21 minute read
Association/Trail Riders News
If you're looking for a club to join, whether you have a horse and carriage or not, please come to our March 13th meeting at the Good Hope Lutheran Church, 300 S. Main St., Arlington, OH, from 2 to 4 p.m. Just for fun, there will be a presentation on carriage styles and carriage parts with chances to win prizes. Drives for the upcoming season will be discussed and scheduled. If you're in 4-H, a farmer with a team, a novice or a pro, come join us and increase your skills, share your knowledge to help others, and increase your circle of friends. The Black Swamp Driving Club has something for everyone! Some of the events we have done in the past and could be scheduled for this year include: the Parker Bridge Drive, driving through winding roads in parks, driving down quiet scenic country roads with a chance to see some wildlife, joint drives with the Western Reserve Carriage Association, a picnic drive around the Meeker, OH, Community Center, and an obstacle course drive with free fishing and a picnic on a small farm. Just imagine the possibilities you could add. Members that take ponies or minis to American Driving Society (ADS) events should be aware that a pony/VSE card is required to participate. A vet or approved ADS representative can do the measuring either at home or at an event. Forms to be completed and sent to the ADS office can be found on the ADS website. Pictures of both sides and faces of animals are required. Photos used for Coggins test papers can be used as long as they are in COLOR. Molly Owens is home after a trip to the hospital following a bad fall on her way to the barn. She broke vertebrae in her neck and is uncomfortably wearing a neck brace and carefully moving around with a walker. She would enjoy phone calls from members. At the March meeting, Sue Murray will present ideas for revamping the club bylaws. Some ideas suggested have been to reduce the governing board from 7 to 5, changing the Treasurer's position to a non-board member with board oversight, having a January meeting with other meetings only as necessary, and a way to poll members electronically. Changes to the bylaws will be voted on later in the year, after members have had sufficient time to review them and possibly suggest changes. One lucky member will go home from the March gathering a little richer. The BSDC board approved having a 50/50 drawing at each meeting. Please note that the April meeting at the church has been canceled. Many thanks go out to Sue Murray for sending meeting notices and meeting minutes out to members. Thanks also to Angie Hohenbrink for putting BSDC news and notices on Facebook, and the newly revised club website. Sharon Hayhurst, BSDC President
Fort Custer Horse Friends Association
Hello Trail Riders! The winter misery end is just around the corner with March being here now. It also brings the MI Horse Expo that we all look forward to this time of year. FCHFA will have a trail table display in the trails room for this event and we would love to talk to everyone to say Hi! and answer any questions about our wonderful campground, trail system, easy-to-use day use trailhead, or just chat with trail enthusiasts. In 2021, we continued our Spring and Fall Equestrian Campout events with amazing attendance. Plan to be here for a 4-day campout with us May 12-15, or September 15-18 this season. The trails are always lovely in Spring or Fall colors. Old and new friends enjoy pancake breakfast, potlucks and more at the beautiful Whitford Lake event area. The grassy tree lined camping area has picket poles, an outhouse, equine supplied water and an avenue to dispose of manure for clean campsites. For any driving enthusiasts, there is a 3-mile open for the event only, to drive your ponies. Campsites are first come, first serve. There has always been room for anyone interested that shows up, so no need to worry there won't be a spot for you. The trails are groomed for relaxed riding around lakes, prairies, wood lots, a stretch along the Kalamazoo River, and a few hilly sections. Along all the trails are creek crossings where your mount can get a fresh drink of water. What more could a trail rider ask for?! Put the dates on your calendars and we hope to see you there!
Please help support all we do by becoming a member in 2022. Our 2022 plans include extending picket areas further into the trees for shade and working with the DNR for future electrical hook up in our campsites. All very exciting – be part of it!
Our board meetings this winter have been hit or miss due to the weather and Covid. As soon as the weather warms up, our meetings will again be held at the Trailhead pavilion at 4:30 pm on the 1st Wednesday of every month. All are welcome to attend. For any club updates go to our website at www.fchfa.org or visit the FCHFA Facebook page to see new pictures and announcements. Call Nancy with any other questions at 269-967-3613.
