Isfahan|The open society and its friends

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Isfahan ‫اصفهان‬

The open Society and its friends ‫جامعه باز و دوستان خود‬

Dirk Coopman Mahgol Motallebi Bahareh Sabouri Sadaf Khalilzare Tina Ahmadipour Sadaf Arsalani Kasra Hajihassandokht 1

Isfahan ‫اصفهان‬ The open society and its friends ‫جامعه باز و دوستان‬

Dirk Coopman The open society and its friends’ Mahgol Motallebi Bahareh Sabouri Sadaf Khalilzare Sadaf Arsalani Kasra Hajihassandokht Tina Ahmadipour 2

Dirk Coopman ‘The open society and its friends’


OPEN SOCIETY The open society is a concept originally suggested in 1932 by the French philosopher Henri Bergson1, and developed during the Second World War by Austrian-born British philosopher Karl Popper2. Popper saw the open society as an ideology that the government is expected to be responsive and tolerant. Humanitarianism and equality are fundamental characteristics and political mechanisms are meant to be transparent and flexible. Beside, each citizen needs to engage in critical thinking, which requires freedom of thought and expression. The beginnings of an open society are marked by a distinction between natural and man-made law, and an increase in personal responsibility and accountability for moral choices (not incompatible with religious belief). Modern advocates of the open society suggest that society would keep no secrets from itself in the public sense, as all are trusted with the knowledge of all. This paper will study whether the principles of town planning and social relations of Isfahan in Safavid era is corresponding the notion of an open society in general. Beside, based on the result which facts and reasons may result to a false theory. During the course, Isfahan open society and its friends, many aspects of the city planning of the city of Isfahan and different cities in Europe were studied and as the result we decided to study Isfahan in a more detailed way, to extract the facts that are given in our mother tongue and come to some clear images of the city planning that belongs to the Safavid, so in the beginning we studied ‘What an open society is? ‘to have a clear idea of what we are searching for in our city of interest. And the rest were a challenge to come to a conclusion on our society of that time.

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French philosopher, 1859-1941 Austrian-British philosopher and professor, 1902-1994 4

SOCIAL RELATIONS IN ISFAHAN SAFAVID ERA HISTORY The Safavid dynasty was one of the most significant ruling dynasties of Persia which is often considered the beginning of modern Persian history. 3 The Safavid shahs ruled over one of the so-called gunpowder empires4 and they ruled one of the greatest Persian empires after the Muslim conquest of Persia.5 The Safavid ruled from 1501 to 1722 (experiencing a brief restoration from 1729 to 1736) and, at their height, they controlled all of modern Iran, Azerbaijan, Bahrain and Armenia, most of Georgia, the North Caucasus, Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan, as well as parts of Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Despite their demise in 1736, the legacy that they left behind was the revival of Persia as an economic stronghold between East and West, the establishment of an efficient state and bureaucracy based upon “checks and balances”, their architectural innovations and their patronage for fine arts. The Safavid have also left their mark down to the present era by spreading Shi’a Islam in Iran.6



“SAFAVID DYNASTY”. Encyclopædia Iranica.

4 Streusand, Douglas E., Islamic Gunpowder Empires: Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals (Boulder, Col : Westview Press, 2011) (“Streusand”), p. 135. 5 Helen Chapin Metz. Iran, a Country study. 1989. University of Michigan, p. 313. 6 “Tarikhe Safavi”,Khalili ,Nasim,2012,Chapter 1 Abstract 5

One of the most important aspect in Safavid era was architecture and urban design. When Shah Abbas I was ruling, he changed the capital from Tabriz to Isfahan. That was an important decision because he wanted to be more defended from Ottomans. There were also two main reasons for that. The first one was that he want to improve south part of country which had suffered a lot and the second reason was that he had big urbanism and architecture plans in his mind which he could not implement it in Qazvin. Shah-Abbas wanted to make a change in existing culture of the new capital and he aimed to make an open society in order to have a inspiration for whole country. He paid lots of attention to

inhabitants and urbanism. Isfahan has a sharp position and pride of traditional architectural legacy amongst Islamic cities because of its rich culture, art and architecture. This city gives us a clue about why an authentic “sense of place� is necessary to our experiential identity and personal perception. This impression is touchable while experiencing continuous public squares. Naghsh-e-jahan square could perfectly shed light on this fact.


inhabitants and urbanism. Isfahan has a sharp position and pride of traditional architectural legacy amongst Islamic cities because of its rich culture, art and architecture. This city gives us a clue about why an authentic “sense of place” is necessary to our experiential identity and personal perception. This impression is touchable while experiencing continuous public squares. Naghsh-e-jahan square could perfectly shed light on this fact. NAGHSH-E-JAHAN SQUARE Naghsh-e-Jahan Square with its buildings is one of the masterpieces of Persian and the world genuine architecture. Before 1011 AH this place was a massive garden. The construction of the new city during Shah Abbas’s reign (1587-1628) begins around the Great Square (Maidan-iShah) to the southwest of the old city. Its function has been, the meeting place of Safavid Kings and people and center of trade where foreign traders such as Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, Arabs, Armenians, Russians and Indians were doing business. The Square presented also an interesting life


to the enthusiast, and a large number of entertainers, magicians, topazes, story teller, dervishes and circus players entertained people by arranging games and fight between lions, bulls, goats and cocks. The square was also used for polo game and archery matches. One of the most important function of this square should be searched in its political and religious role since royal places were situated there and receptions for ambassadors were often held in that square. Shah Abbas I established his center to the West Side of the Maidan, which already had a Timurid

gatehouse. Ali Qapu holds the symbolic point of contact between the past on one hand and is a visual connector between the private quarters of the palace and the public outside. Basically the King of Safavid were lived in a palace in the middle of the main square. Where daily life of normal people took place. On one hand the king would like to have the view on people and on the other hand stay humble in a position of a king. This fact of humanitarians and equality between government and people

Naghshe Jahan Square

Physican and semaac order

However,The square is not in the direccon of the Qibla,it is as an apronefor Sheikh Looollah mosque and square is as a conneccon of the palace and the mosque and bazaar like a conneccon of physical and myssc world.

Conneccon with Religion

The design of the square is in the direciion of Roun of Isfahan to have the favourable weather inside the city space and since the borders are closed the air is not making wind inside and the weather is pleasent.

Conneccon with the open air

streams of water wich are coming from the Madi’s around the square to fill in the pools of the square.

Conneccon with water

Plane trees which are cullvated between stream and borders shows the large use of water and vegetaaon for configuring the square .Blue dome of Sheikhlooollah mosque and the entrance of the Shah mosque makes the colorful vegetaaons more noocable.

-locaang of the square on the slope of the Earth -Using the colors in harmony with the nature colors.

Because of the covor of the Bazaar there is no light inside the stores so they get light from some opening s at roof and there are some semi lighten parts which invite you to get closer to catch more light.

Conneccon with the vegentaaon

Conneccon with the soil

Conneccon with the light only in bazaar

Showing the physical and Semannc features of Naghshe jahan square Physical and semantic features of Naghshe Jahan Square 8

demonstrate the openness of that society.7 BAZAAR OF ISFAHAN÷ The old bazaar of Isfahan is situated in the north side of Naghsh-e-Jahan. Town planners of the Safavid era extended the bazaar of Isfahan in the direction of south through which the pedestrians were able to walk from the southern part of the city to the northern part in the coldest and hot­ test seasons, and the ceilings of the bazaars were so high that the sol­diers could ride their horses with tridents in their bands in order to pro­vide security in the bazaar. Isfahan bazaar was in its time one of the most diverse markets in the trade world. In that time in Iran the only valuable good to export was silk and the rest were local products. Shah Abbas trick was to invite merchants from different countries in Europe to make an evolution in business. All trades took place on the ground floor while The whole second floor of bazaar has the function of Caravansary -hotel roomsfor merchants to stay during their visit. As he aimed to make Isfahan as improved as he could. He wanted to use the potential of different cities products. Therefore he built a town toward the west of Isfahan (Abbas-Abad) with wide alleys and standard urban design, only for people who brought from Tabriz. They were mostly professionals at making gold as a new export product. As Isfahan was becoming a large trade center, there were lots of ambassadors from other countries especially christians who were invited by Abbas to live there and they were as a connection of Isfahan to Europe (at that time except minorities of Jews everyone was Muslim, so it was quiet radical decision to invite Christians to the city). He accommodated them in a specific neighborhood which was called Jolfa. The neighborhood was a little bit separated from Muslim neighborhoods so they could live based on their traditions peacefully. However they were living in the same city and share everything which was quite surprising and

7 “Tarikhe Aalam Araye Abbasi” Torkaman,Eskandar beig,1971 9

clear sighted for that time in a Muslim city.8 JOLFA Jolfa is a neighborhood which was built at that time by command of Shah Abbas. The necessity behind Jolfa’s formation was more based on social ,political and Economical reasons. With the aim of protecting his territory and developing his new capital (Isfahan), Shah Abbas I formed a whole unit of different ethnicities and religions. Chritians were brilliant merchants and artisans, and had many business partners in other cities and even countries. During the first year of their immigration to Isfahan, Chritians lived among Muslims, but one of Shah Abbas’s policies had been forming districts housing people with similarities, in the same countries/ cities lived together in same districts. This could be a demonstration on how he acted as a leader of an open-liberal society. “In this regard, in one of his orders, Shah Abbas bestowed part of the lands of Samnoun, Sichoun, Ghinn and Marghoun villages, which were among his own lands, to the Armenians, and the remaining lands were bought by some wealthy Armenian merchants. Therefore, the Armenians settled in the south west of Isfahan.” (Darhounian, 2000). In the Safavid development plan of Isfahan there was even a separate bridge known as Marnan constructed for the Chritians. The allocation of a special space to these people helped their better alliance and giving them some privileges. At the time of Chritians settlement in the north of Zayandeh-Roud(River), this region was already resided by Jews and Muslims. The continuity of the relationship between Chritians and other inhabitants of Isfahan is so much that many have settled in this city for several generations and have consider it their hometown. The interesting point in the process of Jolfa’s development is that in spite of religious 8 “Tarikhe Aalam Araye Abbasi” Torkaman,Eskandar beig,1971


differences, the residents of Jolfa which are mostly Christian and Orthodox and are in minority in comparison to Muslims, their living spot has not ever had a conflict with others and has always been integrated with the whole city. The interaction between Zoroastrians, Jews, Muslims and Chritians has resulted in the richness of this culture and obviously shows open minded and open society of that time.


RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN ISFAHAN Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and Hindus are among non-Muslim religious minorities in Shah Abbas reign. Despite the strict attitude of Shah Abbas towards Sunnis, he was very kind to followers of other religions, particularly Christians. Overall, Shah Abbas I adopted a liberal policy in dealing with non-Muslim religious minorities in his scope of authority, and in contrast with kings before him, took the policy of tolerance towards religious minorities during his reign. During his kingdom, all religions, from Jewish to Zoroastrian and Esau, each had their own neighborhood in every city and lived according to their customs with total freedom. Christian minority in particular, had the highest rate of religious freedom and was in support of Shah Abbas. Thereby, active presence of many Armenians, especially in economic and trade terms, increased growth of ambassadors and missionaries traveling to Iran and establishment of churches and monasteries by this minatory can be seen. Also, special attention of Shah Abbas to Christians was due to political aspects and especially good relationship with western countries which led to development of foreign trade. About Zoroastrian it should be said that, although forced transfer of large group of Zoroastrian of Yazd to Isfahan, and persecution of its leaders in Yazd expresses the arbitrary behavior of kings towards subordinates, which were rejected by majority, however, in a general comparison with weakness and power era of Safavid, Yazd Zoroastrians were far more relaxed like other monitories. It can be said that Shah Abbas I, in comparison with his before and after kings, provided greater freedom and wellbeing for religious minorities. ISFAHAN AND INTERNATIONALS This splendid city was frequented by European ambassadors; by merchants seeking trading

privileges; by Catholic friars seeking permission to open convents and carry on missionary activity; by gentlemen-adventurers such as the Sherley brothers9, one of whom, Sir Robert, distinguished himself in the shah’s service against the Ottomans; and by travelers such as 9 Sir Robert Shirley (c. 1581 – 13 July 1628) English traveller and adventurer 12

Pietro della Valle10, who left valuable accounts of Safavid Iran.11 As historical sources indicated, shah Abbas tried to build a stable and powerful capital. This was only possible by shutting down the internal claimant and military management for the contrast with the enemies, Uzbaks and Ottomans. Regarding this, Shah tried to maintain the internal situation and in the next level he gave more mental and religious freedom to people. It is possible to see his mentality using the existing itinerary an accurate sources. In one of the narrations author explicitly quoted Shah Abbas I gave complete freedom in Iran. He wrote, “I beg the king, if you are sending me back to Europe, pleas ask the Armenian caliph come along with me and kiss the Pope’s like other bishops. Shah Abbas answered “You know, in my country everyone is free to live and practice their faith as he tends to do. I could not be able to force Armenians caliph to accompany you.”12 As was mentioned about religious freedom in Persian historiographical sources, Shah Abbas has been trying to expand foreign relations with European countries. In this regard, in the course of Christian missionaries travelled to Iran widely. In addition to that, Shah Abbas commanded to built a school to teach different European languages in Isfahan. It has even mentioned that he had sent several pigs as gift to Christian missionaries which makes Islamic scholars in Iran angry (As pigs considered to be unclean in Islam religion). 13

period, we can refer to ambassador of Spain observations in his journey with Shah to Kashan. He mentioned to women who didn’t use mask and veil in presence of Shah. Adam Olearius14 has written about Safavid 14 Adam Olearius was a German scholar, mathematician, geographer and librarian. He became secretary to the ambassador sent by Frederick III - Duke of Holstein-Gottorp – to the Shah Safi court in the Safavid dynasty, and published two books about the events and observations during his travels.

STATUES OF WOMENS IN SAFAVID ERA About women’s freedom in Shah Abbas I 10 Pietro della Valle (2 April 1586 – 21 April 1652)Italian 11 R. M. Savory, “‘Abbas (I),” Encyclopædia Iranica, I/3, pp. 71-75; 12 Antonio Dugua, travel, philosophical quotes, Vol. 3, p. 943. 13 ( Abolghasem Taheri, Political social history of Iran from Teymoor death till Shah Abbas’s death, p.356) 13

women in his book. He mentioned that Iranian women were never seen in public without mask and veil, they were using a white veil covering all their body and there was only a split in front of their eyes from which they could be able to see. Tavernier15 also mentioned to Safavid women’s social status and their life in his book. He declared that nobody could see Iranian women except their husband. The middle and low category women of society just were being seen when they wanted to take shower in the public baths. They were covering all of their body with long veil and they just could locate their way by the split in front of their eyes. Women couldn’t hand household affairs and their life was wasting with smoking and servants’ massages. Women had no friend except females and eunuchs. When the courtier women wanted to go out of home, eunuchs had to get rid of men in their passageways by using cudgel and they had to kill any man who was remained in courtier women’s way even though he had felt in asleep. One of the important things for Shah Abbas I was freedom and leisure of women. There were some specific days in the week that the bazaar and Chahar-bagh was only accessible for women 15 Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1605 – 1689) was a 17thcentury French gem merchant and traveler.


so they could easily walk around and enjoy their leisure time. Women had more freedom in Shah Abbas I period. Normal women were being seen in public but courtier and governmental women were not being seen in public that often. Shah Abbas determined especial days of bonfire for women. Shah Abbas also chosed Wednesdays of each week for Women walking in Si-o-se Pol(Bridge) and Chahar-Bagh, where they could walk without mask and veil and no man was allowed to attend there in this especial day. CHAHAR BAGH One of the first things that Abbas did after moving to Isfahan was building a wide main street for people to walk around and entertain, which was called Chahar Bagh. The street was full of gardens and palaces inside, which were accommodating rich level of the society. Chahar Bagh and the newly constructed districts by Urban planners of Shah Abbas era were for the development of the city in line with the construction of Naghsh-e-Jahan Square simultaneously, because Shah Abbas was thinking of constructing a large city and was willing to extend the city towards the south in such manner that even the southern part of Zayandeh rood River would be converted to a city. The erection of Chahar Bagh in Iranian cities and particularly in Isfahan is one of the most important urban formations with a long history behind it and goes back to at least nine centuries ago in Isfahan. Chahar Bagh of Isfahan was initially used as a recreation place and then as the axis of the city development. The execution of the Chahar Bagh was almost at the same time of the Naghsh-eJahan Square and its southern bazaars. Pietro Dela valle referred to this issue in his travel notes and says, “The street that I referred to is called Chahar Bagh today, because originally four parkways existed here be¬fore their combination created the present condition.” He confirms that Chahar Bagh was an interesting 15

place and located in the outskirts of the city at that time. What is understood from the notes written by this Italian traveler is that during the time that he lived in Isfahan (1617-1622), Chahar Bagh was nothing but a pleasure garden and the city had not yet been developed for the houses to be built along this garden. Kaempfer16, the German traveler, believed the Chahar Bagh to be the paradise on earth and in his opinion the beauty of Chahar Bagh was not only limited to its size, but because of the water canal that passed through it. Pierre Loti17 has named Chahar Bagh as Isfahan’s Champs Elysees. As Champs Elysees has a structural role in the formation of Paris texture, Chahar Bagh has also played the same role in 16 Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716), a German naturalist, physician, and writer 17 (1850-1923), French naval officer and novelist


Isfahan and in particular. The rapid development of Isfahan during Shah Abbas’ reign resulted in turning this city into an important economic-political center of the world, as a result, wealthy people and craftsmen of different cities of the country comprised of social, economic, political, ethnics and religious groups arrived in the city, and each group built houses for their residence in accordance with per-determined and specified schemes in specific locations. Therefore new districts were added to old ones and in order to fulfill the residents’ requirements, mosques, baths, markets, and in some larger districts, even squares, caravansaries and sport houses were erected. It should be mentioned that the new extension of the city never caused the destruction and demolition of the old textures of the city and it was what Abbas was aimed for,an open international business city with respect to the origin of it.

SIEOSE POL The Bridge of Allahverdi Khan across the Zayandeh Rood is a continuation of Chahar Bagh, the principal street in Isfahan was built at the beginning of the 17th century at the order of Shah Abbas. This bridge is located in the southern end of Chahar Bagh Avenue in Isfahan and was named after its founder. It is also known as Jolfa bridge because it connected Jolfa district to Chahar Bagh Street. The lower level of the bridge which water was flowing swiftly was a place for tea houses and higher level of the bridge was walking passage for people which most of the ceremonies of Armenian and Muslims was held there in companion of the king and society and it was acting as a fascinating public space.



Urbanization of the Safavid period was in its peak of the emergence. The defining universal values that are shared by the traditional architecture of Isfahan can help us reestablish meaning and a true sense of place among with the links with the notion of open society . The distinctions are the following: Tradition and spirituality: What differentiates a traditional urbanity from its modern counterpart is the belief that buildings are treated less as objects in the landscape, and more as conduit through which man can engage with his universe meaningfully and find spiritual fulfillment. The aim here is not so much aesthetic as it is experiential, meaning that what matters most to those societies who seek and preserve the integrity of urban form is less the image of things and more the way those very same things are able to connect individuals and bring a sense of purpose and spirituality to their presence on earth. In a place like Isfahan, this emphasis on connectivity is reflected in the way public square (Maiden), buildings and other public spaces are wrought together into a pattern of localizing spatial forces. While the modern spatial example is established on the premise that outside and inside constitute two different worlds, in Isfahan the two melt together into a singular conception of special space; here where there is society, community, there is no outside, only inside. Going from home, to street, to mosque, to bazaar, and back again, you do not go back and forth from inside to outside but remain in one world, from inside to inside, where you stay connected with others and protected from inimical forces. To be sure, going from home to street can be said to reflect the familiar scenario of going from inside to outside, but that is only true in pedantic terms; in spiritual terms and because of the fact that streets and public spaces are so inextricably linked with private buildings in the Muslim tradition, the situation is such that here 18

one does not feel as if he or she is ever leaving, but only entering. And the consequences are that places like Isfahan ultimately work to first reduce hierarchy and second to eliminate the distinction between the sacred and the profane. In the view of tradition all inhabited spaces are considered sacred. Being inside holds a special sway in the Muslim tradition. It is not only important spatially, giving the Muslim the means with which to maintain privacy and protect his family, but more importantly spiritually. To the medieval Muslim scholar Ibn-Sina, to be inside was tantamount to being with god; whereas the outside world represented the world of appearances, a world defined by much corruption and vanity, the inside world reflected man’s only capacity and only conduit with God. Inside is a quiet, introspective and deeply pious world where both space and time dissolve in favor of the feeling of the eternal. Tradition and nature: Building with a sense of tradition, means building with the respect of nature and of what implies with. As a matter of fact, transforming and using the nature in order to get a profit and a personal economic gain, has as a consequence, the loss of the emotions and of the memories that a place or a city, can have and can be the bond in order to create a society. In the past, a social city in which the population was the real host and the living subject, was created by the human barrier created to define a practical function, such as an “agora” or a bazaar in which the shape was designed by following the urban morphology and its needs. In the following years, exploitation and gentrification caused several damages to the environment, health, viabilities and especially common and public areas got affected by the transformation for the sake of a business, which impacted the way of living and designing. New cities and old, in order to have an economic

increase of the power, got affected by the construction of new areas, by destroying old neighborhoods and forcing the inhabitants to move into the suburbs, due to the higher cost of living. Old buildings got demolished and by erasing, memories and habitudes faded away, creating a sense of distance and fragmentation. Therefore, some conservative cities faced the time and the progress by learning and improving their building practices and techniques in a more sustainable way in which the nature was and is the foundation of their dogma and becomes a gift, which needs to be understood and appropriately manipulated in order to get a social quality more than an economic one. Then this present, made by God himself, it’s a representation of a life which has its own cyclical progression and consequences which they happen for the sake of contributing to the natural process of the world, contrary to the concept of “the end justifies the mean”. In this idealistic and traditional way of designing, the nature must be used as inspiration and must become the client as itself, fundamental to create and make decisions, by talking to the oldest entities such as the wind, the soil and the sun, just to mention some of them, the Architecture enhances the unified totalities and perpetuates the true spirit and soul of a place. Tradition and community: The community is the definition of all of those activities and human interactions that take place in a city, in which inhabitants can gather and develop it and its own multi parameters. It’s also the synonym of society which as an organism, it’s so flexible to adapt itself with the strength of the wind and grows despite the unknown challenges that can happen, regressively and progressively. But community can also mean a multitude of members who act to change and leave a human sign in the humanity and the progression of time, without respecting the will 19

of the nature and getting against the definition of tradition which believes in the respect of the rituals and activities during a life period. In a traditional society, the progress requires the presence of nature as one of the fundamental and active members which condition the result of it. If the progress of a city has a positive end, then it’s not the merit of the man, but of all the parameters which independently from the touch of a manufacturer shape the future. The success depends on autonomous rules and ways. Architecturally speaking, those communities are characterized by a dense townscape in which aesthetic appeal and cultural history blends together in order to create cohesiveness and organic and harmonic complexity in which a spontaneous society can cultivate and grow in a rich setting. The role of an architect in the scene and in the 21st century is to understand with humbleness the previous explained meaning and to take the responsibility of being the leader of a sustainable and innovative campaign in which a cultural identity can globally be shaped in. The process of development of a city can be called urbanization and has several characteristics which may vary depending on the city. In Isfahan’s case the effective factors are: Geography Military and Defense Economic and Commercial Religious Political and Governmental Organization and Celebrative Features and


