A1 Herbal Animal Tea
Animal Health Solutions, Equerry
Arnold Lumber
Black River Farm & Ranch
Briana Hali Photography
Cashmans Horse Equipment
Copper Mare Ranch
Coventry Realty LLC
Divergent DVM
DR Trailer Sales
Equestrian Solutions LLC
Fiber Luxe Blanket Cleaning
Foundation QH Registry-MI
Good As New Blankets
Hartland Tack & Craft Sale
Horse North Rescue
Hubbard Feeds
Humane Society of HV
Justin Curry Equine
Kate’s Cowboy
Keller Williams, S Baumgartner
Legend Land Feed
Livingston Feed
Livingston Stables
Lynnman Construction
Michigan Horse Expo 2025
Michigan Mud Control
Quarter Moon Farm, Bemer Dist.
Ray Reagan Custom Saddles/Tack
Re/Max Platinum, Kathie Crowley
Sara Kolenda, CPA
Sparta Chevy & Trailers
Steven Jagusch AIF
Suski Chevrolet
Wellness Tea Tree Oil Products
Cardeccia,Kim:BreakingtheCycleof SelfDoubt-WeareCreaturesofHabit
Eversole,Robert:IDon’tNeedAllThat FancyStuff Palm,Lynn: WesternDressageLvl3
NewRequirements MichiganHorseExpoMainClinician TackSales
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Show & Event Dates Are FREE!
Eachmonthwehideasmallerimage ofAyla.Whenyoufindher,mailusa letteroremailuswiththepagethat you“spotted”heronandyouwillbe enteredtowinacheckfor$30.00!
Includeyourageandaddresssowe maymailyourwinnings,ifyouwin Onlyoneentrypermonth,perperson. Allcorrectanswerswillbeenteredin ourrandomdrawing Contestforages14&underonly.
Amazing location, price and unique opportunity for a family, equestrian or investor! 1900’s farmhouse has been renovated over the years and grown in size from probably 1000 to over 3000 sq ft! Offers two kitchens, lots of lower level living space and the garage converted into a huge family room with large primary bedroom up one of two staircases Four bedrooms and two baths - needs updating, decorating and love but a wonderful home on a great piece of land! Tall Michigan basement has the original stone walls, updated electric and new water heater. The previous homeowner, a talented writer/builder/artist, created several outdoor living spaces with coin logs and bottle glass windows and loved it for over 45 years Included on this 25 acres are 11 pastures, two barns and a 120/60 indoor arena (possibly 144x60 with fencing down) currently homing an equine veterinary clinic These owners temporarily lived upstairs utilizing the huge observation room below as the clinic with a kitchen, full bath, flex room, storage, and office space all viewing the arena with an observation room A 4’ tall crawl/storage space under the clinic houses a new furnace Attached to the arena and divided into 3 sections are four 10x12 stalls, laundry facilities, storage and new hot water heater, heated wash rack, treatment area with utility room, ceiling heat, padded surgery stall and two 10x12 isolation stalls with in/out and direct access to the arena. The main horse barn South aisle features 8 stalls, 2 doubles, feed room and hay loft for 700 bales North aisle has five foaling stalls - three 10x14 and two 10x12 stalls and a heated tack room Two small paddocks in front, 6 medium pastures, 3 with sheds, 2 large turnout fields and a 100x200 outdoor arena Lots of 3-board and wire fencing and the property pretty much encased with 5+ acres of woods on rolling, beautiful property! Also available is an adjacent 2017 1500 sq ft ranch on Galahad, 3 bed/2 bath with walkout basement on 5 more acres for a total of 30 acres for $1,250,000!
Find on Amazon Kindle “Kate’s Cowboy”
Welcome home to your very own estate in the woods where design excellence and quality harmonize for an incredible living experience. This meticulously designed energy efficient ranch home is situated on 20 acres of rolling wooded property backing up to the Brighton State Recreation area with 4,947 acres Plenty of land to add a barn Custom built with only the finest materials throughout offering 6,347 sq ft of finished living space Amazing in-ground saltwater pool surrounded by a large patio and composite deck off the enclosed porch. 4 bedrooms all with walk-in closets & private bathrooms.
Large, yet highly functional kitchen with professional grade built-in Thermador appliances. The finished walkout has a stunning kitchen, theater room, craft room, 2 bathrooms, laundry, bedroom and large recreation and living spaces. Zoned geothermal heating & cooling, 4 car attached garage (1,316 sq. ft), Brazilian teak wood flooring, solid core doors & Andersen windows.
RidingtheMTRAShore-to-shoretrailis oneofthemosticonicandchallenging adventuresfortrailridersinMichigan. Thetrailadventuregoesfromshoreto shore,LakeMichigantoLakeHuronor inreversefor(23724miles) They alsohavetheoptiongoingfrom StoneyCreekTrailCampnearAfton, MItoHopkin’sCreekTrailCampnear FifeLake,MI (2073miles)
TheMTRAhas6rideseachyear beginningwiththeMay/BlossomRide, 1stJuneRide,2ndJuneFamilyride, AugustRide,SeptemberRidethatcan beoneto3weeksofridingandthe October/ColorRide Eachridehasits ownchallengesandactivities
Inorderfortheseridestoexistthere areagreatnumberofvolunteersand somepaidpositionsrequiringspecial qualifications.Atthebeginningofthe yeartheMTRAboardisingearto maintainalltrails Eachboardmember isassignedtoaparticulartrailto recruithelperstoclearandcleantrails Boardpositionsrequireattendanceat eachboardmeeting(4timesayear) andeachboardmemberserveson specialcommitteestoassurethe MTRAremainsactive,organizedand fun
TheMTRAactivelypostsemployee positionseachyearwhichconsistof Secretary,Treasurer,BusDriverand TrailBoss
TheBusDriverisrequiredtohavea (CDL)withagooddrivingrecordand knowledgeofMichiganroads TheBus Driverleadstherigstothenextcamp andcollectsridersfromthatcampas theydropotheirrigs...thendrives thembacktotheirhorsesatthe previouscamp,allowingthemtoride camptocamp.
TheTrailBosshasanumberofduties thatrangefromTrailBossmeetings heldthenightbeforeeachridefrom camptocamp.Theyexplainany updatesorobstaclesonthetrailsand answerquestionsfromtheriders Theyalsosetupthewaterwell generator,solveproblemsonthetrail, managethecampsitesandriders duringtheridehelpingwithany situationsalongtheway TheTrail Bosssignsinallridersandmonitors thecompletionofeachridepresenting trophiesandcertificatesofcompletion whenapplicable
Ifyouwouldliketogoontheultimate adventure,jointheMTRAandsign-up foroneoralloftherides Youcanride onedayoralldaysofthescheduled rides,buttogetthetrophyand certicate,youneedtocompletethe ride Taketheultimateadventureand applyforoneofourpositions,weare alwayslookingforawesomepeople. Checkoutmtra.organdgotothe “AboutUs”sectionandreviewour CurrentSeasonalEmployment Contactmtraoce@gmailcomfor moreinformation.
