Primary school newsletter 22 june 2016

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SACRED HEART COLLEGE Tel: 011 081 2203 Reception: 011 081 2200 Fax: 011 648 5204 Website:


Dear Pre-Primary and Primary School Parents

GENERAL: FOR ALL PARENTS Farewell to Brother Paul We shall say farewell to Brother Paul on Friday, 24 June. He joined the Sports Department in January 2016, and also taught RE and Drama. We have been very fortunate and privileged to have had a Marist brother with us for the past 6 months. Br Paul has always been keen to help out where he could and made a huge impact on the children especially, the Under 8 soccer team. The children enjoyed his gentle but firm disposition. We wish him every success with his studies during the next phase of his vocational training and look forward to welcoming him back to the College at a later stage.

PRIMARY SCHOOL Welcome to Mrs Piccolo Welcome to Mrs Adele Piccolo, the previous Primary School Deputy Principal, who joined us in a locum position on the Monday 20 June. Mrs Piccolo has taken over Mrs O’Leary’s teaching load and will be with us until the end of Term 3. We trust that she will enjoy her time back in the classroom. Big Walk Forms and Donations A number of parents have not returned the Big Walk sponsorship forms, please do so by Friday 24 June. Use the following reference for payments made by EFT Ref: 40070. We really would like to forward the money raised as soon as possible to the various charities which enjoy our support. Stationery Parents please ensure that your child’s stationery is replenished and that it is labelled. Intermediate Phase teachers are finding it difficult to work, as some of the learners do 1

not have the required stationery. Test Week will be starting on Thursday 23 June, and it is imperative that children have their own stationery with which to work. Grade 5 Grandparents Tea On the 21 June, the Grade 5 children hosted the Grandparents’ Tea in the Macartin Centre. Aunts, uncles and parents also attended the tea. The children rotated amongst the guests giving them the opportunity to recognise the value of their grandparents, and to become enriched as they learnt more about themselves and their history. They also had the opportunity to act as hosts to the guests, as well as to show off their beautiful ‘When we were 10’ Heritage Box Projects. Thank you for making the time to share this wonderful day with the children.

Congratulations Congratulations to Tshepo Hlatshwayo and Oteng Teffo in Grade 2B on the birth of their siblings, Tshepo has a baby sister and Oteng has a baby brother.


Invitation to Participate in Research The University of Witwatersrand’s Neuropsychiatry group would like to conduct a research study at Sacred Heart College. The College Executive has agreed to the request and we now need your permission for your child’s participation. Please refer to the information on pages 5-7 of the newsletter for more details. Signed consent forms need to be returned to school by Friday 24 June. Intermediate Phase Test Week - Time Table We request that parents help down-play the tension sometimes associated with the term tests. The test schedules per grade including information on what will be covered in the test are available on the communicator. Date

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Thursday 23 June




Friday 24 June


Afrikaans and RELO

Monday 27 June


Mathematics and RELO isiZulu

Tuesday 28 June




Wednesday 29 June Social Science

Natural Science


Thursday 30 June

Social Science

Natural Science

Natural Science

Social Sciences

PRE – PRIMARY SCHOOL Reggio Course Sue Jacobson will be attending the annual Reggio Conference at St Mary’s on 28, 29 and 30 June. Thandi Mills will be teaching Orange Group with Sindi during this period. We look forward to hearing about many new ideas for us to implement at Sacred Heart PrePrimary School. Fun Day Look out for information about our Fun Day on July 16. We are inviting our new families for 2017, and would encourage you to bring along a family to participate in a day filled with fun and surprises. RSVP to Rashida for catering purposes. 3

Charity Days We pride ourselves on being a school that is aware of, and contributes to, social causes. Remember that Wednesday is a day that we refer to as ‘Piggy Money Day’ in order to collect small change for the less fortunate. We also collect sandwiches on Fridays for Meals on Wheels, which is a charity that supports the homeless and destitute.

FROM THE SPORTS DESK Well Done! Congratulations to Lukas van Garderen for being selected for the provisional cricket squad for the U13 North-East Area. We wish him the best of luck in the final practices. Sports Fixtures VENUE DATE


Wednesday 22-Jun Thursday








Redhill H

12:00 14:00

Unknown 15:30


Mini Soccer & v Yeshiva (U7-8) Netball U11 Netball Play-offs U9 Netball v Yeshiva (U9) No Fixtures

UPCOMING EVENTS Thursday 23 June Thursday 30 June Friday 1 July Monday 4 July Friday 8 July Monday 11 July


IP Test Week starts IP Test Week ends Inter- House Cross Country Mid Term Break Starts Mid Term Break Ends Learners return to School




Informed Consent I hereby confirm that Dr _________ has explained to me about the nature, conduct, benefits and risks of the study: Investigation of the use of the Gauteng Neurocognitive Assessment (G-NCA) as a language and educationally less biased neurocognitive assessment tool in the South African Context. I have also received, read and understood the above written information (patient information leaflet and informed consent) regarding the study. I am aware that the results of the study, including personal details regarding my childs sex, age, education and language, will be anonymously processed into a study report. I may at any stage, without prejudice, withdraw my consent and child’s participation in the study. I have had sufficient opportunity to ask questions and (of my own free will) declare myself prepared to participate in the study.

_________________________________________________________________ Name (Capital letters)



parent/legal guardian of_____________________________________________ hereby give permission for my child to participate in the above mentioned study.

Study doctor and person administering the consent I, Dr _____________, herewith confirm that the above parent/legal guardian has been fully informed about the nature, conduct, benefits and risks of the study _________________________________________________________________ Name (Capital letters)



WITNESS _________________________________________________________________ Name (Capital letters)





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