving, fruit is a better choice than cake or chips. Also, make a fat-free dip and cut up some fresh veggies like carrots and celery and keep them in the fridge. This will give you another quick and healthy snack that you can just grab and eat during a craving. * Never go to a party, a meeting, or any event where there will be food available on an empty stomach. This will set you right up to over eat when you get there. Always eat a small meal or at least eat a good, healthy snack before you go as this will help to stop cravings from hitting you while there. * If there are certain snack foods that you really enjoy, don’t try to completely cut them out. You will only overindulge in them when you can’t control the urge to have them later. Plan these snacks into your day, and just make them snacks that you have once in a while and in moderate amounts when you do. * Remember that just because certain food items are fat-free does not mean they are calorie free. When turning to fat free snacks, be careful of how many calories they contain and adjust your portions accordingly. It is very easy to assume fat-free is “safe” and go way overboard on them.

4 You hate going to any social occasion if there is no opportunity to drink. 5 You think about drinking constantly, can’t wait to finish work to go and have a drink, can’t wait to be finished..anything…to go and have a drink. 6 You hide alcohol around the house, garage, office, wherever. 7 You lie about how much you drink and how often you are drunk, always minimizing the amount. 8 You can’t, or find it difficult, to set a limit on the number of drinks and keep to it. 9 You drink too much at inappropriate times, embarrass your family, friends and self. 10 You feel guilty about the night before and have difficulty looking people in the eye. 11 Your hands shake in the morning. 12 You feel sweaty upon waking and for most of the day.

20 Signs That You May Have a Booze Problem

13 The previous night’s drinking is a bit of a blur, or worse still a blank.

You know that you have got a problem with booze when:

17 You don’t count your money in dollars or whatever currency you have but in the number of drinks that it will buy.

1 Before every party or social occasion your partner asks you “not to drink too much tonight.” 2 You feel that everyone in your company drinks too slowly or doesn’t know how to let their hair down and have a good time--like you. 3 You are having extra drinks when you go to the bar, because (see number 2).

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14 Your partner increasingly criticizes your drinking. 15 Your friends increasingly criticize your drinking. 16 Your co-workers and/or boss increasingly criticize your drinking.

18 You are always the last of your group to leave the bar and the first to suggest another bar or another drink somewhere else. 19 You find it increasingly difficult to talk to people or socialize without having had a drink. 20 You want a drink as soon as you wake up.


10 Diet Rules You Can Break

5 Reasons Why Alcohol Will Destroy Your Muscle Gains


here are actually diet rules out there that are meant to be broken? Yes, recently many dated diet guidelines and myths are up for speculation. You’ve probably heard all these silly rules before, but experts weigh-in on the worthiness of these supposed truisms--most of which won't help you lose weight or make dieting any easier.

10 Food Rules You Can Ignore: 1. Eating at night will pile on the pounds. The total calories you consume over a 24-hour period or over a week is what causes you to gain weight, and when you eat these calories doesn't matter. 2. It's best to eat at the same times every day. Eat when you're hungry, not when the clock says it's time to eat. 3. Dieting with a buddy always makes weight loss easier. Common goals may pay off but weight loss is a personal journey. 4. Dietary fat keeps you feeling full longer, so you'll eat less. Fat does take longer to digest, but it will not help you control your appetite. Foods likely to fight off hunger the longest are protein foods, followed by carbohydrates, then fats. 5. When you blow your diet, you might as well wait until the next day to get back on track. Nothing could be farther from the truth- always try to get right back on track with your next meal. 6. Refusing food at a party or when visiting is rude. Turning down food that you know will blow your diet is socially acceptable. 7. Skipping a meal every now and then will help you lose. Skipping a meal means you will be so hungry at the next meal that you are likely to overeat. This can also help lead to a slowdown of your metabolism. 8. Bread is fattening, nuts are fattening, pasta is fattening. Whole-wheat bread/ pasta is a great source of nutrients, and it won't make you gain weight more than any other food with the same number of calories. 9. All calories are equal. This is somewhat true, however; you'll get more nutrients from a 100-calorie apple than from a 100-calorie portion of white bread. Choose healthier items if you are losing weight, or controlling your hunger. 10. If you don't clean your plate, you're wasting food. If you just don't feel right leaving the table until you've cleaned your plate, underestimate your hunger and put less food on your plate to begin with, or you may overeat. Don’t believe everything you hear! Much of it is just superstition. Now you can tell your friends the real truth. In the end, nutrition experts say, many of the food and dieting rules we hold dear are meant to be broken - without guilt!


lcohol is far more harmful than most people think, and itís very important that you understand how this drug (yes, alcohol is a drug) is affecting your progress both in and out of the gym.

1) It negatively affects protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the process where amino acids are joined together to form complete proteins. Excessive alcohol consumption slows this process down by up to 20 percent, and since your muscles are made up of protein, you can see how this is a problem. 2) It lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen. Testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body. One of the limiting factors that determines how much muscle a person can gain is their level of free-flowing testosterone.

If you do decide to go out and party, make sure to drink plenty of water and to properly nourish yourself with vitamins/minerals and a protein rich meal.

3) It causes dehydration. The kidneys must filter very large amounts of water in order to break down the alcohol, and this can result in severe dehydration within the body. Water plays an absolutely crucial role in the muscle-building process, and being even slightly dehydrated is a recipe for disaster. The muscles alone are comprised of 70 percent water. 4) It depletes the body of vitamins and minerals. Alcohol consumption causes vitamins A, C, the B's, calcium, zinc and phosphorus to all drain at rapid rates. Vitamins and minerals keep every little process in your body functioning properly, and many of these processes involve muscle growth and maintenance. 5) It increases fat storage. With 7 empty calories per gram, alcohol can actually be quite fattening. Alcohol also disrupts the Kreb’s Cycle, which plays an important role in fat burning.

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Alleviate Anxiety With

Zensight Process

You can teach yourself this powerful visualization tool to re-balance your energies and bring peace of mind


stress disorder.

n estimated 13-16.5 percent of adults has an anxiety disorder. Types of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post traumatic

At times the symptoms of anxiety can become so debilitating that those affected will not leave their home or attend social functions ñ and their lives may become consumed by the effort to avoid people, places or situations which are likely to trigger feelings of anxiety. Traditional treatment for anxiety disorder has involved medication to help to lessen the symptoms of anxiety, and behavioral therapy to assist with coping and challenging irrational thoughts. Treatment is generally expected to be long term. Zensight Process offers new hope to those with anxiety. In many cases, a practitioner who is very skilled with both Zensight and in working with those with anxiety, can help someone to experience dramatic improvement ñ and in some cases a complete elimination of symptoms ñ in just a few sessions. In most situations, many individuals will be able to use Zensight on their own--without ever consulting a practitioner at all--to considerably improve and sometimes even eliminate their symptoms altogether. Those who do choose to work with a therapist or practitioner to help support and accelerate their healing will also benefit from doing Zensight self-healing in between sessions, in order to obtain the best results.

How to Use Zensight Process Zensight Process involves working with the subconscious mind in a way that is similar to hypnosis--and yet no hypnosis is actually used. Instead, we begin by creating a “healing symbol”. This symbol can be a word, picture, or color. Some people choose to use a symbol such as “ocean”. They then can focus on the word ìoceanî when that feels right, and at other times may actually visualize the ocean. When this healing symbol is used or focused upon with intent, it allows the fears, concerns, and “blocks” that someone is experiencing to gently heal and transform. The healing symbol is then used together with healing statements and visualization, to soften, dissolve and release the concerns that are being experienced. In a situation of anxiety, the individual is instructed to stop and notice any visual image that comes to mind when she or he thinks about one of

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their specific concerns--and then focus upon this image while connecting with the healing symbol that was chosen. This use of visualization helps to greatly accelerate healing because it does not rely upon the limits of our conscious mind and awareness. The visual image that comes up may be an actual representation of a specific fear or issue that is being experienced, or it may be something that is metaphorical in nature. The different images that come up are highly variable and are not always understood by the person. The beauty of it is that they don’t need to be understood. The image is simply focused upon while connecting with the healing symbol, and is allowed to transform.