Ourbiggestnewsoutofthegate,is thattheparkconstructionschedule haschanged*again* Theroad projectshavebeeneliminated,and thatiswhatcausedtheclosureofour campgroundanddaystaging With thiselimination,andthecurrent schedule,ourcampgroundandmain daystaging(alongwithwestday staging)willremainopenfor2025
InMayof2024IHTAreplacedthefront panelsonthepipecorralsdownthe centerstreetofcampwith12’panels witha4’gate;nomoreliftingthe wholepaneltoopenthestalls
Wewereabletoreplacethefront panelsontherestofthepipecorralsin August,beforethebusytimeofLabor DayWeekend Thiswasroughly $7,000ofmembershipduesandfunds raisedbeingputtowork
The8thAnnualForbiddenTrailsRide wasJune8,2024 Itwasquite differentthisyearwithuseoftheDog TrialsGroupbuildingforlunchand“pitstops”aswellasaccesstoALLofthe trails Ridersseemedtoreallyenjoy thechange Ourannualmeetingafter theeventre-electedJenniferRoss,Lea Burger,BethStein,ArrianneCrandell, andKristieWallstotheboard,andall ourofficersagreedtocontinue Tara Sowalaterresignedfromourboard, andwethankherforherserviceand dedication Shewillbemissed Ifyou areconsideringjoiningourboard, pleasedo!
Becauseofpreviousconstruction schedules,wehadcalledofftheChili Cookofffor2024 Bythetimewe foundoutthecampgroundwouldbe openfortherestoftheseason, insteadofclosingrightafterLaborDay –mostparticipantshadmadeother campingplans,soitstayedcanceled.
TheChiliCookoffisBackOnfor2025 ThedateisOctober4,2025sosix monthsbeforehand,reservationswill beopen
Comespringweplantoinstall obstaclesonPhase2ofthe ConfidenceCourse Wehavechosen theobstaclesandwillannouncework beedatesearlyin2025 Many obstaclesaregoingtorequire purchasedmaterials(yourduesat work),andsomebuilding,so additionalhands,morethanboard members,wouldsurebeappreciated tohelpconstructthem.Ifyouareon thetrailsyetthisyearorearlynext year,PLEASEplantoridethistrail eachtimeyoucometothepark We needitpackedinbeforewebuild obstacles
Wehopeyouwillcontinuetosupport oureffortstokeepimprovingyour experienceatIoniaHorseTrails Don’t forget,wenowhaveanewoptionfor memberships Thosewhoprefercan donate$200.00andwillbegivena LifeTimemembershipinIHTA.Please renewyourmembershipnowandkeep themomentumgoing!
Wow!It’sDecemberalready Butit’s mid-NovemberwhenIamwritingthis, soacoupleofthingsIam communicatingmayormaynotoccur! Thosearedealingwithourannual meetingandelections Atour NovemberBoardmeetingwewillhave discussedmovingourannualmeeting andelectionfromDecemberto January.Checkoutthe hadleyhills.comwebsiteortheOREA Facebooksitetoseewhathappened!
It’stimetoreflectonwhathappened withOREAandourDNRpartnersthis year WehadalotofSMARTGoals developed Manyweaccomplished!! We(OREAANDtheDNR)startedthe yearbyredesigningthecampground basedonUSFSstandards Then14of our21campsitesweremadeavailable ontheDNRReservationSystem.(All 21sitesarealreadyavailablefor 2025)Wenowhavefivesiteswith corralswithfundinginplaceto constructtwomore Thenwe revampedtheDayUseAreato accommodatemorerigsandamore levelparkingarea.WeaddedtheHigh VistaTrailtothetrailsystembringing ourofficialtrailmilesto12miles
Thisincludeda$27,000DNRtrail grantthatimprovednotonlytheeast endoftheHighVistaTrailwith culvertsandsurfacing,butalso resurfacingsignificantareasofTrail 3AandasectionoftrailbetweenTrail Markers2&3.Wealsointegratedthe bypasstrailtoavoidthemuddiest sectionoftrailbetweenthe campgroundandmilemarker2while improvingtheviewfromthetrail We alsowereabletoimprovetheSpring BankCreekcrossingalongsidethe bridgeusingfabricfromtheMetamora beachcoveredwithlimestone Horses considereditmuchimproved
Ourapproachtoactivitiesevolveda bit Westartedouttheyearengaging peopleattheMichiganHorseCouncil HorseExpo WewelcomedWHAMfor acampingweekendinMay.Wehad ourannualPokerRideandcampover MemorialDayweekend Thenwe hostedtheMichiganHorseCouncil LadiesWeekend Theyearwastopped offwiththeDNRFallHarvestFest We arehopingthiswasthefirstofmany annualFallHarvestFestsatthe EquestrianCampground.
OREAdidnotholdaJudgedTrailRide forthefirsttimeinmanyyears A JudgedTrailRidewillreturnin2025, butwithWHAMhostingit Pencilin theApril25-27weekendandgetyour sitesreserved
MembersoftheOREABoardandthe DNRTeamparticipatedintrainingto rescuehorsesthathavegottenstuck inthemudandothermisadventures KennyfromourDNRTeamisraising moneytoacquirematerialforthisso theteamcanbepreparedtoreact whenemergenciesoccurnotjustat ourpark,butanywhereinthearea wheretroubleoccurs.Ifyouwantto contribute,contactus
Ofcourse,OREAstartedcontributing communicationsviaSaddleUp! Magazinein2024!
Well,thesewerethehighlights RememberthateverydaytheDNR TeamismakingyourOrtonville/ HadleyHillsexperiencethebestitcan be (OREAhelpsoutwherewecan) Maintainingthecampground,dayuse area,andtrailsistheireveryday activity–andtheydoawonderfuljob! Ifyourunintoissuesorhave questions,theyareaphonecallaway –orwillbestoppingintohelpout.
It’stimetostartlookingforwardto 2025!!!WhatcanOREAortheDNRdo toimproveyourOrtonville/Hadley Hillsexperience?Ideassentto OREATreasurer@gmailcomwillbe sharedwiththeOREABoardandthe DNRTeam(asappropriate).Wewill alsobesolicitinginputviatheOREA Facebookgroup
ThankfullyNovemberwasamild month Weallgottorideabitmore thanusualandmanagedtogetmore doneoutside Duetothewarm weather,hayconsumptionwas reducedthussavingthisprecious resourceforlaterinthewinter We knowthatthecolderweatheris comingandourhorseswillneeditto staywarmthen
It'sDecemberandherearesome thingsyoucandothismonth:
1 Sendinyour2025MFHA membership Gotoour website and printoffthemembershipform.We hosttheyearlyGreatLakesNational TrailRideandotheractivities Youwill haveopportunitiestomeetother memberstocampandtrailridewith byattendingthesegatherings
Peoplenewtothebreedortoour associationareencouragedtojoin Yoursupportisgreatlyappreciated WeareactiveonFacebook,meet monthlyviaZoomandmeetinperson whenpossible.Ourknowledgeable memberscananswerFoxTrotter related-questionsifyouarenewtothe breed
2 SignupfortheMFHAVersatility Program Theregistrationformcan alsobeprintedfromourwebsite Therearefourdivisionstochoose from.OneforMFTsNotUnderSaddle, anotherforMFTsUnderSaddle,the Horseman'sChallengefortherider andafourthforFriendsofFox Trotters(non-MFTs) Alloftherules arefoundonourwebsite Thoseofus activelyparticipatinginthisprogram areearningpointsandprizesfor workingwithourhorsesprovinghow versatiletheyare Itisaverypractical andusefulprogramthatyouandyour horsemakeprogresswithatyourown speed
3 SendinyourMFTHBAmembership Gotomfthbacomfortheneeded forms.Youcanparticipateinthemany nationaltrailandshowprogramsthat areoffered Theclinicsandnationwide NationalTrailridesoffermany opportunitiesforyoutomeetriders fromotherstatesandtoridethetrails allovertheUnitedStateswiththem Keepyourhorsefromgettingoutof shapebydoinggroundworkexercises withthem.Goodbookstorefertoare byJecBallouandothers Videosby gaitedtrainersarealsoavailable onlinetolearnfrom Workingwithyour horsealsokeepsthemmentally engaged Theyenjoyconnectingand spendingtimewithyou.
