3 minute read

corrals and by connector to the equine trail system. Go online to see the many perks of the Deluxe cabin and the charm of the Rustic cabin (allows dogs). I would advise to book ahead, as these cabins are getting more popular. Get a group together and rent both (easily do 9 people and 10 horses) for a great get away. Open year round!
When the trails are really muddy, please avoid the East and West loops. Try to ride the scenic South loop that has the firm old roadbed, takes you to the island and is a much less muddy ride.
Remember to do your membership for 2023. Forms can be downloaded from the website at: shtra.org or call me at 989-277-8544 and I’ll send you one.
Have a great ride ~ Marsha
On January 28, 2023, WDAMI hosted the 9th Annual Year End Awards Banquet via Zoom. Our board member, Mary Linton, prepared a wonderful slide show presentation highlighting all of the 2022 Year End Awardees. You can view the presentation on the following YouTube link: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4yA_X2rq0
Congratulations to all our members who participated in the 2022 Year End Awards program. Hope to see you again next year!!
February 2023 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order: 6:20pm
Allegiance was pledged to the USA
Attendees: Kathy Taylor, Ron Walker, Carla Walker, Heather Ward, Tom Chaffee, John Soper, Travis Buehler, Sarah Buehler
Excused: Ruth, Ken Terpening, Jeanne, Skip Burger, Heather Slocum
Attending YSTRA Members: Dick Smith, Terri Cross, Tina
Consent agenda, accept secretary and treasurer’s reports from prior month. Carla Walker motion to accept. Tom Chaffee 2nd. All voted/approved to accept all as written.
2023 Approved Event Dates
Dear WDAMI Members, it is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of our cofounder, Tom Baldwin. Tom and Carol cofounded the Western Dressage Association® of Michigan in 2013. Over the years, Tom has been in the background supporting all the activities of WDAMI. He always enjoyed attending our live banquets and watching the winners receive their awards. Tom was so very proud of all the members.

An accomplished horseman, Tom loved riding his curly horse Ronnie. Their favorite times were spent trail riding, exploring new places and getting lost from time to time. He was not one to compete in WD classes, but he traveled to many places with Ronnie. In 2012 and 2013, Tom and Ronnie attended and showed at Equine Affaire in Columbus, Ohio. So many of the attendees at Equine Affaire had never seen nor heard of a curly horse. Tom enjoyed sharing his knowledge of the breed. Ronnie and Tom served on the Cheboygan County Search and Rescue Division from 2010 to 2016.
To read about Tom and the life he loved, visit the following link: https://martinfuneral home com/tribute/details/6388/ThomasBaldwin/obituary html#tribute-start
WDAMI is planning a total of four educational clinics for 2023. There will be a WDAMI benefit clinic on May 6 and 7. This clinic will be on Understanding Collection with Elizabeth David-Zoerhof Elizabeth is a student of Buck Brannaman and has spent the last 6 years working with Bettina Drummond. (Bettina is highly regarded in both the US and Europe as a trainer and teacher in the French Classical system of riding, and was a student of Nuno Olivera, one of the last great masters of Classical dressage.) That clinic will be held at the Lazy S Ranch in Dafter, Michigan in the beautiful U.P For more information, please text or call Suzanne Morisse at 906-440-0215.
Our Freestyle Clinic will be held on June 2425 and will feature Joann Williams. Joann is a WD large R Judge, a WD Multiple World Champion and Supreme Champion, and a USDF bronze, silver, and gold medalist along with top honors in USDF freestyles awards. The clinic will be held at the Lucky Dog Ranch in Harrisville Michigan. For more information, please contact Mary Linton at 810-338-0884 or by email: luckydogranch. jm@gmail.com
Don’t forgot to renew or join WDAMI and WDAA for 2023 and be part of the fastest growing equestrian sports. You can find us online at http://www.wdami.org/ Once on the home page, click on Contact/Join.

April 22: YSTRA Shot Clinic 9am-12pm
Stoney Hills will be at the Buehler residence to conduct the annual vaccine and coggins clinic. This is a public event. You do not need to be a member to attend. Location: 10370 Parmalee Rd., Middleville, MI 49333. Facebook sign up or come the day of the event.
May 13: YSTRA Member Appreciation Ride
Come ride the 9 mile and be treated to an on trail lunch. Burgers, hot dogs, fixings along with sides will be waiting for you at Shaw Lake Road “horseshoe” area. Tie lines and water will be provided for your horses. Sign ups will go from 8am-12pm. YSTRA membership is required. Lunch will be available on trail for riders from 11am-1pm.
September 2: Annual Meeting
Camp with and cast your vote for your board members. We will be supplying a roast with all the fixings (attendees – please bring a dish to pass). Ride to Yankee Bills Saloon on an “off the beaten path” trail.
October 14: Halloween Spooktacular (TBA)
Trail Report: Heather and Rickie Ward were our only known members to do a New Year’s Day Ride! We hope you guys had a great time! Ron, Travis and Tom hope to tackle a few trouble spots on the trails where ruts are present. Tentative plan is to get to them the beginning of March weather permitting