characteristics of the Safavid dynasty Green spaces and gardens A special attention to the environment and the creation of green areas was given in the Safavid era. Transplantation of urban fabric and design within the gardens were mostly regarded for the sake of developing a city-garden and used as a model by the following urban planners (Vorjavand, 1375, p. 590). Several examples of this philosophy took place in that period, cities like Qazvin, Tabriz and Behshahr can be considered successfully realized. In Tabriz, during the Shah Ismael reign, the city was so described and so admired that was compared by an unknown Venetian to the Italian Venice. Focusing on the urbanization of Isfahan, the green spaces had the aim of hosting the recreational functions in order to be the intermediary between nature and humanity. Chair Bagh Street was mentioned by Kaempfer as the Shah Abbas public tree-lined street in which the elders and the Lords used to have competitive relations among themselves and used to plant to express that, even in their own gardens. 2. Orientation of the city The orientation was an important matter of discussion and focus in the Iranian urbanization. Isfahan, for example, is characterized by a NWSE axis that the famous architect Ahmed Isfahani solved by a 45 degree twist which enhanced the presence of the Shah Mosque in a hidden way in order to make it visible but not entirely accessible. 3. Development of cities based on the master plan In that era, the construction of the infrastructure of the city was used to be based on the older plans, and needed a new scheme which required around 25 years to plan, develop and then finally realize. In this period, new cities toward the South were built such as Ashraf and 21

Farah Abad. 4. Development and expansion of old cities while maintaining its past fabric In the Shah Abbas way of thinking, the old and the new had to coexist and be complementary of each other in order to create a harmonious relationship. Consequently, in Isfahan, the new city was built in the border of the old one, in a different way and without restrictions: an open space was the model looked for the public spaces and the King’s garden. In a more sustainable and integrating vision, the old and glorious Friday Mosque belonging to the Seljuk period in the 5th century and the Naghshe Jahan Square were respected and left out of the demolition plan. The trading center, although, moved to the previously mentioned square which is now surrounded by one row of two level shopping unit and several public ones: Sheikh Lotf Allah, Shah Square and Alighapoo. 5. Creating a vast and large square in the center of the city A big attention was given to the planning of squares as public places to gather, areas in which several typologies of buildings took place such as religious (two mosques) or working ones (bazaars, gate, Caravansary and government offices). One of the most described squares is Naghshe Jahan which reflects this vision and is mentioned by Weber as the largest squares in the world. With this new focus, an urban fragmentation happened for the very first time in Iran, showing that different social levels were treated differently (Habibi, p. 64). The main idea behind Isfahan’s style (called in persian Maktab) is to collect every different aspect of the city such as economic, social, cultural and political ones in order to be controlled by the government. Architecture was by then, a design which implied the larger scale as well as the smaller scale. 6. Construction and development of roads and 22

connection networks in city Thanks to the everyday growing trade and tourism in the city, a need to improve the roads and networks was necessary. Despite this need, in order to have still a human scale and respect the parameters of a traditional city in which a society can take place, the designers developed an outer ring in order to make the passengers pass without intruding in the city. In order to do that, the use of bridges was more necessary than ever. 7. Introversion It is a feature of the Iranian social life tradition and climate, based on the Islamic culture as well, which was ruling over the city planning of that period.


‫فصل ‪1‬‬


‫ديرک کوپامن‬ ‫"جامعه باز و دوستان "‬

‫مهگل مطلبی‬ ‫بهاره صبوری‬ ‫صدف خليل زارع‬ ‫صدف ارسالنی‬ ‫کرسی حاجی حسن دخت‬


‫روابط اجتامعی در اصفهان‬ ‫تاريخ صفوی‪ ‬‬ ‫سلسـله صفويـه يکـی از خانـدان هـای حاکـم مهمرتيـن ايـران اسـت‬ ‫کـه اغلـب در نظـر گرفتـه آغـاز تاريـخ مـدرن فارسـی بـود‪ .‬شـاهان‬ ‫صفـوی بيـش از يکـی از بـه اصطلاح امپراتـوری بـاروت حکومـت و‬ ‫آنهـا پـس از حملـه اعـراب بـه ايـران يکـی از بزرگرتيـن امپراتـوری‬ ‫‪.‬هـای فارسـی حکومـت مـی کـرد‬ ‫صفويـان ‪ 1722-1501‬حکومـت (تجربـه يـک ترميـم مختصر‬ ‫‪ )1736-1729‬و در ارتفـاع خـود‪ ،‬آنهـا کنترل همـه مـدرن ايـران‪،‬‬ ‫جمهـوری آذربايجـان‪ ،‬بحريـن و ارمنسـتان‪ ،‬از گرجسـتان‪ ،‬قفقـاز‬ ‫شمالی‪ ،‬عـراق‪ ،‬کويـت و افغانسـتان‪ ،‬و همچنين بخـش هايـی از‬ ‫‪.‬ترکيـه‪ ،‬سـوريه‪ ،‬پاکسـتان‪ ،‬ترکمنسـتان و ازبکسـتان‬ ‫بـا وجـود مـرگ خـود در سـال ‪ ،1736‬ميراث کـه آنهـا را پشـت‬ ‫رس گذاشـت احيـای ايـران بـه عنـوان يـک دژ محکـم اقتصـادی بين‬ ‫رشق و غـرب‪ ،‬ايجـاد يـک دولـت کارآمـد و بوروکراسـی بـر اسـاس‬ ‫"کنترل و تـوازن"‪ ،‬نـوآوری در معماری خـود و حاميـت خـود را‬ ‫بـرای خـوب بـود هنر‪ .‬صفويـان نيـز عالمـت خـود را بـه عصر حـارض‬ ‫بـا گسترش اسلام شـيعی در ايـران را تـرک کـرده انـد‬


‫جامعه باز‬

‫در طـول ايـن دوره‪ ،‬جامعـه بـاز اصفهـان و دوسـتان خـود‪ ،‬بسـياری‬ ‫از جنبـه هـای برنامـه ريـزی شهرسـتان از شهرسـتان اصفهـان و‬ ‫شهرسـتانها مختلـف در اروپـا مـورد بررسـی قـرار گرفـت و بـه عنـوان‬ ‫نتيجـه مـا تصميـم بـه مطالعـه اصفهـان در راه دقيـق تـر‪ ،‬بـرای‬ ‫اسـتخراج حقـاق کـه داده شـده در زبـان مـادری مـا و بـه برخـی از‬ ‫تصاويـر واضـح و روشـن از برنامـه ريـزی شهرسـتان کـه متعلـق بـه‬ ‫دوره صفويـه‪ ،‬بـه طـوری کـه در ابتـدا مـا مـورد مطالعـه چـه يـک‬ ‫جامعـه بـاز اسـت؟ «داشتن يـک ايـده روشـنی از آنچـه مـا در حـال‬ ‫جسـتجو بـرای در شهرسـتان مـا از عالقـه و بقيـه يـک چالـش بـرای‬ ‫رسـيدن بـه يـک نتيجـه گيری در جامعـه مـا از آن زمـان بـود‬ ‫‪27‬‬

‫جامعـه بـاز يـک مفهـوم در ابتـدا در سـال ‪ 1932‬توسـط فيلسـوف‬ ‫فرانسـوی هانـری برگسـون پيشـنهاد‪ ،‬و در طـول جنـگ جهانـی‬ ‫‪،.‬دوم توسـط متولـد اتريـش فيلسـوف انگليسـی‪ ،‬کارل پوپـر‬ ‫پوپـر جامعـه بـاز بـه عنـوان يـک ايدئولـوژی کـه دولـت انتظـار مـی‬ ‫رود کـه پاسـخگو و تحمـل را ديـدم‪ .‬انسـان دوسـتی و برابـری‬ ‫ويژگـی هـای اساسـی و مکانيـزم سياسـی بـه شـفاف باشـد و قابـل‬ ‫‪.‬انعطـاف اسـت‬ ‫علاوه بـر ايـن‪ ،‬هـر يـک از شـهروندان نيـاز بـه تفکـر انتقـادی‪ ،‬کـه‬ ‫نيـاز بـه آزادی انديشـه و بيـان‬ ‫آغـاز يـک جامعـه بـاز توسـط يـک متايـز بين حقـوق طبيعـی انسـان‬ ‫سـاخته شـده‪ ،‬و افزايـش مسـئوليت شـخصی و پاسـخگويي بـرای‬ ‫انتخـاب هـای اخالقـی (بـا بـاور دينـی ناسـازگار نيسـت) مشـخص‬ ‫‪.‬شـده انـد‬ ‫طرفـداران مـدرن از جامعـه بـاز نشـان مـی دهـد کـه جامعـه هيـچ‬ ‫رازی را از خـود در مفهـوم عمومـی نگـه داشتن‪ ،‬بـه عنـوان همـه بـا‬ ‫‪.‬علـم بـه همـه اعتماد کـرد‬ ‫در ايـن مقالـه بـه مطالعـه و بررسـی کنـد کـه آيـا اصـول برنامـه‬ ‫ريـزی شـهر و روابـط اجتامعـی اصفهـان در عصر صفـوی اسـت‬ ‫مربـوط بـه مفهـوم جامعـه بـاز بـه طـور کلـی‪ .‬علاوه بـر ايـن‪ ،‬در‬ ‫نتيجـه کـه حقايـق و داليـل ممکـن اسـت بـه يـک نظریـه نادرسـت‬ ‫منجـر شـده اسـت‬