Ifyouwanttosqueezeinonemore NationalTrailridethismonth,attend theMFTHBANationalTrailRideDec78atNorthForkRiverRanchin Missouri ContactCalvinChambersat 412-894-8005ornfrranch.comfor moreinfo.
WearetheMichiganaffiliateofthe MissouriFoxTrotterHorseBreed Association(mfthbacom)basedin Ava,MO Wearea501c3non-profit organization Ourmissionisto promoteFoxTrottersandto encouragethebreedingandtrainingof them,aswellastohelptheirowners learntoenjoytheirhorsesmore througheducationalclinics,trailrides anddiscussion Checkoutouractive Facebookpage,too Justgetanew FoxTrotter?Thenyouareencouraged tojoin.There'slotstolearn.Printoff themembershipformfoundon michiganfoxtrottinghorsecom,sendit inandmeetnewfriends!
Overtheholidaysandbeyondyou can'tgowrongbydoing“allthegood youcan,byallthemeansyoucan,in allthewaysyoucan,aslongasyou can.”(excerptedfromJ.Wesley)
MHDVAhelditsannualmeetingat BrodyHallDiningFacilityonSaturday, December10th NewBoardMembers ofJulieHopp,LindaPiette,were elected DorothyChildsmaintainedher position WendyShermanwas appointedtoreplaceaboardmember whohadnotbeenattending.Alarge silentauctionwasheld Thenext meetingwillbeattheGrandLedge PublicLibraryonDecember2 This meetingwillnothaveaspeakerbut willbeusedforplanningfor2025
MHDVAhasanAmericanDriving SocietyRecognizedshowplannedfor June7and8,2025attheIonia Fairgrounds.Theshowwillhavea CombinedTest,DrivenDressage, PleasureClassesincludingconesand Gambler'sChoice Theclubplansa Januarymeetingonthe4thatthe GrandLedgeLibrary.Speakertobe announced Youarewelcometojoin us FollowusonMichiganHorse DrawnVehicleonFacebookor MHDVA.org.
Season'sGreetingsfromtheFort!We hopethateveryone'sautumnriding seasonwaswonderfulandthatyou areabletoextenditaslongasyou can.
Ifyoulikewintercamping,the equestriancampsitesstayopenyear round.Theviewsoftheriverandlakes reallyopenupnowthattheleavesare down,sowelookforwardtocontinued goodriding Happily,ourwellkept trailsaremostlysandwithveryfew mudspots.
Keepinmindthatyes,itishunting season,anddeerhuntersare welcomedtoFortCuster,sodress yourselfandequineswithorangefor safety
Somethingtolookforwardto;FCHFA willbehostingtheMichiganMounted CompetitiveOrienteering(MiCMO) groupatourspringcamp-out.Moreto follow.
Thewintermonthsareuponusand darknesscomesmuchearlier!Soon wewillbecelebratinganother Christmas!
AbigshoutouttoourmemberJamie Shook!TheDressageFoundation (TDF)announcedthatfivegrantsfor Westerndressageriderswere awardedfromTDF’sLynnPalm WesternDressageFund.TheFund wasestablishedbyLynnin2019to initiallyprovidegrantsforWestern dressageeducationeventsandwas expandedin2021toalsoprovidefive $1,000grantstoridersfortheir Westerndressageeducation.Jamie wasawardedoneofthefivegrants!! Congratulations,Jamie!!
TheannualBOSSVirtualShowwas wellreceivedbyWesterndressage ridersacrossthenation!WDAMI membersthatreceivedawards include:YearEndHighPoint-Kaleena Smith&GuaranteedMagic(73.063% awardedHighScoreBuckle),YearEnd Drawing-TheresaKondel&HisRoyal Ensignia(awardedWDAMI10th AnniversaryBuckle),Jennifer Venderploeg(awardedahoofpick doorprize),MaryLintonandSue Schmitz(eachawardedadoorprizeof aSpotlightHorseGiftCertificate). Congratulationstoourmembersand allotherswhosupportedtheBOSS Show
WDAMIisplanningthe2024Annual AwardLuncheon Theluncheonwillbe heldonFebruary15,2025,atthe HolidayInnandSuitesofMtPleasant, Michigan,5278E.PickardStreet,Mt. Pleasant,MI48858,(989)317-8686
Moredetailstofollowregardingtime, costandmenu Theluncheonisopen toallWDAMImembersandtheir guests Hopeyoucanjoinusin February
Asweapproachtheendoftheyear, remembertorenewyour memberships.Thenational organizationWDAAhasraisedtheir duesagain TheWDAAcostfor2025 is$55 WDAMI(Michigan)dues remainat$25,wheretheyhavebeen sincetheinceptionofthe organization.Youcanjoinanduse PayPalforWDAMIduesonour website:wwwwdamiorgunder Contact/JoinUp Unfortunately,WDAA prohibitsWDAMIfromcollectingthe WDAAduesviaPayPal Ifyouwould likeCarolBaldwin,WDAMITreasurer tohelpyouwithpaymentofWDAA dues,justsendCarolacheck(made outtoWDAMI)forbothmemberships (totalof$80) Carolwillfollowupand forwardyourWDAAduestoWDAA andCarolwillprocessyourWDAMI dues Theofficeaddressis:WDAMI, 9075BrudyRd.,Wolverine,MI49799. WishingyouandyoursaveryMerry Christmas.Inthespiritofcelebration andtimewithfamilyandfriends,take timetorememberthereasonforthe season
Hopeeveryoneisenjoyingthe extensionofourautumnthisyear! RememberthatthereisNOhuntingat MayburyStatePark,soyoucan continueyourridesallwinter
OurgrouphostedaWorkerBeeat MayburyStateParkonNovember9, 2024andhadagreatturn-outof workers!
Wehadfolksfromotherparksjoinus andtheBoyScoutTroop1537 volunteeredaswell Wereally appreciateallofthehardwork!We wereabletoremoveanoldculvertand startedworkonawatercrossing alongtheBeckRoadTrailbetween markersYandZ.
