4 minute read


Mirror Horse

Author Tamara Williamson


100 Mile & District Outriders

Promoting equine activities and knowledge in the south Cariboo with Shows, Clinics, Gymkhanas and more.

President: Mike Kidston

Adam Harvey

E-mail: info@outriders.com ~ www.100mileoutriders.com

PEACHLAND RIDING CLUB, Pres: Kevin Froese (Kevin.leroy.froese@gmail. com). Info, Gymkhana dates & events atpeachlandridingclub.com 6/23

RUSTY SPURS 4-H HORSE CLUB (Abbotsford BC) Open to Youth 6-19, Rustyspurshorse4h@gmail.com & Find us on Facebook! 12/23

SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, http://bcqha.com/index.php/scqha 12/23

VERNON DISTRICT RIDING CLUB (Vernon BC), check out our website at vernonridingclub.com or visit our Facebook & Instagram pages 2/24

VI MINIATURE HORSE CLUB, vanislemhc@gmail.com, bcminiaturehorseclubs/ vimhc Driving and/or halter shows, clinics & performance competitions 2/24

VINTAGE RIDERS EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Fraser Valley BC), English/Western, lectures, clinics, socials, safe and fun, vintageriders@shaw.ca, on Facebook 4/23

WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, www.wrdha.com. Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm) 6/23

Award-winning multi-media artist and musician Tamara Williamson offers an unbridled account of a life in the world of horses in her memoir Mirror Horse.

From her first clever little bay pony, Stroller, to brilliant ribbon-winning Fletcher, Williamson recalls the many significant horses in her life, grappling with what it means to be horse-obsessed and what drives this desire to connect with horses. As she discovers, during the tumultuous years of relationships with people and horses, these complicated equine creatures reflect back to us our best and worst selves.

Woven throughout the stories of individual horses is her own story of a creative, chaotic, challenging and adventurous life. Raised by an eccentric family, Williamson struggles with dyslexia and a sense of increasing detachment. Horses, and the exacting sport of dressage, provide her with opportunities to connect, sometimes imperfectly. Her drive for accomplishment in equestrian sports, whether as a trainer or a rider, is regularly at odds with the fear that lingers from a traumatic childhood riding incident.

Williamson never loses sight of the responsibility she feels toward horses and the respect she has for their individual characters, memories and instinctcrafting a complex story about courage, family and the unexpected places we find a reflection of our souls.

Douglas & McIntyre


$26.95 CAD

Paperback, 257 pages May 2023 https://douglas-mcintyre.com/ https://www.tamarawilliamson.ca/


tba PLOWING MEET, Silver Creek (Salmon Arm) BC, Inland Draft & Teamster Assoc. on Facebook

Weds KRC MEMBER FUN NIGHTS starting at 6 pm, every Wednesday, Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC, https://www.kelownaridingclub.ca

3-7 INTERIOR DESERT CIRCUIT Show Series, https://www.kelownaridingclub.ca

4-5 NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP w/Glenn Stewart, Stage 1, Smithers BC, contact Anika 250-846-5494 or anika.gattiker@outlook.com

5 REAL DEAL RANCH HORSE SALE, Perlich Bros. Auction Market, Lethbridge AB, 403-329-3101, www.perlich.auction

5-6 WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE SALE, Cow Palace, Olds AB, Barb 403-933-5765, dbsteph@telusplanet.net, www.wrdha.com

5-7 KRC SPRING CLASSIC H/J SHOW, Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC, https://www.kelownaridingclub.ca

6 SPRING HORSE SALE, Perlich Bros. Auction Market, Lethbridge AB, 403-329-3101, www.perlich.auction

6 BREAKAWAY ROPING JACKPOT (SERIES), JR Arena, Cache Creek BC, www.highcallroping.ca

6-7 BC MOUNTAIN TRAIL CLINIC, Hanging H Arena, Chilliwack BC, e-mail Debbie, hughesqh@telus.net, www.bcmountaintrail.com

6-8 NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP w/Glenn Stewart, Advanced Workshop, Smithers BC, contact Anika 250-846-5494 or anika.gattiker@outlook.com

12-14 SPRING DRESSAGE SHOW, Gold, Southlands Riding Club, Vancouver BC, www.dressagebc.ca

13 SCQHA CLINIC w/Wayne Soderberg (& Fuzzy Horse Show judge), Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC, scqhashow@gmail.com, www.bcqha.com

13-14 BC MOUNTAIN TRAIL CLINIC, Circle Creek, Kamloops BC, e-mail Colleen circlecreek@telus.net, www.bcmountaintrail.com

14 SCQHA FUZZY HORSE SHOW, Judge Wayne Soderberg, Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC, scqhashow@gmail.com, www.bcqha.com