‫متـاس بیـن گذشـته در یـک دسـت و یـک اتصـال بصری بیـن‬ ‫‪.‬چهـارم خصوصـی کاخ و خـارج عمومـی اسـت‬ ‫اساسـا پادشـاه صفـوی در یـک قصر در وسـط میـدان اصلـی زندگـی‬ ‫مـی کردنـد‪ .‬کـه در آن زندگـی روزانـه مـردم عـادی صـورت گرفـت‪.‬‬ ‫از یـک طـرف پادشـاه مـی خواهـم بـه ایـن دیـدگاه در از و از سـوی‬ ‫دیگـر اقامـت دسـت فروتـن در یـک موقعیـت یـک پادشـاه‪ .‬ایـن‬ ‫واقعیـت از برشدوسـتان و برابـری میـان دولـت و‬ ‫مردم نشان می دهد باز بودن آن جامعه است‬ ‫بازار اصفهان‬ ‫بـازار قدیمـی اصفهـان در سـمت شمال نقش‪-‬جهـان واقـع شـده‬ ‫اسـت‪ .‬برنامـه ریـزان شـهر از عصر صفـوی بـه بـازار اصفهـان در‬ ‫جهـت جنـوب کـه از طریـق آن عبـور و مـرور قـادر بـه راه رفتن‬ ‫از بخـش جنوبـی ایـن شهرسـتان بـه بخـش شمالی در رسدتریـن‬ ‫و داغرتیـن فصـل شـد توسـعه یافتـه‪ ،‬و سـقف بـازار مـی بـود بـاال‬ ‫کـه رسبـازان مـی توانـد اسـب خـود را بـا نیـزه سـه در گروههـای‬ ‫موسـیقی خـود را بـه منظـور تامیـن امنیـت در بـازار سـوار‪ .‬بـازار‬ ‫اصفهـان یکـی از یکـی متنـوع تریـن در جهـان تجـاری بـود‪ .‬در‬ ‫زمـان تنهـا خـوب بـا ارزش را بـه صـادرات بـود ابریشـم محصـوالت‬ ‫بقیـه‪ .‬بنابرایـن شـاه عبـاس ترفنـد بـه دعـوت از تجـار از کشـورهای‬ ‫مختلـف در اروپـا فونـز تحـول در بازرگانـی بـود‪ .‬طیـف طبقـه دوم‬ ‫بـازار دارای عملکـرد بـرای تجار‪.‬هامنطـور کـه او بـا هـدف سـاخت‬ ‫اصفهـان بـه عنـوان بـه عنـوان اوبهبـود یافتـه مـی توانـد‪ ،‬او مـی‬ ‫خواسـت بـه اسـتفاده از پتانسـیل سـایر شهرسـتانها بیـش از حـد‪،‬‬ ‫در نتیجـه او یـک شـهر سـاخته شـده اسـت بـه سـمت غـرب از‬ ‫اصفهـان بـا کوچـه گسترده و بسـیاری از در داخـل‪ ،‬تنهـا بـرای‬ ‫افـرادی کـه از تربیـز کـه در سـاخت مـدال طلا حرفـه ای بودنـد‪ ،‬بـه‬ ‫طـوری کـه آنهـا مـی توانیـد اثـر تجـارت اصفهـان شـد تبدیـل شـدن‬ ‫بـه یـک مرکـز تجـاری بـزرگ‪ ،‬تعـداد زیـادی از از کشـور هـای دیگـر‬ ‫بـه ویـژه ارامنـه کـه توسـط عبـاس دعـوت شـدند بـرای زندگـی‬ ‫وجـود دارد وجـود دارد و آنهـا بـه عنـوان یـک اتصـال اصفهـان‬ ‫بـه اروپـا (کـه در آن زمـان بـه جـز اقلیـت یهودیـان همـه بودنـد‬ ‫مسـلامن بـود‪ ،‬پـس از آن تصمیـم رادیـکال آرام بـه دعـوت ارامنـه‬ ‫بـه شهرسـتان) بـود‪ .‬او آنهـا را در یـک محلـه خـاص اسـت کـه جلفـا‬ ‫بـا کلیسـا کـه بـرای آنهـا را بـه ماننـد خانـه احسـاس طراحـی شـده‬ ‫بودنـد نامیـده مـی شـد جـای‪ ،‬محلـه بـود کمـی جـدا از محلـه هـای‬ ‫مسـلامن بـه طـوری کـه آنهـا مـی توانیـد هـر آنچـه کـه آنهـا بـا‬ ‫توجـه بـه سـنت هـای خـود بـدون اخلال در یکدیگـر مـی خواهیـد‬ ‫انجـام دهیـد‪ ،‬بـا ایـن حـال آنهـا در همان شهرسـتان زندگـی مـی‬ ‫کردنـد و بـه اشتراک گـذاری همـه چیـز کـه کاملا تعجـب آور و‬ ‫روشـن اندیـش بـرای آن زمـان در شهرسـتان مسـلامن بـود‬ ‫‪28‬‬

‫معامری‬ ‫يکـی از جنبـه هـای مهـم در دوره صفويـه معماری و طراحـی‬ ‫‪.‬شـهری بـود‬ ‫هنگامـی کـه شـاه عبـاس اول حاکـم بـود‪ ،‬او پايتخـت از تربيـز بـه‬ ‫اصفهـان تغيير کـرده اسـت‪ .‬کـه يـک تصميـم مهـم بـود چـرا کـه او‬ ‫مـی خواسـت بـه بیشتر از عثامنـی دفـاع کـرد‪ .‬همچنين دو دلیـل‬ ‫اصلـی بـرای کـه وجـود دارد‪ .‬یکـی از اولیـن بـود کـه او مـی خواهیـد‬ ‫بـرای بهبـود جنـوب کشـور کـه بسـیاری متحمـل شـده بـود و دلیـل‬ ‫دوم ایـن بـود کـه او شهرسـازی و معماری نقشـه هـای بزرگـی در‬ ‫‪.‬ذهـن خـود را کـه او مـی توانـد آن را در قزویـن اجـرا نیسـت‬ ‫عبـاس مـی خواسـت بـرای ایجـاد یـک تغییـر در فرهنـگ موجـود‬ ‫در پایتخـت جدیـد و بـا هـدف سـاخت یـک جامعـه بـاز بـه منظـور‬ ‫یـک الهـام بخـش بـرای کل کشـور‪ .‬او مقـدار زیـادی از توجـه بـه‬ ‫‪.‬سـاکنان و شهرسـازی پرداخـت مـی شـود‬ ‫اصفهـان دارای یـک موقعیـت تیـز و غـرور و افتخـار از میـراث‬ ‫معماری سـنتی در میـان شهرسـتانها اسلامی بـه دلیـل فرهنـگ‬ ‫غنـی‪ ،‬هنر و معماری آن اسـت‪ .‬ایـن شهرسـتان بـه مـا مـی دهـد‬ ‫یـک رسنـخ در مـورد چـرا یـک "حـس مـکان" معتبر الزم را بـرای‬ ‫هویـت تجربـی مـا و ادراک شـخصی اسـت‪ .‬ایـن تصـور در دسترس‬ ‫اسـت در حالـی کـه تجربـه میـدان هـای عمومـی مـداوم‪ .‬نقـش‬ ‫میـدان نقـش جهـان نـور مـی توانـد کاملا شـاد در ایـن‬ ‫واقعیت است‬ ‫نقش میدان نقش جهان‬ ‫نقـش میـدان نقـش جهـان بـا سـاختامن آن یکـی از فارسـی و‬ ‫معماری اصیـل جهـان اسـت‪ .‬قبـل از ‪ 1011‬ه ق ایـن مـکان یـک‬ ‫بـاغ بـزرگ بـود‪ .‬سـاخت و سـاز از شهرسـتان جدیـد در طـول‬ ‫‪ )1628-1587‬در اطـراف میـدان بـزرگ (میـدان‬ ‫‬‫‪.‬شـاه) بـه جنـوب غربـی شهرسـتان هـای قدیمـی آغـاز مـی شـود‪I-‬‬ ‫تابـع آن بـوده اسـت‪ ،‬محـل مالقـات از شـاهان صفـوی و مـردم و‬ ‫مرکـز تجـارت کـه در آن تاجـران خارجـی ماننـد هلنـدی‪ ،‬پرتغالـی‪،‬‬ ‫عـرب‪ ،‬ارمنـی‪ ،‬روسـی و هنـدی انجـام کسـب و کار شـد‪ .‬میـدان‬ ‫نیـز ارائـه یـک زندگـی جالـب بـه عالقـه منـدان‪ ،‬و تعـداد زیـادی‬ ‫از هرنمنـدان‪ ،‬شـعبده بـازان‪ ،‬داسـتان گـوی‪ ،‬دراویـش و بازیکنـان‬ ‫سـیرک مـردم بـا تنظیـم بـازی هـا و مبـارزه بیـن شـیر‪ ،‬گاو‪ ،‬بـز و‬ ‫شـیپور خاموشـی رسگـرم‪ .‬مربـع بـرای بـازی چـوگان و تیرانـدازی‬ ‫بـا کمان بـازی اسـتفاده شـده اسـت‪ .‬یکـی از عملکـرد عالمتگـذاری‬ ‫بسـیاری از ایـن مربـع بایـد در نقـش سیاسـی و دینـی خـود را‬ ‫جسـتجو از مـکان هـای سـلطنتی وجـود دارد واقـع شـده انـد و‬ ‫‪.‬بدسـت آوردن بـرای سـفرای اغلـب در ایـن میـدان برگـزار شـد‬ ‫شـاه عبـاس اول مرکـز خـود را بـه سـمت غـرب از میـدان‪ ،‬کـه در‬ ‫حـال حـارض نـام تیمـوری اسـت‪ .‬عالـی قاپـو دارای نقطـه منادیـن‬ ‫‪29‬‬

‫یکـی از چیزهـای مهـم بـرای شـاه عبـاس اول آزادی و تفریـح ​​ زنـان‬ ‫بـود‪ .‬برخـی از روز خـاص در هفتـه د کـه بـازار و چهاربـاغ تنهـا‬ ‫بـرای زنـان در دسترس بـود بـه طـوری کـه آنهـا بـه راحتـی مـی‬ ‫‪.‬توانـد راه رفتن و لـذت بـردن از اوقـات فراغـت خـود را وجـود دارد‬ ‫زنـان آزادی بیشتری در دوره شـاه عبـاس مـن بـود‪ .‬زنـان عـادی‬ ‫در زنـان عمومـی امـا دربـاری و دولتـی در عمومـی بـه نـدرت دیـده‬ ‫‪.‬شـد دیـده شـد‬ ‫شـاه عبـاس روز خـاص از اتـش بـرای زنـان تعییـن مـی شـود‪ .‬شـاه‬ ‫نیـز چهارشـنبه هـر هفتـه بـرای انتخـاب‬ ‫زنـان راه رفتن در پـل و چهاربـاغ‪ ،‬جایـی کـه آنهـا مـی توانـد بـدون‬ ‫ماسـک و حجـاب و هیـچ مـردی بـه راه رفتن بـه رشکـت وجـود‬ ‫‪.‬دارد در ایـن روز خـاص اجـازه داده شـد‬ ‫دربـاره آزادی زنـان در دوره شـاه عبـاس مـن‪ ،‬مـا مـی توانیـم بـه‬ ‫سـفیر مشـاهدات اسـپانیا در مراجعـه خـود‬ ‫سـفر بـا شـاه بـه کاشـان؛ او بـه زنانـی کـه ماسـک و حجـاب در‬ ‫‪.‬حضـور شـاه اسـتفاده منـی شـده اسـت‬ ‫آدام اولئاریـوس در مـورد زنـان صفـوی در کتـاب خـود نوشـته شـده‬ ‫اسـت‪ .‬او بـه ذکـر اسـت کـه زنـان ایرانـی هرگـز در ملاء عـام بـدون‬ ‫ماسـک و حجـاب دیـده شـد‪ ،‬آنهـا بـا اسـتفاده از یـک چـادر سـفید‬ ‫پوشـش متـام بـدن خـود را شـدند و تنهـا یـک شـکاف در مقابـل‬ ‫‪.‬چشمان خـود را از آنهـا مـی توانـد قـادر بـه دیـدن وجـود دارد‬ ‫تاورنیـه نیـز بـه وضعیـت اجتامعـی زنـان صفـوی و زندگـی خـود‬ ‫را در کتـاب خـود ذکـر شـده اسـت‪ .‬او اعلام کـرد کـه هیـچ کـس‬ ‫مـی توانـد زنـان ایرانـی بـه جـز شـوهر خـود را ببینیـد‪ .‬دسـته‬ ‫متوسـط ​​ و پاییـن جامعـه زنـان فقـط دیـده شـدن بودنـد کـه آنهـا‬ ‫مـی خواسـ ت ن د بـه دوش در حمام هـای عمومـی‪ .‬آنهـا پوشـش شـد‬ ‫متـام بـدن خ ـ و د را بـا حجـاب طوالنـی و آنهـا فقـط مـی توانـد راه‬ ‫خـود را توسـ ط ت قسـیم در مقابـل چشمان خـود را بیابیـد‪ .‬زنـان‬ ‫مـی تواننـد بـه ا م ـور خانـه دسـت نیسـت و زندگـی خـود را بـا‬ ‫سـیگار کشـیدن و ما س ـ ا ژ بنـدگان بـه هـدر رفتن شـد‪ .‬زنـان دوسـت‬ ‫بـه جـز زن و خواجـه ب ـ و د ‪ .‬هنگامـی کـه زنـان دربـاری میخـواد از‬ ‫رفتن بـه خانـه‪ ،‬خواجـه ت ـ ا ب ـ ه حـال بـه از مـردان در معابـر خـود‬ ‫را بـا اسـتفاده چماق خلاص و آ ن ه ـ ا مجبـور بـه کشتن هـر کسـی‬ ‫کـه در راه زنـان دربـاری باقـ ی م ا ن ـ د ه ب ـود حتـی اگـر او در خـواب‬ ‫احسـاس کـرده بـود‬ ‫آزادی مذهبی در اصفهان‬ ‫مسـیحیان‪ ،‬یهودیـان‪ ،‬زرتشـتیان و هندوهـا در میـان اقلیـت هـای‬ ‫مذهبـی غیـر مسـلامن در شـاه عبـاس سـلطنت هسـتند‪ .‬بـا وجـود‬ ‫نگـرش دقیـق شـاه عبـاس بـه سـنیها‪ ،‬او بسـیار مهربـان بـه پیـروان‬ ‫‪.‬ادیـان دیگـر‪ ،‬بـه ویـژه مسـیحیان بـود‬ ‫‪30‬‬