Healing Statements— some examples I heal all of the fears that any parts of me have, that I can’t get free of this problem I heal any and all feelings that any parts of me have, that I am trapped. I let all of the parts of me know, deeply and completely, that I am safe. All of the different parts of me now experience a growing sense of peace and comfort.

What generally happens is that the image spontaneously transforms in a way that My entire body is relaxing feels healing. If the picture doesn’t change, if now. no picture is seen, or in order to resolve any remaining upset, the individual uses healing statements. After each statement, the person takes a deep breath and lets it go, and focuses upon the healing symbol. Upsets are then healed and transformed, as positive feelings grow and strengthen. Sound simple? It is--extremely simple, and yet powerfully and deeply effective. Best of all, the effects are lasting--providing that energetic imbalances are addressed and healed, results will in most cases be permanent.

Bringing Healing to the “Whole” Person The emphasis which Zensight Process places upon using both visualization and verbal “healing statements” ensures that both hemispheres of the brain are involved during the healing process. This assists people in linking logic with emotion. Zensight also addresses the experience of parts of self. All of us have parts of self. In many situations where healing is not experienced even when highly effective modalities are being used, the issue is that the person on some level--in some small part of them--may believe that it’s not safe to heal the concerns. Zensight allows the individual to access and bring healing to--through the use of visualization and targeted healing statements-to even those parts of us that are afraid to heal, or believe it is not in our best interests to do so. By ensuring that the individual is treated at as a whole--physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically--Zensight enables even concerns that are usually considered to be difficult to impossible to resolve, to be as gently and quickly healed as possible.



More Fiber-rich Foods The walls of plant cells are the sources of dietary fiber. Here are typical high fiber foods along with the approximate number of grams of fiber they contain. Fiber contents shown below on the list of high fiber foods are for a food quantity of 1/2 cup unless otherwise noted: * Bananas, 3 grams - medium 8” long * Beans, 6-10 grams - baked beans, black beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, garbanzos, pinto beans, white beans * Berries, 4-5 grams - blackberries, raspberries

Nature’s Cleansers The proper amount of fiber a day will help you cleanse your colon, lose weight, and add more energy to your day


our fiber intake is a critical factor in weight loss and general wellbeing. Fiber is the indigestible carbohydrate residue found in foods. There are two types: soluble or insoluble. Soluble is soft and mushy--for instance beans and porridge; insoluble is hard and course, such as wheat bran. Fiber works by speeding up the time it takes food to pass through the large intestine, reducing the absorption of toxic and carcinogenic compounds. It also modifies the metabolism of foods, binds waste products for elimination and counters the effects of toxic bacteria in the colon. It passes through the stomach into the digestive tract, and on to the large bowel intact where it absorbs water and other waste materials, then it is passed as stools. However, too many people do not obtain sufficient fiber each day, which results in poor bowel function and constipation. Dietary fiber is helpful for those who want to lose weight, since fiber absorbs water so you feel full and satisfied throughout the day. Adding fiber to your diet can help improve your eating habits, which can lead to weight loss and more energy. The recommended daily amount of fiber is 25 to 35 grams a day. At present, the amount of fiber consumed in a typical diet in developed countries is well below the recommended levels. The typical adult in the US, for example, averages about 11 grams of fiber per day according to the American Dietetic Association.

Best Sources Get your daily fix in natural foods such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables. Here’s a quick guide to help you know how much fiber you’re getting:

* Bran cereals, 5-10 grams - All-Bran, Bran Buds, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran * Bread, 4-7 grams - 2 slices whole wheat, pumpernickel, seven-grain * Broccoli, 4-5 grams * Brussels Sprouts, 2 grams

How can fiber assist Type II Diabetics? A study published in the May 11, 2000 issue of The New England Journal of medicine reports that diabetic patients who included 50 grams of fiber in their daily diet lowered their glucose levels by 10 percent. Fifty grams is a lot of fiber: about twice as much as the American Diabetes Association recommends, and nearly 3 times as much fiber as most Americans consume in a day.

Mixed grain/brown bread (1 slice) - 1.5g White bread (1 slice) - 0.8g Rolled oats (1 cup cooked) - 3.3g Bran cereal (1/2 cup) - 7.5g Rice (1/2 cup cooked) - 0.8g Rice, brown (1/2 cup cooked) - 1.8g Spaghetti, brown (1/2 cup cooked) - 4.2g Banana - 3.4g Apple, pear or orange - 2.0g Prunes, dates or dried apricots (50g) - 6.5g Sultanas or raisins (50g) - 3.5g Peas, green (100g) - 5.3g Corn kernels (100g) - 4.7g Potato, peeled, cooked (100g) - 1.0g Broccoli (100g) - 4.1g Carrot (100g) - 2.8g Baked beans (1 small can) - 9.5g

* Carrots, 3-4 grams * Dried Figs, 10 grams - 3 figs * Fruit, 4 grams - medium apple, medium pear * Green Beans, 2 grams - broad beans, pole beans, snap beans * Greens, 4-6 grams - beet greens, collards, kale, spinach, turnip greens * Lentils, 6 grams * Lima Beans - 4-6 grams * Peas, 7-9 grams - black-eyed peas, green peas * Potatoes, 4-5 grams - medium baked Idaho or sweet potato ï Sweet Corn, 5 grams Using the list of high fiber foods and including more of the foods from the list can help increase daily fiber consumption so important for normal bowel function. Also important is that adequate liquid be present for good bowel function. Each fiber particle will actually absorb liquid in the colon and help facilitate the desired regular movement along in the bowels. If you make changes to your diet to include more of the foods from the list of high fiber foods, take it easy. Just add a few grams at a time so the intestinal tract can adjust. If after a few weeks you are still not having a daily bowel movement, you may wish to add a fiber supplement. The best fiber supplements are psyllium made from ground-up psyllium seeds or rice bran. Don’t expect to notice better bowel movements overnight as it may take several weeks for your body and elimination system to improve. The payoff will be that wastes are eliminated along with the toxins from your system instead of your body reabsorbing them.

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Fit Treating yourself to a meal in a restaurant may be a pleasurable—but fattening— experience. Here’s to how to keep those calories off your plate, and your waistline


ating out at a restaurant is a pleasurable experience as far as getting waited on and enjoying the relaxing atmosphere. But the other side to it is that it can wind up being more fattening than just enjoying a meal at home.

There’s nothing wrong with getting a meal at a restaurant--as long as you do some thinking ahead and make smart choices when you order. Here are some things to consider for a healthier meal out. Choose a healthier restaurant. Try going to the places that advertise healthier menu choices. Some restaurants have special sections on their menus specifically for low calorie or low fat food choices. Don’t be afraid to speak up and request something off the menu. Order your dressing on the side. Salads are healthy choices, but some places put too much dressing on their salads, which can cost you unnecessary calories and fat. Simply order the dressing to come on the side and you can control the amount that goes on to your salad. Choose places that cook with olive oil. Most restaurants will cook with fattening butter, because it’s less expensive for them than healthier olive oil. Don’t be afraid to ask whether a restaurant uses butter or olive oil to cook with – and request that your meal be prepared without lard or butter. Omit items. If you just have to have that juicy burger, consider ordering it without the cheese, bacon or mayonnaise (or even the bun)! Sometimes, omitting the cheese alone can save you as much as 25g of fat. Avoid buffets. The foods that you see in the buffets are ones the restaurants can easily make in bulk. These usually turn out to be fattening fried foods or pasta dishes. If you think you can easily steer clear of the fattening items and stick with healthier salads and foods, then go ahead and enjoy the buffet!

