3 minute read
The Back Country Horsemen of BC
BCHBC Valuable Volunteers - part of the “Ripple Effect”
By Rose Schroeder, Shuswap Chapter, BCHBC Provincial Secretary
BCHBC is a volunteer driven organization. Volunteers are vital to the success of all non-profit organizations. They are highly valued and come in all ages, sizes, shapes, makes and models!
According to national volunteering stats, an impressive 13 million Canadians (44%) have participated in volunteer work that equals 2 billion hours!
Why do people volunteer and what can volunteering provide?
- participate with family
- make new friends with similar interests
- give back to the community
- have been personally affected by a cause
- see new places
- make a difference, have an impact
- feel needed, feel good
- help where there is a need
- gain skills and share skills
- be part of a team
- have some fun
- add to a resume
- lead to job opportunities
- recognition of efforts
BCHBC has many dedicated valuable volunteers in each of our 19 chapters. Here are a select few to give you an idea of what our valuable volunteers believe:
Jennifer Marshall is a new Okanagan Chapter member with a definite passion for the concept of what BCHBC stands for - preserving equine use on trails. That includes education for both riders and the general public so we can all share the trails in a positive manner. Coming from a small community she knows how important volunteer efforts are! Jen recognizes that by stepping up, she can meet like-minded riding friends, learn about other riding areas in the province and know that she has made a difference in her community and our province. Her advice: “We all need to work together and learn from each other. Everyone has something to contribute, from making coffee to designing bridges! Every bit of effort matters!”
Scott Walker is a long-time member of BCHBC, and past President. He felt he could be a part of BCHBC which is a diverse group of people who sincerely enjoy riding trails, gathering for social events, and putting their hands, minds, and backs to work on projects for equestrians. Scott has been true to his word. He has been a leader on many major projects, like the Lundbom and Kane Lake equestrian campgrounds, bridge replacements on the Dewdney Trail in EC Manning Park and other projects. Rebuilding the 28 corrals at Lundbom Lake with 42 other BCHBC volunteers is a cherished memory for him. Scott believes supporting recreational horseback riding in BC cannot be overvalued, nor taken for granted and must be pursued with passion to be sustainable in the future. But the most rewarding is in the friendships he has made along with the gained knowledge and skills while participating and joining in BCHBC rides, events, and activities. He says, “Volunteering takes effort and some level of commitment, and everyone has something to offer. Join us, it is totally worth it.”
Eric Becker belongs to the Northwest Chapter near Smithers. Eric is one of the leaders in the Coalmine Equestrian Camp project. He puts his efforts into working with others that have the same interests. He enjoys working on projects that benefit BCHBC members and that strengthen our BCHBC Chapters and Society as a whole. As proof, Eric has been a Chapter Chair and currently is a Provincial Vice President. Eric says, “Join us and volunteer. You get to indulge yourself in the things you enjoy!”
Brian Marriott is our President and from the East Kootenay Chapter in Cranbrook. There is a saying, “United we stand, divided we fall.” According to Brian, BCHBC is the link between recreational riders and the future of trail riding in BC. His goal would be to see all recreational riders join us to speak as one. There is strength in numbers, and this will help keep trails open for long term equestrian use.
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BC PAINT HORSE CLUB www.bcphc.com, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. cathyglover@telus.net 3/24
BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCATION, bcqha.com Contact Carolyn Farris, email cfarris@telus.net 12/23
BC Team Cattle Penning Association
March 18-19 (Barriere)
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