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4-H News: MI, OH & Indiana
We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us.
Looking to ease back into horse show season and get direct, on-the-spot feedback from your judges?
Dust off your skills at the Norma Agnew Hairy Horse Show on Saturday, April 19th, 2022 at the MSU Pavilion (4301 Farm Lane, Lansing, MI). Starting at 8:30am, join us for an interactive horse show where the judges wear microphones and no ribbons or points will be awarded for class placing; the feedback is your reward! This show is open to all, not only 4-H members and helmets are required for all participating 4-H Cloverbud members. Show clothes are optional and a negative Coggins test in the last 12 months is required to participate. Classes are $8 each and all class entries will close at 11am on April 19th. A limited number of stalls are available at $40 each, only prepaid stall reservations will be accepted, and all horse stalls must use bedding. Stalls can be reserved with a credit card online at https:// commerce.cashnet.com/msu_3645 or by mailing a check payable to: MSU Hairy Horse Show – Attn: Carla, 474 S. Shaw Lane, Rm 1287 East Lansing, MI 48824. For more information or if you have questions, please contact Carla McLachlan by email at CarlaM@msu.edu
Are you looking to improve your chances of working on your favorite horse farm
this summer? Attend the in-person Leelanau 4-H Tractor Safety Program on the following Sundays from 3pm until 4:30pm: April 10th, April 24th, May 1st, and May 8th. Hosted at the NW Michigan Horticulture Research Center, 14 and 15-yearold 4-H youths must attend all five sessions and pass both the written and driving portions of the test to become certified. Both the written and driving portions of the test will be held in-person and by appointment on Sunday, May 22nd. The cost is $90 per student, which includes the classes, manual, certificate, and snack on testing day. Some scholarships are available if finances are an issue. For more information and to schedule your exam, please contact Rosali Collier, the Leelanau County 4-H Program Coordinator, by email at collierr@ msu.edu or call 231.256.9888.
Want to improve your interview skills?
Practice makes perfect! Come join our 4-H Future Squad in-person Mock Interview Day on Saturday, April 23rd from 1-4pm at the MSU Tollgate Farms and Educational Center in Novi, MI. Youths ages 12-19 will learn key tips to be successful in your interviews and get helpful practice to enhance your skills. The workshop will explore the following: what you should wear to an interview, how to make a positive first impression, practice answering those tough questions, virtual interviewing techniques, questions you should ask, follow up methods, provide an opportunity to network with others, and dining etiquette (food and refreshments provided)! Attending youths should bring 5 copies of their resume, bring mask to wear during the workshop, dress in business casual attire. 4-H membership is encouraged, but not required, and registration is due online by April 15th. The workshop is free to all who attend and limited to the first 30 participants who register. If you have questions about Mock Interview Day, please contact Laurie Rivetto by email at rivettol@msu.edu
Put your equine knowledge to the test at the annual Ohio State 4-H Horse Bowl
Contest. Head to the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio on April 9th to showcase your equine experience in a friendly, educational environment. The primary objective of Horse Bowl Competition is to provide an opportunity for 4-H members enrolled in horse projects to demonstrate their knowledge of equinerelated matters in a competitive setting, where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail. We hope that this competition will provide an educational experience for both participants and the spectators. The deadline for registration was March 25, but you can still come and watch and test your own knowledge! Check-in time for senior team competitors is 8:30am and check-in time for junior team comp-etitors is 1:30pm. Please note that masks are required to be worn by all visitors to the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, regardless of vaccination status. For more details, please contact Dr. Kimberly Cole, the Ohio State Extension Equine Specialist, by email at cole.436@osu.edu Mark your calendars: both the Ohio 4-H Judging Contest and the Ohio 4-H Hippology Contest will be taking place on June 13th, 2022 at the Union County Fairgrounds in Marysville, Ohio. The primary objective of the Hippology Contest is to provide, in a friendly but competitive setting, an opportunity for youth enrolled in a 4-H horse project to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge and understanding of equine science and husbandry, and the application of this knowledge and skill. For the Judging Contest, competitors will be able to judge classes and give oral reasons. Juniors are required to give two sets of reasons and seniors will be required to give 3-4 sets which will be included in both total scores.
For more information on events or how to get involved in Michigan 4-H, please contact Taylor Fabus, 4-H Horse and Pony Extension Educator, by email at tenlenta @msu.edu. Stay in-the-loop on Michigan 4-H Horse and Pony events by visiting their online calendar of events at: https:// www.canr.msu.edu/horses_ponies/events
Hands-on Activities for Kids

Wrien by Lisa Skylis, in collaboraon with Cindy Couturier, editor, Saddle Up! Magazine
For both Contests, registration forms and fees ($30 per team for either Contest) are due online by June 3rd, 2022. No late entries will be accepted for any reason. Please contact Dr. Kimberly Cole, the Ohio State Extension Equine Specialist, by email at cole.436@osu.edu with any questions.
