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them confidence on how to be near them and to move them.
The April 15-16 Levi Beechy Horsemanship Clinic at Morning View Farm in Ionia, MI is one you surely should attend. You don't have to haul way up north that weekend to learn from him. Levi will teach you how to connect with your horse so that you will have a better ride. He has helped so many riders succeed! His clinics fill fast, so don't hesitate to submit your registration form.
May 27 is the All-Breed Judged Trail Ride at Ionia Recreation Area, Ionia, MI near the day staging area. Come test your skills and safely expose your horse or pony to things they might encounter on the trail. There will be prizes and ribbons for the youngsters and money payback for ages 18 and up. Camp for the weekend or come just for the day.
June 25 is the Natural Trail & Obstacle Clinic at the beautiful Holland Western Horse Park, Holland, MI with Clinician Susan Williams. You will be instructed on how to safely work out a way to negotiate actual trail obstacles. Make your clinic and camping reservations via www.HollandWestern.com
July 7 thru 9 is the 2nd annual Great Lakes National Trail Ride at the Horseman's Camp at Waterloo State Recreation Area, Chelsea, MI. Earn a point on your Fox Trotter toward your MFTHBA award. Make your camping reservations via midnrreservations.com or park in the day staging area if you only want to come for a day of riding A potluck will happen Saturday night, so come with something to share. Last year the weather was perfect and there were no bugs! Let's look forward to the same good conditions again.
Are you interested in learning how versatile your horse is? The Versatility Challenge program will help make your mount a more valuable horse citizen. This program will help you document all of the things you can accomplish with your horse. These include training, camping, showing and LOTS more.
We have sections for horses Not Under Saddle, Under Saddle or In Harness and the rider/handler can earn points in the Horseman's Challenge which focuses on all of the things that the human accomplishes. There are quarterly and year-end prizes for Youth and Adults. Enroll for the 1000+ point club too and earn the special sticker for your vehicle or trailer. The rules, lists of qualifying activities and registration forms are on the Activities page. Get started now!
Remember to send in your MFTHBA membership too. Go to mfthba.com to see all of their programs and benefits, then renew or become a member We are the Michigan affiliate of the Missouri Fox Trotter Horse Breed Association (mfthba.com) based in Ava, MO. Our mission is to promote MFTs and to encourage the breeding and training of them, as well as to help their owners learn to enjoy their horses more through educational clinics, trail rides and discussion.
By Marilyn Mannino
Michigan Trail Riders Association
Hopefully we are over winters frigid days and will have more sunshine soon!
MTRA will have a booth at the Michigan Horse Council March Horse Expo! We hope to see friends there in the trails section. If you haven't renewed your membership it can be done there or on the website.
March also brings our annual banquet and meeting March 25th is the date and it will be held at the Doherty Hotel in Clare, MI. Members will be receiving ballots for electing new and reelecting current board members up for reelection. This is a time to reconnect with friends and get updates on MTRA for 2023.
Last year we started a patch for riding the whole shore to shore using the blue trail. This year we will be starting a mileage incentive program to recognize our members. Information is within the February newsletter and on the website. So starting logging your 2023 miles! We hope to see on a shore to shore ride this year!
Please visit us at: https://www.mtra.org/
The Annual Meeting was February 4th and we had a great turnout. Thanks to Cowboy Dan, Pat B., Rachael M., Scott S., Rex B. and Dennis K for entertaining us with their music during social hour We did annual reports, volunteer hours and election of new BD members Rosie J., Mary Mallory and Dr. Cynthia T and returning members Chanda D and Lori C. Welcome. Twenty eight memberships were taken, and the auction was done by Don B., Joyce M. and helpers. The drawing was held and Beth R. was the lucky weekend winner SleezyBarb Horsewear donated lovely plants for bidders. Bob and Rosie were picked as Volunteers of the Year for all their donations of time, equipment and efforts. Pat and Don were honored for their 35 years for service, work efforts and donations of time for SHTRA
April 22: Our first 2023 workbee will be Saturday at 9:00 am-? Rain date is April 29. Join us for raking up the staging area, trimming trail debris, and cleaning up camping sites. Depending on weather, your ATV crew would help with trail trimming and draining muddy areas. Lunch at Noon. If you can’t help with trail work, instead help with lunch. Bring a dish to pass, donate a case of water, pick-up several sub sandwiches it all helps. Remember 4 hours of work earns one overnight free camping. That’s a $20.00 value. RSVP for head count.
May 26: Memorial Weekend. Come camp with us. Saturday Potluck and campfire. Don’t fight the traffic driving up north!
Sept. 1-4: Labor Day Weekend. Riding or Driving fun, campfires and a potluck.
October 26-29: Explore the Hollow. This a once a year event where equestrians can ride marked Bike/Hiking trails on Friday and Saturday Sunday is “pick up pooh day.“ Come join us, special riding, group campfire and a Saturday Potluck.
At the cabins: 4 Corrals and 8 Pickett Poles! Go online at: midrnreservations com or call1-800-44-parks if you wish to rent one of SHSP’s heated cabins Both are equine friendly with four pickett poles, 2 adjoining