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Dynamint Equine

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Available in 1L Spray bottle for easy and quick application to larger areas, or a 500 ml rub bottle. A soothing combination of natural essential oils in a gentle cream base. specially formulated with natural ingredients to assist in the relief of leg, muscle and joint strain.


Internationally recognized Horse Trainer, Clinician and Rider, as well as founder/ trainer of the world famous Calgary Stampede Drill Team: Jill Barron says:

“As a professional horse trainer, Dynamint Equine Leg & Muscle Rub is an important aspect of my program. Dynamint is a natural product that has a cooling effect, it calms tired, sore muscles and rejuvenates horses keeping them feeling their best. I use Dynamint on my horses and myself. The results I have experienced have not been matched by any other product in the market. For long hauls and after hard workouts Dynamint is the only product I use on horse’s legs. If you are looking for a product that is safe on skin and delivers results, trust Dynamint Equine Leg & Muscle Rub. Your horse will thank you!” or underweight. Overworked. Or not working. We have mind and body dysfunction. Health issues. Hmm, same as the horse. Coincidence?

Could it be that we are all looking for a quick fix, are we ignoring the actual problem?

“This feed will help my horse’s nervousness/build muscle/grow foot, etc...” vs

“This diet will help me lose weight/build muscle/feel confident.”

“A new saddle/bit/trainer will help all my problems.” vs

“This book/pill/course will help all my problems.”

You get the idea. We are projecting our lack onto our horses. Our insecurities. Our lack of balance. Our problems. Become theirs. They mirror them back to us, in the hope we will see it, to acknowledge and integrate the reflection. Instead, we do what we have been taught to do. We band-aid the problem. We overcompensate by spending more on the problem to make it go away.

Sit with that. Reflect on it. Did I hit a nerve? I hope so. That was my intent.

What’s the answer to this dilemma? Accountability. We need accountability. For our actions, for our projections, for our physical and mental state. Then and only then can we connect with our horses in a meaningful way.

Here’s a story we can all probably relate to on some level.

There’s a horse rider, and a horse. The rider works full time, boards the horse, takes lessons, rides at local shows. The rider doesn’t set clear boundaries all the time, doesn’t like losing control, has some fear from past experiences, has trouble being present (mind wanders), they want other people’s approval, experience some pain in the right shoulder and back, thinks everyone rides better than them, wishes their horse loved them more.

The horse is on a high-end brand of feed, farrier every 6 weeks, dental yearly, turn out, all the best tack, and care.

The horse has intermittent foot problems, right shoulder, back and neck are usually out of alignment/sore. Right hind leg is weak. They compensate into the front end. The tack never seems to fit right. The horse doesn’t seem to like the bit. It spooks at the end of the arena. Doesn’t like the right lead. Isn’t always easy to catch. Has a lack of boundaries and can get pushy. Sometimes the horse has to be forced to do things; some rides the trainer has to get on to put the horse in its place.

Can you relate? Have you been there? Have you seen others in this situation?

Maybe you’re thinking that’s just normal, it doesn’t have to be though.

It’s not the horse. It’s always us. Not the tack, the bit, the trainer, the food. Those can all play into the big picture, but we are the culprit behind our horse problems. I hate to tell you, but we are the culprit behind pretty much all of our problems. Luckily, the solution is quite simple.

Be present. Self-discipline. Quiet the mind. Let go of control. Be accountable. Forgive. Love.

Easy. Simple. Then, keep working on it every moment of every day.

When we are in the moment with our horse we realize that our fear, is their fear. Our lack of boundaries become their lack of boundaries. Our pain becomes their pain. Our need for control becomes their need for control. Our tension is their tension. When we quiet the mind, we become present, we no longer think about what’s for supper, or bring our problems to the horse. A true conversation can happen. When we let go of control, we allow the horse to move, we allow ourselves to work through our fear. Our accountability allows us to see where our problems are actually stemming from. We can begin to function in a place of forgiveness instead of a place of blame. When we are able to forgive ourselves we can begin to love ourselves. Which opens us up to be loved. We no longer need to find our happiness in things or events, it comes from within. We no longer seek our self-worth from the horse’s behaviour. The horse is guiding us to this place. If we listen. They are a road map to our potential.

All our horses really need is a safe environment, socialization, health care, nutrition and exercise. When those basic needs are met properly, in conjunction with a person that is trying to live in balance; TRYING being the key word, many of the little things dissipate.

I called this article minimalist equestrian, because that is what it can become. We don’t need to follow an insane protocol. We just need to be. The horse is already there, waiting patiently for you to look in the mirror.

Our Accountability is the gateway to our Self Awareness.

About the author:

Based out of Southern Alberta, Sarah operates a coaching, training and breeding facility focusing on Classical Dressage, equine biomechanics, rider development and the Lusitano horse. She studies the art of classical riding and the deep connection that is possible with horses. Sarah is the author of The Art of Mindful Riding.

(See her listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS) (Editor’s note: See her upcoming clinic on our Shop & Swap page 39)

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