See you on the trails! Toni Strong, FCHFA Secretary
I am writing and watching wild birds peck through snow and ice at my feeder. However, I hope by the time you read this, Spring will be just a few weeks away! Spring brings more than flowers and birds, it brings back all the riding, camping, showing, and many, many other horse related opportunities. I know we are happy that each day brings us closer to riding and gathering with fellow equestrians. Our HTRA events are camp and rides...the Annual Poker Ride and Camp is May 13th15th, potluck and ride on Saturday. The Annual Horse Shoe Hunt Camp and Ride is September 9th-11th, potluck and ride on Saturday the 10th. The campground is usually filled within days of posting. We keep a waiting list as there are always some cancellations. We always welcome day riders and hope they will participate in the rides, potlucks, and campfires! Our Horse Shoe Ride includes a silent auction and we’re actively seeking donated items and services. To donate or ask questions regarding the auction or our events please email highlandtrailridersmi@gmail.com, or find Highland Trail Riders on Facebook. The Highland Trail Riders Association is... WWW.SADDLEUPMAG.COM
always seeking new members. Please consider joining our group. Your dues help us keep our trails maintained and available for horseback riding through beautiful Highland Recreation Area. Wherever you ride – be safe, have fun and think Spring!
June 11 Forbidden Trail Ride October 1 Chili Cookoff The Forbidden Trail Ride weekend will include a potluck dinner followed by our annual meeting. When reserving online, remember your first click is on the “Equestrian” tab on the right side of the first page, then you can select our horse camp. We are planning a workbee for late March or early April, depending on when the weather breaks. We will be adding grade materials to the corrals on sites 114 & 116. All of the pipe corral base materials should be added and graded by park staff prior to our workbee. Those corrals may need to be set back up. Some shorter picket poles will be replaced, and signage will be installed on the confidence course (if we get enough help) as well as map signs replaced on the trails. Emails will be sent, and Facebook posts made as soon as a date is confirmed. We hope to make additions to the Ionia Confidence Course next year. We have plotted out our proposed route for Phase 2, but this hinges on DNR approval on the trail. This has been delayed by Covid travel protocols for state employees. As soon as we have DNR approval for the route, it will be brushed out and riders are welcome to start using the path to go from day staging to the Phase 1 course. The path will pick up from the trail just across the road from day staging, then take the first right (presently it is marked by pink ribbons in sets of two – stay between the ribbons.) Our approximately 100x100 arena built with a joint effort of park staff and IHTA volunteers in September 2019 is next to day staging. If you have an anxious horse you want to expose to trail riding, you'll have a safe place to "work out the kinks" before hitting the trails. We'll also be encouraging 4-H groups to hold their practices there, as well as potentially inviting clinicians and outside events in the future. THREE DAY PARKING AREAS: 1 - Normal Day Staging; 2 - Go past the day staging parking lot to the "Barn Lot" on the same side of the road; 3 - There is also a new option to access the west end of the park more easily! It is still signed as the X Country Ski Trail, just before the beach entrance (on the opposite side of the road) when entering the park. Park staff enlarged the parking area to hold four or five horse size rigs, but this is not a parking area suitable for BIG rigs. The drive entry is not wide, and the turn around area is not huge. If your rig is more than 30 feet or you lack backing skills, this may not be a good option. Please park like you expect the lot to be full when you come back. Leave room for others and plan for all rigs to be able to exit safely. If you encounter a situation on the trails, please let us know, and let the park staff know before you leave the park. We all work together as best as we can to keep the trails clear. You can ask questions, or report trail issues on our Facebook page “Ionia Horse Trails - IHTA” or by calling the park at 616527-3750. Thanks, Kristie
ISHA has been offering opportunities for horse owners and horse show exhibitors (amateur & professional) to participate in multi-breed, multi-disciplinary horse shows at reasonable costs since 1933. There are classes for every experience level of exhibitor or horse. ISHA hosts two Open All Breed Horse Shows at the Hoosier Horse Park in Edinburgh, IN that are sanctioned by the American Jockey Club's Thoroughbred Incentive Program (TIP) and the Open Horse Show Association. It also sponsors two open IHJA/USHJA Outreach & TIP sanctioned schooling shows at Canterbury Manor in Zionsville, IN.
