Oxfam Annual Report 2005
Registration No. IN010
Oxfam Annual Report for January to December 2005 (Project expenditures are as of 30th November 2005)
1. Type of Project/Detail: Drought Response Project (ERIA 26) 2. Project Summary: Rehabilitation and/or construction of water sources and public health promotion
3. Location of Project: Arawuti, Adi Hsea and Ziban Debri villages, Areza Sub-Zone 4. Objective of the Project: The main objective of this project was to mitigate the effects of the current drought and improve the target communities’ capacity to cope with future droughts. This was to be achieved through: (a) improving water security by rehabilitating or constructing a total of twelve water sources and (b) reducing water related diseases by providing safe and clean water and improving hygiene practices. 5. Project Description and Activities: Water Infrastructure Ziban Debri: (1) Rehabilitated rain-fed pond (2) Earth dam construction (3) Well construction Arawuti: (1) Three rehabilitated rain-fed ponds: (2) New small earth dam: (3) Construction of two new wells Adi Hsea: (1) Rehabilitated well: (2) New rain-fed pond (3) New hand dug well Hygiene Promotion and Sanitation - Selection and training of community mobilisers - Teachers training on hygiene promotion - Distribution of mosquito nets - Distribution of hygiene items - Cleaning campaign and distribution of environmental cleaning tools - Latrine building
6. Justification (by whom and how the project was selected): This project was selected by Oxfam with the Debub Zoba Administration in consultation with the village administration
7. Approval of the Project: This project was approved by the Debub Zoba Administration 8. Partners: Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) 1