Animal Health Solutions, Equerry
Arnold Lumber
Black River Farm & Ranch
Briana Hali Photography
Burnips Equipment Co.
BLM Eastern States
CANTER Michigan
Cashmans Horse Equipment
Copper Mare Ranch
CR Performance Horsemanship
Equine Affaire
Equestrian Solutions LLC
Farm Bureau Family Credit Union
Foundation QH Registry-MI
Good As New Blankets
Great Lakes Buckskin Assoc.
Hubbard Feeds
Humane Society of HV
Indiana Equine Roundup 2025
Jim’s Quality Saddle
Livingston Stables
Lynnman Construction
Michigan Equine Scholarship
Michigan Quarter Horse Assoc.
Michigan Horse Expo 2025
County Open
Quarter Moon Farm, Bemer Dist.
Ray Reagan Custom Saddles/Tack
Re/Max Platinum, Kathie Crowley
Sara Kolenda, CPA
Sparta Chevy & Trailers
Steven Jagusch AIF
T Wellness Tea Tree Oil Products
The Arnesan Agency
YMCA Camp Copneconic
Cardeccia,Kim: YourHorseFeelsYou Eversole,Robert: SharedResponsibility
Palm,Lynn: WesternDressageLvl4Req Part2 TackSales
Classified Ads
Pricing/Ad Rates
Social Spotlight!
Showbill Special
isaLeopardAppaloosa mare,andsheis
Eachmonthwehideasmallerimage ofAyla.Whenyoufindher,mailusa letteroremailuswiththepagethat you“spotted”heronandyouwillbe enteredtowinacheckfor$30.00!
Ayla’simage abovedoesnot count
Includeyourageandaddresssowe maymailyourwinnings,ifyouwin. Onlyoneentrypermonth,perperson Allcorrectanswerswillbeenteredin ourrandomdrawing. Contestforages14&underonly.
MQHA Easter Eggstravaganza
Wed, April 2 to Sun, April 6
MSU Pavilion, East Lansing
Contact: MQHA
MQHA Summer Series
Fri., May 23 to Mon. May 26
Midland County Fairgrounds
Contact: MQHA
Lisa Terry Memorial
Thur. June 12 to Sun June 15
Ingham Co Fairgrounds, Mason
Contact: LisaTerryMemorial@gmail.com
MQHA Spartan Spectacular
Fri., June 27 to Sun., June 29
WMFA, Ludington
Contact: MQHA
MQHA Harbor Classic
Tues., July 1 to Sun., July 6
WMFA, Ludington
Contact: MQHA
Northern MI QH Shows
Fri., August 22 to Sun., August 24
Midland County Fairgrounds
MQHA Futurity/GL Classic
Thurs. Sept 11 – Sun. Sept. 14
MSU Pavilion, East Lansing
Contact: MQHA
MQHA Harvest Classic
Fri. Nov 14 – Sun. Nov 16 MSU
Pavilion, East Lansing
Contact: MQHA
mqha@hotmail.com www.miquarterhorse.com
OH Ohio Expo Center
• An Unparalleled Educational Program for all disciplines spanning seven different venues
• The Largest Horse-Related Trade Show in North America.
• The “Marketplace” featuring quality consignments for horse & rider.
• The Fantasia Equine Affaire’s signature musical celebration of the horse on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights
• Breed Pavilion, Horse & Farm Exhibits, Horses for Sale and Demonstrations Enjoy meeting horses of all shapes, sizes, breeds, colors, and disciplines!
• Cowtown in Cooper (sponsored by Western Life Today) Special presentations catering to cow and ranch events Don’t miss this educational western lifestyle experience!
• The Versatile Horse & Rider Competition A fast-paced timed and judged race through an obstacle course with $5,500 at stake!
• Adoption Affaire Find and adopt your next horse at the Adoption Affaire, affiliated with the Right Horse Initiative!
• The Great Equestrian Fitness Challenge A fun activity for equestrians to exercise their barnyard skills and win prizes, no horses needed!
• NEW! Donkey Extravaganza Learn all about donkeys through clinics, demos, educational exhibits, and more!
• NEW! Breed Bonanza (sponsored by Sentinel by Kent and Blue Seal) A unique under saddle class showcasing the best features of horses from all breeds!
• Youth Activities, Educational Exhibits, and much more!
Luke Gingerich
Steve Lantvit
Marcie Quist
Sandi Simons
Jennifer Truett
Traci Brooks
Barbra Schulte
Connie Combs
(Liberty, Reining & Bridleless Horsemanship) (Cattle Work) (Driving) (General Training & Cowgirl Dressage) (Dressage) (Hunter/Jumper) (Cutting & Sports Psychology) (Barrel Racing)
Ty Evans
Wendy Murdoch
Kellie & Sam Rettinger
Ifa Simmonds
Ivy Starnes
Mary Miller-Jordan
Canadian Cowgirls
(Mules) (Biomechanics & The Murdoch Method) (Draft Driving) (Equestrian Fitness) (Easy Gaited Horses) (Mustangs) (Drill Teams)
And many more to be announced!
March 22, 2025: Lapeer Equestrian Team Tack Sale Fundraiser. Crafters Welcome.
