SACRED HEART COLLEGE Tel: 011 081 2203 Reception: 011 081 2200 Fax: 011 648 5204 Website:
Dear Pre-Primary and Primary School Parents
GENERAL: FOR ALL PARENTS Making history! Grade 7 Marist Festival: 19-22 May On Thursday evening, the College was abuzz with activity as groups of Grade 7s from St Henry’s in Durban and St Joseph’s in Cape Town arrived for the first ever 5-School Marist Festival. The children and teachers were hosted by a number of our teachers and families which was a wonderful experience for hosts and visitors alike. Thank you to the staff and families who hosted for their generosity and willingness to open up their homes. On Friday, we hosted the Grade 7 Marist Mass followed by a netball and soccer tournament. The Inter-Catholic under 13 Hockey and Netball Tournament was hosted by Sacred Heart College on Saturday morning. Well done to the Sports Department on two superbly organized events. We congratulate Mr van der Merwe, in particular, on realizing his dream of bringing all five Marist schools together. Champagnat Day Mass and Charity Walk: Thursday 2 June We will be celebrating the Champagnat Day Mass and Big Walk on 2 June. St Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers was born on 20 May 1789 and died on 6 June 1840 at the age of 51. He was an inspiring human being with a passion for children, and dedicated his life to the creation of the Marist Institute which, over the years, was responsible for the establishment of over 700 schools world-wide. 51 000 brothers and lay people are currently involved in educating approximately 650 000 children around the globe. What a privilege it is to be part of such a huge family where the philosophy is to nurture the growth and development of all children in a safe, caring, happy environment. The day will start with a whole-school Mass in the Macartin Centre, after which the Primary School children will spend the day raising funds for the poor and marginalized during the big walk. St Marcellin had a particular focus on these two groups of people and outreach is, therefore, an important part of any Marist school. The children will buy food and goodies from the Grade 6 stalls. All children in the Pre-School will receive a 1
packet of popcorn made by one of the committees and the 326 children will enjoy a funfilled morning on the soccer field. All Grade 1-6 children received a sponsorship form last week and must return it by no later than Monday 6 June. If you have not been able to get sponsors, please send a small donation instead, as many of the charities we support are reliant on this fundraiser for things like water and lights. The tuck shop will be closed at break on the 2 June, but open again after school. If your child does not bring money to buy from the stalls, he/she needs to bring a healthy, substantial lunch. However, we do encourage children to support the Grade 6 stalls. Marist Leadership Conference Ms Picas, Ms Dickson, Mr van der Merwe, Mrs Paton-Mills and Mrs Jacobson were away on Monday and Tuesday for a strategic planning meeting. They will be attending the Marist Leadership Conference with other members of the executive committee from Wednesday to Friday of this week. Substitution has been organised. Please contact the section secretaries, Rashida Theys and Mrs Peters, if you need anything. Mrs Cross will be in charge while they are away.
PRIMARY SCHOOL Aftercare If your child is being collected by someone else, please let Mr Zondo know either by emailing him on or by sending a sms to 081 802 0412. We will not allow a child to go with a stranger unless we have proof they are allowed to collect your child. Parents must ensure that the Aftercare register is completed and signed when children are collected, please advise your drivers and au pairs about this. When your child has been signed out from Aftercare they may not return to the Orchard, unless you are signing them back in. We request that parents who have signed their children out from Aftercare, not stand around in the Intermediate Phase Quad as this disturbs the homework classes. Please feel free to take your children to the Orchard area where they can play under your supervision whilst you chat. Condolences Our condolences go to Mrs Basson and her family on the passing away of her brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all at this sad and difficult time. 2
PRE – PRIMARY SCHOOL Reading Evening Our reading evening, which was going to take place on 28 July, will now be combined with our fun day on 16 July. Labelling Uniform Please make sure that all uniform items are clearly marked with your child’s name, as we seem to have an abundance of un-labelled uniform at the moment.
UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday 28 May Thursday 2 June Thursday 2 June Saturday 4 June Tuesday 7 June
FP Inter – Catholic Soccer and Netball Festival Champagnat Mass Big Walk St Martins Festival PA Meeting
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
26May 27May 28May 29May 30May 31May 01Jun
15:30 /16:00
v Beaulieu (U10&11 Away, U12&13 Home)
Soccer & Netball
Catholic Schools Foundation Phase Festival (U7-9)
Cross Country
15:30 /16:00
v Eastleigh (U9-11 Away, U12-13 Home)