‫چهار باغ‬ ‫چهار باغ و مناطق تازه ساخته شده‬ ‫برنامـه ریـزان شـهری شـاه <عبـاس دوران آمـاده طـرح بـرای نصـب‬ ‫از چهـار بـاغ بـرای توسـعه ایـن شهرسـتان در راسـتای سـاخت‬ ‫نقـش جهـان میـدان بـه طـور همزمـان‪ ،‬چـرا کـه شـاه <عبـاس در‬ ‫مـورد ایـن طـرح سـاخت یـک شهرسـتان هـای بـزرگ فکـر مـی‬ ‫کـرد و مایـل بـه گسترش شهرسـتان بـه سـمت جنـوب در چنیـن‬ ‫شـیوه ای کـه حتـی بخـش جنوبـی زاینـده رود رودخانـه مـی شـود‬ ‫بـه یـک شهرسـتان تبدیـل شـد‪ .‬نصـب چهـار بـاغ در شهرسـتانها‬ ‫ایـران و بـه ویـژه در اصفهـان یکـی از تشـکل هـای شـهری مهـم‬ ‫تریـن و بـا سـابقه طوالنـی در پشـت آن اسـت و در ابتـدا بـه عنـوان‬ ‫یـک محـل تفریحـی و پـس از آن مـورد اسـتفاده قـرار گرفـت بـه‬ ‫حداقـل نـه قـرن پیـش مـی رود در چهـار بـاغ اصفهـان بـه عنـوان‬ ‫محـور توسـعه شهرسـتان‪ .‬اجـرای پـروژه چهاربـاغ آغـاز از ‪1006‬‬ ‫میـدان نقـش ‪-E‬هجـری قمـری‪ ،‬تقریبـا در همان زمـان نقـش‬ ‫جهـان و بـازار جنـوب آن کـه سـاخته شـد و تـا ‪ 1025‬هجـری‬ ‫‪.‬قمـری ادامـه داشـت‪ .‬ایـن ‪ 48‬متر عـرض و ‪ 3900‬متر طـول دارد‬ ‫پیترو‪ ،‬مسـافر ایتالیایـی بـه خوبـی شـناخته شـده اسـت کـه در‬ ‫زمـان شـاه دوران عبـاس و ‪ 20‬سـال خـود را از سـلطنت اصفهـان‬ ‫سـفر کـرده بـود‪ ،‬بـه ایـن مسـئله در یادداشـت هـای سـفر خـود‬ ‫اشـاره کـرده و مـی گویـد‪" :‬خیابـان کـه مـن بـه آن اشـاره شـده‬ ‫اسـت چهاربـاغ نامیـده مـی شـود‪ ،‬بـه دلیـل در اصـل چهـار پـارک‬ ‫در اینجـا وجـود داشـت قبـل از ترکیـب آنهـا ایجـاد وضـع موجـود‬ ‫اسـت‪" .‬او تاییـد مـی کنـد کـه بـاغ یـک مـکان جالـب بـود و در‬ ‫واقـع در حومـه شهرسـتان کـه در آن زمـان‪ .‬آنچـه از یادداشـت‬ ‫هـای نوشـته شـده توسـط ایـن مسـافر ایتالیایـی درک اسـت کـه در‬ ‫طـول زمـان اسـت کـه او در اصفهـان (‪ )1622-1617‬زندگـی مـی‬ ‫کردنـد‪ ،‬چهـار بـاغ چیـزی جـز یـک بـاغ لـذت بـود و در شهرسـتان‬ ‫شـده بـود بـرای خانـه هـای بـه همـراه سـاخته شـده اسـت هنـوز‬ ‫‪.‬ایجـاد نشـده ایـن بـاغ‬ ‫مسـافر آملانـی‪ ،‬معتقـد اسـت کـه بـاغ مـی شـود بهشـت ​​ بـر روی ‪،‬‬ ‫زمیـن و در نظـر او زیبایـی از چهـار بـاغ نـه تنهـا بـه انـدازه آ ن‬ ‫محـدود اسـت‪ ،‬امـا بـه دلیـل کانـال آب اسـت کـه از طریـق آن‬ ‫‪.‬منتقـل مـی شـود‬ ‫از عباسـی تاریـخ کتـاب اسـت کـه در شـاه زمـان عبـاس‪ ،‬توصیـف‬ ‫کـرده اسـت چهـار بـاغ نوشـته شـده اسـت‪ ،‬تاریـخ آن بـر نصـب و‬ ‫رشایـط جغرافیایـی خـود و بـه خصـوص انتقـال اطـراف زمیـن و بـاغ‬ ‫بـه مقامـات عالـی رتبـه بـا سـاختامن هـای زیبـا‬ ‫از زنان در دوران صفوی‬ ‫‪31‬‬

‫داد ارامنـه بـه مهاجـرت‪ ،‬بـه طـوری کـه مسـیحی ارامنـه نیـز در‬ ‫شهرسـتان کـه در آن متـام اقـوام و مذاهـب در یـک واحـد کل‬ ‫‪.‬تشـکیل حـل و فصـل شـد‬ ‫ایـن افـراد بازرگانـان و صنعتگـران درخشـان بودنـد و رشکای کسـب‬ ‫‪.‬و کار بسـیاری از در دیگـر شهرسـتانها و حتـی کشـورهای داشـت‬ ‫در طـول سـال اول مهاجـرت خـود را بـه اصفهـان‪ ،‬ارامنـه در میـان‬ ‫مسـلامنان زندگـی مـی کردنـد‪ ،‬امـا یکـی از سیاسـت هـای شـاه‬ ‫عبـاس تشـکیل شـده مـردم مناطـق مسـکن بـا شـباهت هـا‪ ،‬در‬ ‫همان کشـورها ‪ /‬شهرسـتانها بـا هـم در همان مناطـق زندگـی‬ ‫‪.‬مـی کردنـد‬ ‫در ایـن راسـتا‪ ،‬در یکـی از دسـتورات او‪ ،‬شـاه عبـاس بخشـی از‬ ‫اراضـی و روسـتا‪ ،‬کـه در میـان زمیـن هـای خـود بودنـد‪ ،‬بـه ارامنـه‬ ‫بخشـید و رسزمیـن هـای باقـی مانـده از سـوی برخـی از بازرگانـان‬ ‫ثرومتنـد ارمنـی خریـداری شـد‪ .‬بنابرایـن ارامنـه در جنـوب غـرب‬ ‫شـهر اصفهـان مسـتقر شـدند‪ .)2000 .‬در طـرح توسـعه صفـوی‬ ‫شـهر اصفهـان بـود و حتـی یـک پـل مجـزا بـه نـام سـاخته بـرای‬ ‫ارامنـه وجـود دارد‪ .‬تخصیـص یـک فضـای ویـژه ای بـه ایـن افـراد‬ ‫‪.‬اتحـاد بهتر خـود و بـه آنهـا برخـی از امتیـازات کمـک کـرده اسـت‬ ‫در زمـان حـل و فصـل ارامنـه در شمال زاینـده رود‪ ،‬رودخانـه ایـن‬ ‫‪.‬منطقـه در حـال حـارض توسـط یهودیـان و مسـلامنان سـاکن شـد‬ ‫تـداوم رابطـه بیـن ارامنـه و دیگـر سـاکنان اصفهـان بـه طـوری کـه‬ ‫بسـیاری از آنهـا در ایـن شهرسـتان بـرای چندیـن نسـل را حـل و‬ ‫‪.‬فصـل و آن را شـهر خـود در نظـر اسـت‬ ‫نکتـه جالـب در رونـد توسـعه جلفـا ایـن اسـت کـه بـه رغـم تفـاوت‬ ‫هـای مذهبـی‪ ،‬سـاکنان جلفـا کـه عمدتـا مسـیحی و ارتدوکـس‬ ‫هسـتند و در اقلیـت در مقایسـه بـا مسـلامنان هسـتند‪ ،‬نقطـه‬ ‫زندگـی خـود تـا بـه حـال یـک درگیـری بـا دیگـران داشـته و نـه‬ ‫همیشـه بـا متـام شهرسـتان یکپارچـه شـده اسـت‪ .‬تعامـل بیـن‬ ‫زرتشـتیان‪ ،‬یهودیـان‪ ،‬مسـلامنان و ارامنـه در غنـای ایـن فرهنـگ‬ ‫منجـر و جامعـه بـاز تنـگ نظرانـه و از آن زمـان نشـان مـی دهـد‬ ‫شهرنشـینی از دوره صفویـه در اوج خـود از ظهـور بـود‪ ،‬از ارزش‬ ‫هـای جهانـی تعریـف کـه توسـط معماری سـنتی اصفهـان بـه‬ ‫اشتراک گذاشـته مـی توانـد کمـک بـه مـا معنـا و حـس واقعـی از‬ ‫جایـی در میـان بـا لینـک بـا مفهـوم جامعـه بـاز دوبـاره‪ .‬تفـاوت بـه‬ ‫‪:‬رشح زیـر اسـت‬ ‫‪:‬سنت و معنویت‪ ‬‬ ‫چـه تفـاوت یـک شـهر نشـینی سـنتی از همتـای مـدرن آن ایـن‬


