March 2022 Saddle Up! Magazine

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BLACK SWAMP DRIVING CLUB, OHIO If you're looking for a club to join, whether you have a horse and carriage or not, please come to our March 13th meeting at the Good Hope Lutheran Church, 300 S. Main St., Arlington, OH, from 2 to 4 p.m. Just for fun, there will be a presentation on carriage styles and carriage parts with chances to win prizes. Drives for the upcoming season will be discussed and scheduled. If you're in 4-H, a farmer with a team, a novice or a pro, come join us and increase your skills, share your knowledge to help others, and increase your circle of friends. The Black Swamp Driving Club has something for everyone! Some of the events we have done in the past and could be scheduled for this year include: the Parker Bridge Drive, driving through winding roads in parks, driving down quiet scenic country roads with a chance to see some wildlife, joint drives with the Western Reserve Carriage Association, a picnic drive around the Meeker, OH, Community Center, and an obstacle course drive with free fishing and a picnic on a small farm. Just imagine the possibilities you could add. Members that take ponies or minis to American Driving Society (ADS) events should be aware that a pony/VSE card is required to participate. A vet or approved ADS representative can do the measuring either at home or at an event. Forms to be completed and sent to the ADS office can be found on the ADS website. Pictures of both sides and faces of animals are required. Photos used for Coggins test papers can be used as long as they are in COLOR. Molly Owens is home after a trip to the hospital following a bad fall on her way to the barn. She broke vertebrae in her neck and is uncomfortably wearing a neck brace and carefully moving around with a walker. She would enjoy phone calls from members. At the March meeting, Sue Murray will present ideas for revamping the club bylaws. Some ideas suggested have been to reduce the governing board from 7 to 5, changing the Treasurer's position to a non-board member with board oversight, having a January meeting with other meetings only as necessary, and a way to poll members

electronically. Changes to the bylaws will be voted on later in the year, after members have had sufficient time to review them and possibly suggest changes. One lucky member will go home from the March gathering a little richer. The BSDC board approved having a 50/50 drawing at each meeting. Please note that the April meeting at the church has been canceled. Many thanks go out to Sue Murray for sending meeting notices and meeting minutes out to members. Thanks also to Angie Hohenbrink for putting BSDC news and notices on Facebook, and the newly revised club website. Sharon Hayhurst, BSDC President

Fort Custer Horse Friends Association

FORT CUSTER HORSE FRIENDS ASSOCIATION Hello Trail Riders! The winter misery end is just around the corner with March being here now. It also brings the MI Horse Expo that we all look forward to this time of year. FCHFA will have a trail table display in the trails room for this event and we would love to talk to everyone to say Hi! and answer any questions about our wonderful campground, trail system, easy-to-use day use trailhead, or just chat with trail enthusiasts. In 2021, we continued our Spring and Fall Equestrian Campout events with amazing attendance. Plan to be here for a 4-day campout with us May 12-15, or September 15-18 this season. The trails are always lovely in Spring or Fall colors. Old and new friends enjoy pancake breakfast, potlucks and more at the beautiful Whitford Lake event area. The grassy tree lined camping area has picket poles, an outhouse, equine supplied water and an avenue to dispose of manure for clean campsites. For any driving enthusiasts, there is a 3-mile open for the event only, to drive your ponies. Campsites are first come, first serve. There has always been room for anyone interested that shows up, so no need to worry there won't be a spot for you. The trails are groomed for relaxed riding around lakes, prairies, wood lots, a stretch along the Kalamazoo River, and a few hilly sections. Along all the trails are creek crossings where your mount can get a fresh drink of water. What more could MARCH 2022 • C & C PUBLISHING, INC. ©2022 (18)

a trail rider ask for?! Put the dates on your calendars and we hope to see you there! Our board meetings this winter have been hit or miss due to the weather and Covid. As soon as the weather warms up, our meetings will again be held at the Trailhead pavilion at 4:30 pm on the 1st Wednesday of every month. All are welcome to attend. For any club updates go to our website at or visit the FCHFA Facebook page to see new pictures and announcements. Call Nancy with any other questions at 269-967-3613. Please help support all we do by becoming a member in 2022. Our 2022 plans include extending picket areas further into the trees for shade and working with the DNR for future electrical hook up in our campsites. All very exciting – be part of it! See you on the trails! Toni Strong, FCHFA Secretary

HIGHLAND TRAIL RIDERS ASSOCIATION I am writing and watching wild birds peck through snow and ice at my feeder. However, I hope by the time you read this, Spring will be just a few weeks away! Spring brings more than flowers and birds, it brings back all the riding, camping, showing, and many, many other horse related opportunities. I know we are happy that each day brings us closer to riding and gathering with fellow equestrians. Our HTRA events are camp and rides...the Annual Poker Ride and Camp is May 13th15th, potluck and ride on Saturday. The Annual Horse Shoe Hunt Camp and Ride is September 9th-11th, potluck and ride on Saturday the 10th. The campground is usually filled within days of posting. We keep a waiting list as there are always some cancellations. We always welcome day riders and hope they will participate in the rides, potlucks, and campfires! Our Horse Shoe Ride includes a silent auction and we’re actively seeking donated items and services. To donate or ask questions regarding the auction or our events please email, or find Highland Trail Riders on Facebook. The Highland Trail Riders Association is... WWW.SADDLEUPMAG.COM

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