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Association/Trail Riders News
While BSDC members are busy scheduling club events, they can also check out several other upcoming driving opportunities. April 28-May 1 is the National Drive's Spring Fling at the Hoosier Horse Park, Edinburg, IN. The park offers some of the best driving areas in the U.S. – woods, water obstacles, dressage rings, cone courses, indoor and outdoor arenas, along with a variety of marked trails. Clinics covering a range of driving topics are scheduled and the clinicians are available for private lessons. Each day starts with coffee and donuts in the big tent and evening parties allow for socializing with drivers from several states. The Northwest Ohio Driving Circuit will host shows on May 28-29 and July 2-3. Drivers have the opportunity to compete in pleasure driving, timed cones, and reinsmanship obstacles. Both driven and in hand trail is also offered. The shows will be held in the covered arena at the Fulton Co. Fairgrounds, Wauseon, OH. Check the NWODC Facebook page for more information. A popular annual event for BSDC members is the Michigan Horsedrawn Vehicle Association's Blue Ribbon Driving Show held this year June 4-5 at the Ionia, MI, fairgrounds. Ring classes for turnout, working, super reinsmanship, pleasure driving, and carriage dogs begin the fun Sat. morning. In the afternoon, a combined test for several divisions is scheduled. A full range of dressage tests begin Sunday's competition with several cones classes, cross country to follow, providing lots of driving fun. Check www. mhdva.org or contact Dorothy Childs at 517763-3729 for more information. Interested in driving? Black Swamp Driving Club welcomes new members. A carriage or equine is not required for membership since BSDC schedules events that explore the history of horse-drawn vehicles or the restoration of antique carriages. Check www.blackswampdrivingclub.com or the BSDC Facebook page for membership information. Please join us!
As this is being written, the Michigan Horse Council Horse Expo just took place, and it was a big success. This event had not been held since we were pounded by Covid, so this year's Expo was especially welcome. BTRA hosted a display table at the Expo, along with several other trail riding clubs, and we were located in a section on the main floor. In the past our organizations were in one of smallish rooms on the periphery of the show area. Although it was described as cozy, attendees had to seek us out and many more casual folks did not know about us or where we were located. Now, anyone who was strolling the aisles could spot us easily, stop by, and learn about our organization. One clear benefit was our success in recruiting new members.
Interesting for all carriage enthusiasts is the June 10th auction of Woodland Coach, Mt. Hope, OH. The sale will feature more than 30 carriages and sleighs, most beautifully restored. For decades owner Ivan Burkholder was one of the premier restorers of antique vehicles in the U.S. The business also provided all kinds of carriage parts, hard to find tools, and many driving related items. More info. at: www.martinauctioneers.com Time to check carts, carriages, and harnesses for trouble free driving. No one wants to ruin a pleasant day out driving with wheel problems, bolts breaking, or springs letting loose. Harnesses can fail from weakened stitching, serious cracks, or buckles breaking. It is important that both harness and vehicle is the right size for the horse or pony to insure its comfort as well.
Don't forget that May is National Carriage Driving Month.
According to Expo officials, all aspects of the affair rebounded well. The clinics and presentations were well attended, the turnout was more than satisfactory, and vendors were there in good numbers. It was gratifying to see that all parties associated with the Expo were more than ready to resume our pre-Covid lives. On a personal note, I made it a point to stop by the Saddle Up Magazine booth and chat with that publication's editor. BTRA and Saddle Up have enjoyed a good relationship for years and it was particularly gratifying to see that they have weathered the pandemic and are still going strong. BTRA is anxious to start the 2022 riding season. Although the Brighton equestrian campground is still closed, it will open in April. A recent inspection of the staging area revealed that it is in good condition, and it was noted that all the picket poles are new. We are confirmed for our annual banquet, the BTRA/PTRA “Spring Fling” at the end of April and our first outdoor event, the Open Ride, Picnic, and Annual Meeting, which is scheduled for May. Although Mother Nature can still throw us curve balls, we feel reasonably confident that we will be enjoying good weather from here on out so all the more reason to make sure our horses are in good shape and we're getting ready to hit the trails. Mark Delaney, BTRA President
The Ionia event dates for 2022 are: • June 11 – Forbidden Trail Ride • October 1 – Chili Cookoff The Forbidden Trail Ride weekend will include a silent auction and a potluck dinner followed by our annual meeting. When reserving online, remember your first click is on the "Equestrian" tab on the right side of the first page, then you can select our horse camp. We are planning a workbee for April 3. All of the pipe corral base materials will already be added and graded by park staff, prior to our workbee. They will also upgrade footing in the wooden corrals. We will need to reassemble the pipe corrals. Some shorter picket poles will be replaced, and signage will be installed on the confidence course. If we get enough help we'd like to send two pole saw crews out to "raise the canopy" on the trails. We hope to make additions to the Ionia Confidence Course next year (2023). We have plotted out our proposed route for Phase 2, and it has been roughed in. Riders are welcome to start using the path to go...