10am to 3pm Admission - $3 cash only, children under 10 - free 10x10 vendor spaces - $30.00. Contact Amanda Stroman at 810-614-3691 or lapeerequestrianteam@yahoo.com. 170 Millville Rd , Lapeer, MI 48446
March 23, 2025: TNT Arena Sunday Buckle Speed Series Cowboy church (10am), barrels (11am), open arena (11:30am), and show TNT-Arena com 734-649-7973 5251 Lyons Rd , Lyons, MI 48851
April 19, 2025: Eaton Special Riding Volunteers Association (ESRVA) Tack Sale. 9:00am to 1:00pm at 1790 Packard Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813 behind the Eaton RESA School 10x10 spaces are $20 Deadline to reserve is April 10 Please call/text Julie at 517977-5058. Free admission.
April 26, 2025: WHAM Presents All Breed Judged Trail Ride.
OREA/Hadley Hills 5054 Fox Lake Road, Ortonville MI 48462 Questions Kaitlynn Tuckey 810-614-1468 kait tuckey@yahoo com Facebook: The Walking Horse Association of Michigan
May 10, 2025: Pine Lake Stables May Dressage Show. Plainwell, Michigan. Online entries available at pinelakestables.com. Entries deadline is April 30, 2025
May 16-17, 2025: Walking Horse Association of Michigan Presents our WHAM SPRING PREMIER. Shiawassee Fairgrounds 2900 Hibbard Road, Corunna MI 48817. Questions and stall reservations Kayla Barber 810-8346195 kaylavbarber@yahoo com Facebook: The Walking Horse Association of Michigan
May 23-26, 2025: Memorial Day Weekend Sleep Hollow Trail Riders Camp Over. Saturday poker run and potluck. Call Marsha Putnam at 989277-8544
June 7, July 5, August 2, 16, 29, & 30, 2025: TNT Arena 2025 Sorting Shows
Open: $25/Rider, #8, #5, $25/Rider, #2
$15/Rider All shows start at 10am
$50 Payback all class except #2 #2 class buckles to winning team each show TNT-Arena com 734-649-7973 5251 Lyons Rd., Lyons, MI 48851
June 7 & 8, 2025 Blue Ribbon Pleasure Driving Show, Driven Dressage & Combined Test. ADS recognized Ionia Fairgrounds, Ionia, Michigan Questions call Dorothy at 517-763-3729.
June 14, 2025: GLASS-ED Annual Dressage Show Plainwell, Michigan Online entries available at pinelakestables.com. Entries deadline is June 5, 2025
July 12, 2025: WHAM Presents Gaited Horse Clinic with Suzy Wyckoff. Hardy Farms. 7215 N Latson Road, Howell MI 48855 Suzy Wyckoff 734-323-2273 mmfwyckoff@gmail.com Facebook: The Walking Horse Association of Michigan
August 29 - September 1, 2025: Labor Day Weekend Sleep Hollow Trail Riders Camp Over. Saturday poker run, potluck campfire. Call Marsha Putnam at 989-277-8544
October 17 - 19, 2025: Explore the Hollow Sleepy Hollow Trail Riders Weekend Camp Over. Extra trails Friday and Saturday. Potluck on Saturday Call Marsha Putnam at 989277-8455
September 6, 2025: Pine Lake Stables September Dressage Show. Plainwell, Michigan. Online entries available at pinelakestables com Entries deadline is August 28, 2025.
September 27, 2025 Fall Horseshoe Hunt Trail Ride Silver Creek Equestrian Campground 3900 134th Ave. Hamilton MI 49419. Questions Kaitlynn Tuckey 810-614-1468 kait.tuckey@yahoo.com Facebook: The Walking Horse Association of Michigan
October 4-5, 2025: Phil Haugen Horsemanship Tour $750 00/Rider Lyons, Michigan at TNT Arena Limited to 15 riders. More information and tickets available at philhaugenhorsemanship.com/events
HORSE & TACK AUCTION: 2nd Saturday of each month. 5:00pm start. Lake Odessa Livestock Auction, 3675 Tupper Lake Rd., Lake Odessa, MI. Call Roger Leech 231 730 0353 Facebook or lakeodessalivestock com
HORSE/TACK AUCTION: First Saturday of each month (except July) Tack 2pm, Horses after 6pm Consignments welcome. Northern Michigan Livestock, 1848 N Townline Rd Gaylord, MI Office 231 439 5679 Find us on Facebook northernmichiganlivestock com
MONDAYS: HAY & STRAW: 3:30pm, Livestock 5pm (cattle, goats, sheep, hogs, etc ) Ravenna Auction, LLC 3265 S Slocum Road, Ravenna, MI Call 231.853-.5738. Facebook or visit us at ravennaauction com
TACK AUCTION: 3rd Saturday of each month, 5pm start Longhorn Auction Service, 3265 S. Slocum Rd., Ravenna, MI Call 231 730-0353 Facebook: Longhom Auction Service
YODERBROS.AUCTIONSERVICE: SpringandFallHorseandCarriage AuctionsinMt Pleasant,MI Auctioneers:LeRoyYoderorWillis Yoder,989-386-9082,Clair,MI
WHSHORSE&TACKAUCTION:4th Saturdayofthemonth,10amstart WaylandHopkinsLivestockAuction, 363410St,Wayland,MI CallLeon Casey5179374305 Visitusat your-auctionioneers.com
March 16, 2025: The Great Tack Exchange. 11am to 4pm. Greene County Expo Center Bldg#3, 120 Fairgrounds Rd, Xenia OH 45385
New & Used Horse tack & Stable supplies 131 Vendor Booths Booth Registration starts in January. For more information: http://greattackexchange wixsite co m/gte1 or call (937)488-2018 and leave a message
March 29, 2025: Wayne Co. Tack Swap. Open 11am to 5pm 199 Vanover Street, Wooster, OH $2 at the door for admission Silent Auction Call or text to reserve your spot 330-8444041 or 330-600-0284
March 29: Foster Equine Barrel Racing Jackpot. Exhibitions 10am - 12pm
Minimum of 26 entries per class for money to be added $5 per run pay at the gate. 26236 Smith Road, Coolville, OH 45723
April 10-13: Equine Affaire, North America’s Premier Equine Exposition & Equestrian Gathering. Ohio Expo Center, 717 E 17th Ave , Columbus, OH 740845 0085, email: info@equineaffaire.com. Facebook: “Equine Affaire, Inc ” or visit us at www.equineaffaire.com
ATHENS LIVESTOCK SALES: Sale every Saturday at 12:30pm Consignment welcome. Athens Livestock Sales, 3738 Enlow Road, Albany, OH. Call 740.592.2322. Email: jdbrowning01@gmail com or find us on Facebook.