‫بـه طـور کلـی‪ ،‬شـاه عبـاس اول یـک سیاسـت لیبرال در برخـورد بـا‬ ‫اقلیـت هـای مذهبـی غیـر مسـلامن در دامنـه خـود را از اقتـدار بـه‬ ‫تصویـب رسـید‪ ،‬و در تضـاد بـا پادشـاهان قبـل از او‪ ،‬سیاسـت مـدارا‬ ‫بـا اقلیـت هـای مذهبـی در طـول سـلطنت خـود گرفـت‪ .‬در طـول‬ ‫پادشـاهی خـود را‪ ،‬همـه ادیـان‪ ،‬از یهـودی‪ ،‬زرتشـتی و عیسـو‪ ،‬هـر‬ ‫محلـه خـود را در هـر شهرسـتان و بـا توجـه بـه آداب و رسـوم خـود‬ ‫‪.‬بـا آزادی کامـل زندگـی مـی کردنـد‬ ‫اقلیـت مسـیحی بـه طـور خـاص‪ ،‬بیشترین میـزان آزادی مذهبـی‬ ‫بـود و در حامیـت از شـاه عبـاس بـود‪ .‬در نتیجـه‪ ،‬حضـور فعـال‬ ‫بسـیاری از ارامنـه‪ ،‬بـه ویـژه در رشایـط اقتصـادی و تجـارت‪،‬‬ ‫افزایـش رشـد سـفرا و مبلغـان سـفر بـه ایـران و اسـتقرار کلیسـاها‬ ‫و صومعـه هـای ایـن تهدیدآمیـز دیـده مـی شـود‪ .‬همچنیـن‪ ،‬توجـه‬ ‫ویـژه شـاه عبـاس بـه مسـیحیان بـه دلیـل جنبـه هـای سیاسـی‬ ‫و ارتبـاط خـوب بـه خصـوص بـا کشـورهای غربـی کـه منجـر بـه‬ ‫‪.‬توسـعه تجـارت خارجـی بـود‬ ‫دربـاره زرتشـتی بایـد گفـت کـه‪ ،‬اگـر چـه انتقـال اجبـاری از گـروه‬ ‫بزرگـی از زرتشـتیان یـزد بـه اصفهـان‪ ،‬و آزار و اذیـت از رهبران آن‬ ‫در یـزد بیـان رفتـار خودرسانـه از پادشـاهان نسـبت بـه زیردسـتان‪،‬‬ ‫کـه توسـط اکرثیـت رد شـد‪ ،‬بـا ایـن حـال‪ ،‬در یـک مقایسـه کلـی بـا‬ ‫ضعـف و دوران قـدرت صفـوی‪ ،‬یـزد بـه مراتـب بیشتر ماننـد سـایر‬ ‫آرام اسـت‪ .‬مـی تـوان گفـت کـه شـاه عبـاس اول‪ ،‬در مقایسـه بـا‬ ‫قبـل و بعـد از پادشـاهان خـود‪ ،‬آزادی بیشتر و رفـاه بـرای اقلیـت‬ ‫هـای مذهبـی ارائـه شـده اسـت‬ ‫اصفهان و بین املللی‬ ‫ایـن شهرسـتان پـر زرق و بـرق توسـط سـفرای اروپـا آبـاد شـد‪.‬‬ ‫توسـط بازرگانـان بـه دنبـال امتیازهـای تجـارت؛ توسـط کاتولیـک‬ ‫بـه دنبـال مجـوز بـرای بـاز کـردن صومعـه و حمـل در فعالیـت هـای‬ ‫تبلیغـی؛ توسـط آقایان‪-‬ماجراجویـان ماننـد رشلـی بـرادران‪ ،‬کـه‬ ‫یکـی از آنهـا‪ ،‬رس رابـرت‪ ،‬خـود را در خدمـت شـاه علیـه عثامنـی‬ ‫متامیـز؛ و مسـافران از جملـه پیترو دالوالـه‪ ،‬کـه حسـاب ارزشـمند‬ ‫‪.‬ایـران عصر صفـوی اسـت‬ ‫جلفا‪ ‬‬ ‫جلفـا یـک محلـه کـه در آن زمـان بـه فرمـان عبـاس سـاخته شـده‬ ‫اسـت‪ .‬رضورت پشـت سـازند جلفـا بیشتر بـه دالیـل اجتامعـی و‬ ‫سیاسـی بـود‪ .‬بـا هـدف حفاظـت از قلمـرو خـود و در حـال توسـعه‬ ‫پایتخـت جدیـد خـود را (اصفهـان)‪ ،‬شـاه عبـاس اول دسـتور‬ ‫‪33‬‬

‫سـنت هرگـز بـه تعریـف از قطـب بیـن رونـده و تدریجـی وارد‪ .‬بـه‬ ‫جـای آن شـکل مـی گیـرد‪ ،‬از طریـق یـک لیسـت از فعالیـت هـا و‬ ‫مراسـم کـه هـدف کل اسـت بـرای تـداوم برشیـت و جامعـه از یـک‬ ‫نسـل بـه نسـل بعـدی اسـت‪ .‬حـال پیرشفـت اسـت هرگـز کاملا‬ ‫مسـتقل تلاش مـی شـود تـا بـا قصـد و عمـل‪ ،‬امـا چیـزی اسـت کـه‬ ‫در حـال حـارض جریـان و پشـت صحنـه در حـال تحـول قـرار گرفتـه‬ ‫اسـت‪ .‬ایـن بـه ایـن معنـی اسـت کـه طبیعـت در اینجـا مطـرح اسـت‬ ‫تنهـا بخشـی بـه عنـوان بسـیاری از پیرشفـت بـه عنـوان همتایـان‬ ‫تحریـک و تشـجیع کـردن خـود و زمانـی کـه یکـی عصـاره بـه‬ ‫انـدازه یـک سـنگ بـرای سـاخت یـک خانـه‪ ،‬یـک چنیـن عمـل منـی‬ ‫کنـد‪ ،‬مسـتقل از پیرشفـت ولـی بیشتر از آن اسـت‪ .‬بـر خلاف تکنـو‬ ‫فرهنـگ کـه در آن موفقیـت بـا درجـه انـدازه گیـری کـه واقعیـت را‬ ‫مـی تـوان بـه تحریـف شـده‪ ،‬د‬ ‫ر فرهنـگ هـای سـنتی پیرشفـت هژمونـی مـرد در نظـر گرفتـه‬ ‫نشـده‪ ،‬امـا انسـان هژمونـی پیرشفـت اسـت کـه رسعـت خـود را‬ ‫‪.‬تنظیـم و راه خـود را دارد‬ ‫از نظـر معماری‪ ،‬پیـدا کنیـم کـه شـهرک سـنتی بـه جامعـه‬ ‫جمعـی نیازهـای فرهنگـی بـاال‪ ،‬کـه از طریـق پیوندهـای اجتامعـی‬ ‫و مسـئولیت هـای متقابـل در جامعـه تقویـت کفـاره‪ .‬در اینجـا‪،‬‬ ‫معماری بـه عنـوان یـک موجـود زنـده بـا پارچـه مایـع و آلـی‬ ‫آن اسـت کـه تسـهیل نیازهـای متامیـز از الزامـات اجتامعـی و‬ ‫فرهنگـی درک‪ .‬شـهرها و شهرسـتانها توسـط مرتاکـم اسـت کـه‬ ‫بصورتـی پایـدار و محکـم سـاختامن واحـد و زمیـن بـا اسـتفاده از‬ ‫نشـان دادن درجـه باالیـی از پیچیدگـی و انسـجام تعریـف شـده‬ ‫اسـت‪ .‬در نتیجـه یـک بافـت شـهری غنـی وقـف بـا درخواسـت‬ ‫تجدیـد نظـر زیبایـی بسـیار و تاریـخ فرهنگـی نیسـت‪ .‬ایـن شـهرک‬ ‫در خودانگیختگـی آلـی و سـیالیت خـود را کـه درایـو طراحـی و‬ ‫ایجـاد یـک حـس مـکان کـه همبسـتگی جامعـه نـژاد و پـرورش‬ ‫‪.‬بافـت فرهنگـی شـهری غنـی پردهـی‬ ‫چشـم انـداز جهانـی قـرن ‪ 21‬مـا ارائـه مـی دهـد فرصـت میـان‬ ‫فرهنگـی فـوق العـاده ای بـرای شـکل دادن بـه محیـط سـاخته‬ ‫شـده از شهرسـتانها در ایـن میـدان گسترده ای جهانـی اسـت‪ .‬امـا‬ ‫ایـن فرصـت نیـز مـا را بـا مسـئولیت و فروتنـی کـه تصمیـم گیـری‬ ‫هـای مـا بایـد مبتنـی بـر دانـش‪ ،‬خالقانـه تـر و پایـدار تـر بیشتر‬ ‫بـار‪ .‬هامنطـور کـه مـا اسـتاد هنر بـه دسـت آوردن دسرتسـی بـه‬ ‫دانـش فرهنـگ در جهـان متامیـز و خدمـت بـه جوامـع جدیـد‪،‬‬ ‫آن معماری اسـت کـه محیـط زیسـت از جوامـع جهانـی بـه یـک‬ ‫زندگـی اصیـل و حفـظ هویـت فرهنگـی خـود را‬ ‫‪.‬با عزت را شکل میدهد‬ ‫معمـوال مهـم تریـن ویژگـی هـای شهرنشـینی در دولـت هـر‬ ‫‪.‬شهرسـتان مـی توانـد در شهرسـتان پایتخـت شـناخته شـده اسـت‬ ‫‪34‬‬

‫عوامل موثر در شهرنشینی اصفهان‪ ‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬جغرافیا‬ ‫‪ -2‬نظامی و دفاعی‬ ‫‪ -3‬اقتصادی و تجاری‬ ‫‪ -4‬مذهبی‬ ‫‪ -5‬سیاسی و دولتی‬ ‫سازمان ها و جشن ها ‪ -6‬ویژگی های و ویژگی های صفوی‪ ‬‬ ‫‪ -1:‬توجه ویژه به محیط زیست و ایجاد فضای سبز و باغات‪ ‬‬ ‫یکـی از ویژگـی هـای عمـده شهرسـازی ایـران بـه خصـوص در‪ ‬‬ ‫طـول دوران صفـوی پیونـد بافـت شـهری و چارچـوب معماری‬ ‫آن در فضـای سـبز از شهرسـتان (‪ ،1375 ،‬ص ‪ )590‬بـود‪ .‬روش‬