from day staging to the Phase 1 course. The path will pick up from the trail just across the road from day staging, then take the first right (presently it is marked by pink ribbons in sets of two – stay between the ribbons.) Our approximately 100x100 arena built with a joint effort of park staff and IHTA volunteers in September 2019, is next to day staging. If you have an anxious horse you want to expose to trail riding, you will have a safe place to "work out the kinks" before hitting the trails. We will also be encouraging 4-H groups to hold their practices there, as well as potentially inviting clinicians and outside events in the future. THREE DAY PARKING AREAS: 1 – Normal Day Staging; 2 – Go past the day staging parking lot to the "Barn Lot" on the same side of the road; 3 – There is also a new option to access the west end of the park more easily! It is still signed as the X Country Ski Trail, just before the beach entrance (on the opposite side of the road) when entering the park. Park staff enlarged the parking area to hold four or five horse size rigs, but this is not a parking area suitable for BIG rigs. The drive entry is not wide, and the turn around area is not huge. If your rig is more than 30 feet or you lack backing skills, this may not be a good option. Please park like you expect the lot to be full when you come back. Leave room for others and plan for all rigs to be able to exit safely. If you encounter this situation on the trails, please let us know, and let the park staff know before you leave the park. We all work together as best as we can to keep the trails clear. You can ask questions or report trail issues on our Facebook page “Ionia Horse Trails - IHTA” or by calling the park at 616527-3750. Thanks, Kristie your 2022 MSPTRA Membership! Join today, pay online or print the membership form, mail in. We appreciate the support! Maybury State Park is conducting their annual Spring Clean-Up on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 9am-noon. Please check the event posted on Facebook for more details. Mark your calendars for our Annual Fall Ride this year! It is scheduled for October 23rd, from noon to 3:00pm. Check out all the new updates to the website at www.mayburytrailriders.org Continue to follow us on Facebook for updates on the trails, events and general news going on in the park. Feel free to post pictures from your rides! Happy Trails! Mary Nader
Are we in our fourth false Spring? I have lost count. The temps keep going up and down making everything muddy out. Fox Trotters are in high demand now and they are pricey. It may be more cost effective to breed your mare, rather than buy a trained one to add to your herd. Contact Chuck Fanslow in Gladwin, MI (989-4359224) if you want a very gaited foal. He has a couple of Cotton-Eyed Joe stallions (a Buckskin and a Palomino) that you could breed your mare to. We added another clinic to take place at the Holland Western Horse Park! See #6 added to the list below...
Greetings, trail riders! Spring is here! It's time to take off those blankets and sheets. The shedding has begun!