TheMayburyTrailRidersAssociation AnnualMeetingisscheduledfor Thursday,January23,2025at6:00pm attheNorthvilleLibrary.Pleasemarkit onyourcalendarsandplanon attending!
Continuetofollowusonourwebsite, wwwmayburytrailriderscomor Facebookforupdatesonthetrails, eventsandgeneralnewsgoingonin thepark.Feelfreetopostpictures fromyourrides
Join us monthly, bi-monthly or as needed. There is no cost to your group and we’ll always have a spot waiting for you!
Word Limit: 600 words
Deadline: 16th for following issue
Email: saddleupmag@gmail.com
First time submission? Please include logo, email, website, and social media page. A word document, PDF or within the body of your email will work great.
By Robert Eversole | trailmeister.com
IrecentlyreadoneofTyEvans’ reflectionsontrainingandthe standardsweshouldaimforwithour animals asentimentheoftenhearsis “Idon’tneedanyofthatfancystuff;I justwanttogodownthetrail,”.Iused tobeoneofthepeoplewhosaidit.I usedthatexactphrasefartoooften, notrealizinghownaiveIwas
Iusedtocall“fancystuff”whatTy callscontrol This“fancy”training includesyieldingtheforeandhinds, flexingsoftly,orbeingableto smoothlyside-passoncommand. WhenI’mdeepinthebackcountry, milesfromthetrailheadwithnocell serviceandnoquickaccesstohelp,I wantasmuchcontrolaspossible Out there,“goodenough”simplyisn’t enough Thatlevelofcontrol,orasTry callsit,“handiness,”iswhatInow striveforineverybitofgroundwork, ride,ortrainingsession
Iaskalotofmyanimals I’mnotone for“intense,”buttheplacesIprefer demandreadiness Thesteepcountry andnarrowtrailsarethegatekeepers tothebestfishingspots!Myanimals needtobeashandyaspossiblefor mypeaceofmind,andthat’sonly achievablewithseriousworklong beforeweleavethebarn
Tyechoesthisneedforreadinessin histrainingphilosophy:“Ifthemule can’toperateandmaneuveraccurately onflatground,howtheheckarethey goingtodoitinthemountainsand roughcountry?”Hiswordsresonate withme WhenI’minthehighcountry, Ineedmymulesattheirbest Toget there,Ineedtoworktowardsthatgoal wheninfamiliarconditionsathome
Duringmyclinics,Istressthe importanceofmasteringasolidwhoa, go,andsteer.ButIdon’tstopthere I wantthoseresponsestobeas effortlessaspossible Thatmeans havingmyanimalscentered,balanced, andabletorespondcalmlyandlightly tomyseat,legs,andreins Thisisn’t aboutbeingfancy;it’saboutbeing safe.
Safetymeanshavingananimalthat’s lightandcalminthebridle.Iwanta critterthat’seasytostop,easytoturn, andeasytoback IfIhavesoftnessin thesebasics,Icancountonthat softnesstranslatingtosidepasses, pivots,andothermovesthatrequire controlofthefrontandhindquarters. Thisislikedrivingatruckwithabig engine,greatbrakes,andpower steering Justaswewantcontrol whentowingatraileronmountain roads,weshouldexpectnoless controlwhenwe’reinthesaddle, whetherwe’reathomeornavigating unpredictableterrain.
Overtime,I’velearnedmoreabout whatmyanimalsarecapableof BeforeIknewhowtoaskformore,I hesitatedtochallengethembeyond thebasics,worriedthataskingfor moremightbringaresponseIcouldn’t handle.Thatintimidation my reluctancetorisetotheirpotential keptmeoutofsomeremarkableareas requiringalittleextraworktogetto Whenpushingourlimitsfeels intimidating,agoodtrainercanbe yourbestally I’mafanofTyEvans becausehespeaksinawayI understand,butforyou,itmightbe someoneelse.Theimportantthingis tofindsomeonewhoseguidance helpsyourisetomeetyouranimals wheretheyare andwheretheycan go Strivetobethepersonyouranimal deserves.
Forthoselookingtobuildcontroland readinessintheiranimals,consider practicingandrefiningthe foundationalskills:aresponsivewhoa, rotatingonthefore,andasmooth backup.Theseexercisescansetthe stageforamoreadvanced partnership,wheretrustand responsivenessgrowhand-in-hand withcontrol
Formoreofmythoughtsontrailriding andcampingwithlivestock,checkout mybook,TheABCsofTrailRidingand HorseCampingatAmazon,orvisitmy website;TrailMeistercom There, you’llfindmoreresourcesforbuilding theskillsandconfidencethatmake exploringthebackcountryassafeasit isrewarding
HORSE & TACK AUCTION: 2nd Saturday of each month 5:00pm start Lake Odessa Livestock Auction, 3675 Tupper Lake Rd , Lake Odessa, MI Call Roger Leech 231 730 0353 Facebook or lakeodessalivestock com
HORSE/TACK AUCTION: First Saturday of each month (except July) Tack 2pm, Horses after 6pm Consignments welcome Northern Michigan Livestock, 1848 N Townline Rd Gaylord, MI Office 231 439 5679 Find us on Facebook. northernmichiganlivestock com
MONDAYS: HAY & STRAW: 3:30pm, Livestock 5pm (cattle, goats, sheep, hogs, etc ) Ravenna Auction, LLC
3265 S. Slocum Road, Ravenna, MI. Call 231 853- 5738 Facebook or visit us at ravennaauction.com
TACK AUCTION: 3rd Saturday of each month, 5pm start Longhorn Auction Service, 3265 S Slocum Rd , Ravenna, MI. Call 231.730-0353. Facebook: Longhom Auction Service
WHS HORSE & TACK AUCTION: 4th Saturday of the month, 10am start Wayland Hopkins Livestock Auction, 3634 10 St , Wayland, MI Call Leon Casey 517 937 4305 Visit us at your-auctionioneers com
YODER BROS. AUCTION SERVICE: Spring and Fall Horse and Carriage Auctions in Mt Pleasant, MI Auctioneers: LeRoy Yoder or Willis Yoder, 989-386-9082, Clair, MI
ATHENS LIVESTOCK SALES: Sale every Saturday at 12:30pm Consignment welcome. Athens Livestock Sales, 3738 Enlow Road, Albany, OH Call 740 592 2322 Email: jdbrowning01@gmail.com or find us on Facebook
LARUE HORSE SALE, LLC: Hay, straw, tack, and horse auction on the first Saturday of every month. 1059 Richwood-Larue Rd , Larue, OH Call 419.889.9150, email laruehorsesales@hotmail com laruehorsesales com
MT. HOPE AUCTION: Horse, rack, livestock auctions monthly Mt Hope Auction, 8076 SR 241 Millersburg, OH Call us at 330 674 6188, email: info@mthopeauction.com. Find us on Facebook or mthopeauction com
HAMILTON COUNTY HORSE SALES: 1st & 3rd Saturday each month New and used tack, hay, strawy, trailers, & horses Consignors welcome 22217 St. Road 37 N., Noblesville, IN. Call 317 946 4450 or 317 773 5590 or find us on Facebook for more information
IILLIANA LIVESTOCK, LLC: Tack, ponies, donkeys, and horse sales held at the Vermillion County Fairgrounds, 325 W Maple St Cayuga, IN Call Clay Norris 574 780 8378 or Cobie Norris 217 260 5696 Facebook “Illiana Livestock LLC“
SHIPSHEANA TRADING PLACE: Horse Auction Fridays 10:30am tack, 12:30pm horses 345 S Van Buren Shipshewana, IN. 260.768.4129, email: info@shipshewanatradingplace com, or visit shipshewanatradingplace.com.
TOPEKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION: Hay and livestock auction every Tuesday 601 E. Lake St., Topeka, IN. Call 260 593 2522 or email us at info@topekalivestock.com. Find us on Facebook or topekalivestock com
SaddleUp!Magazineproudlyoffershorse associationsandtrailridinggroupsspecial advertisingratesinourAnnualMembershipDrive that’sfeaturedinourJanuary2025printededition Alladswillbeprintedinblackandwhite,butwill appearonlineinfullcoloronourwebsiteat www.saddleupmag.comfor12months.Wewillpost theMembershipDrivesectiononbothofour facebookpagesnumeroustimesthroughoutthe yearaswell,tohelpremindpeopletojoinyourgroup
Utilize vent schedule
By Kim Cardeccia | ConfidenceThroughConnection.com
Patternsrunourlivesifwedon’tdo somethingdifferent Without intentionalaction,it’seasytoget stuckinrutsthatkeepuscycling throughthesamethoughtsand behaviors Oneofthemoststubborn ofthesecyclesisself-doubt.Itcan holdusbackfromlivingfully,from pursuingourgoals,andfrom connectingwithourhorsesinthe waywetrulywant
Self-doubtoftencomesfromthe thoughtswerepeatedlythink When thosethoughtsarerootedinnot believinginourselves,theyshape howweseetheworldandhowwe actinit.Overtime,thiscancreate deepgrooves ruts thatarehardto escape Ourhorsesareincredibly perceptive,andtheycanpickupon ourlackofbelief Itsettlesinour bodiesastension,uncertainty,and incongruence,creatingadisconnect betweenwhatwedesireandhowwe showup
Ifwewanttochangeourlives,we muststartbychangingour thoughts.Butthatdoesn’thappen overnight,anditrequiresashiftin ourmindsetandourstateofbeing Thegoodnewsisthatwithintention andsmallsteps,itisentirely possibletobreakfreefromthecycle ofself-doubt.
1 SlowDownandBeMindful
Thefirststeptobreakingfreefrom thegripofself-doubtistoslow down.Whenourthoughtsareracing, it’seasytofallbackintofamiliar patterns.Takeapause,breathe deeply,andbepresentinthe moment Thisgivesyouthespaceto noticewhenself-doubtiscreeping in Itmightsoundsimple,but sometimes,justtakingamomentto breathecanshiftyourstateofmind.
It’schallengingtothinkpositive thoughtswhenyou’refeelinglowor stressed.Sometimes,changingyour physicaloremotionalstatecan makeiteasiertochangeyour thoughts Takeawalk,spendtime withyourhorse,orengageinan activitythatliftsyourspirit Moving yourbodyorbeinginnaturecanhelp youreset,makingiteasiertochoose brighter,moresupportivethoughts.
3 ChooseOneThoughtataTime Self-doubtthriveswhenwelookat ourselvesthroughanegativeor criticallens.Butyoudon’thaveto flipfromself-doubttototalselfconfidenceallatonce Startwith onethoughtatatime Whenyou catchathoughtlike,“Ican’tdothis,” tryshiftingitto,“WhatifIcould?” Thissmallshiftopensthedoorto possibilityandplantstheseedsof self-belief
4.VisualizeYourSuccess Ifyoucan’tseeitorfeelit,you can’tbeit.Spendafewminutes eachdayimaginingyourself achievingyourgoalsandmoving towardyourdesires.Picturewhat itlookslikeand,moreimportantly, whatitfeelslike Whenyoucan envisionyoursuccess,youbegin toalignyouractionswiththose possibilities,makingiteasierto takethestepsthatleadyou forward
5.GratitudeandSelf-Appreciation Gratitudeshiftsyourfocusaway fromwhatyoulackandtoward whatyouhave.Butdon’tstopat appreciatingthingsaroundyou taketimetorecognizewhatyou haveaccomplishedandwho you’vebecomealongtheway Reflectonthechallengesyou’ve overcome,theprogressyou’ve made,andthegrowthyou’ve experienced Whenyoupractice gratitudeandself-appreciation regularly,itraisesyouremotional state,makingiteasiertochoose thoughtsthatempoweryourather thanholdyouback.Thisshiftin focushelpsbreakthecycleofselfdoubtbytrainingyourmindto noticethegoodinyourselfand yourjourney
Breakingfreefromself-doubttakespractice,buteverytimeyouchallengeanegativethought,youarecreatingnew grooves onesthatleadtowardself-beliefandalignedaction Youarecapable,youareenough,andwitheachsmall step,youarebuildingafoundationoftrustinyourself Andasyoushift,yourhorsewillfeelittoo,noticingthe congruenceandconfidencethatcomeswithbelievinginyourself
So,takethatpause,breathedeeply,andremember:youarenotaloneinthisjourney Eachmomentisanopportunity tochooseanewthoughtandtoleadyourselftoaplaceofgreaterconfidenceandpeace
Fastrack Animal Supplements –(PS-12/24)
Keep your horses healthier. Healthier hooves, shinier hair coats, and more With 16 of the top 17 horses in the National Barrel Race finals using Fastrack, why aren’t you using it?
Togetstarted,callRayat989.550.1999 ormessage:888 266 0014,ext 8778
Naturally Grown Caffeine Free Tea
Caffeine Free Tea for Dogs and Horses. Anti-inflammatory benefits help fight arthritis. Aids in the treatment of Laminitis Strengthens bones and tendons Eases stress and tension
TerriSchwartz–248 719 8912
Email:TheA1HerbalAnimalTea@gmail com Online:www.TheA1HerbalAnimalTea.com
MAXMotion™: Full-Spectrum, JointSupport Equine Formula designed to nutrify and support recovery in horses suffering from stiffness and joint injury. MAXMotion is packed with essential active ingredients that support all 18 synovial joints found in horses.
Email:dutchacresllc@gmail com
BoardinginHastings,MI (SouthEastGrandRapidsarea).Quiet, countrywith165acresoftrails.Insideand outsideboard,largepasturesw/shelters. 60x160indoorridingarena.Lessons available.Horsesforsale.
EVERVIEWFARM–269.948.9570 Hastings,MI(Barry)(S-04/25)
Email:lee@everviewfarmnetOnline: http://wwweverviewfarmnet/
Horse Boarding, Webberville, MI –Small, quiet farm with onsite management. 10x10 matted stalls, daily turnout, 6 pastures, 72x120 indoor arena and lockable tack cubbies.