Are you a 4-H youth with a passion for
science and outer space? Shoot for the stars and sign up for 4-H Space Adventure Camp from June 14th to June 16th in Marietta, Ohio! This three-day overnight camp is for kids ages 11 to 13 and/or students who were 5th to 7th graders during this school year. You will have the opportunity to explore the world of flight and science as you build and test flying machines, conduct computer flight simulations, learn about the principles of aerodynamics and gain an overview of the development of the space flight program. Registration is open now, space is limited to 40 participants, and the deadline to register is May 1st, 2022. For more information, please visit the 4-H Space Adventure Camp homepage online at: http://spaceadvent urecamp.cfaes.ohio-state.edu/ If you'd like more information or have questions, you can contact Dr. Kimberly Cole, the Ohio State Extension Equine Specialist, by email at cole.436@osu.edu.
Come one, come all to the 4-H Horse & Pony Public Speaking Event on of April
14th, 2022! This virtual event is for horseloving individuals only (no teams) and has three public speaking event categories: Junior for 3rd to 5th grade youth, Intermediate for 6th to 8th grade youth, and Senior for 9th grade youth and above. Your horse industry related presentation must be 4-6 minutes in length for Junior and Intermediate contestants and 7-10 minutes in length for Senior contestants. Awards will be presented following the competition in the evening, and the top five contestants in each division will receive awards. The highest scoring Senior will be eligible to compete in the national public speaking event in Louisville, KY in November of 2022! The registration form and $15 fee are both due by 12pm, April 6th. Checks should be made out to Purdue University and payment can be sent to Courtney Stierwalt, State 4-H Office, 615 W. State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907. To get more detailed information, please reach out to Courtney Stierwalt, the 4-H Youth Development Extension Specialist at dickerso@purdue.edu Listen up, Randolph Riders! The Randolph Riders 4-H Horse and Pony Club has a few noteworthy meetings and events taking place in the upcoming weeks at the Randolph County 4-H Fairgrounds (1885 US 27 Winchester, Indiana 47394). Anyone interested in learning more about the Randolph Riders should come on April 11th, 2022 at 5:30pm in the Best Way Disposal Center at the Fairgrounds. Current Club members should mark their calendars for the Open Show on Saturday, May 21st at the Randolph County Fairgrounds. This open show boasts $100 payback classes, with $75 payout to 1st place and $25 payout to 2nd place – money payout guaranteed. The office fee on the grounds is $4 per horse and to ride all day it is $20, with ribbon classes up to 6 placings (note: payback class fee of $6 per class is not included in this fee). Stalls are available at $10/day per horse. Proper show attire is required and helmets are strongly encouraged. The show is weather permitting and the show manager encourages you to 'call before you haul.' For more details, please email the Club: randolphriders@gmail. com or call Club President, Jim Luttman at 765.730.4486.
Calling all 4-H youth age 14 to 18 looking to enhance their leadership skills and
take on new challenges! Consider applying to this year's Ohio 4-H Leadership Camp from June 1st until June 5th, 2022 at 4-H Camp Ohio. The focus of the five-day leadership experience is the development of concrete peer leadership skills that will enable participants to have an immediate impact in their home 4-H club, county, community, or school. The camp program offers a balance of mental and physical challenges, allowing participants of all backgrounds to have fun and learn new skills and about the variety of their peers' perspectives. Individuals must be nominated by their county and then will receive additional information about registering. If you are interested in attending, please first contact your county's 4-H professional. If you have any additional questions about Leadership Camp, please contact Hannah Epley via email: epley.24@osu.edu or email Sarah Longo at: longo.79@osu.edu
Inviting all 4-H-ers in the Horse and Pony
Program in Lawrence County, head to the Lawrence County Fairgrounds Community Building on the following dates for these events: April 11th from 7-8pm for the 4-H Horse and Pony Club Meeting, and April 19th 7-8pm for the 4-H Horse and Pony Vaccination Clinic. The 2022 vaccination form can be found online at: https://exten sion.purdue.edu/county/lawrence/4-h/_ docs/horse-vaccination-form.pdf As a reminder, vaccination forms will be due to the Extension Office by May 15th, 2022. For more info., Amber Thorne 812.583.5569.
April is a particularly busy month for the Lucky Horseshoes 4-H Club members!
The Lucky Horseshoes will be having Club ride nights at the Harrison County Fairgrounds Arena on the following dates: April 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th from 6:30pm until 8pm. Please contact Annette Stansbury, Club Leader, by phone at 812.705.4645 or by email at astansbury@portative.net
For questions specific to the Open Show in May, please contact Debra Sharp text or call 765.625.1634.