Sacs update volume 16 issue 3

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17th Villanovans earn degree in Philosophy


pril 23, 2016, marked the 17th Commencement Exercises of the Saint Thomas of Villanova Institute – University of San Agustin with the theme: “Renewing Community Life in Solidarity with the Poor.” The Eucharistic celebration was presided by Rev. Fr. Eusebio Berdon, the Prior Provincial of the Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu-Philippines and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of San Agustin. Augustinian priests, both from the Vicariate of the Orient and the Province of Cebu, concelebrated during the Mass. The graduation rites began 17TH VILLANOVANS EARN [PAGE 4]

SNTH Apostolate Committee organizes mission activities


ast April 2, 2016, the San Agustin Center of Studies had its sixth Medical and Dental Mission Program. Around 590 individuals, mostly residents of Pinkian 1, Pasong Tamo, Tandang Sora, Quezon City and Pael, VASRA, Quezon City benefited from this program. Doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, and medical students from the University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Veterans’ Memorial Medical Center, and friends of the Seminary helped in making this mission a success. The seminary is indeed grateful to these individuals who made this program possible. SNTH APOSTOLATE [PAGE 2]

The graduates with the professors, Fr. Berdon,and the dean of CAS of USA-Iloilo

Postulants attend the 1st Philippine Environment Summit


fourth year students of St. Thomas of Villanova Institute attended the 1St Philippine Environment Summit at the SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia Complex in Pasay City on February 11, 2016. Together with them was Rev. Fr.

Pacifico C. Nohara, Jr., OSA. The convention was organized by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Green Convergence for Safe Food, Healthy Envrionment and Sustainable Economy. Green Convergence is a coalition of networks, organizations


SP friars finish Theology


year five friars

completed their theological studies. Fray Randy A. Arca, OSA and Rev. Kim Chang Ho, OSA earned their Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from the Maryhill School of Theology. The closing ceremonies were held SP FRIARS [PAGE 5]

Professorium Section



SP friars finish Theology

Change is Coming

17th Villanovans earn degree in Philosophy



SVTI students launched literary journal


April 16, 2016, through the unwavering support and enthusiasm of Ms. Jacqueline Franquelli, the third year aspirants of the Saint Thomas of Villanova Institute launched their official literary journal entitled, Context: Immortalizing Memories. The journal contains the expository essays of the third years, which are the requirements for English 106 (Expository

Writing). The essays emphasize the importance of expressing their life experiences into words. Rev. Fr. Harold Langahin, OSA, the house procurator, and Ms. Rhona Getulle, the secretary of the Institute, attended the launching. The participants listened to the third years as read their entries in the journal. After the launching, the third years gave copies of the journal to the audience.

STVI students with Ms. Franquelli during the journal launching

“SNTH APOSTOLATE” [from page 1]

The beneficiaries wait for their turn in registration

Also, last May 21, 2016, the simply professed brothers visited the Molave Youth Home in Quezon City (MYH) as part

of the culminating activity of the Committee on Mission and Apostolate this formation year. MYH is a home for the juvenile

The volunteers during the medical-dental mission

offenders. The simply professed friars spent the whole morning listening and sharing stories of hope with the youth. The youth

of MYH accepted with gratitude the presence of the brothers. The simply professed friars, too, appreciated their hospitality.

“POSTULANTS ATTEND” [from page 1]

and individuals working for a development paradigm that addresses the need for social and economic development, while preserving the life-supporting water, air and land for generations to come. The Summit bore the theme: “Breakthroughs and Innovations Towards Sustainable Development.” It also aimed to focus on the areas of food safety, environment and natural

resources management and protection, and sustainable economy. Among the breakthroughs featured in the Summit was the clean power produced by the Energy Development Corporation, Sustainable Alternative Lighting by Entrepreneur and Engineer Aisa Mijeno. During the convention, several LGUs were also awarded as Eco Champions.

The speaker of the summit



STVH seminarians’ Job and the Jobless


ast April 18, 2016, 7:30 pm, the 19th Villanovans of the Saint Thomas of Villanova Institute made a legacy! They acted out the play entitled Job and the Jobless, which was written by Ms. Ma. Andrea Fojas. The play was about the story of Job in the Old Testament and Jose, who is an unemployed nurse and Job’s modern-day counterpart. The story mainly dealt with the sufferings these two encountered as Satan continued challenging God. Job, as presented in the Bible and in the play, endured the loss of his wealth and family and was inflicted by boils that made his

his family except his mother, the shame of barely passing the Nursing Licensure Examination, the trouble of being unemployed in a country like the Philippines, and the pain of having a serious disease. These dilemmas made them question God, and at some point, lose their faith in Him. Although, at the end, they reconciled with God due to a miraculous encounter with Him.