MT. HOPE AUCTION: Horse, rack, livestock auctions monthly. Mt. Hope Auction, 8076 SR 241 Millersburg, OH Call us at 330 674 6188, email: info@mthopeauction com Find us on Facebook or mthopeauction com
LARUE HORSE SALE, LLC: Hay, straw, tack, and horse auction on the first Saturday of every month. 1059 Richwood-Larue Rd , Larue, OH Call 419 889 9150, email laruehorsesales@hotmail com laruehorsesales com
March - 5th Annual Indiana Equine Roundup. Clinicians, vendors, ranch rodeo, kiddie corral, beer saloon, more! C Bar C Expo Center, 253 Stardust Rd , Cloverdale, IN Find us on Facebook: “Indiana Equine Roundup” or visit www cbarcexpo com/ier
HAMILTON COUNTY HORSE SALES: 1st & 3rd Saturday each month. New and used tack, hay, strawy, trailers, & horses. Consignors welcome. 22217 St Road 37 N , Noblesville, IN Call 317 946 4450 or 317 773 5590 or find us on Facebook for more information
IILLIANA LIVESTOCK, LLC: Tack, ponies, donkeys, and horse sales held at the Vermillion County Fairgrounds, 325 W Maple St Cayuga, IN Call Clay Norris 574 780 8378 or Cobie Norris 217.260.5696. Facebook “Illiana Livestock LLC“
SHIPSHEANA TRADING PLACE: Horse Auction Fridays 10:30am tack, 12:30pm horses. 345 S. Van Buren Shipshewana, IN 260 768 4129, email: info@shipshewanatradingplace.com, or visit shipshewanatradingplace com
TOPEKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION: Hay and livestock auction every Tuesday 601 E Lake St , Topeka, IN Call 260.593.2522 or email us at info@topekalivestock com Find us on Facebook or topekalivestock.com.
Let’s Get Ready to
Until now, we have been able to cover each Level in one Part For Level 4, we will have Parts 1 and 2 explaining New Requirements and the Gaits and Definitions Let’s get into it!
Back Series Prompt, straight, smooth fluid transition; willingness diagonal pairs in back series with correct step count This is an easy movement if you can keep your horse perfectly straight! I think this movement should be in lower levels; however, it is here in Level 4.
Collected Walk Self-Carriage; flexion of the joints; forward intent
Extended Walk Suppleness of the back; reach to the contact with balance, freedom, and optimum ground cover; clear transitions These are great movements that you school every time you ride. It is physically easy for the horse and a way to stretch the muscles, give him a break between other difficult movements, and will help a hot or sensitive horse to relax to the next movements
Flying Change of Lead Straightness; fluency of the change; correct footfalls; ground cover consistent tempo before and after change Finally, we have our flying lead changes! I think the progression and to stay with simple changes to this level helps riders and horses to develop the skills, athleticism, and suppleness to do the flying lead changes easily.
8-meter Walk Circle Self-carriage; flexion off the joints; forward intent; quality of circle This is a great exercise to keep your horse bending while straight on the 8-meter circle! Keeping the same tempo is also a challenge in that size circle If you keep your horse’s straightness correct throughout the circle, the horse will self-carry and keep the same tempo easily.
1 1/2 Pivot Smooth transitions; response to the rider’s leg with forward intention and correct bend; 540% turn on the inside hind This is a very difficult turn, but achievable This turn must be a pivot and keep the inside hind leg stationary unless the horse picks it up and down to rebalance the hind leg from twisting I think this turn is a bit too much, as a 360 turn is sufficient to show correctness of the turn I do not want to stress the hind leg doing too much of a turn Keep slow and even steps to help your horse not stress his hind leg.
8-meter circle at the jog Engagement; self-carriage; quality of circle Fluid change of bend with change of direction Another great turn and to do it correctly, your horse has to maintain the bend, straightness, and tempo to get the highest scores!
