The High School Newsletter of Sacred Heart College
Issue 3 2018
IN THIS ISSUE Principal’s report………………………..… 1-2 Deputy Principal’s report……………....3-7
Welcome back to our second term. Already we have had an incredibly busy and productive two weeks. Our teachers spent Monday, 30 April in a staff development programme that included a work shop looking at ways to enhance children’s learning. It used an experiential process which is designed to create a sense of belonging in participants so that they develop a sense of emotional wellbeing which stimulates creativity and learning.
Basketball-ISSA 2018…………………….8-9
On Thursday our Junior High Parents’ evening was incredibly well supported and we welcomed 23 French students and 4 teachers who have been very generously hosted by 10 families this past week. On Friday our Matrics celebrated their Matric Dance. This event is one of the highlights of the Matric year and an important coming of age celebration. Our Grade 11 Matric Dance Committee, guided and supported by Mr Rakgoale and Ms Chetty created a spectacular evening that was enhanced by the outfits and enjoyment of teachers and learners alike. All our co-curricular activities are also in full swing. The first of three plays was performed on Tuesday as part of “The Festival for Excellence in the Dramatics Arts” and the whole school was spellbound by the play, “Home- a place or feeling” performed by the visiting French students.
Upcoming Events……………………...22-24
Francophonie Festival………..…….10-12 Farewell for Mrs Mc Alpine……………..13
Grade 7 camp………………………………….14 Grade 8 camp…………………………….15-16 Grade 9 camp……………………….…...17-18 Knitting project/ Second Hand Shop..19 Overdrive………………………………………20 Music at SHC………………………………….21 Lines of Communication………………...25
So this term looks just as busy and engaging as last term and we encourage all of our school community: learners, teachers and parents to embrace all of the opportunities provided by the school because an education at Sacred Heart College is about learning how to learn, how to practise and develop self-discipline and to persevere despite having to grapple with difficult concepts, frustrating experiences and demanding schedules. Parents and teachers need to support learners as they struggle with some of the more mundane tasks or those that seem too difficult, without doing the work for them or giving them permission to give up. Our teachers are working hard to make learning more engaging wherever possible but without learners taking responsibility for that learning, no amount of “edutainment” will help.
More and more the demands of learning encourage the learner to take responsibility for his/her learning. One local school has changed the name of homework to “Own Work”. What a shift in paradigm! The idea of project-based learning supports this philosophy and places a significant demand on learners having to work things out for themselves and having to bring that knowledge to the classroom to be interrogated. The role of the teacher is shifting from being the source of all knowledge in the classroom to that of expert facilitator. With that shift in teacher role comes a similar shift in the learner’s role. If we as parents and teachers don’t encourage this shift, we will continue to dumb down our learners’ experiences at school. “The object of teaching children is to enable them to get along without a teacher” Elbert Hubbard (18561915). Malcolm X said: “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today”. That is exactly what we are working on each day in every classroom, interaction and co-curricular activity.
Ms Heather Blanckensee
High School Principal
FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S DESK Academic Festival On 4 April, an Academic Festival was held in the School hall showcasing the work the Junior High learners undertook in Term I. The Grade 7s displayed their Ecology projects and the Grade 8s and 9s displayed their Science Fair projects as well as their Geography projects, focusing on Topography. In Integrated Studies, the grade 8s and 9s explored the theme of the Fourth Industrial Revolution which proved to be very challenging and rewarding at the same time as it made learners stretch their imagination as to what their future will look like and what their place and role in it will be. Andre Croucamp of Mindburst, who facilitated the Integrated Studies course, opened the Festival with a thought-provoking speech that is certainly worth reading: According to a 2016 World Economic Forum report, ‘The Future of Jobs,’ the Fourth Industrial Revolution “will cause widespread disruption not only to business models but also to labour markets over the next five years, with enormous change predicted in the skill sets needed to thrive in the new landscape.” According to the report the top 10 skills in 2020 will be: 1. Complex Problem Solving 2. Critical Thinking 3. Creativity 4. People Management 5. Co-ordinating with Others 6. Emotional Intelligence 7. Judgement and decision-making 8. Service Orientation 9. Negotiation 10. Cognitive Flexibility These are the skills that we promoted in our Integrated Studies course with Grade 8 and 9. We facilitated opportunities for learners to think for themselves, ask powerful questions, solve a problem, manipulate symbols, code and decode representations, communicate their ideas clearly, engage in robust dialogue, give and receive feedback, collaborate with others, innovate by combining existing ideas and technologies in new and surprising ways, and project into their future anticipating what they will need and what is needed to increase well-being for all. We are grateful to our 8s and 9s for being the’ guinea pigs’ in this experiment. They sometimes got frustrated, because what we were doing was not content-based and required grappling with open-ended ideas for which there were no predictable solutions and therefore no easily defined ways of earning marks. It did sadden us that some students didn’t see the point of doing any work that wasn’t for marks. We like to think that school can be the place where young people learn what creating knowledge feels like.