The cast of the play

life all the more miserable. Jose was also beset with afflictions,

Fray Parmisano’s 2nd term as Decano of the Simply Professed Friars The Simply Professed Friars of St. Nicolas of Tolentino Hall (SNTH) elected their officers for the formation year 2016-2017 last July 25, 2016. Fray Jaime Sylvestre Parmisano, OSA and Fray Mark Domasian, OSA were re-elected as the Decano and Vice-Decano respectively of the Simply Professed Friars. Below is the list of the newly elected officers:

Executive Committee: Over-All Decano: Fray Jaime Sylvestre Parmisao, OSA Vice-Decano: Fray Mark Domasian, OSA Secretary: Fray Randy Arca, OSA FRAY PARMISANO’S [PAGE 7]

CSA- Biñan students visit SACS Last March 12, 2016, 28 students from Colegio San Agustin – Biñan visited San Agustin Center of Studies together with Fr. Aimark Asor, OSA, and three other teachers. Their visit started with an orientation about the seminary life by Fray John Ion Miranda, OSA. Then, they had a tour around the seminary buildings. Fr. Asor presided the Mass at the

newly renovated chapel of the Saint Thomas of Villanova Hall. The basketball and volleyball matches between the seminarians and the students followed after. During the games, some seminarians were teamed up with the students from CSABiñan. The seminary’s Libre Ra Choir also rendered a song to the visiting students.

but of a different sort. He underwent the agony of losing

This event was also made possible with the help of a few people namely, Mr. Jose Alvin Cunanan, Mr. Byron Barinuevo, Ms. Jesserie Ann Atienza, Ms. Veronica Gregorio, and Mrs. Rachel Anne Manalo.

SP friars renew vows The simply professed friars of San Agustin Center of Studies community renewed their vows of chastity, poverty and obedience on 21 April 2016. The renewal of their vows was integrated in the 6:00 am mass. The outgoing Prior Provincial, Very Rev. Fr. Eusebio Berdon, OSA, accepted the renewal in the name of the Prior General of the Order, Most Rev. Alejandro Moral Anton, OSA. In his homily, Fr. Berdon

emphasized the importance of the evangelical vows in religious life that the friars embrace with full commitment and dedication. Moreover, Fr. Berdon shared the meaning of mutual sharing of life through friendship in the community. After the Eucharistic celebration, the whole community of San Nicholas of Tolentine Hall had their pictures taken.

SNTH organizes Food Safety and Sanitation Seminar


he Committee on Food and Infirmary of SNTH of the San Agustin Center of Studies conducted a seminar on Food Safety and Sanitation. The committee asked the Quezon City Hall Health Department— Sanitation Unit to conduct the seminar. It was held last April 17, 2016 at 2:00-4:00 pm. Mr. James

de Vera, with the assistance of Mr. Clint Calamba, facilitated the seminar. SACS kitchen staff, simply-professed friars, and some college seminarians participated in the seminar and listened to the tips for proper, safe, sanitary practices for food preparation.


Feat THE GRA 201

St. Thomas of Villanova Institute 17th Villanovans University of San Agustin Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

The 17th VIllanovans with their friends and relatives “17TH VILLANOVANS EARN” [FROM PAGE 1]

after the recognition of the honor students from the first to third years. Rev. Fr. Eusebio Berdon, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, with the recommendation of Rev. Fr. Jose Rene Delariarte, the Director of

the Saint Thomas of Villanova Institute, conferred upon the eleven graduating students the Degree Bachelor of Arts Major in Philosophy. He was assisted by Dr. Regina Aileen May V. Vergara, Dean of the College

of Arts and Sciences of the University. The graduates were: 1. BASACA, Niño Jerry Maldo 2. BERCASIO, John Erwin Eusebio 3. BITOON, Jordan Balbalosa

