Don Arritola
Pete Giljohann
Marty O'Shea
HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 64500 E. SaddleBrooke Blvd
Daily Notes
It's a beautiful day in SaddleBrooke
1. The Board finally had enough information to approve the renovation to the Catalina Starter Shack. It will be a 1000 sq.ft. addition to the 500 sq.ft. that is there already. We will be renaming it shortly, as it will be multi-functional for pool and card players primarily. Construction is to start when permits are approved in late October or November. 2. The budget process was explained in great detail by our GM in the September Communicator. Suffice it to say, we are just about finished and should approve it at the November BOD meeting. We had representation from the Directors, management, clubs, committees and residents at a practically all day dialogue chaired by the Finance Committee on October 9th in our Activity Center. 3. Some of the bigger items in 2018 that we identified and appropriated money for, but not approved, are listed below. The actual approval will have to be presented as a business case at the time approval is requested in 2018: A. Tennis Courts - overlay of Courts 5-8 B. Tennis building renovation and upgrade C. Some bunker sand replacement, along with new trees and cart path replacement, as needed D. Re-tile of Clubhouse roof (south side) E. New elevator, if needed F. Women's shower room rehabilitation in the Fitness Center G. A new truck and a few new carts for our Maintenance Teams H. A road maintenance plan, with Acacia Hills Lane the biggest project I. Some new signage to identify us and market us on SaddleBrooke Blvd All the above expenses are paid for through our Reserves or Capital Fund which has the funds to pay for these without an assessment. 4. Board of Directors Vacancies . . . 3 Candidates have been identified and are seeking your vote for the 2 positions open in 2018 for 3 year terms. The 2 positions are being vacated by Tim Mahanna and Paul Fuchs. Details are provided herein and at other events. As a personal note, I have one more year remaining as a Board Member. The Board will vote on Officers at our first meeting in January. 5. Residents are encouraged to look at the new flooring in the Vermilion Room and Agave Lounge that was replaced during the shutdown. Until next month . . . . . . Jim (President, Board of Directors) 2 • The Communicator
SaddleBrooke One Shutdown Projects are Completed Vivian Timian, General Manager
ctober was a great project month for the Community. Allowing us to close the F&B and Golf areas for the week of October 2nd - October 8th provided an opportunity to perform needed maintenance and repairs to building & golf areas.
n addition to the several cleaning projects completed, we were able to address the two flooring projects in the Clubhouse. The Agave Lounge area floor was replaced with ceramic tile that has the look of a wood floor. This new floor has an estimated useful life of 15-20 years. From a maintenance standpoint, it will reduce costs significantly but still give the presence of elegant wood flooring to the guests. A picture of the new Agave Lounge flooring is shown to the right.
he second floor replaced was the Vermilion dance area. The new flooring is ¾” thick, which will allow us to refinish this floor numerous times over the next several years. The useful life of this floor is estimated at 10 years. The first event on the floor was Octoberfest, giving the residents a large polka space.
he biggest challenge for our Operations Team is the ongoing maintenance that our common areas and buildings require. We have had four separate buildings with tree and plant roots that have blocked the drain lines and required replacement. Please note that operational costs will have an increase as the buildings age and require more attention. This year we have spent slightly over $27,000 in operational (building maintenance) costs to clear and repair five drains (some requiring sleeves up to 65 feet in length). However, based on our excellent financial position, we are able to absorb these costs and the Board of Directors will maintain the same level of Community Service Fees at $2,383 annually for SaddleBrooke One residents.
hanks to all residents for your understanding on the importance of preventative maintenance that was completed during the past shutdown. We look forward to seeing you at the Club!
Vote no later than Monday, November 27th, 4:00pm Candidate Platform Summaries are shown on the following pages in alphabetical order.
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SaddleBrooke One Holidays and Traffic Control
Ed Wysocki, Senior Patrol Manager herever did the time go? Here we are nearing the end of another year and eagerly awaiting the beginning of the holiday season. As part of our safety and awareness program, there will be additional Patrol Officers on duty during November and early December to help raise awareness of our concerns for traffic safety in SaddleBrooke One to our returning residents and guests. Just as a reminder, our traffic rules in the Community are listed below.