This is why we gave learners the opportunity to grapple with knowledge production and innovation – the skills that are valued in the knowledge economy. What you see here is just a small expression of that process. In over 18 two-hour sessions our focus was not on products but on the process of learning itself. Learners explored creating decision trees using closed-ended questions and the traditional form of programming. They also explored trial-and-error learning; the way the machines that are out-performing humans are learning today. They tried to think of ways of programming ‘driverless’ vehicles so that they could make ethical decisions about whether to kill a passenger or a pedestrian in a situation where the death of one of them was unavoidable. Real innovation is subversive, and ‘disruptive technologies’ was a major theme. And parents, you will be pleased to know that your children were invited to think about the ways in which mobile phones are disruptive. Speaking of disruptions: the robots are coming. The future is not what it used to be. According to a 2017 World Economic Forum report, ‘The Future of Jobs and Skills in Africa,’ 41% of all work activities in South Africa are susceptible to automation. There is a debate as to whether machines will graduate from domain specific intelligence, where they tend to out-perform humans, to more multi-purpose general intelligence. We need to recognise that what machines will soon be capable of may be beyond our imagination. For now, we could say that we need to be learning the skills that machines are currently poor at, like thinking about the way parts interact in the system of which on is a part, creativity, emotional intelligence, managing teams, communication, activism and education (especially early childhood development). Don’t do a job that relies on memory or on the performance of step-by-step tasks. Sorry accountants, paralegals, pharmacists who fill prescriptions and sports reporters who follow formulaic writing.
The 2017 report said that there is concern that the region lacks the capacity to adapt to job disruption. In South Africa “39% of core skills required across occupations will be wholly different by 2020.” The report continues, “To build a pipeline of future skills, Africa’s educators should design future-ready curricula that encourage critical thinking, creativity and emotional intelligence as well as accelerate acquisition of digital and STEM skills to match the way people will work and collaborate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” In our sessions we also explored how nature innovates and what evolution can teach us about the dynamics of adapting to change. By playing a board game that we had designed, learners discovered how innovations in ideas and technology, just like species, are the result of mutations and combinations of exiting variables that are subject to environmental selection pressures. We gave learners the challenge of designing signage that could warn people 100 000 years from now about buried nuclear waste. They found it very difficult to come up with images that had universal significance for humans and were not culturally specific. One group was adamant that the power of ‘emojis’ would last forever. To extend their thinking to include the future of others, we challenged them to create social contracts for a space colony on Mars. We extended the circle of relationships even further when they designed public artworks to communicate messages around reducing the loss of biodiversity. To do this they had to work with difficult materials like clothes pegs, cocktail forks and elastic bands.
Learners were encouraged to think of their own journey into the future both literally through exploring jobs in the field of space exploration and metaphorically through the creation of their own hero myth. The employment choices facing our youth are not the same ones that faced their parents and teachers. They need to think about jobs in fields such as STEM, data analysis, computer science and engineering. We will still need to design infra-structure, especially for transport systems. If learners are going into a traditional field they will need to combine deep knowledge of that industry with the latest analytical tools, and they should think about focussing on research rather than practice. They will also need to work with artificial intelligence in order to adapt quickly and stay ahead of their game. There will also be more demand for user interface experts, who can facilitate seamless human-machine interaction. There will be work opportunities in the fields of AI, machine learning and robotics, but there are also new fields that are opening up like: the Internet of Things, big data, ethical hacking, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biomimicry, biotechnology, genetic medicine, synthetic biology, quantum computing, space exploration, terraforming, space law, xenobiology, and alternative energy. The 2017 report said, “It is estimated that by 2025 South Africa alone could create 462,000 additional jobs by “going green”, including clean energy generation, energy efficiency, pollution control and natural resource management.”