4. CALAMBA, Glen Calaminos 5. GARCIA, Miranda



6. JADRAQUE, Daryl Panoril 7. MALAYA, Zyrloyd Potoy 17TH VILLANOVANS EARN [PAGE 7]

VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Post. Ronnel Ian M. Garcia

Today, we gather to celebrate the commencement of the academic endeavor of eleven collegeseminarians. It has been four years since we first saw each other and started our formation together. And now, we are graduating. We celebrate our commencement. The word itself tells us something important. It does not, however, tell us that after this celebration, after the reception of our degrees in Philosophy, we end our scholarship, our academic adventures. Rather, we commence once more. We begin anew in another level of the academic and real-life arena. We are now professionals. And as philosophy majors, we are

impelled to continuously search for truth; for that Truth which stirs our being. We are young – indeed, we are very young. We have a lot more to discover, to realize and to aim for. We have to discover who we truly are and realize our purpose in life. We have to aim for that Truth that gives meaning to all realities of existence. Throughout our college life, we immersed ourselves to the philosophic discipline. We were exposed to the different philosophies of different learned people. These philosophies undoubtedly influenced us. Through this, we focused ourselves on the many aspects and concepts of life: love, peace,

action, friendship, and many others. These, however, are only guiding principles. On the other hand, the challenge now is to apply them, to use them in understanding the reality that lies beyond the seminary walls. We have to familiarize ourselves with life – with our daily and ordinary life. But, life ahead awaits us with doors leading to different destinations and different futures. How wonderful would it be if these same people, these eleven people, stand together for the profession of vows? But reality check: No one can actually tell. Some of us are steadfast in our chosen vocation, and will continue on that road. I pray that

our desires to be Augustinians will continue to burn and be alive in our hearts. But some of us have our fate outside the seminary. Out there an unfamiliar terrain awaits. Because of this reality, every step we take needs extreme care. Courage is also necessary for every action we make. And trust in God is most important in every aspect of daily living. There are also those who are still weighing the odds. We each have our own decisions to make. Pray. So, as we begin again, I would like to share three points to my brother graduates, and to everyone. The first point is our birth. We believe that our birth destines us not to death, but to a fruitful and meaningful life.

ture ADUATES 16




Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Hall Simply Professed Graduates Masters and Bachelor Degrees

The graduates of the Recoletos School of Theology

at the Fr. Mark Horan Hall at the National Shrine of our Lady of Mt. Carmel, in New Manila, Quezon City last May 11, 2016. Fr. Ramon Caluza, CICM, the president of MST, presided the Eucharistic celebration.

Fray Arca and Fray Chang Ho during their gradutation ceremony

Meanwhile, three students from the Recoletos School of

Theology also earned their Bachelor’s Degree in Sacred Theology. They are Fray Jubanie Rey F. Baller, OSA, Fray Richard Bryan O. Mijares, OSA, and Fray Jaime Silvestre C. Parmisano, OSA. Frays Baller and Parmisano also finished their MA in Theology Major in Systematic Theology while Fray Mijares

earned his MA in Theology Major in Church History. Graduation ceremonies were held last May 28, 2016, at the Our Lady of Consolation Parish at Mira-Nila Subdivision, Quezon City. Rev. Fr. Lauro V. Larlar, OAR, the Rector of RST, was the main celebrant and homilist during the Baccalaureate Mass.

The Solemn Investiture followed after. The event was also attended by Rev. Fr. Rolando V. de la Rosa, OP, Dean of the Faculty of Sacred Theology at the University of Santo Tomas. Fr. de la Rosa was this year’s keynote speaker. In his speech, he emphasized several points on leadership and study.

So, we should not sit idly and wait for death to come. There is the world full of possibilities waiting for us; people to meet, places to discover, moments to enjoy, experiences to learn from, memories to make. Rest is enticing, but to rise and to live is more exciting. It is an adventure. We cannot just let it pass. We have to take it. We can make miracles. We have to make them. Begin something; disturb the stillness of boredom, of mechanical existence. Color everything. That is how we should live our lives. That is what is expected of us when we were born. That goes also with the philosophical enterprise. We must not simply be enamored with the established philosophical thoughts. We, too, are philosophers. We must do philosophy; make philosophy, even just for ourselves.