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Fast Food Faux Pas In this day and age, convenience has become our friend. With busy lives and careers that take up a good chunk of our days, fast food restaurants are seen as an easy way to get dinner on the table. Who has time to slave over a hot stove making a meal for the family when you work an eight to 10-hour day? Although the convenience of fast food restaurants is definitely appealing, they’re not the best choices for nutritious meals. Let’s explore some facts about the fast food meals you might order for your family’s dinner: McDonald’s. Juicy hamburgers with a side of fries sound delicious. But if you take a regular Double Quarter Pound Cheeseburger with a side of medium sized fries, you’ll see that you’re consuming approximately 60g of fat and 1,100 calories total for the fries and the cheeseburger (not to mention whatever you wash it down with). If you’re on a 2,000 calorie diet, you would have met over half of that with only one meal. KFC. Their chicken is a popular choice for a quick and easy meal. But one original recipe chicken breast is approximately 21g of fat and 360 calories. If you have 2 chicken breasts from one of their popular family bucket meals, you’re looking at 42g of fat and 720 calories. This doesn’t include any side dishes that might come with the meal, such as mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, or potato wedges. Pizza Hut. It’s so easy to come home exhausted and fall prey to the convenience of pizza delivery. A Large Pepperoni pan pizza has about 14g of total fat and 270 total calories per slice. If you eat two slices of that pizza, you will have consumed around 28g of fat and about 540 calories total. Add extra cheese or other toppings and you’ll cost yourself even more fat and calories. Subway. You think you’re eating healthy, but it depends on what menu item you choose. A 6” Chicken Parmesan sandwich is approximately 18g of fat and around 500 calories. This doesn’t include any sides. If you add more sauce to your sandwich, you’ll need to figure more calories into the equation.


Healthy Eats


Snacks Choose munchies that both satisfy and keep your calories under control. Some tips

Couch Companions Air-popped or 94% fat free popcorn A handful of pistachio nuts or almonds Carrot sticks with a small amount of your favorite dip or dressing A small amount of dark chocolate – it will satisfy your chocolate craving and it’s healthy too! Yogurt A piece of fruit A spoonful of peanut butter A small bowl of whole-grain cereal A protein shake A tablespoon of raisins or other dried fruit


ne of the toughest things about dieting is choosing snacks that both satisfy you and keep your calories under control. This is especially true if you’re used to snacking on potato chips and candy bars. But you don’t have to go it on your own. Here are some ideas for snacks that can help you curb those cravings.

Try to stay away from foods that are high in sugar or salt. These foods can cause you to crave more foods and retain water. Granola bars seem to be a healthy choice, but it’s better to have a handful of nuts than a granola bar. Most granola bars are low in fat, but they have a lot of added sugar that you don’t need. Also make sure that you keep your body hydrated. Hunger and thirst often feel the same. If you feel a little hungry, try drinking a glass of water and then wait a few minutes. You may find that you don’t really need a snack after all.

What to Keep in Your Ref (also great as after-school snacks for kids!)

Veggies. Keep vegetables cut up and available at all times. Try cutting up carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, and celery and keeping them in the refrigerator. You can also keep a vegetable dip prepared if your children don’t like eating vegetables without any dressing. Fruits. Apples, pears, strawberries, peaches, and plums. When you get home from the store, wash your fruit immediately and put it in a bowl. Natural Snacks. Nuts, popcorn, dried fruit, string cheese, yogurt, and milk.

Dipping fruits or vegetables in peanut butter is a great way to enjoy their flavor without adding unhealthy calories.

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16 Ways to Burn

Stubborn Body Fat

So you’re already eating less and exercising…here's other stuff you can do to get leaner 1. Don’t diet to extremes. Reducing calories by 15 to 20 percent a day will almost exclusively burn fat while larger cuts in calories will burn a combo of muscle tissue and fat. Muscle drives the metabolism ñ calorie burning. If you’re currently eating 3000 calories, reduce to 2400-2550, but do so according to smart guidelines like those laid out in The Living Health Weight Loss Audio. 2. Graze all day. Professional athletes and models eat all day long yet keep their total calories under control. The grazing method, 5 to 6 small meals, elevates the metabolism. Each time you eat, the metabolism increases, and over a 6 to10 week period, that increase can parlay into another 2 to 3 pounds of fat loss. 3. Increase protein. Carbs, protein and fat ñ are equal in their efficiency to be stored as body fat, but protein exerts a greater metabolic boosting effect than carbs or dietary fat. When calories drop, protein saves muscle which helps keep the metabolism elevated. Aim for 1.2 grams per pound of bodyweight daily. 4. Play with carbs. Carbs help retain metabolic boosting muscle yet they can stimulate fat storage. Following a modified low carb diet-staggering your carbohydrate intake is one of the most effective ways to jump start your metabolism and to burn stubborn fat fast. 5. Go backward. One reason fat loss comes to a halt; the body downgrades its metabolism to meet its dwindling intake of calories. The solution: dramatically increase your calorie intake once every 2 to 3 weeks. The one day splurge “re-sets” the metabolism by restoring thyroid levels, the calorie burning hormone that declines with dieting. 6. Skip the late night carbs. Carbs eaten before bedtime are more likely to be stored as body fat so focus on lean proteins and fiber based vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and salad fixings. The lone exception: if you train late at night and your goal is to build muscle mass, you’ll need the carbs to replenish glycogen and support growth. 7. Go fish. When calories are controlled, the inclusion of omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, trout and sardines may promote speedier fat loss. One study revealed dieters who ate fish on a daily basis lost more weight than those who ate fish just once a week (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 70:817-825, 1999). 8. Go spicy. Red peppers, the spicy ingredient in Mexican and Indian dishes contains capsaicin which can increase the metabolic rate by effecting the sympathetic branch of the nervous system. Spiking your chicken dishes with red might be a small benefit or you can gulp 5 to 10 encapsulated grams of capsaicin from your local health food store. (Journal of Nutrition 116:1272-1278, 1986.) 9. Don’t Be Cardio Crazy! Radically reducing calories slows the metabolism short circuiting fat loss. Same is true with radical caloric expenditure. You know: 2 cardio sessions a day. Excess cardio slows the metabolism, promotes a loss in muscle and even can lower testosterone levels. For real results, stick to 4 to 6 sessions a week, 30 to 45 minutes at a clip and maintain a high level of intensity. 10. Separate cardio from weight training. What happens when you do cardio first and follow it up with weight training? You don’t build as much muscle density. How about cardio after training? You risk