Full turn on the forehand Square, immobile halt; willing movement of the haunches 360% around the front legs with consistent tempo and inside flexion
By Lynn Palm | lynnpalm.com
Again, do this turn slow, with even steps. I also do not care for the 360 degree turn on the forehand as it will give some stress to the front legs I like to show a 180 degree turn which is much less stress on the horse’s front legs. When done fast it is more stress on the front legs, so do it fluid with even steps and the horse can take care of himself.
Quarter Pirouette in lope Engagement; self-carriage; fluency; forward intents; size of pirouette of 2 -3 strides
Flying change of lead on serpentine Straightness; fluency of the change; correct footfalls; ground cover; consistent tempo before and after change Engagement; self-carriage correct and symmetrical placement of the loops This is a very good figure and when done well shows a horse with balance throughout the 1/2 circles in the serpentine. If the rider hits the accurate 20 meter spots in the arena, and the lead changes are correct with changes, hind and front together, this is a very difficult and fun figure to ride!
Half pirouette Straightness engagement; self-carriage; lowering of haunches; balance; fluency; forward intent; size of the pirouette
It has been great sharing tips and guidelines for understanding the simplicity of learning (in written format, at least) Western Dressage training from Level 1 to the start of Level 4 Join me on the Journey as we continue!
March22nd,2025;Comejoinusata newvenueatTheHolidayInnin Midland,locatedat810Cinema.The HolidayInnamenitiesincludeaSports BarandGrill,tenniscenter,indoor pool,hottub,gameroom,etc Unfortunately,nopetsareallowed RoomReservationscanbemadeby calling989-794-8500 Check-intime: 3:00PM Banquetdoorsopenat 5:00PM,dinnerat6:00PM Following thatwillbeourAnnualMeeting.Je WilfordEntertainmentwillfollowthe meetingplayingourfavoritedancing tunes Dinner/Dancingis$35/Person DanceOnlyticketsare$10/person. Youmayorderticketsonourwebsite; mtraorgorbycallingtheMTRA Secretaryat989-324-8549
May14th-May19th-Comeridewith usatHopkin’sCreekTrailCamp, Manton,MI.,toourCadillacTrail Camp.ThisrideexplorestheManton areawithbeautifultrailsandthen travelstoCadillacontheweekend
May28th-June8th-Comeridewithus fromOscoda(LakeHuron)toEmpire (LakeMichigan) ThisisaTrophyride withnolayovers.Ifyoucan’tdothe wholeride,joinusforaweekend!All membersarewelcomeanytime
June14th-June29th-Comeridewith usfromEmpire(LakeMichigan)to Oscoda(LakeHuron) ThisisaTrophy ridewithlayoversatScheck’s,Goose Creek,LuzerneandSouthBranch Bringyourfamily,wehaveactivities plannedonthelayoverdaysandfun forallages.Memberscanjoinour ridesanytime;youdon’thavetocome forthewholeride
August6th-10th-Comeridewithusat GooseCreekTrailCamp,Grayling,MI Thisisameetandgreet61st AnniversaryCelebrationwithcircle ridingandactivities.Everyoneis welcome!!Moreinformationtofollow. Youwillnotwanttomissthis!
September5th-14th-Comeridewith usfromStoneyCreekTrailCamp, Afton,MI,toOscoda(LakeHuron) ThisisaTrophyridewithonelayover dayatLuzerne.Allmembersare welcometojoinusonanypartofthis ride!
October9th-13th-Comeridewithus atSouthBranchTrailCampinHale, MI Thiscamphasbeautifulcircle ridingalongtheAusableRiver.Thefall colorswillbeperfectatthistime!All membersarewelcometojoinusforall orjustpartofthisride
Visit/JoinourFacebookpage“MTRA Friends”toseekadviceandanswers fromriders/memberswhohave experiencedtheShoretoShoreTrail Rides Contactmtraoce@gmailcom (AllridesareawaitingDNRapproval)
Melticemelt!Thishasbeenaslippery, coldandpainfulwinterforthoseofus tryingtodoanythingwithourhorses Thedaylighthoursaregettinglonger thankfully Thatgivesushopefor Spring!
Whileourhorseshavethewinteroff, usriderscanenrollinvarious enrichmentclassestoeducate ourselvesaboutsaddlefitting,equine healthandhorsemanshipmethods
Wecanalsogetourselvesfitwithmall walking,exerciseclassesandyoga Wecaneatmorehealthilyandlose holidayweightsowecanmountand ridemoreeasily There'splentytodo whilethewindandsnowhowloutside Ourassociationislookingforwardto betterweathersowecandomany thingssafelywithourmounts We offerayear-longVersatilityProgram foryoutokeeptrackofallofthese activities Therearequarterlyandyear endawardstoo Goto michiganfoxtrottinghorsecomtosee therulesfortheUnderSaddleDivision, NotUnderSaddleDivisionand Horseman'sChallenge Signupnowso youcanstartkeepingtrackofyour timewithyourFoxTrotter.
