First world war causes and consquencies

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UNIT 13 THE FIRST WORLD WAR: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES Structure 13.0 Objectives 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Causes of The World War 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.2.5 13.2.6 I I

The System of Secret Alliances Militarism Nationalism Urge to Imperialism Newspapers, Press and the Pub~cOpinion The Immediate Cause

13.3 Consequences of the War 13.3.1 Loss of Human L~ves 13.3.2 Social and Economic Changes 13.3.3 Democratic Ideals 13.3.4 The Conference of Paris, 1919 13.3.5 The New Balance of Power 13.3.6 The New International Machinery

13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7

World War and India Let Us Sum Up Key Words Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises

13.0 OBJECTIVES After reading this unit you would : get acquainted with the first World War as a major event in history of the world, have an idea about the main causes which led to the conflagration of 1914. understand its consequences both in the countries involved as well as at the international plane, and see in specific terms what the war meant to India.

13.1 INTRODUCTION The first world war, you should remember, was the outcome of a chain of events taking place in Europe, as well as in other parts of the world during the last two or three decades of the nineteenth century. You will find out in these pages that it was not merely a war but an event which made a tremendous impact on the world scene. It dismantled quite a number of the existing socio-economic and political structures. Our main objective here is to farniliarise you both with the main causes of the war and its more important consequences.

13.2 CAUSES OF THE WORLD WAR The causes of the first world war are so complex that any attempt to describe them adequately would involve nothing less than the writing of the diplomatic history of Europe since 1870. In fact we may have to go back to 1789 or even to the age of Louis XIV. The causes of this war are to be sought in the conjunction of various forces and tendencies which had been operating for a long time among the nations of Europe. However, let us look into some of the important factors which led to the first world war.

13.2.1 The System of Secret Alliances The most significant cause of the war was the system of secret alliances. This was, as a matter of fact, the handiwork of Bismarck, who tried to build a network of such alliances

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