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overtraining and the negative hormonal milieu that can stifle the metabolic rate. The best scenario; hit the cardio in the morning-- on an empty stomach ñ get in a few meals and return to the gym later in the day to build muscle density. 11. Serotonin control. Serotonin is a brain chemical that helps controls hunger. Guess what? It can take a nose dive with dieting. (R.J. Wurtman and J.J. Wurtman, “Brain serotonin, carbohydrate-craving, obesity, and depression.” Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 398 (1996): 35-41.) One way to prevent a drop: smaller, more frequent meals. 12. Garlic chicken! Mother Earth’s flavor enhancer stimulates adrenaline and uncoupling proteins (UCP). Adrenaline triggers fat breakdown and UCP, located in metabolically active “brown fat”, increase calorie burning. Garlic also controls cortisol levels which can supports muscle retention while dieting. For best results use fresh raw garlic in your salads or on your other meals, but if you can't handle raw garlic then use fresh bulbs in you cooking or give supplements a try. (Oi Y, et al., Allylcontaining sulfides in garlic increase uncoupling protein content in brown adipose tissue, and noradenaline and adrenaline secretion in rats. Journal of Nutrition 129:336-342,1999.) (Wang HX, Et al., Natural products with hypoglycemic, hypotensive, hypocholesterolemic, antiatherosclerotic and antithrombotic activities. Life Science 65:2663-2677,1999.) 13. Sip green tea. Green tea contains caffeine and polyphenols called epilgallocatechin gallate which have been shown to increase calorie burning. These special calorie burning compounds help burn an extra 100 or-so calories a day, about equal to a brisk walk. In maximizing fat loss, every calorie counts. (Dullo, A.G., et al., Efficiency of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 70(6):p.1040-5.) 14. Fat? Yes Fat! To rip up, you have to eat fewer carbs, but on occasion-- say once a week - you can add a little healthy fat, 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil, some red meat, walnuts or cashews. The reason? Dietary fat can make the body more effective in using and burning fat ñ as long as calories and carbs remain under control. (Thomas CD et al. Nutrient Balance and Energy Expenditure During the Ad Libitum Feeding of High Fat and High Carbohydrate Diets in Humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992;55:934) 15. Thyroid support. Irony of ironies--when you eat less and try to dump body fat, a lot of times the metabolism adapts and burns quite a bit fewer calories. One way to get around the slowdown is with phosphates. A combo of 537 mgs of calcium phosphate, 107 mgs of potassium phosphate and 25 mgs of sodium phosphate given to strict dieters yielded a 12 to 19 percent more elevated metabolism than dieters who did not use phosphates. 16. Write it down. This one seems simple, but it’s one of the most overlooked tips in shedding fat. Dieters who record what they eat, meal by meal, day by day, not only make better choices, but cheat less and eat fewer total calories. Writing it down “keeps you honest” and is a tool for reminding you that getting lean is a day by day process.



3 Things About

Exercise You Shouldn’t Take for Granted Newbies to work-outs might gloss over these things. Read through and work out like a pro


o you’re all set to work out. You’ve got your new gym membership, and your schedule fixed so that you’ve got at least two hours in your day to devote to exercise. Before you start, it would be good to remember three things that will maximize your workout experience and keep you safe and comfortable.

Stretching There are many benefits to stretching the body. Injury prevention. You’ll have fewer problems with pulled muscles and soreness if you’re body is properly stretched. Flexibility. When you stretch your body regularly before and after exercise, you’ll have a greater overall flexibility. You’ll be able to move your body in a greater range of motion. This will help you to perform your exercises better. Relaxation. Stretching helps your body to relax. It helps you to have lower levels of stress. This is a benefit that will do more than help you with your exercise routine – it can help you to have a better overall life. When you’re adding a stretching component to your fitness routine, it’s critical that you do it properly. Stretching your muscles when they’re cold can cause more harm than good. Always warm up your muscles for about five to 10 minutes before you begin to stretch. You can do this with walking or light jogging. Once your muscles are warm, you can safely stretch them. Be gentle with your stretching. You should not feel pain while you stretch. Stretch to the point where you feel tension, but not pain. If you overextend your muscles, you can tear them. Stretching before you work out will prevent an injury from your exercise. Stretching at the end of your exercise routine is also critical. When you stretch at the end of your exercise session, you’ll help to remove lactic acid from the muscles. This will reduce the soreness you feel later. No exercise routine is complete without stretching. Stretching is important both before and after you exercise. However, if you choose only one of those times to stretch, it’s better to stretch at the end of your routine when your muscles are very warm.



Whether you’re working out in a commercial gym or on equipment at home, it’s important to follow proper safety procedures.

The best reasons for wearing the proper clothing for exercise are comfort and safety.

If you’re a member of a commercial gym, it’s a good idea to ask for a tour of the facility before you get started with your workout. Have a staff member or trainer take you through each machine and show you how to use it properly. Make sure that every time you work out you adjust the machine for your height and the appropriate amount of weight. If you see a machine that is in disrepair, make sure not to use it and report it to the staff immediately. When working on equipment at home, you need to make sure that you have it assembled properly. Routinely check to make sure that nuts, bolts, and screws are completely tightened. This will ensure that your machine will stay together while you’re operating it. Loose parts can break off or fall off during use and cause you to become injured. It only takes a few seconds to inspect your equipment and make sure it’s in good working order. Take a look at your home equipment and determine if there are any sharp edges that should be covered with padding. Also perform routine maintenance such as cleaning and oiling machine parts. Never try to lift more weight than you’re really capable of lifting. You should be able to lift a weight 12 times and feel fatigued at the end of that set, but not in pain. If you’re feeling pain or your muscle is exhausted before you’ve completed a set, you should choose a lighter weight.

When you’re talking about any exercise, the most important accessory you can purchase is a good pair of shoes: When you go to purchase shoes, wear the socks you’ll normally wear to work-out. Choose shoes that have a lot of arch support and cushioning Make sure there’s enough wiggle room for your toes. There should be at least a thumb-width of space from your toes to the end of the shoe. Replace shoes that have lost their cushion or the tread on the bottom. If you’re shopping for exercise clothing, make sure you keep both comfort and safety in mind. If you run or jog, choose light colored clothing that can easily be spotted from the road. Wearing dark colors can make it difficult for drivers to see you – especially in the early morning and early evening hours. Choose fabrics that are breathable as well. Natural fibers, such as cotton, will help to draw sweat away from your skin and help you cool off. They’ll be more comfortable than fabrics such as polyester that keep moisture close the skin. Make sure that your clothing fits properly. Waistbands that are too tight can cause chaffing and discomfort. Clothing that is too baggy can also cause problems. Dressing in layers can also help you to stay warm when it’s cold and then remove an article of clothing as your body warms up.

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The Woman’s

Scourge What women should know about breast cancer and waging war against it


rom relative obscurity, breast cancer has become one of the leading causes of deaths among women in the world. In 2001, about 200,000 cases of breast cancer have been reported in the United States, making it the second leading cause of cancer death in the US. It is, in fact, the most common malignancy problem that is affecting women in North America and Europe today.

What is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer occurs when cell in our breasts known as tumor grow out of control causing damage to the nearby tissues and spreads throughout. These tumors which are cancerous are known as malignant tumors and cause lot of damage to your body. Medical practitioners have listed the risk factors, consisting of the following: The disease is very aggressive in patients 25 to 50 years old, with the group above 50 years having a high incidence; and the age group below 25, a low incidence. It’s common in women who have a longer menstrual life (those whose onset of menarche is earlier and cessation of menstruation is late.) Women who smoke and drink alcohol. Breast cancer is developed more frequently in spinsters and married woman that have not given birth to children, or if given birth then have not breast fed their offspring. If you are an overweight women your chances of breast cancer increases after menopause. The women that have had a breast cancer on one side have greater risk to develop cancer on the opposite side, and if there are antecedents of breast cancer in their families (mother, sisters and daughters), there are greatest risks too. Breast cancer is linked with obesity and higher intake of saturated fatty acids, and with the continuous or sequential uses of combined oestrogen plus progestin hormone therapy (CHT). Women that have been using oral anti contraceptives for more than ten years are more vulnerable to the development of this disease.