‫بـاور اسـت کـه سـاختامن کمتر بـه عنـوان اشـیاء در چشـم انـداز‪ ،‬و‬ ‫بیشتر بـه عنـوان مجـرا کـه از طریـق آن انسـان مـی توانـد بـا جهـان‬ ‫خـود را بـه طـور معنـی داری تعامـل و پیـدا تکامـل معنـوی درمـان‬ ‫مـی شـود‪ .‬هـدف در اینجـا ایـن اسـت کـه خیلـی زیبایـی آن را بـه‬ ‫عنـوان تجربـی اسـت‪ ،‬بـه ایـن معنـی کـه آنچـه بیشترین اهمیـت‬ ‫را بـه آن جوامـع کـه بـه دنبـال و حفـظ یکپارچگـی فـرم شـهری‬ ‫کمتر تصویـر از همـه چیـز و بیشتر راه کسـانی کـه همـه چیـز‬ ‫همان قـادر بـه اتصـال افـراد و اسـت را احسـاس هـدف و معنویـت‬ ‫را بـه حضـور خـود بـر روی زمیـن‪ .‬در جایـی مثـل اصفهـان‪ ،‬ایـن‬ ‫تاکیـد بـر اتصـال در راه میـدان عمومـی (میـدان)‪ ،‬سـاختامن هـا‬ ‫و دیگـر فضاهـای عمومـی بـا هـم بـه یـک الگـوی بومـی سـازی‬ ‫نیروهـای فضایـی شـکل دراورده شـده منعکـس شـده اسـت‪ .‬در‬ ‫حالـی کـه بـه عنـوان مثـال فضایـی مـدرن اسـت بـر فـرض کـه‬ ‫در داخـل و خـارج را تشـکیل مـی دهنـد دو جهـان متفـاوت‪ ،‬در‬ ‫اصفهـان ایـن دو بـا هـم ذوب شـدن بـه یـک مفهـوم منحصر بـه‬ ‫فـرد از فضـای خـاص تاسـیس؛ در اینجـا اسـت کـه در آن جامعـه‪،‬‬ ‫جامعـه وجـود دارد‪ ،‬هیـچ خـارج وجـود دارد‪ ،‬تنهـا در داخـل‪ .‬رفتن‬ ‫از خانـه‪ ،‬بـه خیابـان‪ ،‬بـه مسـجد‪ ،‬بـه بـازار‪ ،‬و دوبـاره‪ ،‬شما منـی‬ ‫جلـو و عقـب از داخـل بـه خـارج امـا در یـک جهـان را بـه داخـل‬ ‫باقـی مـی مانـد‪ ،‬از داخـل‪ ،‬کـه در آن شما همیشـه در ارتبـاط‬ ‫مانـدن بـا دیگـران و محافظـت از نیروهـای دشـمن ‪ .‬بـرای اینکـه‬ ‫مطمئن شـوید‪ ،‬رفتن از خانـه بـه خیابـان مـی تـوان گفـت کـه‬ ‫منعکـس کننـده سـناریو آشـنا از رفتن از داخـل بـه خـارج اسـت‪،‬‬ ‫امـا تنهـا در رشایـط موشـکاف درسـت اسـت؛ در معنـوی و بـه دلیـل‬ ‫ایـن واقعیـت اسـت کـه خیابـان هـا و فضاهـای عمومـی هسـتند تـا‬ ‫بـه طـور جدایـی ناپذیـری بـا سـاختامن هـای خصوصـی در سـنت‬ ‫اسلامی مرتبـط اسـت‪ ،‬وضعیـت بـه گونـه ای کـه در اینجـا یکـی را‬ ‫احسـاس منـی کنـد کـه اگـر او و یـا او تـرک‪ ،‬امـا تنهـا بـا وارد کـردن‬ ‫اسـت‪ .‬و عواقـب کـه مـکان هایـی ماننـد اصفهـان در نهایـت کار بـه‬ ‫اولیـن کاهـش سلسـله مراتـب و دوم بـرای از بیـن بـردن تفـاوت‬ ‫بیـن مقـدس و بـی حرمتـی‪ .‬از نظـر سـنت متـام فضاهـای مسـکونی‬ ‫‪.‬هسـتند مقـدس در نظـر گرفتـه‬ ‫در داخـل دارای نوسـان خـاص در سـنت اسلامی‪ .‬آن اسـت کـه‬ ‫تنهـا مهـم نیسـت فضایـی‪ ،‬و بـه مسـلامنان بـه معنـی کـه بـرای‬ ‫حفـظ حریـم خصوصـی و حفاظـت از خانـواده اش‪ ،‬امـا مهمتر‬ ‫از معنـوی اسـت‪ .‬بـه دانشـمند مسـلامن قـرون وسـطی مـی‪ ،‬بـه‬ ‫داخـل بـودن بـا خـدا در حکـم بـود‪ .‬در حالـی کـه جهـان خـارج بـه‬ ‫منایندگـی از جهـان ظواهـر‪ ،‬جهـان تعریـف شـده توسـط فسـاد و‬ ‫غـرور خیلـی‪ ،‬در داخـل جهـان تنهـا ظرفیـت انسـان و تنهـا مجـرای‬ ‫بـا خـدا منعکـس شـده اسـت‪ .‬در داخـل جهـان سـاکت و آرام‪،‬‬ ‫درونگـرا و عمیقـا مومـن کـه در آن هـر دو فضـا و زمـان حـل بـه‬ ‫‪.‬نفـع احسـاس ابـدی اسـت‬ ‫‪35‬‬

‫‪:‬سنت و طبیعت‪ ‬‬ ‫بـا در نظـر سـنت انتقـال از طبیعـت بایـد مفهـوم احسـاس‪ ،‬و یـا‪ ‬‬ ‫یـک کسـب شـهوت و حـرص و آز بـرای منافـع اقتصـادی بـی قیـد‬ ‫و رشط احضـار نیسـت‪ .‬بـرای ایـن منظـور‪ ،‬رونـد در حـال حـارض‬ ‫از تحـوالت جهانـی و تخریـب زیسـت محیطـی ناشـی از آن‪ ،‬چشـم‬ ‫انـداز یـک قـرن جدیـد سـواالت جـدی در مـورد سلامت و متـدن‬ ‫مـا را افزایـش مـی دهـد‪ .‬در قـرن گذشـته بـا کنـار گذاشتن سـنتی‬ ‫سـاخته شـده محیـط زیسـت‪ ،‬شـهرها و شهرسـتانها بـه طـور قابـل‬ ‫توجهـی از پارچـه مقیـاس انسـانی کارآمـد بـه تکـه تکـه شـدن بـا‬ ‫چگالـی کـم آالینـده‪ ،‬کـه منفـی نهفتـه زیسـتگاه طبیعـی مـا تبدیـل‬ ‫شـده اسـت‪ .‬بسـیاری از شهرسـتانها سـنتی و شـیوه هـای سـاختامن‬ ‫از رضورت و نـه یـک ایدئولـوژی عرضـه محـور تبدیـل شـده اسـت‪.‬‬ ‫احسـاس خـود را از پایـداری را از داشتن تشـدید وجـود بـا طبیعـت‪،‬‬ ‫رسعـت آن و پیرشفـت دوره ای پدیـد آمـده اسـت‪ .‬ایـن طبیعـت‬ ‫راه ایـن اسـت کـه هرگـز بـه نقطـه تبدیـل آن را بـه عنـوان یـک‬ ‫کیفیـت باقـی مانـده و بیشتر بـه عنـوان یـک بـدن کـه حضـور در‬ ‫حـال حـارض دارای یـک سیسـتم سـاخته شـده اسـت در بهـره وری‬ ‫کـه اگـر درک و مناسـب دسـتکاری مـی توانـد بـه فراوانـی بیشتر‬ ‫عملکـرد‪ .‬بـرای ایـن منظـور جوامـع سـنتی اختصـاص طبیعـت بـا‬ ‫کیفیـت مقـدس و درمـان آن را بـه عنـوان یـک هدیـه‪ ،‬نـه از شـخص‬ ‫دیگـر یـا از یـک تولیـد کننـده‪ ،‬امـا از خـدا‪ ،‬در نتیجـه آن را دادن‬ ‫در رشایطـی برابـر بـا عمیـق تریـن احساسـات و نیازهـای مـا اسـت‪.‬‬ ‫بـه ایـن ترتیـب زمانـی کـه مـا آمـده بـه جابجایـی طبیعـت از منشـا‬ ‫خـود‪ ،‬مـا آن را بـا ایـده بهـره بـرداری‪ ،‬کـه در آن وسـیله را توجیـه‬ ‫میکنـد انجـام دهـد‪ ،‬امـا بـا ایـن ایـده کـه مـا بایـد بـرای مراقبـت در‬ ‫‪ .‬حصـول اطمینـان از تـداوم یـک زندگـی در حـال حـارض در فراینـد‬ ‫در ایـن رابطـه سـاخت معماری نیـاز بـه یـک تجدیـد آگاهانـه از‬ ‫قلـب مـا نیـز بـه عنـوان ذهـن مـا بـه منظـور نزدیـک بـا خـواص‬ ‫طبیعـت درگیـر و بـه دسـت آوردن یـک کلیـت واحـد و یکپارچـه‪.‬‬ ‫معماری بایـد قـادر بـه صحبـت بـه خورشـید‪ ،‬بـه بـاد‪ ،‬بـه خـاک بـه‬ ‫گرمـا و رسمـا مـی شـود‪ .‬در کوتـاه مـدت آن بایـد از روح واقعـی‬ ‫‪.‬جـای تـداوم‬ ‫سـنت و جامعـه‪ :‬جامعـه تنظیـم از صحنـه را بـرای تعاملات انسـانی‬ ‫بـه شـکل گرفتن‪ ،‬شـبیه بـه طـرح و نیازهـای جامعـه بزرگتر اسـت‪.‬‬ ‫در اینجـا فعالیـت بـه عنـوان روان و افـول بـدون مقاومـت و بـدون‬ ‫فشـار از تحـت سـلطه رقابـت اهـداف دیـده مـی شـود‪ .‬ماننـد یـک‬ ‫ارگانیسـم‪ ،‬جامعـه بلـوغ در راه آن خـود را بـه رشایـط در حـال‬ ‫‪.‬تغییـر بـاز بـرگ و بـه ناشـناخته پاییـن خـط مـی یابـد‬

‫عنـوان مکمـل هـر یـک از یـک رابطـه هامهنـگ و انسـجام آلـی را‬ ‫داشـت‪ .‬در اصفهـان یکـی از هـدف از شـاه عبـاس بـود کـه راه خـود‬ ‫را از فکـر کـردن در برنامـه ریـزی شـهری را از پارچـه هـای قدیمـی‬ ‫شـهری از شهرسـتان تخریـب نیسـت‪ .‬ایـن شهرسـتان جدیـد فقـط‬ ‫از مـرز پایـان از شهرسـتان هـای قدیمـی آغـاز شـد‪ .‬طراحـی جدیـد‬ ‫در فضـای بـاز (بـاغ شـاه و فضـای عمومـی) بـه دور از محدودیـت‬ ‫هـای باسـتانی و مشـکالت سـاخته شـد‪ .‬ایـن مسـجد قدیمـی و بـا‬ ‫شـکوه جمعـه متعلـق بـه دوره سـلجوقی و در خاطـرات خـود در‬ ‫مـورد اصفهـان در قـرن پنجـم بـه ذکـر اسـت کـه نـه تنهـا آنهـا‬ ‫سـاختامن هـای قدیمـی نگهـداری مـی شـود‪ ،‬بلکـه از مربـع نقـش‬ ‫جهـان اسـت کـه بـه طـور مسـتقیم از آغـاز شـده‪ ،‬بـه دقـت بـه‬ ‫آوارگان شـهر جدیـد‪ .‬مرکـز تجـاری بـه مربـع کـه احاطـه یـک ردیـف‬ ‫از دو واحـد خریـد سـطح و شـیخ لطـف اللـه‪ ،‬مربـع شـاه و عالـی‬ ‫قاپـو کـه تنهـا سـاختامن بـه سـمت میـدان ایـن قطـب اصفهـان‬ ‫بیـن میـدان هـای قدیمـی و جدیـد مربـع تلفیـق پایـداری و آلـی‬ ‫اسـت نقـل مـکان کـرد در شهرسـتان صفـوی جدیـد بـا شهرسـتان‬ ‫‪.‬هـای قدیمـی‬ ‫‪-5‬ایجـاد یـک مربـع وسـیع و بـزرگ در مرکـز شهرسـتان یکـی از‬ ‫‪:‬سـاختارهای مـورد نیـاز اصلـی برنامـه ریـزی شهرسـتان اسـت‬ ‫یکـی از جنبـه هـای طراحـی شـهری و معماری صفـوی بـه‬ ‫خصـوص در عصر شـاه عبـاس‪ ،‬پـروژه کوچـک و بـزرگ بـه‬ ‫خصـوص مربـع اسـت‪ .‬مربـع کـه در آن فضاهـای اصلـی و سـاختامن‬ ‫در آن قـرار دارد‪ ،‬ماننـد سـاختامن هـای مذهبـی ماننـد دو مسـجد‪،‬‬ ‫سـاختامن کار بـه عنـوان مراکـز اقتصـادی و تجـاری کـه منونـه و‬ ‫کاروانرساهـای‪ ،‬و لکـه هـای دولتـی ماننـد کاخ هـا منایـش داده مـی‬ ‫شـود‪ ،‬ایـن نـوع از برنامـه ریـزی شهرسـتان در نقـش الکرتونیکـی‬ ‫جهـان‪ ،‬کـه بـه عنـوان وبـر ذکـر اسـت کـه هنـوز هـم یکـی از‬ ‫بزرگرتیـن میادیـن در جهـان بـه وضـوح قابـل مشـاهده اسـت‪( .‬وبـر‪،‬‬ ‫‪ )103‬در واقـع هسـته اصلـی از طراحـی شـاه عبـاس‪1969، p.‬‬ ‫اصفهـان و جنبـه اساسـی دوم شهرسـتان پـس از چهـار بـاغ‪ ،‬مربـع‬ ‫جهـان کـه در آن همـه مقـام‪ ،‬لکـه هـای مذهبـی‪ ،‬علمـی‪-E-‬نقش‬ ‫و اقتصـادی اسـت قبـل طراحـی شـده اسـت‪ .‬در ایـن مربـع طـراح‬ ‫تلاش بـرای پاسـخ بـه نیازهـای فرمانـداران مذهبـی و مـردم بـا‬ ‫طـرح مسـجد شـیخ لطـف اللـه و امـام‪ ،‬و همچنیـن شـخصیت انسـان‬ ‫و انسـان را بـه روابـط انسـانی‪ ،‬بـا سـاختامن در شمال و تعـداد‬ ‫زیـادی از فروشـگاه هـای اطـراف مربـع اسـت‪ .‬و همچنیـن مـا بایـد‬ ‫بـه ذکـر اسـت کـه مربـع نیـز یـک محـل بـرای جلسـه عمومـی از‬ ‫پادشـاه بـا مـردم بـود‪ .‬و همچنیـن در طراحـی ایـن مربـع تعامـل‬ ‫بیـن انسـان و طبیعـت نیـز در نظـر گرفتـه بـود‪ ،‬بـه عنـوان مـا مـی‬ ‫توانیـم در طراحـی هسـتند کـه چنـد درخـت را پوشـش نهـر گـردان‬ ‫مربـع وجـود دارد‪ .‬حتـی اگـر ایـن مربـع بـه عنـوان مرکـز جدیـد از‬ ‫شهرسـتان و شـباهت قـدرت دولـت طراحـی شـده اسـت‪ ،‬بـا کـه‬ ‫‪36‬‬