Areyoushoppingforahorse?The supplyislowinthisstatebutthereare lotsinsurroundingstatesand Missouri Theauctionsarehappening Makesurethatthehorseyouare consideringisregistered Manygaited horsesareadvertisedasFoxTrotters buttheyreallyaren't.Checkoutthe variousreputablebreedingfarms offeringqualityprospects Besureto getagoodone
Themembersofthisassociationlike tohelpothersenjoycampingandtrail riding Wehavegaitingexperts,a shoeing/farrierexpert,horsemanship andtrainingexpertsandhavetwo successfulbreedersonboardwho supplyMichiganwithpopularand handybloodlines.TheyareChuck Fanslow(Riverflatranchcom)in GladwinandandJohn&KellySweet (klorneacrescom)inBartonCity We haveaccesstoanumberofclinicians andsaddlefitterstohelpyoulearn howtocomfortablyoutfityourhorse WemeetfrequentlyviaZoomand sometimesinpersonasweknow everyoneissobusy.Ourwebsiteis veryinformativeandhaslinkstomany valuableresources
Areminderthathuntingisallowedin ProudLake Pleasebevigilantand wearbrightlycoloredclothinganditis neverabadideatohavebellsonyour horses.
ALLofourtrailshavebeenseperated fromthebiketrails.Pleasebevigilant ofsignsandpleasestayoffthebike trails Wearehopingtohavea respectfulrelationshipwiththebikers
Ifyouencounterbikersonthetrails thatarenotgivingtherideawayto horses,pleasecontacttheDNR immediately.Ifyouareabletoget photos,pleasetryto.
Ifyouwouldliketojoinouremaillist, pleaseemailmeatefrusy@yahoo.com andalsoremembertolikeuson Facebook!
We’llbethere!!!TheMichiganHorse ExpoisMarch7-9andOREAwillbe therespreadingtheexcitementof whatisgoingonattheOrtonville RecreationAreaEquestrian Campground,DayUseArea,andTrail System!Pleasestopbyandvisitusin theTrailsAreatoshareyour experiencesorlearnaboutwhatis goingon Ifyouwanttoshareyour enthusiasmforallthingsOrtonville/ HadleyHills,youcanregisteronour Facebookpagetoselectatimeslotto telltheOREAstoryattheExpo.Yes–blingwillbedistributed
Therearesomethingsweare unveilingattheExpo Thefirstisthe introductionof“RideIntoCamping”
ThisisanewofferingfromourDNR Partnersforthosewhohavethought aboutcampingwiththeirhorsesbut wouldlikeabitofhelpgettingstarted.. Ifyouenjoyspendingtimeridingyour horse,buthavelimitedyourselftoday ridingorshowsorjustridingoutof yourbarn,thisisyouropportunityto expandyourhorizons!Therewillbe guestspeakerstalkingabouthowto campwithyourhorses,wheretocamp withyourhorses,whattobringwith you,andtoansweryourquestions. OREAwillbetheretohelpyousetup, enjoytheweekend,leadridesouton thetrails,andhelpyouteardown OREAandtheDNRwillalsobe providingfood-otherthanthe SaturdayPotLuck Thiswilloccurthe weekendofMay30thruJune1 There arelimitedfreecampingsitesforthe weekend.Expowillbethefirst opportunitytoapply
Anotherpartnershiptoberevealedat theExpoistheMichiganHorse Council(MHC)OREARideChallenge. Fora(yettobedetermined)fee,you willbeenteredintotheOREARide Challenge Youwilltrackyourmiles riddenonthetrailsatOrtonville/ HadleyHillsandgetOREAbling!Our ActivitiesCommitteeisworkingwith MHConthedetails–toberevealedat theExpo!Yetanotherreasontostopin tovisitusinthetrailsarea.
TheOrtonvilleRecreationArea EquestrianCampgroundopensfor theseasononApril1andall21 sitesareopenontheMichigan StateParksReservationSystem (midnrreservationscom) TheWHAMJudgedTrailRideand PotLuckisApril26! MemorialDayweekend(May2326)isanOREACampover SaturdaywillfeatureaPokerRide andPotLuckandCampfirewith doughies!!(Neednotcampto participate)
DNRFallHarvestFestisOctober 24ththru26th.
Wehavestartedworkonthenew ConfidenceCourse Fundingisinplace forthenewVaultToiletintheDayUse Areaandshouldbeavailableforuse thisSpring ThankyoutotheMichigan HorseCouncilforthegranttohelpus doamatchfundingwithourDNR partnerstohelpmakethispossible! Newcorralswillbeestablishedon sites11&12thankstoyourdonations AnewKioskwillbeerectedwestof thetrailheadtoinformyouoftrail information/mapaswellas communicationsfromtheDNRand OREA Lookformorenewsandeventsyetto come!!
YoumayhavenoticedthatOREAis veryopentopartneringwithother groupstoprovideopportunitiesto enjoythecampgroundandtrails.If yourgroupislookingtoputtogethera funevent,getintouchwithour PresidentDawnCopeat dawnmariecope@gmailcom Wehopetoseeyou–attheExpoand outonthetrails!