To give you a small taste of the future I will finish with an example I heard from an oncologist who was speaking at a recent conference about the way cancer treatment will be done in the near future. An oncologist will take a swab of your cheek cells to get your DNA. She will then provide the image of those cells to an AI who will identify the cancer more accurately than a human. The she will use that information to design, on her laptop, a virus that will eat 100% of your cancer. While you wait, that virus will then be printed out on a 3D printer that uses amino acids as ink. You will then be infected with the viruses for a few hundred dollars. If you really want to become indispensable in any field, you need to focus your critical and creative skills on research and innovation – and, as your learners will tell you, make some important decisions about the kinds of relationships you are willing to have with robots.
International travel and exploration challenges perceptions, and provides inspiration! I am an avid traveller and always marvel at how travel can challenge perceptions, provide insight and also reassurance. As South Africans we tend to think that as a country we lag behind international standards in many spheres, including education. However, after my visit to three schools in Australia during the April holidays, it was very clear that Australian educational leaders and institutions are grappling with similar issues as South Africa, namely finding a curriculum that will prepare learners for the challenges of the 21 st century. It was also reassuring to see schools grappling with the impact of technology on their learners; the lack of learner motivation and engagement in classes and to bring about change in curriculum and teaching methodologies, like Sacred Heart College. It was also interesting to note that the three schools were at different stages of their journey in finding a methodology that will equip their learners for the 21 st century. However, as with us at Sacred Heart College, there is unanimity in the thinking of providing differentiated learning programmes that are less content-driven and based more on providing 21st century skills. I was fortunate enough to visit three Marist schools in the state of Victoria: Assumption College Kilmore; Marcellin College Melbourne and Marist College Bendigo. The generous and welcoming nature of the three schools was underpinned by the commonality of a shared understanding of the Marist values as practised by Marist schools throughout the world. At Assumption College, Pete Augustin (former HOD of Sport at Sacred Heart College) took me on a tour of their facilities and provided me an opportunity to engage with their staff to explore ideas and insights on our journey at Sacred Heart College with our shift to project –based learning as well as our restorative practices. At Marcellin College, I was taken on a tour of their new-purpose built facility that challenged the traditional idea of a classroom with tempered glass featuring on the walls of the Science labs, transforming them into active boards providing immediate access to educators and learners to express ideas and explanations. I also observed a Mathematics class where personalised and differentiated learning programmes were implemented. Learners were able to work at their own pace and needed not to stay within a specific year programme and could progress beyond their actual grade. This is certainly something that we are looking at implementing more of at Sacred Heart College.
The visit to Marist College, Bendigo proved to be most insightful and inspiring. The college is situated just outside of Bendigo, a beautiful gold rush town, two hour’s drive outside of Melbourne. The college is four years old and was purpose- built by the Marist Brothers to realise the vision of the founding principal, Darren McGregor to create a space that was conducive to project-based learning. The traditional classroom model was turned on its head and learning spaces were created that were fluid and interchangeable depending on the nature of the project. It was of great interest to observe two Mathematics lessons happening at the same time in a large venue only divided by couches and screens. I also observed Year 9s tackling a project on the sustainability of biomes in Australia which was a hive of activity and engagement. Also of interest was the involvement of the learners in designing and creating a sacred garden space. It was very heartening to see learners actually physically preparing the soil, planting suitable plants and tackling landscaping especially in a world where teenagers are becoming more and more disconnected from nature due to technology. After a long productive session with the leader of project-based learning, Jason Von, I’m thrilled to announce that Sacred Heart College and Marist College Bendigo will be collaborating on a third term project with the Grade 8s and 9s. My visit to the schools confirmed my belief that Sacred Heart College is truly on its way to equipping our leaners with the necessary skills to be successful in the 21st century.
BASKETBALL—ISSA TOURNAMENT 2018 What progress! From an honourable sixth place ranking in the St John’s Tournament in 2018, our boys shone at ISSA where they received a silver medal for the U19 ISSA festival that took place on the 23, 24 and 25 March 2018. The Dolphins, as they are nicknamed, did not give up after an undefeated run in the group stage; an epic quarterfinal and laborious semi-final against the German school of Namibia. Our loss in the fi-
nal to the defending champions of the same tournament seems mainly to be a mental block rather than a lack of skills and physical strength.
