12 September 2018
SACRED HEART COLLEGE Tel: 011 081 2203 Reception: 011 081 2200 Fax: 011 648 5204 Website: www.sacredheart.co.za
Calendar 13 September Parents’ Evening 14 September Leave Your Print Campaign 18 September PA Meeting / absentee and new children photographs 24 September Heritage Day – public holiday 6 October Sports Day 19-22 October Mid-term break
“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.”
Newsletter Date: 12 September 2018 Thanks Thank you to Mrs Moodley and Mrs Botha and all the teachers who helped with the Talent Show last night. It was a wonderful event. Our children really do have talent! Overtime I am very grateful to all our teachers for their efforts this week. Two sports meetings, talent show, parent meetings and many other after-hours events. Thanks. Term’s notice Please remember that if you wish to withdraw your child from Sacred Heart College, you are required to give a term’s notice. We must know by no later than Monday 17 September 2018. In terms of your contract with the College, you will be charged a term’s fees in lieu of notice if you do not inform us in time. Please email veronicap@sacredheart.co.za, and the Credit Controller theresa.whitaker@sacredheart.co.za. Parents’ Evening Remember to phone Veronica Peters to book your slot for tomorrow afternoon or evening. Preference is given to class teachers – if you want to see a subject teacher please send a note in the diary to make an appointment.
Carol Burnett
SHC Primary School News
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12 September 2018
Absentee photographs If your child was absent when photographs were taken, or has started at the school since then, the photographer will be here on Tuesday 18 September. Child Safety If you are not able to fetch your child at the end of the school day, the child MUST go to Aftercare, even if it’s just for half an hour or less. Please do not ask your child to wait in the parking area for you. We read about so many incidents of child kidnapping these days, and we are concerned about the safety of our children. Heritage Day celebrations On Thursday 20 September the Grade 3 classes will visit Holy Family College for the Johannesburg Heritage Foundation’s “School Yesteryear” tour. On Friday 21 September the Grade 1, 2 and 3 classes will go to the Peoples Theatre to see “Our Stories, Our Africa”. The Grade 4s will tour the Johannesburg Art Gallery; the Grade 5s will tour Museum Africa; and the Grade 6 classes will go to Sci-Bono Discovery Centre to see “Wonders of Rock Art”. Tips for dealing with shyness Here are tips to help school-age children with shyness in social situations: • Encourage playdates, either at your house or a friend’s house. If your child is invited to a friend’s house, she might feel more comfortable if you go with her at first. You could gradually reduce the time you spend with her at other people’s houses. • Practise show-and-tell or class presentations with your child at home. This will help your child feel more comfortable when he has to stand up in front of his class. • Encourage your child to do some extracurricular activities. Try to find ones that encourage social behaviour – for example, Scouts, Girl Guides or sport. • Coach your child through social interactions. In familiar situations, remind your child to do things like make eye contact, face people with her whole body, and answer questions in a voice that people can hear. For example, you could say, ‘Remember to look at Uncle Dan when he’s talking to you’. • Avoid negative comparisons with more confident siblings or friends. Instead help to build your child’s self-esteem by focusing on even small steps towards being less shy. Source: http://raisingchildren.net.au/articles/shyness_what_to_do_about_it.html Sports Department News 12 September: Athletics v AISJ, Buccleuch Montessori, Bishop Bavin and St Katherine’s 13 September: Tennis U13 boys v Founders Hill A 14 September: We are hosting Primary School Catholic Schools’ Athletics, 13:00 to 16:30 18 September: Tennis U11boys v Saheti B 19 September: Athletics v Saheti, Bishop Bavin, St Martin’s and Crawford Italia
SHC Primary School News
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12 September 2018
Shout Out Amukelani, Ephrata, Lisakhanya, Letho, Nyasha, Stacy, Stephany, Tshego, Alicia, Basani, Deandre, Nothando, Phronesis, Juliet, Eyamazizi, Ndalo, Leila, Richard, Themba, Felix, Uko, Sahil, Nthadimeng. Ogekucho, Catherine, Sebastion, Ruah, Alexis,
Hooked on Books “Hooked on Books� will be performing at the school on Tuesday 18 September. They present extracts from a variety of books in order to stimulate an interest in reading. On Thursday 20 September pupils may come to school dressed as a character from a book. Alternatively, they may come in their cultural dress to celebrate Heritage Day. Birthday Book Programme Thank you to the following pupils for donating books to the Primary School Library on the occasion of their birthday: Michael Belaney Felix Doherty Richard Doherty Dasheel Kellan Nazneen Seedat Zain Seedat
Tshiamo, Fumani, Aquilah, Dumiso, Tshiamo, Nazneen, Halellujah, Mika, Timothy, Gabriel, Ntsako, Charity, Thembi, Nyasha, Oteng and Rorisang:
WOW! You children certainly have talent!
We are very proud of our amazing stars J
Reflection for today
Lord, give me a heart that longs to be with You in prayer, each and every day. Help me to daily surrender my entire life to You without reserve. As I surrender my life, I thank You for entering in and directing all my actions. My life is Yours, dear Lord, my life is Yours. Jesus, I trust in You. PRE-PRIMARY NEWS Collecting bits and pieces Children love building and investigating using bits and pieces. We are collecting buttons, wool, beads, pebbles, toilet rolls, cereal boxes, shells, and all those things that you have collected that you have no idea what to do with. Children are often a lot more imaginative using these rather than specific toys which restrict what can be achieved with them. Exciting purchases Over the past few months we have purchased some wonderful new toys and equipment using the funds we raised at the auction evening.
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12 September 2018
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