2022 ISHA show dates: ISHA Open All Breed Horse Shows:
May 14 & 15, 2022 and August 20 & 21, 2022 Hoosier Horse Park, Edinburgh, IN
ISHA/Canterbury Manor Schooling
Shows: Canterbury Manor, Zionsville, IN April 9, 2022 and September 10, 2022 There are many reasons to exhibit at Indiana Saddle Horse Association shows: • Family Friendly • 70% Payback on most classes • $100 Added Money classes • Beginner classes where children/adults can compete on an even playing field • Restricted classes that provide a safer environment for less experienced horsemen transitioning to more competitive situations • Youth & Open classes in western, hunt & English • Gaited classes • Draft/Draft Cross/Baroque classes in halter & performance • Driving classes for draft & light breeds • Rescue Horse-Pony Class • Jumping classes on Sunday morning • Fun classes At each show, ISHA rewards exhibitors who exemplify good sportsmanship through the Mary Weeks Wissman Award and the Jr. Exhibitor Sportsmanship Award. The Roselyn A Faut Memorial classes recognize exhibitors competing in specifically designed classes emphasizing versatility. ISHA offers a 4-H High Point Competition and an All Member High Point Competition. The Indiana Arabian Horse Club, and the Indiana Half Arabian Horse Club offer Year End High Point Award programs, also. Check out the ISHA website at: https://www.indianasaddlehorse.org/ and the ISHA Facebook page for more info. Donna Skatrud, ISHA President
It's March! We are inching our way toward Spring. Spring means foals. If you are thinking of breeding your mare to quality bloodlines, contact Chuck Fanslow in Gladwin, MI (989-435-9224). He has a couple of CottonEyed Joe stallions (a Buckskin and a Palomino) that you could breed your mare to.
Excellent gait, beauty, and brains…what else could you ask for? Members Carrie Carpenter and Katie Collier both have mares expecting foals this year. They’ll be wonderful foundation-bred babies. We can't wait to see what they produce!
2022 schedule of events:
April 30-May 1, clinician Susan Williams will conduct an indoor Obstacle Clinic at her Morning View Farm (3075 Turkey Trail, Ionia, MI). All gaited breeds are welcome with a 10 rider limit. Clinic fee is $200 per rider ($175 MFHA member). Stalls, a bag of shavings and rustic camping are all included. Go to: www.michiganfoxtrotting horse.com to print your reservation form (and membership form if interested) to send in with your full payment. Your horse will become desensitized to a number of things and you will learn important horsemanship skills. Do not miss out! Cows? Join us at Slippery F Ranch, 9770 Butler Rd., Nashville, MI, May 14th to participate in a Beginning Cow Clinic put on by MFHA with instructors Greg & Lisa Flower. The fee is $175/horse or $150 (if MFHA member). Go to our website if you wish to become a member. Call 517-7559899 to RSVP and for questions. Payment is expected the day of the clinic. Print your reservation form, bring it to the clinic. Make checks out to MFHA. Fox Trotters were bred to work cows. You will learn from the best! Next, we are offering a Judged Trail Ride for all breeds May 21st at Ionia Recreation area equestrian campground in Saranac, MI. $25 fee for ages 18 & up, $10 for 17 & under. Contact Susan at 517-755-9899 to RSVP, or if you have questions. Come out for a fun day using a number of creative and updated obstacles to get scored on. For camping, go to the MI DNR website, choose Ionia, then reservations for the equestrian campground to make your arrangements. There will be prizes for Pee Wee, youth, and adults. It will be fun for the whole family! July 23 the acclaimed judge and educator, Joanne Coy will again be our clinician for a Western Dressage clinic for all gaited breeds at Pine Lake Stables,12300 W. Pine Lake Road, Plainwell, MI. The fee is $175 or $150 for MFHA members. There will be a choice of two groundwork sessions (Getting your horse to gait and improving gait) in the morning, then semi-private lessons will take place in the afternoon. Spots are limited, so register now by going to our website for the registration form, flyer and membership form (if interested). Send it in ASAP as this clinic will fill fast. We are offering a Horsemanship clinic with Levi Beechy August 27 & 28 at Morning View Farm, 3075 Turkey Trail, Ionia, MI. 10 riders are allowed. $350/rider ($325 if MFHA member). Reserve your spot by mailing in your deposit. Go to our website for the registration and membership (if desired) forms and more info. MFHA members qualify for reduced cost in our clinics. You can join, too. Mail in the membership form from our website and learn how to enjoy your horse more! Our popular Versatility Challenge Program has been updated to include Fox Trotters in harness. Sign up now. The rules and registration forms for Under Saddle, Not Under Saddle and Horseman's Challenge are on our website waiting for you to read and print off. Prove how versatile your MFT is and earn prizes each quarter. It's a very fun program doing things with your horse. Contact Carrie Carpenter 269-806-1371 if you have any questions. By Marilyn Mannino