The second point is memories. Down the memory lane are two roads converging. Sometimes we get to choose where to walk and what to remember. But most of the time, our current mood and situation draw us to which road to take. There are many alleys branching from memory lane; some of folly adventures, some of uncanny decisions, some of dumbfounding instances, some of fortuitous fate, some of heart-striking memories. Sometimes, a trip down the memory lane is an escape from the reality of our uncertain existence. But sometimes, that same uncertain reality is an escape from the shackles of the memories of the past. But, all in all, these make a person. No one lives without one. We have memories of joy,

memories of hurts, of pains, of tears and sadness. We have memories of pride, of courage, of worth, and of love. And we ought to be more than glad to have these memories. Without them, we would not be who are today. These memories are the steps we have taken to become who we are. Memory lane is there for a reason. It reminds us of the mystery and beauty of our past. It allows us to speak our thoughts towards our inner self so that we could understand ourselves better. Memory lane reminds us of the life behind and excites us of our grand life ahead. The last point is the future. Who can tell what the future holds? We began scribbling our stories on our pages from birth up until now. Whatever we have written will always be as it is. It

will always be a memory of the past, unchangeable. And today, the last page of another episode has been written. And many are expecting, speculating on what will become of us. The future holds all the possibilities for us. All we have to do is to take our pens and start scribbling again, begin writing the next episodes of our real-life drama. The future is open. We may have missed and erred before, and we would most certainly stumble again. But other than erring, everything else is uncertain. We can do something. And we have to know that something. We can do that by beginning once more. Commence brothers. Let us all begin again. Thank you.



EDITORIAL “Change is coming.” A presidential candidate used this slogan to capture the attention of many Filipinos during the elections. Indeed, the Filipino people has been clamoring for change in the various aspects of their life. The Philippine society has been plagued by numerous scandals of corruption and poverty for so many years. Rampant corruption and abuses among our elected officials have caused serious problems in our nation. Though the country has declared a seemingly miraculous growth in its economy, so many average Filipinos are still wallowing in poverty. Crimes, hunger, ineffective justice system, exploitation and many other forms of social evils still distress the people in their dayto-day life. Change is what we want. We no longer want to live in a society that is constantly victimized by selfish individuals who devour upon the weak and the powerless. To talk about changing the system is ambitious but people are shouting for change. It cannot

be delayed and it must be done in haste! But how do we attain change? The recently concluded election has triggered many divisions among the people. The fight among political colors that represent their individual propaganda was evidently effective in arousing many emotions and sentiments. But, in a nation that is tormented by many evils, how do we attain genuine change? The problem in our society cannot be solely blamed on our governments. Ordinary citizens have a big part to fulfill. But Filipinos lack the capacity to reflect collectively since we are essentially an individualistic society. For instance, we only clean our own grounds, but not the surrounding streets. We never fail to complain about how filthy our streets are. But we never made concrete efforts to dispose of our trashes properly. We only love what is important and useful to us. We are compulsive and unthinking. More so, we are a nation of the unsatisfied who always bicker

against one another. It seems like complaining about others has been deeply embedded in our culture. It is a social cancer that treacherously attacks every aspect of the Filipino society. We do not want to think for ourselves. We allow ourselves to be deceived by the pomposity of false promises. We continue to trust apparent lies simply because we do not want to work for change. But what should we do? Change begins in our own selves, not through a seemingly charismatic leader who could potentially control the people’s displaced fanaticism. Genuine change will only be possible if we begin to take out that cancer from the deepest parts of our nation. We must free ourselves from the chains of ignorance that are maliciously strewn by false leaders. Filipinos are not fools and we should not be content with us being deceived by our trusted leaders. Change will only be attained if we work for it with our sweat and blood. It is not instantaneous and automatic. It

entails hardships and sacrifices. Depending our long-desired change exclusively on individuals only effects frustrations and disappointments. We should now act unselfishly. And so, we must faithfully participate in the different structures of our society and constantly discipline ourselves to work for the common good. Moreover, effective collaboration and cooperation entail people’s collective reflection and action. And if we want to change the world, we should begin by healing divisions and not making them. Surely, contrasting beliefs, opinions, and ideologies inevitably divide people. But it is a reality that we must accept and learn to live with. Change entails hard work, discipline, and of course, healing of old wounds. We must move forward and leave behind all that hinders change. This, therefore, should lead us to the enrichment of the human society.