Speed Limits - Our speed limit is 25 mph on all streets and roads except parts of SaddleBrooke and Ridgeview Blvd, which are 35 mph. We have two radar speed signs on Ridgeview Blvd to help residents’ awareness of our speed limits. The speed limit on the road leading to the Clubhouse is 15 mph and in all parking lots is 10 mph. All vehicles are subject to our traffic rules; including cars, trucks, golf carts and bicycles. Speed limits and stop signs must be obeyed by all vehicles. Stop Signs - Please remember to follow the rules of the road at our 4-way stop intersections and wait for your turn to proceed through the intersection even though some drivers may take more time than you feel is necessary to make their stop. Also, when entering Ridgeview Blvd from a side street in your golf cart, be sure to STOP before swinging into the multi-use lane. You are still required to come to a complete stop in your golf cart prior to making the right hand turn into the multi-use lane. Also, use the 3 second rule. Stop, look left, look right, look left again, and proceed only when clear. Golf Cart Lanes - Golf cart drivers should stay in the golf cart lanes on Ridgeview Blvd and Acacia Hills Ln, except when making left turns. Be sure to use turn or hand signals before leaving the golf cart lane. Bicycles - Bicyclists are expected to follow the same traffic rules as other vehicles in SaddleBrooke. When riding alone, please stay to the right and obey all stop signs. When riding as a group, please stay to the right and do not ride more than two abreast. When approaching runners or walkers, be sure to move out of the multi-use lane after making sure it is clear to do so. Walkers/Runners - During the holiday season, the number of walkers, joggers and runners also increases. Runners, joggers or walkers using the roads in SaddleBrooke should always walk or run FACING traffic. Children’s Pool Hours Over the Thanksgiving holiday, as in the past, our Children’s pool hours will be changed to 10:00am to 4:00pm from Monday, November 20th through Sunday, November 26th. We will be putting extra signs on the pool gates to remind our residents and their guests of our pool rules. Our Patrol Officers will also be making extra trips through the pool area to answer any questions and ensure that everyone understands our rules. Guests over the holidays If you are planning to have guests over the holidays, please remember that no more than two (2) vehicles, excluding RVs/trailers, can be parked overnight on your driveway or in front of your residence. If you plan to have more than 2 vehicles parked at your residence over the holidays, please call the Patrol Office at (520) 917- 3752 so that we can notify our 3rd shift duty officers not to issue a Notice of Violation.
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2016/2017 NOV STATISTICS FOR SEPTEMBER Violations 2017 2016 Speeding 11 9 Stop Signs 4 5 Handicap Parking 1 2 RV Parking 3 5 Other Parking 3 6 Totals 22 27 Fines Imposed 2017 2016 Violations Multiple or Flagrant Traffic $100 3 0 nd 2 Traffic in 12 Months $50 1 2 Golf Course Walking/Dog Walking $50 0 -
Patrol Safety Tip Always remember to use common sense and follow all of our traffic regulations when driving, walking or running in SaddleBrooke One. This will ensure we all have a safer holiday season.
SADDLEBROOKE ONE NOVEMBER SCHEDULE REGULAR PICK-UP • Normal schedule - every Tuesday RECYCLE PICK-UP • Friday, November 25th delayed until Saturday, November 26th
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We have some interesting and different nonfiction books this month. Scott Kelly, the astronaut and identical twin brother of former astronaut Marc Kelly, has written Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery. Kelly is a natural storyteller and lets us into his early New Jersey childhood, as well as his life with NASA. He has a belief that Mars is ultimately the next challenging step for American space flight. American Wolf: A True Story of Survival and Obsession in the West is by Nate Blakeslee. O-Six is an alpha female wolf who lives and raises her family in the Lamar Valley of Yellowstone National Park. There is constant conflict between naturalists, hunters and ranchers. This book reads like fiction. It was 1928 and the Olympics were in Amsterdam. Women had never competed in track and field events in the Olympics prior to that time. (We women must be manly said some and others questioned the athletes’ gender.) Fire on the Track: Betty Robinson and the Triumph of Early Olympic Women is by Roseanne Montillo and is the story of women athletes in the, thankfully, past. We have purchased a book that was brought to our attention by the HOA2 Fitness Director. It is called How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease and is by Dr. Michael Greger. I think this book will be of interest to those who belong to the SB Plant-based Nutrition Support Group. I believe the author is a supporter of vegetarian diets. How about shifting gears and hearing of the latest fiction books? Michael Connelly is an author with a great many fans. His latest is Two Kinds of Truth and is the latest Harry Bosch title. Have you been waiting for a new John Grisham book? It is here and called The Rooster Bar. Since Grisham is or was a lawyer, many of his books are of this genre. This is no exception.