Congratulationstothemany winnersoftheWDAMIYearEnd Awards Wegiveoutmany,many awardsandatthistimewewould liketotakethisopportunitytolist our2024WDAMIAwardChampions andReserveChampions Weareso veryproudofallofourmembers whoparticipatedinourvirtualand liveshowawards! Thankyoufor supportingourprograms
VirtualAwards:Introductory Junior: Champion-SkyeDownwindand ReserveChampion-AvaThorsby. IntroductoryAdultAmateur: Champion-CarrieWilsonandReserve Champion-JamieShook Introductory Open:Champion-ZoeWahr Basic AdultAmateur:Champion-Teresa KondelandReserveChampionKaleenaSmith.LevelIAdultAmateur: Champion-KimWahl Level2Adult Amateur:Champion-KimWahl Level2 Open:Champion-Jennifer Vanderploeg Level3AdultAmateur: Champion-KristinKillandReserve Champion-SueSchmitz Level5Open: Champion-JoannWilliams Freestyle IntroductoryAdultAmateur: Champion-AndreaLewis Freestyle Level4:Champion-JoannWilliams
LiveShowAwards:IntroductoryLevel Junior:Champion-ColtonLuszczynski andReserveChampion-AvaThorsby IntroductoryAdultAmateur: Champion-MandyTraderandReserve Champion-JamieShook.Introductory GaitedAdultAmateur:ChampionMarciaVanOyen IntroductoryOpen: Champion-SuzanneMorisseand ReserveChampion-Chrissy Luszczynski.BasicAdultAmateur: Champion-EvelynBremer BasicOpen: Champion-SuzanneMorisse Level1 AdultAmateur:Champion-KimWahl andReserveChampion-MaryLinton Level1Open:Champion-KimWahland ReserveChampion-DanielleFuller Level2AdultAmateur:Champion-Kim Wahl.Level3AdultAmateur: Champion-SueSchmitz Level4Open: Champion-HollyZecchin Level4Open Pony:Champion-SuzanneMorisse. Level5Open:Champion-Suzanne Morisse.Level5OpenPony: Champion-SuzanneMorisse
Thereweremanyotherawardsgiven outduringtheAnnualBanquet A completelistingofallawardscanbe foundonourwebsite:wwwwdamiorg PleaseremembertorenewyourWDAA andWDAMImembershipsfor2025 YourcanrenewtheWDAMI membershiponourwebsite: www.wdami.orgunderContact/Join Up.Whileatthesitecheckoutthe datesforourthreevirtualshowsfor 2025.Wewouldlovetohaveyoujoin us!!
WDAMIwillbehostingaboothatthe MichiganHorseExpoMarch7-9atthe MSULivestockPavilioninLansing Pleasestopbytosayhello Welook forwardtoseeingyou Asthislovelywinterweathermoves outofhere,lookaheadtoSpringand warmerdays.
ThankyouforsupportingWestern DressageAssociationofMichigan Yoursupporthaskeptusgoingfor11 years! Let’sworktowardanother11 years!!
Staysafeouttherewithyourhorsesin thiscold,icyandsnowyweather!!
Wearelookingforwardtoseeing attendeesattheHorseExpoinE LansingonMarch7-9,2025 Wewill behavinga3for1Membershipdeal forKensington,ProudLakeand MayburyStateParks.Besuretostop byandsay‘Hello’!
OurMayburyTrailRidersAssociation AnnualMeetingwasheldonThursday, January23,2025.Someofthetrail improvementsdiscussedwere1) havingnon-stickmaterialputonthe bridge,2)installinganewkioskinthe stagingarea3)puttinginsome obstaclesonthetrail4)addinggravel tolowareasaroundtheparkand5) addingahitchingpostandmounting blockat‘Z’ Someofthese improvementswillneedafewwork days
OurHalloweenTrailRideistentatively scheduledforSunday,October19, 2025at11:00am Pleasemarkyour calendars!
PleaserememberthatthereisNO huntingatMayburyStatePark,which makesitagreatplacetoridealltimes oftheyear
Continuetofollowusonourwebsite, wwwmayburytrailriderscomor Facebookforupdatesonthetrails, eventsandgeneralnewsgoingonin thepark Feelfreetopostpictures fromyourrides
By Robert Eversole | trailmeister.com
Flyingfromclinictoclinic,Ispend moretimeintheairthanI’dliketo admit Thispastweekend,asIsettled intomyseatandwatchedthepreflightsafetybriefing,aparticular phrasecaughtmyattention:“The sharedresponsibilityofeveryoneon board.”
Theconceptstuckwithme “The sharedresponsibilityofeveryoneon board.”goesfarbeyondtheconfines ofanairplanecabin Inaway,we’reall “onboard”thesameplanet,sharing responsibilityforitscareandhowwe treateachother Ashorseandmule riders,weholdauniqueandimportant roleinthissharedresponsibility, particularlywhenitcomesto preservingtrailsandequestrian access.
StewardshipandSettingtheExample It’snosecret:equestriansarea minorityamongtrailusers.Pretending otherwisedoesn’tdoanyoneany favors Andwhileit’struethatmanyof thetrailsweridetodaywerefirst establishedforequineuse because horseswereoncetheprimarymodeof travel timeshavechanged Horses andmulesaren’tthenormanymore. Withmorehikers,cyclists,and motorizedtrailusersthanever,the responsibilityforpreserving equestriantrailaccessrestsonus Responsiblehorsecampingand equestriantrailstewardshipareatthe coreofthis It’saboutmorethan respectingtheland;it’sabout respectingotherswhouseit.Cleaning upafterourselves(andouranimals), leavingtrailsbetterthanwefound them,anddemonstratingpropertrail etiquettearecriticalwaystosetan examplethatothertrailusers riders andnon-ridersalike canappreciate.