Bzz Z Bee Farm – 517 528 4694
Email:darfolde@gmail comOnline: www.bzzzbeefarm.com
Offering Full Service Boarding, Training and Dressage Lessons. Relax and enjoy your horse in a quiet, adult atmosphere Please visit our website at www EleventhHourFarm com, or find us on Facebook com/11th Hour Farm ELEVENTH HOUR FARM – 248.755-2083 Holly,MI(Oakland)
Email:info@eleventhhourfarm com (PS-12/24)
OPEN24/7–QualityBoarding: Tack locker, heated rooms, 12% pellet grain, hay, large pas- tures, daily turnout We have trails, two indoor arenas, and one outdoor arena with lights.
HARDYFARMS–313 363 2243(callortext) 7215N.LatsonRd.,Howell,MI
Nelson Automatic Waterers
Nelson preferred contractor! Installed from start to finish Many units to choose from Maintenance free, time saving, energy efficient Repairs and directional boring available Horse fence installation
R. BARNES CO., INC. – Rick 313.407.7373 Howell,MI(Livingston) (PS-12/24)
Email:info@hardysfarm.com http://www hardysfarm com/ FindusonFacebook:HardyFarms (M-10/24)
stalls and pasture board on over 20 acres. Miles of trail riding on the farm. Good location for trailering to nearby parks Quality hay, outdoor arena, round pen, dry lot, heated tack room and restroom. Call Sandra Tuthill
Free Exam & Evaluation- Equine Dentistry hand floats & powered available Equine Sports Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release & Red Light Therapy. Saddle Fitting.
LaurenSpringstube,EqDTCESMTEmail: springequineservices@gmail.comFacebook: SpringEquineServices(PS-05/25)
DutchAcresEquineLLCEquineDentistry& FarrierService:CertifiedDentistry,Complete mouthrebalance,capandwolfteeth. Removal,pointreduction,incisorreduction Comfortforthehorsestartsinthemouth
AaronLappCF Hagerstown,IN 765-639-2802
Horses In Harmony Therapeutic Massage andBodywork,since2001.Offeringmassage, Reiki,CraniosacralTherapy&Red/InfraredLight Therapy Facebook:HorsesInHarmonyCESMT orInstagram:@horsesinharmony cesmt HORSES IN HARMONY – 810 923 5003 Howell,MI(Livingston)(M-10/24) Email:horsesinharmony@att.net horsesinharmony0 wixsite com/horsesinharmony
FARMINSURANCE– horses, cattle, goats, etc. I can also write mortality policies. Protect what matters Put your trust in an agent who has over 38 years experience in the industry! I cover all of Michigan.
MissyNoykos989 631 3511
Email:missy@boneandbailey com Online:www.boneandbailey.com
HoofCareMatters! Over30yearsof experienceintrimming,shoeingandcorrective shoeing Askaboutteethfloatingtoo!Serving OaklandCountyandsurroundingcounties.
Nelson Automatic Waterers(S-01/25)
Nelson preferred provider for repair and maintenance of your Nelson Automatic Waterers Excellent response time. Most parts in stock Honest, ethical and reliable Will travel Serving Michigan and Northern Ohio
WATERFIX COMPANY – John Guthrie Dexter,MI(Washtenaw) 313 418 5676or734 475 8898
Email:sandratuthill@gmail com
Activehorseenthusiastscansubmit theirequinestory/articlefora chancetobehighlightedonthe SaddleUp!Magazine socialmediapage Formoreinformationvisit SaddleUpMagcom/article-submission
JOHN PETERSON FARRIER – 248 303 6498 Milford, MI (Oakland) (S-08/25)
Servicing Equine Foot Care
(S-03/25) needs on the westside of Michigan. American Farrier Association (AFA) certified Patient, punctual and honest Graduate of Michigan State University Farrier School. HOOVESLLC–AlexDeVries616 335 1644
Email:hoovesfarrier@gmail com
Shoo-Fly Insect Control
Automatically get rid of flies, mosquitoes, and spiders. Safe and inexpensive to use. Used throughout Michigan for over 30 years. We Install or Do-It-Yourself SHOO-FLY INSECT CONTROL
BillTressler–517 927 8089
Email:bill@radiant-energy.com (S-08/25)
SHOWQUALITYPOAPONIES:3tochoose from:$6,500to$10,000Wespecializeinthe salesofqualityPOAponies.Doubleregistered quarterponieswithIQPA. NORTHRIVERRANCH
CallMartaYeakey–231 215 8377 Fremont,MI(Newaygo)
Online:https://www mypoapony com/
MikeMurphy517.206.7377 www.murphyfarm.net
Timothy & alfalfa hay Also offering net
wrapped 4x5 round bales Delivery available Mike Murphy 517.206.7377
3 bedroom modular home 3 barns, one w/7 stalls and run-in. Fenced pastures and hayfields Air bnb campsite with 60 amp RV hookup Offered at $399,000 Add’l acreage available. CallSusan231 349 0912 ReedCity,MI(Oceola)
20.6 acre Horse Farm: 3032 sq ft, 3bedroom, 2 5 bath brick home Fantastic views from every room! Large walk-out basement 36X50 ft Kentucky-style horse barn with Five 10X12 ft matted stalls with premium sliding doors, indoor wash rack Automatic waterers in large grass pastures 70 ft outdoor round pen 10 minutes NW of Battle Creek.
https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomesdetail/2909-MeachemRd BattleCreek MI 49017 M38820-69394 (M-11/24)
FIBER LUXE Horse Blanket Cleaning
Email:flblankets@comcast net
GOOD AS NEW BLANKETS – Horse blanket washandrepairservice 10yearsexperience
GOOD AS NEW BLANKETS –517 404 6336 2711E GrandRiver,Howell,MI48843
Online:https://www.goodasnewblankets.com/ andRepair.FreePick-upanddelivery. FIBER LUXE – 800 334 1994
Free Online Show Calendar
Over 20 years experience as a secretary or an assistant. Resume and references available upon request No show too big or small
LauraSmith–317 459 2697
Email:horseshows101@yahoo com
We specialize in horse trailers: full living quarters with slideout, to smaller two horse bumper pulls Cimarron, Lakota, Sundowner and Trails West. Great selection and even better prices! SPARTA CHEVROLET & TRAILER SALES
CallJimKelly–616 887 3456
8955SpartaAve NW,Sparta,MI(M-12/24)
Online:www spartachevytrailers com
52 yr. old manufacturing company expanding. We are looking for individuals that have experience in agriculture and animal health, who are interested in building there own business using Christian principles. Pleaseleavebackground/contactinfo :
888.266.0014, ext. 8778 (S-12/24)
K & J HORSE AND FARM SITTING: Need to get away, call K & J – 248.667.2185! Also HORSE ART, Books and Journals (links below): www zazzle com/store/thistlebrook/products https://www.amazon.com/stores/kimberlykingstad/author/B0BZSMTH7P?