The tournament was a successful trip in the aftermath of the prestigious St John’s College Tournament that has grown in stature internationally as it was conceived in 2006 while returning from Durban. All in all, the balm to our heart, which remains the ultimate pleasure of being a teacher or a facilitator is to see players blossom and become shining stars. For years now, Norman Sikakane has marvelled in appearing in the All-star teams. Needless to say, irrespective of a smaller pool of athletes, we remain con-
sistent in our game. Hence, I would like to pay tribute to Lamonte Mackay whose dedication, commitment, and love of basketball earned him cheers from his mates as he managed to score twice in the tournament with a valuable 3 points shot, taken to wild applause from the crowd. Other accolades should be received by Alastair Price whose progress within the space of a year is remarkable. Brooke Clarke was unbelievable with his dribbling on the court. It was sad that he was not chosen for the All-star team, but was singled out by a professional young South African former college player in the US, who believes that the following players would benefit from attending a basketball camp: Hubani Madlala, Luthando Makgalemele, Norman Sikakane, Brooke Clarke, while in the girls’ section Zanzi Matsebula would be given a chance to polish her dribbling and shooting skills.
Finally, it is with awe that one realizes how fortunate we are to have the MacCartin Centre. The final at ISSA might have been a different story if we had not been disturbed by intermittent rain that led us to change from the outdoor to the indoor venue where the spectators and players were so close that it became difficult to play well. Such interruption requires smart play and wit to sustain the pressure.
Thato Mathinya
“For the first time, the opening of Francophonie Festival was held at Pretoria Boys High School. This festive day, Saturday 10 March, hosted a special guest speaker: Mrs Naomi van Niekerk, a well-known South African artist who also speaks French. During the day, stands from the 26 partner countries offered gastronomic specialties, cultural activities and performances. The main event was the concert by French singer Erika Lernot.
The annual Francophonie Festival, is a platform available to embassies, institutions, Francophone and Francophiles in Pretoria for the promotion of French cultural and linguistic diversity. The festival highlights the creative artistry of the many countries in which French is spoken. Through gastronomy, music, culture, dance and films, people can discover the various expressions of Francophonie cultures over 3 weeks. Said Ambassador of France to South Africa, H.E. Mr. Christophe Farnaud: « French is a language of tolerance, equality and sharing. French is a language of Ubuntu. The majority of French speakers are not French, they are African ». Since 2010, more than 25 countries have collaborated each year to present an array of experiences all rooted in the Francophone cultures – from Africa to the Americas to Asia to the Middle East. This year the participating countries are Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Canada, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, France, Greece, Haiti, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, Poland, the Central African Republic, Romania, Serbia, Seychelles, Switzerland, Togo, and Tunisia.”
Twenty three learners, accompanied by two staff members were hosted by Pretoria Boys High School in the outskirts of a leafy and posh area of the South African capital that has decolonized its name in Tshwane. We attended this school not for a sport event but rather for a cultural one. This cultural event was the Francophonie Festival organised by the French Embassy to promote the language through food tasting of different French speaking countries. As we climbed the hill leading us to the very place where the celebration was taking place, I had a sore heart, because the very first stand was that of my country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo where visibly nobody had arrived yet. There was no show. The country which ultimately is the first largest country in its surface and people speaking French either as a 1st or 2nd language…was a shadow of itself due to endemic conflicts fuelled by external forces maintaining the citizens as the poorest on this planet for several key mineral resources that make the world evolve. In my quality as the elected Spokesperson of the Congolese Community Residing in South Africa, I am denouncing the silence of fellow Africans whom are either protagonists to the tragedy or genocide. On the contrary, the rest of the countries such as Ivory Coast, Senegal, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritius (Africa), Belgium, Switzerland, Romania, Canada – Quebec to name but just a few were well-stocked and attractive to the crowd of learners and teachers, guests, visitors, and dignitaries. Needless to mention that the Belgian waffles, Tunisian couscous and Swiss chocolates attracted the most people with queues that were long enough not to be served. There was the French Cultural Institute (IFAS) stand where staff explained that they could take write the DELF/DALF exam and have an opportunity to study in France where quality education is somewhat cheap in the decade of “fees-must-fall”. The celebration would not be a festival without music. Some artists performed French and South African music and dances. The Ambassador gave his speech and the people continued enjoying food from different countries…better late than never; the Congolese stand finally show cased its rich variety of food made of banana plantain, chikwanga, mpondu and fish.