Our next meeting will be March 5th at the Grand Ledge Library, Grand Ledge, MI. Bring your lunch to eat together at 11 am. Meeting is held at noon to 1pm. Our speaker from 1pm to 2pm will be Sara Hall speaking on the Bemer therapy system for horses. Our Annual Blue Ribbon Driving Show will take place June 4th and 5th at the Ionia Fairgrounds, Ionia, MI. You may haul in to stable on the 3rd. There will be a potluck with questions and answers with our Judge, Karen Homer Brown, and Melissa Boyd, our TD Friday evening at 6pm. All are welcome. The show on Saturday will have pleasure rail classes followed by a Combined Test. There are divisions for Draft, Horse, Pony and VSE as well as multiples. The divisions include junior, novice and utility. Sunday will consist of Dressage, cones and Cross Country Obstacles. If you are interested, come visit to watch, question and learn! Volunteers are welcome and needed. Sign up early to get a special t-shirt. Contact: Joyce 813-4809123. We have a drive scheduled at Lucerne Express over the weekend of June 17th thru 19th. Again, contact: Joyce 813-480-9123. Sincerely, Dorothy Childs, MHDVA President
Hello Everyone – The Proud Lake Banquet was a smashing success! We had over 80 people and a great time was had by all. The silent auction may have been our biggest ever! Thank you to everyone who came out to join us. Now on to riding events. We are thrilled to announce that our Circle Ride, partnered with Kensington Trail Riders, will be on Saturday, June 18th. Camping will be offered at both locations. We will be taking reservations for Friday-Sunday camping very soon. Our other camping/riding event will be held the weekend of September 23rd. We are also happy to report that we have added even more obstacles to our obstacle course. Please come out and give it a try! There is absolutely no charge, just enjoy. Proud Lake Trail Riders has been working diligently with the DNR to separate our trails from the bikers. A huge hurdle was just accomplished in that the location of the new bike trails has been decided and agreed upon. The next step will be cutting out the trails. Once the trails are separated, there will be signs up stating what are horse trails and what are bike trails. We have been working on this for the past several years and we are thrilled that the park is committed to making this happen. As of right now, the GPS maps have been submitted and we are moving forward. If you encounter bikers on the trails that are not giving the right of way to horses, please contact the DNR immediately. If you are able to get photos, please try to. If you would like to join our email list, please email me at: efrusy@yahoo.com and remember to like us on Facebook! Stay safe and keep riding! WWW.SADDLEUPMAG.COM
Great News! The WDAMI Board is thrilled to welcome three new board members: Mary Linton, Jessica Reichel, and Mary Haliday. We are looking forward to working with these outstanding ladies who bring new skills and ideas to WDAMI. I would also like to congratulate the
WDAMI 2021 Year-end Award Winners:
Schooling Show winners: Jamie Shook, Mary Linton, Mandy Trader, Sarah George, Jessica Reichel, Terri Tavenner, Danielle Fuller, Jodi Myers, Kelly Clevenger, Leah Melichar, Kristen Kill, Graceanne Winegard, Sue Schmitz, Kerri-Damm-Bilyk, Kimberly Wahl, Holly Zecchin, and Suzanne Morisse.
Virtual WDAA Recognized Show winners
Pari Bedell, Macy Pancheri, Lauri Krisch, Graceanne Winegard, Sarah George, Jamie Shook, Marcia VanOyen, Terri Tavenner, Danielle Fuller, Jodi Myers, Kristin Kill, Kimberly Wahl, Elizabeth Zoerhof, Bonnie Gorichan, Sue Schmitz, Mary Linton, Suzanne Morisse, Erika Erlandson and Stephanie Mussmann. Milestone Awards: Joanne Coy, Sue Schmitz, and Mary Linton, all for 500 hours, Karen Baker for 1500 hours, and Jessica Reichel for 2000 hours. Rider Medal winners: Kimberly Wahl, Jodi Myers, Bonnie Gorichan, all taking bronze medals, while a silver medal went to Erika Erlandson.

Harmony Club: Macy Pancheri, who had the Highest Harmony score of 9.5, Suzanne Morisse, who earned 3 nines, and Terri Tavenner with one 9.
The Eighties Club winners: Kristin Kill with 80.179 and Macy Pancheri with 81.59, 81.666, and 80.476.