Weliketoseeourselvesasrugged individualists It’saromanticimage Sittingastrideasturdyhorseormule, feelinginvincibleaswemovethrough thewilderness Andwhilethere’s nothingwrongwithenjoyingthat momentoffreedom,thetruthis,we’re anythingbutalone
Publiclandaccessforequestrians isn’tguaranteed wehavetoworkfor it OrganizationslikeBackCountry Horsemenremindusthatittakes collectiveefforttomaintainhorse trailsandengagewithotheruser groups Sharingthetrailmeans recognizingthatourchoicesreflect notjustonusbutonallequestrians It’sbeensaidthatwithgreatpower comesgreatresponsibility.Sitting astrideananimalcapableofcarrying youthroughruggedterrainfeels powerful anditis.Butthatpower alsodemandsrespect:fortheland,for theanimals,andfortheotherpeople whosharethespacewithus.
Responsibilityisn’talwaysconvenient orglamorous,butit’salwaystheright thingtodo Cleaningupmanureinthe parkinglot,packingoutsomeone else’strash,orpracticingleaveno traceprinciplesmaynotfeelrewarding inthemoment,butthesesmallactions makeabigdifference.
Thinkofitlikereturningashopping carttothecorral it’sasimpleactthat setsthetoneforeveryoneelse.The small,thoughtfulchoicesmany equestriansalreadymake,fromtrail maintenancetorespectfulinteractions withothertrailusers,encourage otherstoseethevalueinkeeping trailsopenforequestrianuse.
GroupslikeBackCountryHorsemenof Americashowuswhatshared responsibilitylookslikeinaction They maintaintrails,advocateforhorseand muleriders,andshowotheruser groupshowresponsibleequestrian practicesbenefiteveryone.They’re leadingtheway,butit’suptoeachof ustofollowtheirexample
Thetrailsandcampsthatweenjoy todayexistbecauseourpredecessors workedhardtopreservethem That legacyremindsusofourown responsibility:toprotecttheseareas notjustforourselvesbutforfuture generations.Today,it’sourturnto ensurethesetrailsremainopenand accessible Preservingequestrian accessrequiresmorethanindividual effort itrequirestheshared commitmentofeveryonewhovalues thesespecialplaces
So,nexttimeyou’reoutonthetrail, rememberthesharedresponsibilityof everyoneonboard.Whetherit’sa plane,aplanet,orapackstring,we’re allinittogether Theprivilegeoftrail ridingcomeswiththeresponsibilityto practicegoodstewardship,seta positiveexample,andensurethatthe trailsweloveremainopenfor equestrianusersfarintothefuture.
Formoreofmythoughtsontrail riding,campingwithlivestock,cinch making,andtheworld’slargestguide toequestriantrails,visit wwwTrailMeistercom,follow TrailMeisteronsocialmedia,orgraba copyofTheABCsofTrailRidingand HorseCampingonAmazon
ALL SHOWS START PROMPTLY Friday at 6:30PM and Saturday at 8:30 AM RAIN OR SHINE
Pre-registration form: May 9-10 Kick-Off Show (Fuzzy Horse-Show Clothes Optional); May 30-31 Triple B’s; June 6-7 Mane 2 Tails Connection; Grand Finale Weekend: August 8-9 Paint Creek Valley
All shows held at Springfield Oaks County Park 12451 Andersonville Road, Davisburg, MI 48350
Please see show bill for details at: www facebook com/OC4Hhorsecouncil/
Please see website for additional details at: https://oaklandcountyhorseshows.com/ Pre-Registration Form: https://form jotform com/243426553831154
By Kim Cardeccia | ConfidenceThroughConnection com
Horseshaveanincredibleabilitytosenseandrespondto theenergyaroundthem Ifyou’veevernoticedyourhorse mirroringyouremotions relaxingwhenyou’recalmor tensingwhenyou’reanxious it’snotyourimagination Horsesaredeeplyattunedtothenervoussystemsof thosearoundthem Theirsurvivaldependsonit
Thissensitivitymeansthattrustisn’tbuiltsolelythrough trainingtechniquesorrepetition Oneofthemostpowerful waystocreateatruepartnershipwithyourhorseisbyfirst regulatingyourownnervoussystem
Longbeforeyoupickuptheleadrope,yourhorseis alreadyreadingyou.Ifyou’recarryingtension,stress,or uncertainty,yourhorsewillfeelit Butwhenyouarriveasa steady,groundedpresence,yourhorsecanrelaxandtrust you Thisabilitytoself-regulateisaskillthatbenefitsboth horseandrider,creatingafoundationofconfidenceand mutualunderstanding
Beingpresentandsettlingintoastateofcalmisapractice onethatgetseasierthemoreyoudoit Thesesimple strategiescanhelpyoushiftintoastateofeasebefore youengagewithyourhorse:
Breathewithintention–Adeep,steadybreathsignals safetytobothyourbodyandyourhorse Tryinhaling forfourcountsandexhalingforeight.Alongerexhale activatestheparasympatheticnervoussystem, encouragingrelaxation
Groundyourselfinthepresentmoment–Bring awarenesstoyourphysicalsensations:thefeelofyour bootsontheground,thewarmthofthesun,orthe textureofyourhorse’scoat Groundingyourselfinthe presentmomentnaturallysettlesyourenergy
Releasetension–Stressoftenhidesinthebody Rollingyourshoulders,shakingoutyourhands,or stretchingforamomentbeforehandlingyourhorse cancreateanimmediateshiftinyourenergy Your horsewillnoticethedifference
Movewithintention–Horsesregulatetheirnervous systemsthroughrhythmicmovement.Brushingin slow,mindfulstrokes,rockinggentlyfromfoottofoot, orwalkinginarelaxedrhythmcanhelpbothyouand yourhorsesettleintoacalm,connectedstate Shiftyourmindset–Insteadoffocusingonwhat needstobe“fixed,”takeamomenttoappreciate somethingaboutyourhorseoryourtimetogether Thissmallshiftinenergycreatesspacefortrustand cooperationratherthantensionandresistance.