Schedule of our events for this year:
1. April 30-May 1: Clinician Susan Williams will conduct an indoor Obstacle Clinic at her Morning View Farm (3075 Turkey Trail, Ionia, MI). All gaited breeds are welcome with a 10 rider limit. Clinic fee is $200 per rider, $175 MFHA member. Stalls, a bag of shavings, rustic camping are all included. Audit fee is $20 (bring a chair). Your horse will become desensitized to a number of things and you will learn important horsemanship skills. Do not miss out. Send in your registration and check to reserve your spot. Join us at Slippery F Ranch, 9770 Butler Rd., Nashville, MI on May 14 to participate in a Beginning Cow Clinic with experienced instructors, Greg & Lisa Flower. The fee is $175/horse or $150 for MFHA members. 20 rider limit. Please pre-register. 3. Next we are offering a Judged Trail Ride for all breeds and ages on May 21 9AM2:30PM, Ionia State Recreation area equestrian campground in Saranac, MI. There is a $25 fee for ages 18 & up, $10 for 17 & under. Come out for a fun day getting scored on a number of creative and updated obstacles. Reserve a camping spot via the MI DNR at www.midnrreservations.com. There will be prizes and ribbons for Pee Wee and youth with payback prizes for adults18 and over. It will be fun for the whole family! Send in your paid registration form to reserve a spot. 4.The MFTHBA/MFHA/IFTA National Trail Ride and potluck will take place July 8-10 at Waterloo State Recreation Area, Chelsea, MI. Reserve your campsite via the MI DNR website. Specify the Waterloo Horseman's Camp (or reserve at Farmlane if full). Preregister so we can get a head count. 5. July 23 the acclaimed judge and educator Joanne Coy will again be our clinician for the Western Dressage Clinic for all gaited breeds at Pine Lake Stables,12300 W. Pine Lake Road, Plainwell, MI. The fee is $175 (non MFHA) and $150 for MFHA members. There will be a choice of two groundwork sessions (Getting your horse to gait and Improving gait) in the morning, semi-private lessons will take place in the afternoon. There is a 10 rider limit so register now! 6. July 24th, Susan Williams will conduct a Natural Trail and Obstacle clinic for 12 riders at the Holland Western Horse Park located at 3856 61st St., Holland, MI. The fee for MFHA members and Holland Western Saddle Club members is $135 ($145 for nonmembers). Pre-register and contact HWHP for camping arrangements. 7. The Horsemanship Clinic with clinician Levi Beechy is August 27 (groundwork) & 28 (astride) at Morning View Farm, 3075 Turkey Trail, Ionia, MI. 10 riders are allowed. $350/rider ($325 if MFHA member). Auditors welcome ($25 each). Price includes a stall, a bag of shavings and rustic camping spot. Be sure to pre-register! 8. The popular Versatility Challenge Program has been updated to include Fox Trotters in harness in the Under Saddle division. Sign
up now. The rules and registration forms for Under Saddle, Not Under Saddle and Horseman's Challenge are on our website for you to read and print off. Prove how versatile your MFT is and earn prizes each quarter. It's a very fun program doing things with your horse. Contact Carrie Carpenter (269-806-1371) with any questions. Go to www.michiganfoxtrottinghorse.com for all of the clinic registration forms, flyers, membership form (if desired) and more information on each clinic and trail ride, as well as this great association. Submit full payment for each and make your check out to MFHA to reserve your spot. Join Now – MFHA members qualify for reduced fees in our clinics, as well as other member benefits. Mail in the membership form from our website and learn how to enjoy your Fox Trotter more! By Marilyn Mannino will see that you are linked up with someone to answer your questions. If you would like to volunteer, text Dorothy at 517-763-3729. If you sign up early enough, you will receive a free t-shirt! MHDVA is planning several recreational drives this year. Lucerne Express, Sleepy Hollow, Ely Lake, Lake City, and Elk Hill are a few of the destinations. Please follow our Facebook page or http://www.mhdva.org/ to view our calendar. You are welcome to join the club. Hope to see you at an event!! Sincerely, Dorothy Childs, Pres. MHDVA
Our annual meeting and banquet on March 26 included election for current and new board members and board positions. Our current president will be stepping down. Thank you, Chuck Fanslow for our service!
