Interim Report

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INDEX introduction bureau cq process research idea generation concept conclusion references

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.� - Leonardo da Vinci

INTRODUCTION Tables, we all use them as a surface to work, relax or place stuff on. Even though there was a technical revolution, and many other innovations, the functionality and use of the table stayed the same. Some attempts were, unsuccessfully, made to implement intelligence in tables, resulting in a ‘technol-

ogy push’. Examples of such tables are the Microsoft Surface (big touchscreen) and the Panasonic’s Intelligent Table. Therefore I find it interesting to create the next step in the evolution of tables. Depending on the context of use tables are touched, by limbs or products, many times an hour. This mechanical/ambient energy is lost in the surface of the table. Keeping in mind the current ‘sustainability thought’ the table could be an interesting energy harvesting device which could power small applications. The project is a collaboration with Bureau CQ, an industrial design company. They gave me the opportunity to start a project during my internship. The goal is to create and find the added value of an energy harvesting table which could power small applications.

BUREAU CQ Bureau CQ is a small Industrial Design company which focusses mainly on domestic appliances. They can manage the entire process from idea to product, including production. They’ve done successful projects for Princess, Vrumona (Dutch dealer of Pepsi and Royal Club), KLM and many others. Recently they opened a new Studio in China where they can fully supervise engineering and production of their designs. The project is a collaboration with Bureau CQ, Marco van Beers where Bureau CQ can provide commercial help from a business point of view and support the project with their knowledge. Therefore this project also acts as an unique learning experience in collaborating directly with professional designers and producers in the industrial design field.

initial idea final concept


added value detailing/ engineering

ideas reality check


Process For this project I decided to do an, for industrial design means, unconventional process. Usually you start from a problem/opportunity and create, with an iterative process, a solution/concept for this problem/opportunity. However this project started with a small idea generation phase on subjects, and soon a concept was created. There’s now a concept Now there’s need to find an added value to the concept and work it out technically which is not the usual process used in our education, therefore it acts as a great learning experience.


Piezo-elektrisch effect This effect was discovered by Curie. He applied pressure (pressure = piezo) on a crystal, this crystal released a small current. A way of energy generation by mechanical

stress is by using the principle of piezoelectricity. This uses a crystal (quartz or certain ceramics) where the structure changes when you apply stress. Thanks to this change a small electric current is generated, when the pressure is released the current flows from the crystal. This principle is not so familiar to many people although it’s used in many application such as microphones, sensors, watches, birthday cards and electric lighters. You can even generate thousands of volts from one crystal when you apply a very high pressure (used in an electric lighter). The materials also works in the other direction, when a current is applied the material will deform (expand or shrink). Although you can generate thousands of volts with such a crystal, there

is a problem. They can only generate a small current. Power is current times the amount of volt, and there’s not much current because of the high internal resistance. Therefore the amount of power is also low. When all these powers of all elements are added up, you can charge a normal size battery in a reasonable amount of time! A typical characteristic of piezo material is the linear relation between applied stress and voltage generated. They also generate an AC. Due to this all, they are not suited to power large appliances like computers, vacuum cleaners and wash machines. However, it is very suited to capture ‘ambient energy’ (energy from the environment which is not used) and to use it for small appliance.

They have, however, a big advantage on other ways of generating electricity. ‘Piezo Electric Generators’ (PEGs) can ben made very small, so small they can be used in ‘Micro Electromechanical Systems’ (MEMs). The power of such element depends on several variables: the frequency of the stress (Hz), the stress itself and it depends on the type of element. There are many types of elements which all have their own polarity and direction of pressure. Due to these direction the power output also changes when you apply a stress in a different direction. Some elements are even stacked upon each other to generate a higher output. Also the output depends on the material, PZT is the most interesting because it has a very high output.


Energy harvesting Recently there is much interest in using piezo electric material to harvest ambient energy. This new interest, mainly supported by the sustainable vision we currently have and the possibility to generate power where no power can be supplied to application (e.g. wireless sensors on airplane wings) has created several applications (e.g. the sustainable dance floor (which is later equipped with magnets and coils)). Extensive paper and literature studies and contact with experts, see sources list, show that it’s feasible to harvest energy with piezo-electricity. This way of generating electricity has a big advantage on other ways of generating electricitgy. ‘Piezo Electric Generators’ (PEGs) can ben made very small, so small they can be used in ‘Micro Electro-

