Academy of the Sacred Heart
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Our methods of teaching and learning have evolved in ways that demand a new definition of our space. Space to:
Explore Create Collaborate Inquire Engage Inspire Transform Reflect Join us in bringing to life the final, most ambitious project of the Courage and Confidence campaign.
Cognitive science is revolutionizing what we know about how students learn — the importance of human interaction, of collaboration and creativity — and about how environments shape learning.
Now is the time to realign our learning spaces with best practices in teaching, learning and leadership development.
The transformation of our learning environment will support best-in-class methodologies that differentiate the Sacred Heart learning experience and ensure our position at the forefront of educating faith-filled young women of courage and confidence.
// Classroom Concept / Flexible seating & teaching arrangements / New technology accommodations / Acoustical improvements, new LED lighting, restored ceiling height / Contemporary design that complements historic elements
Vibrant spaces inspire creativity, innovation, and excellence. The Rosary Renewal Project will: / Enhance academic rigor and elevate the student learning experience
/ Improve the health, safety and sustainability of our learning environment
/ Facilitate increased interaction among students and collaboration among faculty
/ Position Sacred Heart for the future while preserving the character of our beloved Rosary Campus
Renderings, opposite page
// Science Lab Concept / New, larger labs with dedicated lab preparation areas / Flexible & moveable furniture
// Student Commons / Multipurpose student space at center of main hallway on each floor / Informal seating conducive to group work or individual study
64,000 square feet total project area
36 3 newly designed and configured classrooms
new large spaces for student commons
12 new restroom units
newly constructed science labs with dedicated lab prep spaces
6,300 square feet of enhanced outdoor space for teaching, studying and gathering
enhanced air quality provided by a new VRF HVAC system
decreased energy usage through new, more efficient features
preservation + restoration of historic and signature building features
Second Floor New restroom
Center Commons
Usable gallery
Global Education Commons
// Birdseye Views of New Floor Layouts / Reorientation of north/south corridors to streamline movement, sight lines & exposure to natural light / Floor plans enable a more efficient use of space on each floor / Room sizes designed for personalized learning & small class sizes ASH is known for / Flexible classroom configurations with ability to combine certain rooms through a telescoping wall / Breakout spaces on main halls equipped with charging ability / Restoration of original ceiling heights in corridors & classrooms / New restroom units thoughtfully dispersed throughout each floor / Code upgrades & improvements to overall circulation allows for the removal of all exterior fire escapes
New faculty work room
Telescoping walls Expanded nurse suite
New restroom
Larger labs with ability to connect
Corridor relocation
Telescoping wall
Third Floor New restroom
Center Commons
New faculty work room
Corridor relocation
New outdoor terrace
New restroom
Consolidated support services (counselors / learning specialists)
// Global Education Commons / M ultidisciplinary learning & seminar space dedicated to ASH’s Global Education programming / AV wall for large format video presentations & live streaming / Generous view of St. Charles Avenue & direct access from front courtyard / Adjacent conference room & office space
// Third Floor Outdoor Terrace / New 2,400 square foot outdoor space for social & academic activities / Equipped to support outdoor learning, study, reflection & special events
The reinvigoration of our campuses — in alignment with our educational mission, philosophy and values — requires vigilance, planning, ongoing care and capital support. For more information and to become part of this exciting transformation, visit or scan the QR code below.
“Sophie hoped that education within her schools would be profound enough to inspire people to rebuild, renew and transform society, wherever they lived.” (Phil Kilroy, Madeleine Sophie Barat, a Life)
// Gallery Refresh / Increased access to & usage of 2nd floor galleries / New composite decking, seating & furnishings
/ The cover art is an interpretation of the stained glass doorway of the Rosary Campus and the intertwining S and C for “Sacré Coeur” at the top of the central panel. The doorway is original to the building (C.1900) and was a gift of builders Darcantel and Diasselles.