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By Kim Cardeccia | https://confidencethroughconnection.com/

Over the past few weeks, the horses have shown me something I am so excited to share with you. It is probably not anything remarkably new, rather a deepening, or a renewed understanding, just as it was for me. The horses are so amazing in their ability to simplify things. Thank goodness they agree to share and teach!

Not only do the horses want to be seen and heard, they deeply need to know that everything is safe and they will be okay. The word that emerged was reassurance. Such a powerful descriptor.

What my horses and a few new ones I got to meet showed me was their desire for reassurance. They wanted an opportunity to drop their fear In human terms, to release the doubt.

Releasing the doubt and letting go of fear is so important for trust. Holding the space of security with validation and patience. One of the best things is that it is not hard to do! I am guessing that you are already offering at least a version of this to your horse. Or to the humans in your world. Adding some extra attention and focus might offer new depths of trust and reciprocity for the others you are interacting with.

A couple of things you may have heard me say a few times (or maybe like 400 million!): Intention is everything. Hold the intention of offering reassurance. And, the more time you spend in an emotional state the easier it is to get to that state.

Keeping these concepts in your attention will shift your interactions and thoughts so they are aligned with offering reassurance to your horse. Closely observing and listening to that nonverbal communication will help you be aware of when your horse is asking for reassurance. If they exhibit any apprehension, put calming their fear as a first priority. Pausing and holding a space of compassion and softness is so often what they need.

Trust your intuition. The impressions you get from your heart and essence will guide you.

A great bonus is that from holding the space of reassurance and offering it to another is that you will be more able to give it to yourself As you conquer new frontiers, you have yourself to rely on. And, the wisdom of horses, of course!

• April 21-23

• May 19-21

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