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A Rare Case of Male Breast Cancer

Detecting It Until something concrete is found in research, the only thing that women can do to ensure that they are safe from breast cancer is early detection. This can be done through daily self-examinations as well as annual check ups and mammogram tests. It is also important that women know the beginnings of breast cancer. Here are some of the signs that they should watch out for. Lumps—or even thickening--in the breast and in the underarms. One of the first signs or symptoms of breast cancer is a lump in the breast. You will find that most breast lumps discovered early are rated as 9 out of 10 as being benign. Breast lumpiness can be that of breast change which usually becomes more obvious just before the start of a period, particularly in women over the age of 35. Also cysts/sacs of fluid is not uncommon in the breast tissue causing a feel of lumpiness. Fibroadenoma is a collection of fibrous glandular tissue which is more notably known to occur in younger women Scaling of the skin of the breast and of the nipple. Redness in the skin of the breast and of the nipple. An unusual blemish or rash around the surrounding area needs to be checked out. Changes in the size of their breasts. Discharges, especially blood, from the nipple. Other signs to look out for is dimpling of the skin or nipple shape changing, for example, if the nipple turns in or sinks back into the breast. Self inspection of the breasts should be a main priority for every woman. Breast cancer caught in the early stages of growth will give better odds for the patient to control the disease with the help of today’s modern medicines and technology. The doctor will examine the breast and if necessary will refer you to a specialist for further checks. If the results from a mammogram or ultra sound shows a cyst, then to have it removed may entail draining it through a fine needle. If the lump is solid then treatment will be with the use of a very fine needle where a sample of tissue will be taken and tested for cancer cells. This is a disease you can fight but once it spreads, then the breast cancer becomes a battlefield leaving you fighting for survival. Early detection can stop this war.

Preventing Breast Cancer By Eating Right Turn into a vegetarian and eat plenty of organic food and vegetables. Avoid red meat and any processed foods. Avoid alcohol and colas. You can have something sweet by using stevia, an herb which is a substitute to any other toxic artificial sweetener. Having whole grains is very good such as oatmeal, kamut and psyllium, which are a good source of fiber and enters directly into your bloodstream. Eat a lot of wheat, bran, cabbage. Ginger, carrots, celery, cilantro, parsley and parsnip also have some of the highest cancer fighting nutrients. Include them in your daily diet. Another avenue that women can go to is Vitamin A, which some studies show to be effective in decreasing the risk. Still, research is still in the initial stages and nothing has been proven yet. Other things that are being linked to the breast cancer fight are phytoestrogens, which can be found in soya, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C.

Women who do 4 to5 hours of exercises per week reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.

At 41, Brian Place found a lump near his left nipple and dismissed it as a sort of injury from the rough games he had been involved with for most of his life. He thought that the lump was probably a result of a collision with another rugby player. Though his doctor didn't think much of the lump either, nevertheless, he advised Place to get a mammogram test. When the ultrasound of the breast and a biopsy came out, the diagnosis shocked Place and his colleagues from the Royal Air Force in Britain where he works as a Communications Technician: breast cancer. Staff at his local breast clinic even assumed that Place was accompanying a female patient during his check up. The confusion is understandable. Only about less than 1% of breast cancers diagnosed occur in men. The rarity of breast cancer in men leaves so much room for research regarding the condition. According to Dr. Larissa Korde, staff clinician at the National Cancer Institute's clinical genetics branch, “In women, we have studies based on hundreds of thousands of patients.” However, there are no studies of that scale in men. “Though much can be extrapolated from research in women,” said Korde, “it's a little bit harder to make recommendations for men based on evidence.” One of the surest risk factors to consider is family medical history, that is, for both men and women. At the time of Place's diagnosis, two female relatives of his had died of breast cancer and a third of ovarian cancer. However, several genes may contribute to breast cancer, such as mutations which are known to increase the possibilities of both breast and ovarian cancers. Although most men might never even meet a man with breast cancer, those who have several relatives diagnosed with breast cancer should be wary for signs of their own breast tumors. Based on studies, certain populations with an unusually high proportion of people carrying BRCA2 mutations may have a higher incidence rate of breast cancer in men, such as in Sweden, Hungary, Iceland, and among Ashkenazi Jews. There are similarities in the survival rates for men and women as they adjust in the stage of the disease at diagnosis. But since men do not undergo a regular screening like women do, they are more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage. The lumps may not always be detected by medical scanning equipment. Medical treatment usually includes surgery, to be followed by some combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. With men, an additional hormone treatment is necessary because almost all men with breast cancer have tumors characterized as hormone-receptor-positive. After two years of medical treatment and therapy, Place is now doing well. Two years after his diagnosis, Place is well enough to play contact sports. The mastectomy was successful, and Place has decided to discontinue his hormone treatment due to its side effects like hot flashes which he found to be very unpleasant. Brian Place is now an active participant in online discussions and support group communities for cancer patients. He tries to answer questions regarding male breast-cancer conditions. Place also gives talks to people who contact him through the U.K. nonprofit Breast Cancer Care. Although there are women who are not yet accustomed to men with breast cancer condition, time and awareness can help address the issue.



Ultimate Sugar Substitute This tiny herb packs a sweet punch: stevia, a natural, sweet, healthy food with none of the dangerous side effects linked to sugar and artificial sweeteners By Sylvia Riley


e all enjoy a little sweetness in our lives, yet there’s no getting away from the negative effects of sugar. A wealth of scientific evidence links this acidic poison to a legion of harmful consequences including immune system suppression, a rise in bad cholesterol, tooth decay, premature aging, a mal-absorption of nutrients, Candida growth, hormone imbalance and an increase in free-radicals. Sugar also contributes to obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, vision problems and migraines and is found to feed cancer cells. With no saving graces, sugar is highly deleterious to the systems of the body. We crave sugar if our blood sugar levels are out of kilter. This occurs by consuming sugary foods and refined carbohydrates such as white flour that are quickly converted into sugar by the body. It's a catch 22; the more sugar you eat, the more you crave. Aside physical detriments, the highs and lows of sugar addiction cause mood swings, irritability and a loss of concentration. Artificial sweetness such as aspartame and saccharine are dangerous alternatives which break down into hazardous toxins in the body. Methyl alcohol derived from aspartame, for example, converts into the neurotoxin and carcinogen formaldehyde and formic acid, which has the chemical composition of ant venom. Formic acid is used commercially in products such as paint stripper. The synthetic amino acids that compose aspartame--phenylalanine and aspartic acid are seriously poisonous. According to Dr. John Olney, a neuroscientist at Washington University, St. Louis, Aspartic acid (40 percent of aspartame) causes holes in the brains of mice. Further, phenylalanine (50 percent of aspartame) causes seizures and degrades into DKP, a tumor-causing agent. Aspartame has a staggering 92 official side effects and countless studies have linked it with damage to the nervous system and neurological

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problems. Saccharin even tells you on the package that their product can cause cancer. Complaints about aspartame represent 80 to 85 per cent of all food complaints registered to the FDA. There is Strong statistical evidence which links aspartame to breast cancer. American Cancer Society figures show that breast cancer cases have doubled since 1981, the year aspartame was approved for use as a food additive. What if there was a healthy alternative that not only tasted sweet but actually had positive effects on the body? Sound too good to be true?

Sweet’s New Star Stevia is a natural sugar substitute, a healthy sweet food that, quite the opposite of sugar, can regulate blood sugar levels and improve stamina. Used for centuries in native Paraguay, stevia is now widely popular in Japan, where thorough testing has revealed its benevolent use as a sweetener. The glycosides in stevia that give it itís sweet taste are not metabolised by the body so no calories are absorbed. Further more it hosts an array of healthy nutrients such as phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and zinc, vitamins C and A, protein and fibre and, unlike sugar, does not cause the growth of unhealthy bacteria or fungi. Stevia, in balancing blood sugar can actually alleviate cravings for sweet foods and has been observed to reduce the appetite if taken 15 to 20 minutes before eating. It has also been revealed as a diuretic that can help rid the body of excess fluid. If looking for an alternative to sugar, this remarkable non-caloric herb is the ultimate sugar subsititute; healthy,

‘Healthier’ Substitutes?