Why then learn French and emphasize its use? In other Wor(l)ds, in a nutshell, allow us to say that French is one language and many worlds i.e cultures which Johann Wolfgang von Goethe pointed ‘mutatis mutandis’ as follows :”He who knows no foreign language, knows nothing of his own.” Thus French is a Romance language related to Spanish, Italian, Romanian and 80% of Latin roots and Greek enriched by Arabic and English stems. French is a universal language which was spoken right through dynasties such as that of Catherina the Great in Russia where the memoirs of St Petersburg are written in French. To date, 1st language spoken as the second world spoken in all 5 continents…(200 million speakers), English (160 million), Russian (130 million), Portuguese (28 million), Arabic (25 million), Spanish (21 million), Chinese (20 million). If we had the total of the native and secondary speakers, French remains at the 5th place with approximately 270 million people around the globe until the far east of Pondicherry.
It is of paramount importance to add that, French plays a regional key impact in Africa as ž of the countries speak French or Romance language such as Portuguese. Paris the capital of France is the world’s most visited place for Fashion, culinary and its cultural past prestige. Learners were also told that several French companies and firms are present in South Africa and sometimes look forward to employ people with basic knowledge of French. The pinnacle of the day was the photo with the ambassador Christophe Farnaud, but sadly Grade 10 learners missed the opportunity as they were busy doing something else.
Merci beaucoup Jean Bwasa HOD French
FAREWELL FOR MRS MC ALPINE Vivien Mc Alpine retired at the end of the first term after 33 years at Sacred Heart College. She joined the school in 1985 to teach Home Economics in the High School. For 31 years you could find Vivien teaching learners in the Food Technology Laboratory with her white overcoat; at the swimming pool; on the athletics field cheering on the learners in O’Leary or in her office meticulously planning and organising teachers as Grade co-ordinator and then Head of Department or supervising various functions in her role as Director of Public Relations and Functions. Vivien is exceptionally well-organised, punctual, loyal and gave of her best to Sacred Heart College. She was indefatigable and oversaw many events at once without missing any details. Although she hadn’t taught in two years she was incredibly popular with the learners. Mrs Mc Alpine was compassionate and she cared deeply about the success of the learners and followed their progress in sports, academics and other school activities.
This year the Grade 7s went to Chameleon Village in Magaliesburg. The camp was amazing, the counsellors, the food, the activities and the dormitories. All the counsellors were fun including Miss P at times. Uncle Vic is our Jamaican friend who I think had more fun than some of the people on camp. Sipho was our dad on camp, making sure we took our medicine and drank enough water. Stevovo also known as Pick ‘n Pay no name brand was a whole lot of fun, but don’t mess with him mainly in basketball. The food was really delicious. The chefs made food that kept us full. They also gave us muffins and biscuits during tea time. We had a blast doing the activities. On the second day we hiked up the mountain to watch the amazing sunrise. We also had divinely dirty muddy obstacles, memory games and A LOT of exciting team building exercises. My favourite team building activity was when we had to fill up a pole with water to get a plastic ball in the pole to the top, the tricky part is that the pole had holes everywhere.
All the boys slept in one dormitory and all the girls slept in another dormitory. We spent a lot of time with each other in the dormitories and were able to bond. We are thankful to the counsellors for teaching us such valuable life lessons and the value of teamwork. This was the best camp I’ve been on so far.
Thalia Naidoo 7S
GRADE 8 CAMP Grade 8 Camp to Sugar Bay Resorts
As a new student at Sacred Heart College, I think it is safe to say that one of the best experiences to start your high school career with, is camp. Allow me to help you experience the same, in one of the most memorable events yet.
Rewind back to Monday, 12th March 2018. Personally I was very nervous and anxious about camp, but those feelings were soon overcome by the excited but tired faces of the Grade 8’s that morning. The day was long and the bus ride longer. On arrival at Sugar Bay Resorts we were shown to our cabins which became our new homes for the week. We were then taken to the dining hall, and the day was put to a close by the hilarious performance by the counsellors in their comedy show “Skits and Skants”.