Michigan Horse Drawn Vehicle Association (MHDVA) had the last of its winter “Ask the Experts” meetings on March 5 at the Grand Ledge Public Library. The speaker for this meeting was Dr Amy Keyt, DVM. Dr Amy works at Prairie Creek Veterinary Service in Belding, MI. Her presentation was about Chiropractic and Acupuncture benefits and use in animals, specifically the equine. The presentation and monthly meeting can be viewed on Michigan Horse Drawn Vehicle Association on Facebook. The prize list has been finished for the June 4th and 5th Annual Blue Ribbon Driving Show located at the Ionia Fairground, Ionia MI. This year, we have added some cones classes and a cross country pleasure pace. If you want a prize list, please contact Linda Aloyo, rlaloyo@gmail.com or copy this link into your browser to view the prize list: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AFNHqgcc WDquaOYqLtiw_faTKEba0wBo/view If you are interested in driving, please come to the show and let someone in the office know that you would like to learn more. We Spring brings trail clearing and our spring workbee which will be April 8-10 and will focus on the east trails. Hope to see many members and friends as many hands will be needed. Bring loppers, chainsaws if the safety certification has been completed, and a smile! It is always fun to work with friends and enjoy bonfires and socializing at the end of the day. Then on to our rides for 2022. The first ride is May 12-16 at South Branch Trail Camp. This is a stay at one camp kick off for the year. There is great circle riding and much of this trail is along a beautiful river! This ride is used for many as a conditioning for the June shore to shore crossing rides. June gives two options to complete a shore to shore trophy ride. The first ride is June 213, starts on east shore at Oscoda and completes on west shore in Empire, this ride has no layover days. The second ride June 17- July 2 reverses the travel and goes west to east. This ride has 2-3 layover days. Unfortunately, there is again a section of the east-west trail that is closed through the Mayhem swamp. The board and the DNR are continuing to work on access through this section. Watch newsletter for updates. August 6-13 is our family ride, which will be at Goose Creek Trail camp. This is a fun, relaxing time riding the many trails, kayak-ing, crafts for the young and young at heart, swimming and bonfires. There should be new steps for the Manistee River crossing. Fall brings the September Criss Cross (trophy x 2) from Mackinaw to Cadillac and Empire to Oscoda. Hoping for the Cheboygan trail camp to be completed by this ride. October is our color ride and starts at Walsh Road and traveling to Luzerne and 4 mile trail camp. This usually is a good section to view Michigan color changes. Membership and ride information is on our website: https://www.mtra.org/ Make sure you follow us on Facebook too!
Pinto Horse Association of Ohio
Happy Spring!! Spring is always fun because of the anticipation of new foals and a new show season coming. Another good thing is that the hair starts to fly and riding and working begins. The first Ohio Pinto show of the year is on April 29-May 1, 2022 at Ashland County Fairgrounds. The board of directors has been busy planning not only the shows, but some special ways to give back to the members for 2022. The Pinto Horse Association of Ohio works closely with several other organizations to ensure success for all. We are a sponsor for Michigan State Pinto Breeders and Owners, as well as YEDA.
Pinto Horse Assoc. of Ohio 2022 Shows:
April 29-May 1: Ashland County Fairgrounds, 2042 Claremont Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805 May 20-22: Fulton County Fairgrounds, 8514 OH-108, Waseon, OH 43567 July 22-24: Univ. of Findlay-Western Farm 14700 US Route 68, Findlay, OH 45840 July 30-31: Henry County Saddle Club Grounds, 2221 N. Memorial Drive, New Castle, IN 47362 August 26-28: Champion Center, 4122 Laybourne Rd., Springfield, OH 45505 September 23-25: Garwood Arena, 2538 Middleton Road, Columbiana, OH 44408 We offer classes for both colored and solid pintos of all shapes and types from mini-
ature horses to ponies to saddle horses. We hope to see you at one of our shows during the 2022 Season. Be sure to check out “PtHAO-Pinto Horse Association of Ohio” on Facebook and at: www.ohiopinto.net for all forms and more information.
Hello Everyone! Happy Spring! We are thrilled to announce that our Circle Ride, partnered with Kensington Trail Riders, will be on Saturday, June 18th. Camping will be offered at both locations. We will be taking reservations for Friday thru Sunday camping very soon. Our other camping/riding event will be held the weekend of September 23rd.