14 DRESSAGE TEST PRACTICE DAY (2 of 4), Copper Hills Equestrian Centre, Kamloops BC, Ann Wallin 778-220-7898, http://copperhillsequestrian.ca

18-21 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Grenfell SK, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca

20-22 103RD FALKLAND STAMPEDE (CPRA RODEO), Falkland BC, www.thefalklandstampede.ca

25-28 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Grand Forks BC, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca

26-28 BACK COUNTRY HORSEMEN “Roots and Boots” Rendezvous in Merritt BC, www.bchorsemen.org

27 TRICK TRAINING CLINIC w/Amanda Preston, New Beginnings Equestrian Centre, Onoway AB, call 780-264-8057, email info@albertadonkeyandmule.ca

27-28 BCMT BUCKLE SERIES SHOW, Circle Creek, Kamloops BC, e-mail Colleen circlecreek@telus.net, www.bcmountaintrail.com

27-28 VERNON DRESSAGE SHOW, Gold/Bronze, Vernon Riding Club, Vernon BC, www.dressagebc.ca

27+28 AERC HORSE SHOW (co-hosting with APHA), Agriplex, Armstrong BC, AERCcanada@gmail.com, www.armstrongenderbyridingclub.ca

28 THE DONNA RUTH MEMORIAL HORSE SHOW, co-hosts AERC & APHA, Armstrong BC, AERCcanada@gmail.com, www.armstrongenderbyridingclub.ca

28 VIMHC Lombard Cones & stuff, vanislemhc@gmail.com, www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc

28 DRESSAGE SHOW SERIES, Beban Park Equestrian Centre, Nanaimo BC, Monique Fraser rosewyn@haw.ca

28 ALL BREEDS FUN SHOW (in-hand, riding & driving classes), Onoway AB, more info at www.albertadonkeyandmule.ca


Weds KRC MEMBER FUN NIGHTS starting at 6 pm, every Wednesday, Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC, https://www.kelownaridingclub.ca

1-4 INTERIOR DESERT CIRCUIT Show Series, https://vernonridingclub.com

1-4 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Princeton BC, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca

3 BREAKAWAY ROPING JACKPOT (SERIES), JR Arena, Cache Creek BC, www.highcallroping.ca

3-4 ALL BREED RANCH RIDING SHOW, 100 Mile House BC, Danita 250-644-5686, danitamclaren@icloud.com

8-11 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Langley BC, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca

9–10 VIMHC Spring Classic Show, vanislemhc@gmail.com, www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc

10-11 KELOWNA RIDING CLUB DRESSAGE SHOW, Gold/Bronze, Kelowna BC, www.dressagebc.ca

10-16 NOVA SCOTIA, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF, https://www.equinerehab.ca

15-18 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Campbell River BC, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca

16-17 APHC SPRING CLASSIC, Red Deer Westerner, Red Deer AB, follow us on Facebook and https://www.albertapainthorseclub.ca

16-18 TOUCH OF CLASS DRESSAGE SHOW, Gold/CDI, Thunderbird Show Park, Langley BC, www.dressagebc.ca

17-18 BCMT BUCKLE SERIES SHOW, Hanging H Arena, Chilliwack BC, e-mail Debbie, hughesqh@telus.net, www.bcmountaintrail.com

17-18 CAMPOUT via horse drawn carts & wagons in the Chu Chua area BC, Inland Draft & Teamster Assoc. on Facebook

18 VIMHC Lombard Mini Show, vanislemhc@gmail.com, www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc

18-24 GUELPH ON, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course, Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF, https://www.equinerehab.ca

22-25 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Pemberton BC, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca

24-25 RANCH HORSE REVOLUTION SHOW, Armstrong BC, more info on Facebook page or email ranchhorserevolution@gmail.com

24 BREAKAWAY ROPING JACKPOT (SERIES), JR Arena, Cache Creek BC, www.highcallroping.ca

24-25 CCC DOUBLE HEADER, Pine Rock Ventures, Bluffton AB, Janet Goltz 403-848-1790, pinerockventures@gmail.com, www.canadiancowboychallenge.com

25-July 1 OTTAWA ON, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF, https://www.equinerehab.ca

29-Jul 2 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Heffley Creek BC, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca


6-9 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Clearwater BC, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca

8 SCQHA CLINIC (Clinician TBA), Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC, scqhashow@gmail.com, www.bcqha.com

WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-838-0111. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch

Wanted Wranglers / Trail Guides

DAWSON CO-OP HOME & AGRO CENTRE, 250-782-3371 10020 Parkhill Drive, Dawson Creek BC, www.agro.crs

Lesson Programs

FOOTNOTEFARM.COM (Langley BC) 778-822-3276 Certified instructors, safe & sound horses, curriculum followed, privates for beginners. 5/23

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