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Ionia Horse Trails Association
Please join us for our 2023 Events!
Forbidden Trails Ride: Saturday, June 10.
Chili Cook Off: Saturday, October 7.
Please note: We are struggling with new Facebook "Meta" solutions for our page –which is not letting us create events. Please go to our website for more information and registration forms.
We are planning a workbee for March or April, depending on how the weather plays out. Our goal is to install corrals on two more campsites, so ... if you have a preference where you'd like them installed, or a preference where you Do Not want corrals installed, please let us know.
We have plotted out the path for Phase 2 of the Ionia Confidence Course. Previous plans had been to build in 2023. We have decided to keep the path mowed this year so riders can travel it and pack the soil before we build obstacles. Riders are welcome to start using the path to go from day staging to the Phase 1 course. The path will pick up from the trail just across the road from day staging, then take the first right (presently it is marked by pink ribbons in sets of two - stay between the ribbons.) Trail staff will keep the trail brush hogged so you can easily find the path next season.
After our annual meeting of 2022, we have 2 available seats on our board, so if you'd like to contribute a bit of time and be part of the improvements at Ionia, please reach out to any board member, or tag us at Ionia Horse Trails - IHTA on Facebook, or simply show up at a meeting. That would be great!

When reserving online, remember your first click is on the "Equestrian" tab on the right side of the first page, then you can select our horse camp.
THREE DAY PARKING AREAS: 1) Normal Day Staging; 2) Go past the day staging parking lot to the "Barn Lot" on the same side of the road; 3) There is also a new option to access the west end of the park more easily! It is still signed as the X Country Ski Trail, just before the beach entrance (on the opposite side of the road) when entering the park. Park staff enlarged the parking area to hold four or five horse size rigs, but this is not a parking area suitable for BIG rigs. The drive entry is not wide, and the turn around area is not huge. If your rig is more than 30 feet or you lack backing skills, this may not be a good option. Please park like you expect the lot to be full when you come back. Leave room for others and plan for all rigs to be able to exit safely.
If you encounter a situation on the trails, please let the park staff know as soon as you can by calling 616-527-3750. Let us know if you think we can be of help. We all work together as best as we can to keep the trails clear. You can ask questions or report trail issues on our Facebook page: “Ionia Horse Trails - IHTA” ested, contact Traci Sincock via email at sincockt@michigan.gov
Please remember that there is NO hunting at Maybury State Park. Another great reason to ride in our park during the winter months! Check out all the new updates to the website at: www mayburytrailriders org and continue to follow us on Facebook for updates on the trails, events and general news going on in the park. Feel free to post pictures from your rides!
Happy Trails ~ Mary Nader
Hi, trail riders! It isn’t spring, but it sure feels like it! Remember to protect our park by not riding when it is super muddy on the trails. Thank you for your help in maintaining our beautiful park.
If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to sign up for your yearly MSPTRA Membership! Join and pay online, or print the membership form and mail it in. Our fees have not gone up in 2023 and we appreciate your support!
The Michigan Horse Expo is coming up soon! Join us March 10-12, we are sharing a table with the Kensington Trail Riders and Proud Lake Trail Riders Associations. Please stop by and say Hello!

Remember to mark your calendars for our fall ride which will take place on October 22, 2023. We look forward to a great turnout like last year!
Recently, we received two (2) separate inquiries about taking over the riding stables facility at the park. They are both considered serious inquiries, so we are hopeful! Still, if you or anyone you know that might be inter-
We did it – our application for federal 501c3 designation was approved!! We are formally a non-profit now! Thank you to all who helped make this happen!
Are you ready for a season of fun? You have a number of activities to choose from. Become a member and get into these clinics for a reduced price. Go to www.michiganfox trottinghorse.com for the membership form, then to the “Activities” page for the list of clinics ,etc. and the associated registration form. There might still be room for you in the March 18-19 Trail & Obstacle Clinic at Morning View Farm in Ionia, MI. Clinician Susan Williams will teach you and your horse how to trust before you safely negotiate various obstacles out on the trail. This is a must-attend clinic!
Also, on March 25 is the Groundwork/ Showmanship Clinic at Goodell's Equestrian Center in Wales, MI with clinician Gabby Oddo of Go Performance Horses. You will learn how to create a better connection, properly and safely move your horse on the ground using specific exercises useful every-day and in shows. This is a great clinic on the east side of the state for all ages and disciplines.
The April 1 Introduction to Cows Clinic at Slippery F Ranch in Nashville, MI with Clinician Greg Flower will fill fast. Get your registration form submitted right away This safe and psychological clinic is a favorite and will expose your horse to cows and give