Yourhorseisn’tlookingforperfection Theyaresimply lookingforyoutobepresent Eachtimeyoutakeadeep breath,softenyourenergy,andfocusonconnection ratherthancontrol,youarestrengtheningthefoundation oftrust.
Buildingastrongpartnershipwithyourhorsestarts within.Bycultivatingacalm,centeredpresence,you createanenvironmentwheretrust,confidence,and understandingcanflourish Keepshowingup,keep breathing,andtrustthatyourhorseisrighttherewith you
Membership Drive: HorseAssociations&TrailGroupsSpecialRates
MQHA Tack Sale: MSUPavilion,EastLansing,Michigan
Michigan Horse Expo: FreeDistribution,MSUPavilion,EastLansing,MI
Indiana Equine Round Up: FreeDistribution,CBarC,Cloverdale,IN
Equine Affaire: FreeDistribution,OhioExpoCenter,Columbus,Ohio
Showbill Issue: HorseAssociations/Non-ProfitsSpecialRates
Showbill Issue: HorseAssociations/Non-ProfitsSpecialRates
Showbill Issue: HorseAssociations/Non-ProfitsSpecialRates
Summer Issue
Summer Issue
Summer Issue
Tack Sale Special: DiscountedAdRatesOctoberthruAprilIssues
Tack Sale Special: DiscountedAdRatesOctoberthruAprilIssues
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“There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favorite places is on the back of my horse.”
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Deadline is the 16th of the month prior to the Issue!
Incentive Program Sales Program
Adopt your own untrained wild horse or burro and receive $1000.
Purchase up to four wild horses or burros and receive ownership upon signing a Bill of Sale. Adopt or purchase a wild horse or burro from the comfort of your home: WildHorsesOnline.BLM.Gov
1 Ewing, IL – March 7-8, April 4-5, May 2-3, June 6-7, July 11-12, August 1-2, and September 5-6
2 Gainesville, GA – January 23-25, Chicopee Woods Ag Center
3 West Columbia, SC – February 20-22, South Congaree Arena
4. Liberty, KY – March 20-22, Central KY Ag Expo
5 Swanzey, NH – April 11-12, Cheshire Fairgrounds
6 Hot Springs, AR – April 24-26, Garland County Fair Assoc
7. Cassopolis, MI – May 8-10, Red Horse Ranch
8 Ocala, FL – May 15-17, SE Livestock Pavilion
9 Annville, PA – June 12-14, Shale Knoll Arena
10 Doswell, VA – June 13-14, The Meadow Event Park
11. Gulfport, MS- June 26-28, Harrison County Fairgrounds
12 Perry, GA – July 10-12, Georgia National Fairgrounds
13 Elkhart, IA – August 8-9, Prairie Rose Arena
14. Monroe, NC – August 14-16, Simpsons Event Center
15 Hopkinsville, KY – September 11-13, Christian County Expo Center
16 Cedarburg, WI – September 12-13, Ozaukee County Fairgrounds
17. Cullman, AL – October 9-11, Cullman County Ag Center
18 Carthage, MO – November 7-9, Civil War Arena
19 New Iberia, LA – November 6-8, SugArena Check out our
SavetheDates: LastingImpression Horsemanship,LLC JanelleLamke
February22nd-23rd March15th-16th April12th-13th
• • Individualstryingtodecideiftheycantreattheirhorsesasabusiness Individuals,alreadytreatingtheirhorsesasabusiness,thathavebusinessandtaxquestions
Topics Include:
• Benefits, costs and tax implications of sole proprietorships, LLCs and corporations
• Accounting for income and expenses
• 1099 requirements and penalties for not issuing them
• Employee or independent contractor and costs of making the wrong choice
• How the IRS determines if you are a business or a hobby
• The need for business plans and projections and how to prepare them
• What happens during an IRS audit Program Instructor:
Jacob R Strecker, MBA, CPA
With over thirty-five years of experience, Jacob Strecker directs the Equine Services of Grant, Millman & Johnson, P C Jacob is known for his knowledge of the business aspects of horse ownership in addition to his experience with income tax, accounting and management issues facing horse businesses.
Sunday, March 23, 2025
MichiganStateUniversity HorseTeachingandResearchCenter 3327CollinsRd,Lansing,MI48910
9 a m - 4 p m (lunch provided)
To register: https://form jotform com/250474719767167
Contact: Carla McLachlan at CarlaM@msu edu
Join us for a workshop on Form to Function by Dr. John Shelle. The workshop will include interactive live demonstrations with MSU horses and classroom discussion.
Between Jackson and Albion! Easy access to I-94! Parma, Michigan
Approximately 95 acres of agricultural/residential land available for future de Michigan Avenue and Litle Roads with Michigan Avenue being an expressway exi minutes west of Jackson
share the issue link that your ad appears in to your social media page(s). All ads must be online ready (7.13” W x 9.43” H). Limit one ad per month, per non-profit group. Ad format: PDF or jpg.