Aspartame has a staggering 92 official side effects and countless studies have linked it with damage to the nervous system and neurological problems. tasty and sweet! Stevia can be found in liquid or powder form in many healthfood stores or online and there are numerous cook books available with stevia recipes. Sweet vegetables such as carrots, butternut squash and sweet potatoes, and superfood fruits such as berries, papaya, figs and prunes rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, are also great substitutes when kicking the sugar habit. Vegetables high in fibre and healthy whole grains also serve to stabilize blood sugar levels and ensure a slow release of energy into the blood stream, diminishing the rushes and subsequent cravings associated with sugary foods and refined carbohydrates.

Are there more things hidden under the surface of these “healthier” alternatives than meets the eye? For diabetics or people trying to control their insulin for fat loss, careful consideration must be taken when using sweeteners or sweetened products. Let’s take a closer look at some of these substitutes and see which ones are better and which ones may be better to avoid. SUCRALOSE, sold under the name Splenda, is useful as a one to one substitute for sugar. Sucralose is made from sugar and is used to make Splenda which tastes like sugar. Sucralose has no calories but does not measure, look or act like sugar. Sucralose is 600xs sweeter than sugar so much less is needed for the same sweetness. Sucralose is bulked up with maltodextrin, a carbohydrate derived from corn, giving it some calories and making it look and act like sugar. This combination makes splenda. Splenda has 1/8 to 1/4 the calories of sugar. We are told that all the sucralose consumed will be excreted unused but despite the manufactures claims, sucralose is absorbed and metabolized by the body. The FDA’s “final rule” report says that 11 to 27 percent of sucralose is absorbed in humans and the Japanese food sanitation council says as much as 40 percent is absorbed. SUCROSE is made from sugar beets or sugar cane. Not only does sucrose taste good, but it also gives you quick energy as well. However, the downside to this quick energy burst is that when it’s gone, your body wants another dose of sugar to keep the energy going. Taking in too much sucrose leads to excessive insulin responses, which causes the excess carbohydrates to be stored in your fat cells. Because sucrose is a high-glycemic (rapid release) sugar, you should substitute other sweeteners. Here are some other forms of sucrose to avoid when looking at labels: raw sugar, brown sugar, invert sugar, turbinado, confectionerís sugar, cane sugar, crystallized cane juice. ASPARTAME is about 200xs sweeter than sugar and there is a lot of concern over the safety of this sweetener. It is made from two amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine. Aspartame is marketed under the names NutraSweet and equal and is found in a wide variety of prepared products. This sweetener is not useful for cooking or adding to hot beverages. MALTITOL, like all sugar alcohols does not promote tooth decay and has a taste and sweetness like sugar. It does not raise blood sugar levels or insulin levels and is useful for diabetics. Like all sugar alcohols, maltitol can have a laxative effect in some people. SACCHARINE has been around for almost 100 years and is 200xs sweeter than sugar. It is produced from a substance found in grapes. The human body cannot break it down, so it does not produce an insulin response. It is most commonly found in soft drinks and sweeteners like sweet n low. SORBITOL is a sugar alcohol which is found in numerous products, especially those that need to become dry or hardened like candies or confectionaries. Sorbitol is often used in reduced calorie or light products. HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP is made from corn starch and has a high glycemic value which means it will cause a large insulin response. There is some controversy over the safety of using large amounts of this sweetener over time. High fructose corn syrup is found in numerous products and is not the same as a product that contains fructose. FRUCTOSE, also known as fruit sugar, is sweeter than table sugar and only 1/3 is needed as a sugar substitute. Fructose is low on the glycemic index (slow release sugar) and so it helps control insulin responses, keeping them low, which means it is good for diabetics. DEXTROSE or GLUCOSE, has a higher glycemic value than table sugar and on most glycemic indexes, glucose is used to compare the value of other “foods” as glucose (which is actual blood sugar) has a faster release into your system than most any other sugar or food item which will result in a very sharp rise in your insulin levels. Diabetics should not use this sweetener. On labels it can also be called corn sugar. LACTOSE, also known as milk sugar is about half way between sucrose and fructose on the glycemic index. It is made from whey and skim milk and is used largely by the pharmaceutical industry. HONEY is an invert sugar formed by an enzyme from nectar. It is a combination of fructose, sucrose, glucose and maltose and is a high glycemic sweetener so it should be avoided by diabetics who need to control insulin. Unlike popular beliefís, honey only contains trace amounts of vitamins and minerals.


Do You Have


Diabetes? Almost one third of all people with diabetes don't know they have it. Know if you’re at risk for this ‘prosperity disease’ and how to cope

nlike some diseases, diabetes can creep up on you and develop into a full-blown case without us being aware of the gravity of your condition. The symptoms seem so harmless, like symptoms of just getting older.

We’ll take that up in a bit, but first, here are certain factors that contribute to the development of diabetes. Do you have any of them?

Heredity A major factor, that diabetes can be inherited has been known for centuries. However, the pattern of inheritance is not fully understood. Statistic indicates that those with a family history of the disease have a higher risk of developing diabetes than those without such a background. The risk factor is 25 to 33 percent more. One reason why diabetes, especially type-2 diabetes runs in the family is because of the diabetes gene. But even it is caused by genetic factors beyond your control; there is no reason to suffer from it. Diabetes mellitus cannot be cured in full sense of the term, but it can be effectively controlled so that you would not know the difference.

Diet Diabetes has been described by most medical scientists as a “prosperity” disease, primarily caused by systematic overeating. Not only is eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates harmful, but proteins and fats, which are transformed into sugar, may also result in diabetes if taken in excess.

Obesity Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes. Studies show that 60 to 85 percent of diabetics tend to be overweight. In the United States of America, about 80 percent of type-2 non-insulin dependent diabetics are reported to be overweight. Excess fat prevents insulin from working properly. The more fatty tissue in the body, the more resistant the muscle and tissue cells become to body insulin. Insulin allows the sugar in the blood to enter the cells by acting on the receptor sites on the surface of the cells. Older people often tend to gain weight, and the same time, many of them develop and mild form of diabetes because who are over weight can often improve their blood sugar simply by losing weight.

Stress and Tension There is a known connection between stress and diabetes mellitus, those who are under stress and/or lead an irregular lifestyle, need to take adequate precautions and make necessary lifestyle adjustments. Grief, worry and anxiety resulting from examinations, death of a close relative, loss of a joy, business failure and strained marital relationship, all a deep influence on the metabolism and may cause sugar to appear in the urine.

Smoking Smoking is another important risk factor. Among men who smoke, the risk of developing diabetes is doubled. In women who smoke 25 or more cigarettes a day, the risk of developing diabetes is increased by 40 percent.

It is interesting to note that diabetes is almost unknown in countries where people are poor and cannot afford to overeat.

Lifestyle Risk

The incidence of diabetes is directly linked with the consumption of processed foods rich in refined carbohydrates, like biscuits, bread, cakes chocolates, pudding and ice creams.

People who are less active have greater risk of developing diabetes. Modern conveniences have made work easier. Physical activity and exercise helps control weight, uses up a lot of glucose (sugar) present in

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7 Diabetes Foot Care Tips Diabetics run the risk of developing sores or infections on their feet (hence the term “diabetic foot”). If you don't look after your feet they could, in the worst case scenario, lead to amputations. Check your feet daily, especially if you have low sensitivity or no feeling in your feet. Don't go around barefoot, even indoors. It's easy to tread on something or stub your toes and cut yourself. Be careful if you have corns or calluses. Check with your doctor or podiatrist the best way to care for them.

the blood as energy and makes cells more sensitive to insulin. Consequently, the workload on the pancreas is reduced.