We are also very happy to report that we have added even more obstacles to our obstacle course. Please come out and give it a try! There is no charge, just enjoy. Proud Lake Trail Riders has been working diligently with the DNR to separate our trails from the bikers. A huge hurdle was just accomplished in that the location of the new bike trails has been decided and agreed upon. The next step will be cutting out the trails. Once the trails are separated, there will be signs stating what are horse trails and what are bike trails. We have been working on this for the past several years and we are thrilled that the park is committed to making this happen. As of right now, the GPS maps have been submitted and we are moving forward. If you encounter bikers on the trails that are not giving the right of way to horses, please contact the DNR immediately. If you are able to get photos, please try to. If you would like to join our email list, please email me at: efrusy@yahoo.com and also remember to like us on Facebook! Stay safe and keep riding! It's been a long winter and spring is finally here! It may just be a little easier during your daily activities out in the barn without those winter gloves and all those extra clothes you needed to stay warm. It's time to start preparing and planning for summer adventures with our equine partners. As the world and Ukraine face new challenges of uncertainty, the USEF has established the USEF Ukraine Relief Fund to support Ukraine horses and equestrians. More information can be found on the US Equestrian Federation website under “USEF Ukraine Relief Fund.” All donations are tax deductible. https://www.usef.org/ Sunrise Equestrian Sports WDAMI Benefit Clinic was a success. Everyone had a great time learning about the new tests and what judges are looking for. There will be a Western Dressage Clinic with Joanne Williams in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan, May 21 and 22 at the Lazy S Ranch in Dafter, Michigan. For more Information, contact Suzanne Morisse at eaglehorse1@hotmail.com or call or text her 906-440-0215. The WDAA 2022 Online International Challenge prize list is now posted on www.showsecretary.com. The show opens May 23 and ends July 6. Entries are accepted from May 23 to June 6, 2022. Videos are due by June 17. Check it out – there will be lots of great prizes and the show will offer classes for challenged and therapeutic riders as well. Our WDMI 2022 show series is all set to go. All shows will be WDAA recognized. Our first show is Dressage at Waters Edge (April 22 – May 13, with videos due by June 10). This will be followed by the Sunflower Horse Show (June 10 – July 1, with videos due by July 15) and the Battle of the Saddles (July 15-August 12, with videos due by August 26). We have added driving classes this year at each of these shows. There will be both harmony awards and versatility awards for each show. All 3 shows will offer door prizes, as well as a grand prize drawing for those who participate in all 3 shows. Our quote of the month is by John Lyons “When your horse follows you, without being asked, when he rubs his head on yours, when you look at him and feel a tingle down your spine, you know you are loved.” WDAMI is looking for sponsors for our yearend awards and educational events. If you would like to help by sponsoring or by helping us to find sponsors, please contact us by email at: infowdami@gmail.com. If you would like to volunteer or offer other services we need, please contact us. We can always use the help. Please don't forget to renew your 2022 membership. Thank you for your support. Be safe, have fun, enjoy your equine partner, and exercise the act of kindness to all. Until next time – Suzanne Morisse

Calendar of Events for 2022 April 9th – Work Bee 9am start time. We will be focusing on trails. Once we have a team for those, we will focus on corrals and campground general management. PLEASE sign up to come help us! Quads, chainsaws, you name it – we need it! Experienced woods-person wanted.
April 23rd – Shot Clinic
Last year this was held at the Buehler residence, because of how wonderful it went, we will once again be holding the shot clinic there. Sign ups will be sent out soon. 10370 W. Parmalee, Middleville, MI is the address. Mark your calendar!
Come vote on your board members! Enjoy a ride to Yankee Bills Saloon (must be a paying member) around a 18 mile ride round trip.
June 25th – Judged Trail Ride
Last year we had a horrible storm cause us to cancel. Probably one of the first times we've had to cancel. We can't wait to host this event again in 2022! Come test your skills on our course!
September 3rd – Annual Meeting
October 8th – Halloween
Show us your best costume and win prizes! Additional information to come. Visit us online at: https://ystra.org/ WWW.SADDLEUPMAG.COM