2016 Election Last July 19, 2016, the seminarians of Saint Thomas of Villanova Hall exercised their right of suffrage. They elected the officers for the 2016-2017 Formation Year. Fr. Rommel Bongcac, OSA, the newly-assigned Father Master of the Aspirants and Postulants, presided over the elections until the new Over-All Decano was elected. The newly-elected officers for this formation year are the following: Executive Committee: Over-All Decano: Post. Alberto C. Bartiana, Jr.

Vice-Decano: Post. Ian Mart H. Lomboy Secretary: Post. Mark Jairus Denise G. Gilbuena Different Committee Chairmen: InfAComp Committee: Asp. Floyd S. Susarno Food Committee: Asp. Poll G. Makinano LitMus Committee: Asp. James N. Dosado Sanitation Committee:

Asp. John Albert D. Yaun VocARe Committee: Asp. Ralph Gabriel D. Morales Infirmary Committee: Asp. Jamier M. Batusin SocSports Committee: Asp. Mark Joseph V. Escala EnviroMain Committee: Asp. Leo Gilpatrick T. Elanga Batch Decanos: 2nd Year Decano: Asp. John Romel D. Nuñez Vice-Decano: Asp. Jeremy Jonas R. Alcaria

3rd Year Decano: Asp. Ralph Gabriel D. Morales Vice-Decano: Asp. Floyd S. Susarno 4th Year Decano: Post. Albert Benedict B. Soliman Vice-Decano: Post. John Felix O. Pomoy The Saint Thomas of Villanova Hall has high hopes for these officers to perform well and bring out the best in each seminarian in every aspect of formation, making this formation year holistically productive.



Friars prepare for solemn profession skills such as counselling, ministering to the sick and the dying, among others. These skills may be helpful in their future ministries. At the same time, it also facilitated some venues where the friars can better know themselves by developing their strengths and tracing and confronting their respective issues and defense mechanisms.

Nine simply professed friars undertook the Clinical Pastoral Education program after they had their pastoral exposures at the different communities of the province. The 10-week CPE program started last January 4, 2016 and culminated on March 11, 2016 at the National Kidney & Transplant Institute (NKTI) under the supervision of Sr. Teresita Yusay, SPC. The program intended to equip and develop among the friars certain pastoral

After undertaking the CPE program, integration classes were given to the friars, which were facilitated by the outgoing formators of the San Agustin Center of Studies. The classes ended last April 21, 2016. At present, seven of these friars are preparing for their solemn profession that will be held on June 11, 2016 at the Sto. Nino Parish in Lower Mohon, Talisay City, Cebu. They are: Fray Reo G. Cabahug, OSA Fray Peter S. Cantones, Jr., OSA Fray Christian E. Funtanares, OSA Fray Rodel D. Magin, OSA Fray John Ion C. Miranda, OSA Fray Cyril Jeth N. Tagalog, OSA Fray Melitito Pocholo C. Visda, OSA

Seminarians of Saint Thomas of Villanova Hall attended the APAC-organized seminar on risk awareness and preparedness at the Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation Mother House in San Juan, Manila. The speakers are members of the Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan of the Ateneo de Manila University. The seminar focused on the risks, hazards, and vulnerabilities

found in an ordinary community. Furthermore, it presented ways to avoid serious injuries during disasters, and preparedness for calamities. The seminar was attended by various institutions of the Augustinian family. It was also graced with the presence APAC President Fr. Bernard Holzer, AA, and Mo. Ma. Luz Mijares, the assistant chairperson of APAC.

The Seminar-Workshop The seminarians of Saint Thomas of Villanova Hall attended a seminar-workshop on strategic planning administered by Fr. Harold Ll. Rentoria, OSA. It was held last July 21-22, 2016 at the Sta. Monica Conference Hall. In the duration of the seminarworkshop, the seminarians were first tasked to write about their dreams of the seminary ten years from now. Then, they were grouped into three, and discussed the major trends affecting religious formation, major trends and breakthrough in religious formation, current

threats and obstacles, as well as opportunities and challenges in the formation. This was then followed by their presentation of the things that they were able to come up with. The construction and presentation of the strategic plans with a time frame of two years followed suit. Then, the seminarians agreed upon the goals of the strategic plans they made that are to be pushed through or omitted. The said activity was concluded by the signing of the combined strategic plan that the seminarians were able to produce.