Coping with Diabetes Every day, in the United States, more than 2000 new cases of diabetes are diagnosed. Type II diabetes, the most prevalent form of diabetes worldwide, often shows few or even no symptoms. After eating, food is broken down into what is known as glucose, a sugar carried by the blood to cells throughout the body. Using a hormone known as insulin, made in the pancreas, cells process glucose into energy.

Wash your feet daily in warm, not hot water. And don't soak your feet (even if you've been standing all day) because it could dry your skin and form cracks or sores.

Because cells in the muscles, liver, and fat do not use insulin properly in the body of a person with type II diabetes, they have problems converting food into energy. Eventually, the pancreas cannot make enough insulin for the body's needs. The amount of glucose in the body increases, and the cells are starved of energy.

Take extra care to dry your feet completely, especially between your toes. These are natural moisture traps--leaving them damp or wet could create all sorts of problems.

This starvation of the cells, paired with the high blood glucose level can damage nerves and blood vessels. This leads to complications such as kidney disease, nerve problems, blindness, and heart ailments.

Exercise your legs and feet regularly. Even when sitting you can rotate your ankles; wiggle your toes or move your legs up and down. These all keep your blood circulation flowing and helps to minimize the risk of foot problems.

There are a lot of factors that can help to attribute to diabetes cases--lifestyle, environment, heredity, like it says above--and those who are at risk should be screened regularly to prevent diabetes. Those that are already diagnosed with diabetes should aim to keep their glucose level under control.

Get your feet professionally checked, at least once a year, for sensitivity and signs of any problems. You can usually arrange this when you have your annual check up for your AC1 levels (blood glucose levels over a 3-month period), blood pressure and cholesterol.

Here are five pointers you can try to keep your glucose levels at an even keel, even with a busy schedule:

Take constant care of your feet. Get help from a relative or professional, doctor, diabetic nurse or podiatrist if you are not able to bend when trimming nails or checking for sores.

5 Diabetes Travel Tips 1) Have a pre-travel check-up. Make sure your A1C blood sugar levels; your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels are OK. Get the appropriate shots for any country you plan to visit. 2) Wear a diabetes medical ID. Ideally it should be in the language spoken in the country you're visiting. 3) Keep your medication and glucose snacks in your hand-luggage. Check-in baggage does, unfortunately, go astray. Don't risk your diabetes medication by packing it in your main luggage. 4) Keep your medication in its original box, complete with pharmacy labels. It will prevent misunderstandings about why you are carrying drugs and, if you are on insulin, syringes. 5) Be aware of time zone changes, especially when altering your watch. Remember when you travel east your day becomes shorter; if you travel west your day becomes longer. You may need to alter the timings of your medication.

1. Buy fresh and organic produce. This is important because it’s good for your body and contain more nutrients and vitamins than most supermarket produce. Alossnacks to be eating are unsalted nuts, dried unsweetened fruit, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, dark chocolate. 2. Cut back on white flour and embrace wholemeal carbs. This is the most essential part of your diet, and the thing that can show the biggest loss of weight. 3. Stop drinking cocktails, start drinking wine. Cocktails are full of sugar, colorants and preservatives. If you are out at a restaurant, red wine is much better than anything else you can order (except water of course!) and it has been proven that the anti-oxidants in red wine are great for keeping a healthy heart. The recommended amount is one glass a day with your evening meal. 4. Start cooking more fruit and vegetables. 5. Drink more water.

The Three Types of Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes This type of diabetes has also been called insulin-dependent and immunemediated diabetes. It occurs when your body can't produce insulin. The immune system attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes. Type 1 diabetes increases the risk of other serious complications such as heart disease, nerve damage, blindness, and kidney damage. Some of the symptoms include increased thirst, increased urination, weight loss even with increased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, and absence of menstruation Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes is the most common type that fails to be diagnosed. It progress slowly and causes symptoms such as skin infections, poor healing, kidney problems, and vision problems. It is ordinary that neither these complications nor the diabetes is diagnosed after years of mild symptoms. The problem is usually that people have no severe symptoms and do not seek medical care at all. They just think of the symptoms as simply getting older. For this reason it is important to get regularly tested for diabetes in the most common age group (over 40s). Less commonly a doctor may treat other diseases, without realizing to test for diabetes. Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes occurs during a woman’s pregnancy. Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before but have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy are said to have it. It affects 4 percent of all women during pregnancy. Symptoms include increased thirst, increased urination, weight loss in spite of increased appetite, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, frequent infections including those of the bladder, vagina, and skin, and blurred vision. Gestational diabetes can be missed in pregnancy. It usually starts with mild symptoms that often can be attributed to other things. It’s important to get tested during pregnancy because the high blood sugars from gestational diabetes can do harm to the baby and sometimes lead to other complications. Even if you’re not pregnant, you should make it a priority to get tested. Many women have gestational diabetes and think about their symptoms as being usual during pregnancy.


10 Common Symptoms Of Depression Every year approximately 9.5 per cent of the American population suffers from depression. Depression is a grave illness that affects day-to-day life and destroys families. It is a disorder that controls the mind and its functions causing loss of appetite, sleeplessness, mood swings, and a deep sense of despair.

When You’re

Feelin’ Blue… Training your mind to take a 180-turn can help shake depression away


any people have suffered from "the blues" at some stage in their lives, but for some people suffering from chronic depression, it is like having “the blues” every day of the week. The one thing you hate to hear if you’re depressed is, “you’ll snap out of it.” You’re also told: “try to start exercising every day, take time out to read, try and create a more positive attitude—all will be okay.” Simple as it may sound, this doesn’t help, and seldom be achieved. People suffering from chronic depression find it very hard to motivate themselves, even though they know that this is what they have to do. Concentration is difficult, much more thinking positive thoughts. Regular walks and going to a bookstore to pick out a book takes a huge effort. It’s also true about what they say, that misery loves company. People with chronic depression will always feel more comfortable in the company of other sufferers. If you want to break the cycle and feel more positive about yourself, then you must only seek out positive people as close friends and mentors. When you are with positive people always try and imitate their positive feelings. If you have chronic depression you will have to work very hard at this. Remember that people with positive feelings will try and avoid you if you are negative all the time. Take matters in hand and try and erase negativity from your mind. Cut out from you life terms like exhaustion, worthlessness, and hopelessness.

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Change your life by setting yourself a few goals. Try and relax, meditate, and enjoy music. Start new activities that absorb your time as well as interests. Go out and meet people and participate in group activities. Avoid the company of negative people. Make up your mind to enjoy a movie, ballgame, family outing, picnic, or trek. Be positive, self confident, and have faith in yourself. Faith is itself a great healer. Decide to change your world for the better. However do follow the doctorís advice. Treatment can include: anti-depressant medicines, psychotherapy, as well as lifestyle changes. In extreme cases electroconvulsive therapy or light therapy are prescribed.

Medication For some with diagnosed chemical imbalances, antidepressants can be an alternative option. This medication generally gives a person with chronic depression a feeling of euphoria and well-being. Medication works, but it only works if you use the correct amount all the time, at the right dosage. Unfortunately these drugs only last for a short time and the side effects can be devastating. Along with the feeling of the withdrawal symptoms, you can sink to an even lower level of depression than before.

Therapy Talking to a professional therapist could be the answer for some people. A therapist is trained to listen and they do understand how you feel with chronic depression. Prepare to spend a lot of time with your therapist, so find one that you can trust.