The following day consisted of four activities: two land activities (arts, skate boarding, chalking, swimming, soccer, etc.) and two sea activities (SUP, kayaking, sea swimming, beach chilling, etc.) The second was the first time we were taken to sea! I am a huge fan of the salty water; I can’t say the same about the sand though! That night we attempted the amazing race which – I am not going to lie- fried my brain a little!
On Wednesday we had the grade party which was loads of fun and the bonfire which in my opinion was one of the best moments of the camp. We were told scary stories and did singalongs. On our last night at Sugar Bay we played “Minute to Win It” and watched the fire show which was simply extraordinary! In conclusion I think I speak for all the Grade 8’s when I say that Sugar Bay was pretty chilled and we wouldn’t mind going back some time.
Maliha Suliman Mahomed
GRADE 9 CAMP Grade 9 camp was my favourite camp out of the 6 that I've attended while at Sacred Heart. I admit that having gone to Sugar Bay the previous year, I expected Grade 9 camp to be less fun. I was proven wrong on the first day that we arrived. Some would say that having to walk 3 kilometers in the hot afternoon sun is an inconvenient way to start a camp experience. I however, found it a fun experience and even relaxing. My favourite aspect about this camp was the triumphant feeling of doing things outside of my comfort zone. Some of the activities that we did were, horse riding, abseiling and tree-climbing. These three were my favourite because they were all things that I had never done before and that I would otherwise have been reluctant to do. The counsellors were very friendly to us. They were very understanding of people who didn't want to do any of the uncomfortable activities. I enjoyed exploring new activities with my friends. It was a nice break from my busy academic life.
Tapiwa Banganayi 9S
KNITTING PROJECT Many learners have mental blocks against Mathematics and a lot of them believe that they cannot see the relevance of Mathematics in real life. This year, we have decided to introduce Maths for Life (MFL) into our curriculum, so that our learners could experience the practical application side of Mathematics and have fun with Mathematics. In one of the MFL sessions, we introduced knitting to our Matric learners. Some parents have probably already seen their children knitting at home when they have free time and they may be wondering what knitting has to do with Mathematics. Apart from the fact that it increases level of concentration and calms our learners’ anxieties, it can also improve their Mathematical skills, such as counting, multiplying, measuring and patterning. In addition, it also challenges our learners’ problem-solving skills. What are you waiting for? Get some needles and wool and join us in the fun of knitting. Our goal is to knit as many squares as possible and, eventually make a blanket. We will donate it to our charity, Addo to share our love with them. Feel free to knit a square or two and send them to the High School Office for a good cause.
SECOND HAND SHOP The Second Hand shop is open daily from 8am to 2pm, for donations and sales. Any queries can be addressed to Jan 0722731581 or Busi 0733156244
OVERDRIVE Sacred Heart College is committed to bringing unique learning opportunities to our students and we are
pleased to inform you about OverDrive, a reading service providing digital books What is OverDrive? OverDrive is a free service offered by Sacred Heart College that allows you to borrow eBooks anytime, anywhere. All the eBooks available on our Overdrive collection were specifically chosen for the learners at Sacred Heart College. Why OverDrive? The Overdrive collection is an extension of our physical library, only it’s online with 24/7 access to eBooks. It’s convenient for students to check out titles at home, on the weekends or during school holidays with no worry about misplacing the book and these digital titles automatically return at the end of the lending period! Overdrive can help students of all ages read more and improve comprehension. Struggling or reluctant readers, learning-challenged, second language learners, and gifted readers can all benefit from this service.
How does it work? Go to our school’s OverDrive website: http://maristbrothers.lib.overdrive.com. Sign in with your Username and Password. Username: MB O follow ed by the fir st five letters of you r su r nam e, the fir st letter o f yo u r name, the year you matriculate, followed by enough zeros to make your username 14 digits. Grade 7s= MBO followed by the first five letters of your name, first letter of your surname, the year you matriculate, followed by enough zeros to make your username 14 digits. For Example: MBOsurnan22000
Password: Gr ade 7s an d 8s=1924 Grade 9s, 10s, 11s and 12s=your student number. Borrow a book Go to your checkouts page (under your account). From there, click the read button to open the book
in your browser. Catherine Greyling Media Centre
GUITAR LESSONS Mike McCallum, the guitar and bass teacher based at Sacred Heart College, has a few slots open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for new pupils. Please collect a registration form from the High School office or Mr Purchase.