Go to our website for a more detailed list of the winners. Congratulations to all our YearEnd Winners on a job well done! If you have not already heard about it, there is a great new book out: In the Beginning, Lessons from the Toolbox of Sue Hughes. It is 8.5x11 inches with a coil binding and laminated cover so you can take it with you to the barn. It has great illustrations and information on how to ride movements. This book is great for riders at every level. Go to WDAMI website and order your book today! Our WDMI 2022 show series is all set to go. All shows will be WDAA recognized. Our first show is Dressage at Waters Edge (April 22-May 13, with videos due by June 10). Followed by the Sunflower Horse Show (June 10-July 1, with videos due by July 15) and the Battle of the Saddles (July 15-Aug. 12, with videos due by Aug. 26). We have added driving classes this year at each of these shows. There will be both harmony awards & versatility awards for each show. All three shows will offer door prizes, as well as a grand prize drawing for those who participate in all three shows. Fun Fact: The snickers bar was first introduced in the U.S. in 1930. It was named after the Mars family's favorite horse Snickers. WDAMI is looking for sponsors for our yearend awards and educational events. If you would like to help by sponsoring or by helping us to find sponsors, please contact us by email at infowdami@gmail.com. If you would like to volunteer or offer other services we need, please contact us. We can always use the help. Please don't forget to renew your 2022 membership. Thank you for your support. Be safe, have fun, enjoy your equine partner, and exercise the act of kindness to all. Suzanne Morisse, WDAMI President
YANKEE SPRINGS TRAIL RIDERS Board Meeting Minutes Feb. 9th, 2022
Our meeting was held at board members Travis and Sarah Buehler's residence. Attendance: Travis and Sarah Buehler, Kathy Taylor, Ron and Carla Walker, Heather Slocum Excused, John Dermody, Tom Chaffee, Jeanne, Skip, Ken and Ruth. Attending Members: Dick Smith Meeting was called to order at 6:35pm. Treasurer report was accepted; Kathy Motion to accept, Carla 2nd. The Secretary report was damaged in an unforeseen accident. So was not recorded. Calendar 2022 Events: Heather Motioned to accept all dates. Travis 2nd. All approved. April 9th Work Bee! 9am start time. We will be focusing on trails. Once we have a team for those, we will also focus on corrals, campground general management. PLEASE sign up to come help us! Quads, chainsaws, you name it – we need it and need your help! Experienced woods person wanted. April 23rd Shot Clinic. Last year, this was held at the Buehler residence in Middleville. Because of the wonderful success, we will once again be holding the shot clinic there. Sign ups will be sent out soon. 10370 W Parmalee, Middleville, MI is the address. Get it on your calendar! June 25th Judged Trail Ride. Last year we had a horrible storm cause us to cancel this event. Probably one of the 1st times we've had to cancel. We can't wait to host this event again in 2022! Come test your skills!
September 3rd – YSTRA Annual Meeting.
Ron Walker Chair. Come vote on your board members! Enjoy a ride to Yankee Bills’ Saloon (must be a paying member) around a 18 mile ride round trip. October 8th Halloween. Sarah Buehler Chair. Show us your best costume and win prizes! Additional information to come Club Business: Kathy is looking into how we may be able to utilize Tribute Feeds UPS rebates for donations. Thank you, Kathy! Solar Well Information: No Update Electrical Grant/ Fund Raising: No Update Ron and Travis are still waiting to hear from our Land Manager to get use of the Quonset hut area. The goal is for YSTRA to gain this area as a new day use parking, with group campsites, bathrooms, etc. More information to come once they are able to meet with the Land Manager. With the help of your donations, the club was able to purchase a “new” (used) trailer for storage of merchandise, equipment, and other necessities. Thank you to all who helped make this happen. The old trailer's door broke, had major leaking, and mice issues. This new trailer will keep things safe and secure after a minor renovation. Sarah is working on sponsorships for our yearly insurance. If you would like to be a sponsor, head to our website for more info. New Business: Sarah asked if we can please look into getting a larger, printed, trail map for our kiosk area. One that looks like a printed GPS map. Ron is going to ask around to see what we can do to make that happen. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm Secretaries Note: We would really appreciate membership dues being paid as soon as possible. All dues help us proceed with the upcoming year. We have a lot of needs to keep your trails up-to-date and looking as great as we can. As well as we use those funds to put on events. Memberships go a LONG way! We appreciate them greatly. Regards, Sarah Buehler, YSTRA Secretary WWW.SADDLEUPMAG.COM