K & J HORSE AND FARM SITTING KimKingstad–248.667.2185callortext
Milford,MI(Oakland) (M-03/25)
SADDLE, LEATHER & TACK REPAIR: Used saddlesandtackboughtandsold.Certifiedwith 40plusyearsofexperience
BIG BUCK SADDLERY RogerBurkowski–830.285.2080 Flint,MI(Genesee) (S-07/25)
SADDLE REPAIR & LEATHER WORK: New and used saddles and tack bought and sold. CompleteLeatherRepairavailable Manyyears ofexperience M-F9am-6pm,Sat 9:30-5pm
JimMoule–248 887 4829
Milford,MI(Oakland) (S-9/25)
MOBILE TACK STORE: $10,000+ Current Inventory 46ft length/complete with bathroom/extra 8ft deck to expand size 3 new awnings (2 ELECTRIC)/ canvas rooms/ all accessories. Ready to sell product and services
Series Inquires Only Pam Kibler 269-207-4973
CROWTHORNEFARM:Lessonsandtraining availableatyourbarnonyourhorse.Dressage, jumping,oreventing Stressingbalanceofrider andhorse Alsohorseavailableforleaseforan experiencedrider.
ContactLynnda–248 535 8954Email: crowthornefarm@comcast.net Hartland,MI(Livingston)
THE TRAVELING TRAINER offers training, lessons,consultingatyourfacilityormine Over 30yearsofexperience.Bachelor’sdegreein EquestrianStudiesfromtheUniversityof Findlay Alsoqualityhorsesforsale Finduson Facebook,oronInstagram:#thehappyhorse house,or:http://www thetravelingtrainer net/ THE TRAVELING TRAINER LLC
Ann-MarieLavallee–810 796 3510 Dryden,MI(Lapeer)Email: thetravelingtrainer3@gmail.com (S-10/25)
HolisticVeterinaryCare Small&largeanimals Services:Acupuncture,equinespinalmanipulation,aromatherapy,herbaltreatment,laser, Reikiandmore ServingMichiganandOhio DIVERGENTDVM,LLC Dr.LisaFox–330.647.6622 Email:divergentdvm@aol.com Online:www.divergentdvm.com
Western Dressage Level 3 New Requirements
Let’s Get Ready to Show & Grow!
By Lynn Palm | lynnpalm.com
Once you have explored the gaits and definitions for Level 3, it is time to explore the new requirements for this Level. These are many and varied as we advance the training of bothhorseandrider
Pivotfromturnontheforehand T.O.F.Smoothtransition from walk; square, straight halt; immobility; willing movement of the haunches around the front legs with consistenttempoandinsideflexion--PIVOT Responseto rider’s leg with forward intention and correct bend; turn on theinsidehind;willing,smoothtransitionafterturn.
This is the most controversial maneuver of Western Dressage. I personally teach a horse both. First with the Turn on the Haunches, where the inside hind leg moves up anddownastheturnisdone Thepivotleg,theinsidehind leg, is stationary unless he moves it to rebalance If the turniscallingformorethana180degreeturn,Idoapivot Ifitisa180degreeturn,Iwilldowhatmyhorsedoesbest.
Make sure you do the same turn each way, or you will get deductions if in one direction the turn is a pivot, and the otherisaTurnontheHaunches
Half pass at collected jog Balance and bend on the half circle into collected half pass Alignment with soft willing bend;engagement;freedomofshoulders;fluidity
Half pass at the collected jog is my favorite movement! When you are developing your horse to have more suppleness through bending and straightness the Half Pass is such a wonderful feeling of your horse moving laterally! Make sure that the forehand is slightly in front of the hind quarters in this movement allowing the horse to movewithalonger,uphilllateralstep Enjoytheride!
Renvers Fluid; show change of bend if after shoulder-in Consistentangle,bend,andtempo
Remember this maneuver is on 4 tracks, and the horse must show bend and straightness; on the outside rein/leg. Tempo is maintained, as most commonly the horse will slow if the rider is using too much inside rein aid, thus making the horse bend the neck and making him crooked in this movement. Also, keeping the horse going with the seat and leg aids has to be maintained. This is a great movementtodevelopthesupplenessandflexibilityofyour horse necessary for correct collection Don’t skip mastering this maneuver as you will need it for collection andthehigherlevels.
Counter lope serpentine Engagement; uphill balance; correct and symmetrical placement of serpentine loops; consistenttempo,uphillbalanceandengagement
I love this movement because it is a great feeling of your horse’s athleticism as your horse gets more agile and canmaintainthelopewiththe20meterhalfcircle.Atthe sametime,keepthebendtotheleadthatyouareonand keepthemevenstraightertomaintaintheuphillbalance
20 & 15 Meter circle with rein release Clear release of contact of both reins self-carriage; consistent rhythm andtempo
I love this maneuver for all the right reasons! If you hurry your training and have to get your horse “collected by headset”yourhorsewilllosehisbalanceinthistaskand hurry and quicken his steps because he will fall to his forehand with his balance! If you keep developing the balancefromthehindlegsandhaveanuphillconnection with your outline, when you release the reins you horse should, “self carry”, and stay the same speed and outline without the reins! When done correctly it is a great feeling of accomplishment that you have done your best foryourhorsetobebalanced!
Lope from the rein back pivot 360 degrees Smooth transitions; square, immobile halt; straight back with diagonalpairs;uphillbalance&engagementinlope
This is where the “Western “ comes in! I don’t believe you have this in traditional Dressage; however, it is a great maneuver!Aslongasduringthebackyourhorsehasthe freedomwithaconnectionfromlegaidtothehandaids Lope to halt is difficult and not easy to do without jog steps Take your time to develop straightness in the rein back to have straight even steps, then when you pivot 360 degrees, let your horse step forward before your pivot for correctness of movement, without any backing steps, then ask for the lope departure as you complete the turn The pivot to the lope departure the horse is in the correct body position to take the lope from the pivot, so ask for the lope in the last quarter of the turn, ask for the lope as you maintain the bend and straightness during the transition, and you will get positive results to thelopewiththecorrectleadandsmoothness
Halfpassatthelope Engagement,uphillbalance; alignmentwithsoftwillingbend;freedomofshoulders; fluidity
Thismaneuverisevenmorefunthanthejog!!Again,you musthavethecorrectbendforthedirectionoftravelwith theshouldersslightlyleadingforbalancefromthehorseto doitcorrectlyandfluidity!
Lopefromhalfpivot Responsetorider’slegwithforward intentionandcorrectbend;turnoninsidehind;smooth transition;engagement;uphillbalance.
Again,aWesternmovementthatworksverybalancedfor thehorseandrider!Sameintenttodoitcorrectly,youmust keepthecorrectbendduringthepivotanditisthesame bodypositionthatthehorseneedsforthelopedeparture Whendoneinbalance,itisafunmaneuver,likethe“Roll back”inreining
Nextupinourserieswillbethegaitsanddefinitionsfor Level4
Ithasbeengreatsharingtipsandguidelinesfor understandingthesimplicityoflearning(inwrittenformat, atleast)WesternDressagetrainingfromLevel1toLevel3 JoinmeontheJourneyaswecontinue!