The symptoms of depression are varied and the severity changes with time. And, according to experts depression can be an inherited disorder, or caused by life threatening illnesses, or stress. Other causes are certain diseases, medicines, drugs, alcohol, or mental illnesses. Women are seen to experience depression more than men and this is attributed to hormonal swings, menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, miscarriage, pre-menopause, and postmenopause. Common symptoms are: 1. An unshakeable sadness, anxiety, or emptiness. 2. Overwhelming hopelessness accompanied by pessimistic feelings. 3. Extreme guilt, feelings of helplessness, and no sense of self worth. 4. Loss of energy, a slowing down of metabolism, and activity levels. Being plagued by constant fatigue. 5. A sense of helplessness along with an increasing inability to focus and indecisiveness. 6. Loss of sound sleep and development of extreme insomnia. 7. Inexplicable weight loss or weight gain. Triggered by loss of appetite or eating binges. 8. Brooding and suicidal inclinations. 9. Irritability, short temper, as well as restlessness. 10. Physical afflictions like headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain for no particular reason. If you experience any of the above along with a marked change in behavior do consult your doctor. He will give you a thorough examination to rule out physical causes for depression as well as any underlying medical problems. Then if required he will recommend that you consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Childhood Depression Like adults, children can suffer from depression. It’s not uncommon and since children actually are the purest of humans, it might be safe to say if a child is depressed-and they actually tell you that-it’s a rather serious issue. One of the most common misconceptions about childhood depression is: "what do children have to be depressed about?" Perhaps this reveals a few misunderstandings about childhood depression and what it is. It is indeed quite similar to clinical depression--borrowing from medical terminology and is not just down moods resulting from a child being “depressed.” Childhood depression is more intrusive into the child’s very existence, may be long-lasting and if not attended to life threatening. Perhaps another misconception may have to do with us thinking, being a child is a care-free, trouble free stage of human life. Not necessarily--peer acceptance, school and family expectations is enough to make a child worry and could be a huge factor to be considered in regards to dealing with a case of childhood depression. Other Causes of Childhood Depression: 1. Family History of Mental illness or suicide. 2. Abuse (physical, emotional or sexual) 3. Chronic illnesses. 4. Loss of a parent at an early age to death, divorce or abandonment. 5. Improper diet and lack of sufficient exercise. 6. Excessive exposure to negative factors such as parents arguing, bad neighborhoods, etc 7. Insufficient parental attention. Though this is not a conclusive list of the causes of depression in children, perhaps these factors are the most common ones. Symptoms of Childhood Depression: 1. Loss of interest in hobbies and activities 2. Abrupt change in appetite 3. Change in sleep patterns (either increase or decrease). 4. Difficulty concentrating. 5. Making depreciating statements like “I’m not good enough,” or “I’m stupid.” 6. Persistent sadness. 7. Recurring thoughts of suicide 8. Excessive clinging or withdrawal If you notice any of these in your child’s behavior, it may be time to seek help. But, keep in mind, the first step may be a good heart to heart talk with your child. Reconnect with them. Make plans for a getaway saying things like “How about you and I go to the park, just the two of us?” Now seize this time to carefully see what could be the problem. Devote 30 minutes or more a day for open air recreation for yourself and your family. Visits to the zoo, active play, and swimming tend to relieve tension created in the home, school, and work and this may go a long way in assisting in curing childhood depression in the family. Make efforts yourself to be cheerful as much as possible as kids do mimic what their parents constantly do. Finally, if you are of a spiritual inclination, try prayer power and introduce your child to it. Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.”

Self-reflection and Selfaffirming Exercise One bold step towards fighting depression and the blues is facing yourself. You will need professional guidance to achieve this, so actively seek out a psychiatrist, a counselor, or a life coach to help you get through your hump. Once you feel steady enough, you’ll find it in yourself to be more positive and start to accept compliments that point out your strengths and abilities. Self-esteem is one casualty of depression, and this will help you raise it back to healthy levels. Some tips: Be realistic about what you can do. Trying to be perfect and comparing yourself with other people can damage your self-esteem. Recognize that everyone makes mistakes. When you make a mistake, do not put yourself down. Learn from your mistakes. Listen carefully to others, without judging. Respect people's differences. Recognize their strengths and accomplishments. Acknowledge the things others do that help your family, your workplace and your community. Support and encourage other people's efforts to learn new things. Give people in your family unconditional love. Spend time with people who make you feel good. Do things that make you feel worthwhile. Exercise can be a practical choice to help one improve self-esteem. It's hard to feel negative when all those endorphins are all pumped up. Plus, anytime you feel as though you are doing something positive for yourself; you strengthen your self-esteem. If your depression escalates or you are suicidal seek help from your family physician or health care provider. Do call a local health department, a community mental health center, or hospital or clinic. Someone will extend a helping hand and talk you through the crisis.



Bars It’s summer, the season for apricots! Try this quick and healthy recipe for a fast power snack

4 Ways Apricots Keep You Healthy They combat cancer. If you get indigestion from eating tomato products, the prime source of lycopene, here's great news for you. Apricots, especially dried ones, are another source of lycopene, the amazing carotenoid that can help prevent prostate, breast, and several other cancers. Though apricots aren't nearly as good a source of lycopene--about 30 dried ones have the same amount as one tomato--munching on them throughout the day can boost your lycopene quicker than you think. Apricots are also a good source of the most famous carotenoid of them all - beta carotene. This powerful antioxidant reduces your risk of some types of stomach and intestinal cancers. To get these benefits, experts suggest getting at least 5 milligrams of beta carotene each day. That's equal to about six fresh apricots. They halt heart disease. Eating dried apricots as a snack can punch up your levels of iron, potassium, beta carotene, magnesium, and copper. These important nutrients help control your blood pressure and prevent heart disease. Plus, as few as five dried apricots can give you up to 3 grams of fiber, which sweeps cholesterol out of your system before it has a chance to clog your arteries.


rom June to August, the finest fresh apricots roll into your supermarket. Keep your eyes peeled for the tastiest of the bunch. They'll wear a beautiful, bright orange skin, and they'll look and feel plump. Avoid apricots with yellowish or greenish tinges and those that are hard, shrunken, or bruised. Just like their cousin the peach, apricots can ripen on your kitchen counter at room temperature. When they feel and smell ripe, wrap them in a paper bag and store them in your refrigerator. They'll stay fresh for several days. If you dry an apricot, its nutrients get more concentrated, making dried apricots a great snack. This recipe is one packed with nutrients—freeze for a quick breakfast fix on your way out, or eat at once!

They chase away cataracts. What you eat can affect your vision. Dr. Robert G. Cumming, the lead researcher for the Blue Mountains Eye Study, says, "Our study confirms the importance of vitamin A for cataract prevention." Cumming adds, "Our overall conclusion is that a wellbalanced diet is needed for eye health." Ingredients: 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup unpacked brown sugar, packed 1/2 cup uncooked quick oats 15 pieces dried apricot halves, diced 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds 1 tablespoon butter, melted 1/2 cup fat free egg substitute (you could use two eggs for this if you don’t have FF egg sub) Procedure: 1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. 2. Coat an 8-inch square baking pan with cooking spray. 3. Whisk together flour, baking powder, sugar, oats, apricots and sunflower seeds. 4. Whisk together margarine and egg substitute. 5. Quickly mix together wet and dry ingredients. 6. Spoon into prepared pan and smooth top. 7. Bake until firm, about 20 minutes. 8. Cool completely before cutting into 8 rectangles. Yields 1 bar per serving.

Since apricots are a good source of beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A and several other nutrients, they could be just what you're looking for. They add to a long life. Believe it or not, some people claim apricots are the secret to living to age 120. They get this idea from the Hunzas, a tribe living in the Himalayan Mountains. Common health problems, like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, do not exist in Hunza. And researchers are wondering if apricots, a main part of their diet, are partly responsible. The Hunzas eat fresh apricots in season and dry the rest to eat during their long, cold winter. Although eating apricots can't guarantee you'll live a long life, recent research suggests the little fruit may help you live a better life. The B vitamins in dried apricots may protect you from Alzheimer's and age-related mental problems, like memory loss.

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