mechanical Systems’ (MEMs). The power of such element depends on several variables: the frequency of the stress (Hz), the stress itself and it depends on the type of element. There are many types of elements which all have their own polarity and direction of pressure. Due to these direction the power output also changes when you apply a stress in a different direction. Some elements are even stacked upon each other to generate a higher output. Also the output depends on the material, PZT is the most interesting because it has a relatively very high power generation. Other possibilities of energy harvesting are electromagnetic and photovoltaic energy transformation where the last one is mostly used in the form of solar cells. The first one is mostly known as the dy-

namo on your bicycle. This one has the disadvantage of being fairly big while only transforming around 25% of the mechanical energy into electrical energy. Solar energy is used quite a lot these day, the efficiency of the panels improved enormously over the years and there are even panels which could harvest sunlight indoors. Both ways of energy harvesting are sustainable and are solutions towards alternative energy sources. The power generation of solar cells lies in perfect conditions around 1000 watt per square meter. The energy generation of piezo electric elements lies somewhat lower, around 100 milliwatts per element. Adding all elements together they can charge, in combination with solar cells, batteries to power small applications


Context Several contexts where tables are used were researched (restaurant, home environment, kitchen, office and bar). A decision was made to focus on the home environment and the restaurant on several factors. As it should be a commercial product there is need for a commercial context. Much interaction with the table should be present, as it is in both of those contexts.

Restaurant | In a restaurant a lot of human-table interaction takes place, where people dine intensively throughout the day. Interesting ideas can be created to support the restaurant in its service towards the customer but also to support the restaurant personal in their function/ efficiency or even to reduce energy costs. Therefore the table can act in three supportive ways which is commercially interesting for the restaurant as they can deviate from others. Home | The home environment is particularly interesting because of its commercial value. Much interaction in different categories of use take place hourly. As it showed from observation every 9 seconds a significant impact takes place on the table while ‘working’ on it.

Target group | As all products, this product should have a target group and a place where it can be sold. The concept ‘energy harvesting table’ has several characteristics which match the target group of 0900-design. 0900-design is an online store of design furniture. Clients can be described as enjoyers of life, which rather have a good bottle of wine then 10 normal ones. Also students buy there with money which they saved up. Most of them are adventurous and look for unique products with a story, thus the perceived quality needs to be high. 70% of their customers are between 25 and 45 year old. Most of all the customers live ‘consciously’ and are well aware of todays society and the


Idea generation The main idea was already shaped during my internship period: An energy harvesting table. This idea is the foundation for the rest of the

idea generation sessions. The idea generation session were about finding an added value to the table in relation to the user. The combination table - technology was also put into question with users during the “Co-Reflection” assignment. Mind maps were made in order to explore the table. What do people on their table? Interesting to see was there were three subjects which came upfront: Work activities, leisure activities and practical activities (e.g. placing of groceries on the table). Brain dumps and fantastic story tellings were used in collaboration with users (see final report of ‘Co-Reflection) and Bureau CQ to see which applications were interesting and could be realized into the table. A great subject of ideas could be categorized with the label ‘ambience’.

Concept After a presentation of several concepts during the exhibition, one fi-

nal concept was created by combining several strong aspects of others. Energy is most missed when it’s not available. Many outdoor places have no direct energy supply where it’s often wanted. When outdoors, the sun also acts as a valuable energy source. The table is therefore most suited as an outdoor energy generating product placed into a garden. The use of ambient and solar energy is in relation with the current sustainability thought were otherwise lost energy is collected. In general the table is a consumer product with a target group similar as the target group of 0900-design. It generates energy by the use of the piezo electric and the photovoltaic effect of certain materials. This energy is stored via a capacitor in a battery which could power small

applications to be used with the table. The table comes as a stand alone product which has the possibility to obtain applications to be used with it. The table comes with attached seats, in order to ‘force’ people to ‘use’ the table and touch the surface. Usually people tend to move away from the table while they’re relaxing outdoors, which shouldn’t be the case as there’s need of impact to generate energy. Therefore the picnic table is a nice example of such a ‘forcing’ positioning system. Piezo The material used to generate the electricity is PZT, this material is polarized in the d33 direction in order to make good use of the vibration generated by the impact energy of human body parts onto

the table surface. Size/system Generation Vormgeving/visuals Ophanging Photovoltalic Applications Charging by induction Ambient lighting Ambient music Outdoor workspace Waiter alarm Added value Control ambience Applicable everywhere Multiple applications Sustainable

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