Hilltop in the Metamora Hunt! Magnificent 32 acre equestrian estate, completely fenced with a gated entry! This all brick, 6000 sq ft contemporary was completely remodeled by the original owner in 2020 New double glass entry doors open into a bright, 2-story foyer with 1/2 bath and bridge, formal living and dining rooms with knockout views, vaulted office and 2-way fireplace from family to 4 season room The kitchen was redesigned with Kitchen Aid stainless steel appliances, granite counters and dining island, high ceilings and 8-foot patio doors Retreat to a private bedroom suite with newly designed custom bath, soak tub, separate shower and so many closets! Marble flooring in the foyer and halls, new wood plank in living spaces, carpeted bedrooms, ceramic baths Lower level completely finished with full kitchen, 8-ft dining bar, workout room, bath and open spaces for entertaining Oversized 3-car garage and wide patios surround the home with mature foliage and in-patio Hydrangea trees The grounds offer an 18x40 inground heated saltwater pool with automatic cover, 10’ hot tub, bathhouse and with pool equipment, fully fenced with a lovely 500’ promenade depicting Grecian gardens with statuary Whole house generator! Sold in 2021 to an equestrian whose dream was to create a state of the art training and boarding facility, focusing on total restoration of the barn, arena, therapy pool and facilities. The 320x130 horse barn was totally renovated, 42 stalls with 6 doubles flank an expanded 200x90 arena, all rebuilt with Led lighting and Fiber Blend footing New observation room, halls, walls and matted stalls with fans and updated electric. Both aisles feature trainer’s tack, feed and blanket rooms, 6 grooming stalls, new laundry area, bath and boarders’ den Private owner’s tack room. 9 pastures, exercise track and pond, utility barn with workshop & hay storage, two 2-bedroom apartments, two 3-bedroom residences for caretakers or staff Beautifully maintained and turnkey ready for the serious horse enthusiast! CAROLE PORRETTA, GRI
REALTOR® | BROKER | OWNER 248 310 4242 carole@coventryrealtyllc.com www.CoventryRealtyLLC.com
the Michigan State University Livestock Pavilion, East Lansing, Michigan.
The newest announcement for the Michigan Horse Expo is the Main Clinician Jake Ream Jake Ream grew up in a small town in Utah. He has been fortunate enough to come from a long line of horsemen and ranchers From a young age he came to love this lifestyle. After graduating High School he started a logging company in Wyoming and soon learned that was not his passion Jake had the opportunity to go to Pilot Point, Texas and work for Cutting Horse Trainer Guy Woods at the EE Ranches After two years of apprenticeship with Guy Woods he moved to Gardnerville, Nevada, where Jake worked with Cutting Horse Trainer Tom Long Alongside Tom, he learned a completely different skill set with horses. Guy and Tom are just a couple of the many cowboys that have positively influenced Jake in his horse training career.
After taking a short break from training horses, Jake soon learned horses were where his heart was at He hen opened up his own Training Facility in Utah where he has been blessed to have his 3 kids by his side Throughout his career, Jake has trained and sold many performance horses which has led him to meet many unique people along the way. One interesting encounter would include a call from Writer and Director Taylor Sheridan. Taylor was interested in a horse that Jake was selling This ended up sparking a friendship between Jake and Taylor. Soon after, Taylor presented Jake with an opportunity that would change his life The idea was to teach Hollywood Actors to be just like him, a Cowboy! This led to what we now refer to as Cowboy Camp This was Jake’s first introduction to the actors of Yellowstone.
After Cowboy Camp, Jake accepted a Wrangling job and a 5 season acting role on the hit TV show Yellowstone. Acting was something Jake had not experienced before Prior to being introduced to this new world Jake said his only movie experience was watching Man from Snowy River and Lonesome Dove. Jake’s training and horsemanship was a valued asset to the show He continued to teach the actors how to ride and develop their skill set throughout the show and still continues to help them today. In the off season Jake continues to train performance horses at his Ranch/Training Facility in Palmyra, Utah where he resides today.
The Michigan Horse Expo® is produced and owned by the Michigan Horse Council (MHC) All proceeds from the Michigan Horse Expo® are returned to the MHC and are used to ‘Promote and Protect’ the equine industry in Michigan, through leadership, education, service and communication
Tickets can be purchased for daily activities but also all-access passes for all events. Please visit the Expo website at mihorseexpo.com for additional information and to purchase tickets
SavetheDates: LastingImpression Horsemanship,LLC JanelleLamke
February22nd-23rd March15th-16th April12th-13th
When:SundayJanuary26,2025 10:00am - 2:00pm
Where:FirstMerchantExpoCenter 3775S Custer Rd Monroe Mi 48161 Admission$3Perperson Concessions SilentAuction New&UsedTackVendors HeatedIndoorFacility
Saturday, February 8th, 2025
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Hartland Educational Support Service Center Gymnasium 9525 E. Highland Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Parking located at the West entrance
General and silent auction proceeds will be used for the Livingston County 4-H Horse Committee
Public invited to buy or sell.
Space available: 6'x8' = $25 or 6'x16' = $40
$5 discount for 4-H members
Tables (5'-6') available $10 per table (additional fee)
Please obtain space for any kind of racks. These cannot be in aisles.
Fees are non-refundable.
Vendors must stay until 2pm.
All reservations must be phoned or emailed in with payment postmarked by 2/1/25.
$5 late fee for any reservations made after February 1st, 2025
No animals (except service animals) allowed in buildings.
Silent Auction Fundraiser - Drawing at 1:45 PM - Must be present to win
Donated items welcome by 10am
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status
Make checks out to LCHLA and mail to: LCHLA c/o MSU Extension 2300 E. Grand River Suite 111 Howell, MI 48843
Name or Group Contact Person
Phone E-mail
# 6X8 Space Needed
# 6X16 Space Needed: # of Tables
* Set-up begins at 8:00 a m Doors open to public at 10:00 a m , no early sales or entry For more information, contact Paula at 517-404-4544 or hartlandtacksale@gmail com
Visit: https://bit.ly/HorseLivCo4-H for additional forms
Membership Drive: HorseAssociations&TrailGroupsSpecialRates
MQHA Tack Sale: MSUPavilion,EastLansing,Michigan
Michigan Horse Expo: FreeDistribution,MSUPavilion,EastLansing,MI
Indiana Equine Round Up: FreeDistribution,CBarC,Cloverdale,IN
Equine Affaire: FreeDistribution,OhioExpoCenter,Columbus,Ohio
Showbill Issue: HorseAssociations/Non-ProfitsSpecialRates
Showbill Issue: HorseAssociations/Non-ProfitsSpecialRates
Showbill Issue: HorseAssociations/Non-ProfitsSpecialRates
Summer Issue
Summer Issue
Summer Issue
Tack Sale Special: DiscountedAdRatesOctoberthruAprilIssues
Tack Sale Special: DiscountedAdRatesOctoberthruAprilIssues
Tack Sale Special: DiscountedAdRatesOctoberthruAprilIssues
Camera Ready –HighResolutionPDF,CMYK(blacktextmustbe100%K)
Professional Ad Design –Youmaysubmitcamerareadyart,orwecan designyouradforyouatnoadditionalcharge.AlowresolutionPDFproof (jpguponrequest)willbeemailedtoyouforyourapprovalbeforeyour advertisementgoestoprint.
Reservations –Pleasereserveyouradspacebythe14thofthemonth priortothemonthyouwishyouradtoappearinSaddleUp!Magazine.
New Advertisers –Mustprepayforthefirstthreemonthsuntilcreditis established.WeacceptallmajorcreditcardsandPayPal.