‫ایجـاد شهرسـتان بـاغ در دوره صفویـه بـه عنـوان مـدل توسـعه‬ ‫شـهری اساسـی تریـن معماران و برنامـه ریـزان شـهری در نظـر‬ ‫گرفتـه شـد‪ .‬منونـه هـای موفـق را بـه عنـوان اسـتادانه درسـت شـده‬ ‫شهرسـتان بـاغ در قزویـن‪ ،‬تربیـز و بهشـهر در ایـن دوره مـی تـوان‬ ‫بـه عنـوان شهرنشـینی بـر اسـاس سـبز‪.‬تربیز در زمـان سـلطان‬ ‫اسماعیل املاک مشـابه بـود‪ .‬یـک تاجـر ونیـزی ناشـناخته بـه ذکـر‬ ‫اسـت کـه بـاغ هـا و گیاهـان متنـوع تربیـز قابـل مقایسـه بـا ونیـز‪.‬‬ ‫الزم بـه ذکـر اسـت کـه از ویژگـی هـای کلیـدی شهرنشـینی صفـوی‬ ‫بـه خصـوص در اصفهـان چهـار بـاغ (خیابـان) کـه تابـع تفریحـی‬ ‫و مفهـوم رابطـه بیـن انسـان و طبیعـت اسـت کـه بـه شـدت در‬ ‫برنامـه ریـزی شـهری از خیابـان در نظـر گرفتـه شـده بـود‪ .‬بـه ذکـر‬ ‫اسـت کـه "شـاه عبـاس مشـجر انـدود خیابـان عمومـی و بـزرگان و‬ ‫اعیـان رابطـه رقابتـی در میـان آنهـا و کاشـت درختـان در بـاغ خـود‬ ‫‪.‬داشـته اسـت‬ ‫‪ -2:‬جهت از شهرستان‪ ‬‬ ‫یـک جنبـه مهـم از شهرنشـینی در ایـران‪ ،‬بـه ویـژه در دوران صفویـه‬ ‫‪.‬در نظـر گرفتن شهرسـتانها جهـت گیـری در مناطـق مختلـف اسـت‬ ‫کـه اصفهـان اسـت‪-‬در اصفهـان و فـارس وجـود دارد‪ .‬در اصفهـان‬ ‫معمار بـزرگ احمـد اصفهانـی حـل هوشـمندانه بـه ‪ 45‬درجـه‬ ‫پیچیـده ایـوان مسـجد شـاه‪ ،‬بـه دلیـل مربـع بـا اصفهـان سـاخته‬ ‫شـده بـود‪ ،‬امـا ایـن مسـجد رو بـه قبلـه‪ .‬بنابرایـن نقـص رخ مـی دهـد‬ ‫کـه بـرای حـل ایـن مشـکل او زحمـت کشـیده اسـت‪ .‬در مسـجد‬ ‫شـاه معمار را زاویـه ایجـاد شـده بیـن شمالی ایـوان و دروازه در‬ ‫یـک راه بـرای رصف نظـر کـرد‪ .‬معمار طراحـی ایـوان کـه مسـجد‬ ‫قابـل مشـاهده اسـت امـا شما منـی توانیـد بـه آن بـه طـور مسـتقیم‬ ‫وارد کنیـد‪ .‬بـرای ورود دو راه مختلـف اسـت کـه دسرتسـی بـه بـاز‬ ‫‪.‬کـردن فضـا در پایـان کـه در آن توالـت واقـع وجـود دارد‬ ‫‪ -3:‬توسعه شهرستانها بر اساس طرح جامع‬ ‫در صفـوی سـاخت و سـاز عصر زیرسـاخت هـا در شهرسـتانها‪ ‬‬ ‫جدیـد و توسـعه شهرسـتانها قدیمـی بـر اسـاس طـرح جامـع کـه‬ ‫قبـل از مطالعـه شـد‪ .‬توسـعه شهرسـتانها اصفهـان جدیـد نسـبت بـه‬ ‫جنـوب در امتـداد بـازار قدیمـی بـا توجـه بـه نقشـه مشـخص شـده‬ ‫اسـت‪ .‬برنامـه ریـزی‪ ،‬طراحـی و سـاخت و سـاز از شهرسـتان جدیـد‬ ‫از اصفهـان ‪ 25‬سـاله در دوره شـاه عبـاس صـورت گرفـت‪ .‬ارشف‬ ‫و فـرح آبـاد در شمال کشـور بـا توجـه بـه طراحـی و سـاخته شـده‬ ‫‪.‬در دوران شـاه عبـاس‬ ‫‪ -4‬توسـعه و گسترش شهرسـتانها قدیمـی در حالـی کـه حفـظ‬ ‫‪:‬پارچـه گذشـته خـود‬ ‫یکـی از ویژگـی هـای ایـن طـرح جامـع غیـر تخریـب اسـتخوان‪ ‬‬ ‫قدیمـی اسـت‪ .‬در نتیجـه‪ ،‬بافـت قدیـم و جدیـد کار مـی کنـد بـه‬ ‫‪37‬‬

‫یـک فـرد در واقـع در زندگـی شهرسـتان‪ ،‬در داخـل‪ ،‬اسـت حتـی‬ ‫بـازار بسـته اسـت و همـه سـاختامن هـای دیگـر ماننـد کاروانرساهـا‬ ‫‪.‬همـه درونگـرا هسـتند‬


‫توسـط میـدان قدیمـی از شهرسـتان الهـام‪ ،‬حسـن مربـع پادشـاه‬ ‫در تربیـز و علـی مربـع در قزویـن‪ .‬امـا ایـن الگـو قدیمـی اسـت‬ ‫تغییـر در راه منظـم تـر‪ .‬طراحـی یـک محـور جدیـد شهرسـتان‬ ‫گسترده اسـت کـه بـه نـام چهـار بـاغ و طراحـی مربـع جدیـد‪ ،‬بـه‬ ‫عنـوان شهرسـتان مرکـز جدیـد نـه شهرسـتان جدیـد‪ ،‬سـاخته شـده‬ ‫اسـت یـک نقطـه روشـن در شـهر شـهر قدیمـی اسـت کـه در آن‬ ‫مسـلامنان زندگـی مـی کردنـد‪ ،‬و یهودیـان در سـمت شمال رشق‬ ‫زاینـده رود و چهـار بـاغ اسـت‪ .‬مقامـات در در بـاغ بـزرگ‪ ،‬و ارامنـه‬ ‫در سـه ماهـه جدیـد در و زرتشـتی در‪ .‬در ایـن راه از قطعـه قطعـه‬ ‫شـدن شـهری بـرای اولیـن بـار در ایـران‪ ،‬کـه نشـان مـی دهـد کـه‬ ‫‪،‬سـطوح مختلـف اجتامعـی‪ ،‬درمانهـای متفاوتـی دارنـد (حبیبـی‬ ‫‪ )64‬اتفـاق مـی افتـد‪ .‬ایـده اصلـی پشـت اصفهـان مکتـب (سـبک)‪P.‬‬ ‫اسـت بـرای جمـع آوری هـر جنبـه هـای مختلـف از شهرسـتان‬ ‫ماننـد اقتصـادی‪ ،‬عنـارص اجتامعـی‪ ،‬فرهنگـی و سیاسـی همـه در‬ ‫مرکـز توسـط دولـت کنترل مـی شـود‪ .‬از آن بـه بعـد معمار نـه‬ ‫تنهـا در مـورد طراحـی یـک سـاختامن امـا عبـود طراحـی مجتمـع‬ ‫در مقیـاس شهرسـتان‪ ،‬کـه بـه خصـوص از طریـق مکتـب اصفهـان‬ ‫بـه هـدف اصلـی برنامـه ریـزی شـهری صفـوی منجـر اسـت کـه‬ ‫‪.‬بـرای سـاخت و طراحـی فضاهـای شـهری‬ ‫‪-6‬سـاخت و سـاز و توسـعه جـاده هـا و شـبکه هـای اتصـال در‬ ‫‪:‬شهر سـتا ن‬ ‫در عصر صفـوی‪ ،‬بـا رو بـه رشـد تجـارت در تجـارت بـه خارجـی و‬ ‫‪،‬گردشـگری در ایـران‬ ‫جـاده هـا و شـبکه هـای خـود اهمیـت یافتـه بـود‪ .‬یـک چیـز دیگـر‬ ‫بـود بـه منظـور حفـظ ایـن شهرسـتان راحـت تـر‪ ،‬آنهـا حلقـه‬ ‫بیرونـی از شهرسـتان طراحـی شـده بـرای مسـافران بـه تصویـب‬ ‫بـدون مزاحـم شهرسـتان‪ .‬واضـح اسـت کـه بـه منظـور اتصـال همـه‬ ‫از جـاده بـا هـم‪ ،‬بـه اسـتفاده از پـل شـایع تـر کـردم از قبـل کـه مـا‬ ‫مـی توانیـم برخـی از منونـه هـای کامـل از آن دوران در اصفهـان‬ ‫‪.‬را ببینیـد‬ ‫‪ -7:‬درونگرایی‬ ‫یکـی دیگـر از جنبـه کـه در طـول برنامـه ریـزی شهرسـتان ایـران‪ ‬‬ ‫حاکـم شـد‪ ،‬درونگرایـی اسـت‪ .‬ایـن جنبـه اسـت از فرهنـگ اسلامی‬ ‫و حتـی قبـل از آن‪ ،‬بـر اسـاس سـنت زندگـی اجتامعـی از آب و هـوا‬ ‫در ایـران و همچنیـن ایـران اسـت‪ .‬کـه در طراحـی هـای قدیمـی از‬ ‫خانـه هـا در اصفهـان بـا دیوارهـای بـاغ بلنـد‪ ،‬کـه از خـارج بسـته‬ ‫اسـت‪ ،‬داشتن متـام دکوراسـیون رو بـه داخـل اسـت‪ .‬و خانـه هـای‬ ‫همـه در راه اسـت کـه سـقف یـک پلـت فـرم مسـتقیم متصـل مـی‬ ‫شـود‪ .‬پـس از همـه اصفهـان شهرسـتان هـای درونگـرا‪ ،‬جایـی کـه‬


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