UNIT 5 COLONIALISM: THE NEW ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM PRE AND POST 1857 Structure Objectives Introduction Establishment of British Supremacy Administrative System Before 1857 5 3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5
East lndia Company Vis-a-vis British Parliament Economic Policy Land Revenue Policy Judicial System Impact of British Administration
Administrative System After 1857 5.4.1 The New Administrative Set Up 5.4.2 Administrative Decentralisation 5.4.3 Economic Policy 5.4.4 Organisation of the Army 5.4.5 Civil Services 5.4.6 Relations with Princely States 5.4.7 Itost~leAdministration 5.4.8 The Question of Self Government for lndia
Let Us Sum Up Key Words Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
The aim of this Unit is to study the pattern and growth of British Administrative System before and after 1857. After going through this unit you should be able to understand: the transformation of the East India Company from a commercial to a territorial power, the growth of British parliamentary control over Indian affairs without assuming direct responsibility for the governance of India, administrative system of the East India Company, the growth of India into a British Colony, the assumption of direct control by W i s h Parliament and the impact of British Rule in India, and the rise of National Consciousness and demand for Self Government leading to freedom.
5.1 INTRODUCTION The Mughals had established a centralized form of administration. In their administrative set-up, as you can recall, the cult of personality dominated all departments. The personalised state was, however, unable to stand stress and strain and proved weak before the onslaught of the East India Company. The defeat at Plasscy cxposcd all thc Indian weaknesses. From now onwards the British established themselves as a strong power. In this unit you will study the pattern of British Administrative System as under the East India Company and later as under the British Crown. We will also discuss how behind the problem of administration lay the fundamental issue, the nature and object of British rule over India.
5.2 ESTABLISHMENT OF BRITISH SUPREMACY The East lndia Company began as a trading corporation. Its early organisation was suitable to that of a purely trade organisation. Each Chief "factory" or tmding