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The prolific writers John Sandford and Stuart Woods are at it again with Deep Freeze and Quick & Dirty respectively. Did you like The Da Vinci Code and Inferno? Well, Dan Brown has a new codes, science, religion, history, art and architecture novel in Origin. His books tend to pit creationism against science and this one is no different. Come into the library and see what else might interest you.
Architectural & Landscaping Committee ALC Email: ALC Secretary: Linda Irwin All ALC forms, as well as exterior home color selections, may be accessed on the ALC webpage or in the Administration Office.
ALC Hotline 917-3767
November Meetings November 2nd November 16th
Meetings are 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month 9:00am Bobcat Suite (Lower level of the SB One Clubhouse)
* * * Notification of Completed Projects * * * When a project is completed for which you received a "Green" Permit, please return the green sheet to the Administration Office, email the ALC Administrator ( or contact the ALC Hotline (520) 917-3767 to let us know the project is done. Once we know the project is complete, an ALC rep will review the project for compliance with the issued permit and we will close out the project. Thank you in advance for your cooperation getting projects closed out.
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SaddleBrooke One Frost in the Air
Mike Roddy, Golf Course Superintendent s we enter the heart of the winter golfing season, cold mornings will become a frequent occurrence. During frost events, the turf grass plant is susceptible to damage from any type of traffic. This includes foot traffic, cart traffic, mower traffic and even animal traffic. Almost all of this potentially damaging traffic can be prevented through the use of a frost delay. Frost delays are inconvenient to everyone involved on the golf course each day; including golfers, golf shop staff and the Golf Maintenance Team. It might help to remember that these delays are necessary to preserve current playing conditions.
Frost Delay Hotline: 825-2505 (option 1) Thank you in advance for your patience as we work to preserve playing conditions during the cold winter mornings.
Winter Walking Hours Return November 1st Winter Walking Hours return to the golf courses on November 1st. This system allows for the first holes on each course to be available to walking at 5:00pm. Two additional holes are available every fifteen minutes. Please remember that golfers have the right of way, please stay on the Cart Path, and keep all pets on a leash.
Golf Course Winter Walking Phone Line Call November through February (after 6:30am) for daily walking updates
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SaddleBrooke One Do You Have Any Dietary Concerns? Dave Bishow, Food & Beverage Director/Executive Chef
ith the holiday season and cooler weather upon us, I would like to take this opportunity to discuss two things. The first being the dietary concerns of the Community and the second being the “Q” with a View. Dietary concerns are a growing issue in the restaurant industry. From dairy or gluten free to vegetarian, it is our responsibility as a restaurant to make you feel safe and comfortable to dine with us knowing that we understand and will do whatever we can to accommodate your specific needs. We want you to be able to come to the Club and know that you can be taken care of in any dining scenario. For example, if there is a unit party or a special event with a set menu, I encourage you to call me directly so we can discuss your dietary concerns and find something for you to have so you can participate. The same goes for à la carte dining in our restaurants. Since almost everything in our kitchens is made from scratch, we have the ability to accommodate almost any request you have. We just ask that you contact us in advance so we have the opportunity to understand your needs and prepare your request properly. No matter what your concern, we will do whatever we can do to help. Since starting the “Q” with a View back in March, it has been wildly popular. So much so that we decided to bring it inside during the hot summer months to keep it going. Now that it has cooled off, it is back outside. The patio is perfect this time of year. But, there will come a time when it will get too cold and we will bring it back inside. That is until Mother Nature allows us to go back out again in spring. This will be our plan going forward with the Monday night “Q” with a View; to follow the seasons and make the decision when and where we can hold the event while offering the same diverse high quality menus that you’ve come to expect. As always, we sincerely thank you for all of your support and constructive feedback. We look forward to seeing you at the Club.
A Passion for Excellence Kyle Meacham just completed his first class for a sommelier certification. The first class included testing on overall knowledge of wines including where certain types of wine are produced— the country, region, sub-region and vineyard, as well as the vintage of the wine (year it was bottled). We congratulate Kyle as the pass rate for this class is less than 60%. Kyle will be completing the next phase in 2018 which will include blind taste tests on wines identifying where the wine is from, as well as the vintage. The courses require extensive study outside the workplace and a passion for understanding this subject matter. If you see Kyle at the Clubhouse, please let him know that our Community is behind his passion for wines.
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