Committee Chairs:

Batch Decanos:

Education and Publication: Fray Jeffrey V. Uy, OSA

First Year: Fray Elmer Ebol, OSA

Food and Infirmary: Fray Olwencie de Claro, OSA

Second Year: Fray Jeffrey Uy, OSA

Liturgy and Music: Fray Carlo Enrico Tinio, OSA

Third Year: Fray Eduardo Fortuna Jr., OSA

Vocation and Spirituality: Fray Mark Louie Cañete, OSA

Fourth Year: Fray Christian John Pasfe, OSA

Mission and Apostolate: Fray Rey Cyril Lagrosa, OSA

Our hopes are high as the newly elected officers perform their different tasks, functions and responsibilities for the implementation of their activities for this formation year.

Maintenance and Sanitation: Fray Roner Anildes, OSA

STVH seminarians join risk awareness seminar



Socio-Cultural: Fray Jebie Jugarap, OSA


Fr. Berdon shakes hand with the graduates

8. MULAY, Harvey Antigro 9. PERCIANO, Reneirville Huevos 10. PLACIDO, Jan Mark Arbis 11. TEJERO, Joel Jay Academic awards were also given to the top three students of the graduating class. They

were Post. Glenn C. Calamba, Post. Niño Jerry M. Basaca, and Post. Ronnel Ian M. Garcia. Post. Garcia, the class valedictorian, also received the Distinction in Philosophy Award and Prior Provincial’s Award for Excellence.


COMMUNITY NEWS SP friars leave for community exposures

SACS welcomes new friars for 2016-2020 term

The simply professed friars left for their community exposures last June 01, 2016. The purpose of the exposure is to acquaint the friars to the different apostolates of the Augustinians. They were assigned to the different mission areas, parishes, and schools of the Province. The community exposure began on June 1. It will end on July 10, 2016. The simply professed friars are expected to return to SACS on July 24, 2016, for the 2016-2017 formation year.

The simply professed friars held a farewell party for their former formators (2012-2016) and a welcome party for the new formators of SACS for the term 2016-2020 last May 20, 2016. During the celebration, Fr. Harold Langahin, OSA, the outgoing procurator, expressed his gratitude for the support of the brothers and wished that the brothers will continue to support their new formators to have a more vibrant community. He will soon join his new community at the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu.


Fray Roner Anildes, OSA Fray Olwencie de Claro, OSA Fray Jebie Jugarap, OSA STA. ANA PARISH, SIARGAO ISLAND, SURIGAO DEL NORTE

Fray Rey Cyril Lagrosa, OSA Fray Carlo Enrico Tinio, OSA Fray Jeffrey Uy, OSA


Fr. Joel Beronque, OSA, the new Prior, shared his thoughts for the coming years. In order to have a vibrant community the Prior said, “let us not expect too much. Let us not expect too much from the formators, from the brothers, and from yourself for expectation is the mother of all frustrations.” Together with Fr. Beronque the following friars are presently assigned at SACS: Fr. Edgardo Lazo, OSA Fr. Fernando Cleopas, OSA Fr. Elizer Pelingo, OSA Fr. Michael Sequio, OSA Director of STVI Fray Urminico Baronda IV, OSA Procurator

Fray Christopher Rey Bajamonde, OSA

Fr. John Jericho Mier, OSA Treasurer


Fr. Rommel Bongcac, OSA Master of the College seminarians

Fray Mark Louie Cañete, OSA Fray Eduardo Fortuna, Jr., OSA

Fr. Jasper Valmores, OSA Master of the Simply-professed Friars


EDITORIAL STAFF Fray Richard Bryan Mijares, OSA


Fray Mark Domasian, OSA Fray Christian Jhon Paspe, OSA Fray Richard Bryan Mijares, OSA UNIVERSITY OF SAN AGUSTIN, ILOILO CITY Fray Jubanie Rey Baller, OSA Fray Freddie Billones, OSA Fray Jaime Silvestre Parmisano, OSA


Fray Jules Van Almerez, OSA Professorium Associate Editor

Asp. Mark Jairus Denise Gilbuena Collegium Associate Editor

Fray Jaime Silvestre Parmisano, OSA Managing/Circulation Manager

Fray Christopher Rey Bajamonde, OSA Lay-out Artist

SACS Mass Media Staff Photographers

Mrs. Carmen Nietes Editorial Consultant

Fr. Jose Rene Delariarte, OSA Moderator

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