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Page 20 www.plha.info
The Pontiac Lake Recreation Area, located in White Lake Twp. in Southeast Michigan features 17 miles of bridle trails throughout the park. Bridle trails are maintained by the Pontiac Lake Horseman’s Association.

Summer Fun Weekend
Annual Ribbon Ride, Weekend Camping and PLHA Board Meeting usually held in June of each year. Join us in 2022 for a great time on the trails!
Tour The Trails Weekend
Annual Fall Ribbon Ride and Weekend Campout normally held each September.
Pontiac Lake Horseman’s Association
Making a difference for the future at Pontiac Lake State Recreation Area
Pontiac Lake Recreation Area Equestrian Staging Areas and Horseman’s Campground are located off Teggerdine Road in beautiful White Lake Township. 3,800 acres of rolling woodland glacial terrain supports a variety of activities at the park. The designated horse trails are open year round and the area habitat is a mixture of marshes, meadows and old hardwood forest that offer equestrians some of the best trail riding in Southeast Michigan and is also the home to the headwaters for the Huron River. The rustic horse only campground is open May to October and offers 25 rustic sites with a self-registration center, a hand pump and a vault toilet. The day staging area located off Teggerdine Road, between White Lake Road and Pontiac Lake Road is open year round with access to the horse trails. Please visit this beautiful park with your equine friends!
Visit us online at: www.PLHA.info
General Memberships expire ONE (1) Year (Jan 1 to Dec 31) Date: / / New Member Annual Renewal
TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP (please note: you must also be a member of the National WDAA in order for your Michigan Affiliate membership with WDAMI to be validated.) National Membership (WDAA) – (If you are a current member, select/include in pmt.)
$35 General Membership (yearly renewal)
If already a National Member, enter Membership Number State Membership (WDAMI) – (please choose one or both.)
Copyright of Western Dressage Association of America | All Rights ReservedR
Make checks payable to: Western Dressage Association of Michigan 9075 Brudy Rd., Wolverine, MI 49799And send to:
$25 General Membership (yearly renewal) Wish to support WDAMI, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, with my donation of $ TOTAL $
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & COMPLETE FORM IN ITS ENTIRETY (Illegible forms may be delayed on processing).
Last Name First Name MI
Mailing Address
City State Zip
Check or Money Order (in US funds) Check # Would you join us as a volunteer? (check all below that apply):
I want to help at events
I have a venue available for events
Willing to travel? How far:
Other No YES!
About the Western Dressage Association® of America and Western Dressage Association® of Michigan: The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship that optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit. The mission of the Western Dressage Association is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which is focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.
WDAMI Mission Statement: The mission of the Western Dressage Association® of Michigan (WDAMI) is to build an equine community that combines western tradition with Classical Dressage. We honor the horse and value the partnership between horse and rider. Join us as we celebrate the legacy of the American West.

What year was the association founded? WDAMI was organized/recognized by the State of Michigan in 2014. What is the average number of members that you have annually?Approximately 60. Does your membership run January to December of each year? Yes.

What breed/discipline does the association focus on? Focus is on all breeds of horses and ponies, and includes mules. How many shows/events/workbees do you hold each year? We hold two to three live events each year, including virtual show opportunities. Do your shows have Nat’l. Association approval/affiliation? WDAMI was officially recognized by the Western Dressage Association of America (WDAA) in 2014. WDAAis the National Recognized Affiliate with the US Equestrian in 2013. Is there a youth division? WDAMI recognizes and awards the following divisions: Open, Amateur and Junior. More information can be found on our website: www.wdami.org Are there year end awards? Yes. WDAMI supports our members with awesome year end award for both virtual and live shows. Do you have an annual banquet? Yes. Do you have monthly meetings? Yes. The WDAMI Board of Directors meet once a month via phone conference. Minutes of the meetings are ®posted on our Facebook page “Western Dressage Association of Michigan” and our website at: www.wdami.org.
Who should be contacted with questions about the association? Any of the Board members listed on the website, our President Suzanne Morisse 906.440.0215, our Treasurer Carol Baldwin 231.525.8842 or 231.290.0061, or our email: infowdami@gmail.com. The WDAMI office is located at: 9075 Brudy Rd., Wolverine, MI 49799.
What is your association website: Our website is: www.wdami.org, and Facebook page is: “Western Dressage Association® of Michigan.”
What goals would you like to see your association obtain in 2022? Our goal is always to continue educating riders about Western Dressage and to continue encouraging riders and their horses to reach their potential. Western Dressage is an awesome tool in accomplishing that task. Additional information you would like the public to know about the association: The sport of Western Dressage is continuing to grow. When WDAMI started in 2014, very few schooling shows offered Western Dressage classes. Today, almost all schooling shows in Michigan are offering WD classes and this has encouraged many riders to participate on this competitive sport.

Southwest Michigan’s Beautiful Equestrian Trails Located Between Wayland & Hastings www.ystra.org
Horseman’s Camp Facilities
• 25 Rustic Camp Sites w/Tables • 10 Miles of Trails in Rec Area • 9 Miles of Trails in Game Area • Day Use Staging Area • 4 Pit Toilets • Hand Pump Water • Picket Posts or Corrals • Community Pavilion

City State Zip
Phone Email
Please mail your completed application with check made payable to: YSTRA
Yankee Spring Trail Riders
10370 Parmalee Road, Middleville, MI 49333
Questions? Call YSTRA President: Ronald Walker (269) 945-4556 or (616) 437-0747 cell
Directions to Yankee Springs Horseman’s Camp:
From US 131 - Bradley exit #61. East on 129th Avenue, which becomes Chief Noonday Road, approx. 11.5 miles to Yankee Springs Road. Turn right or South 2.7 miles to Duffy Road. Turn right on Duffy, half mile to camp on the left. From Hastings - Travel West on Gun Lake Road to Yankee Springs Road. Turn left or South on Yankee Springs Road. Half mile to Duffy Road, turn right. Half mile to horse camp on the left.

The purpose of the Yankee Springs Trail Riders Association is to preserve, protect, improve and expand existing horse campgrounds and the horse trail network in the Yankee Springs Recreation Area, and the surrounding areas, for use by horsemen, their families and the general public for horse riding and camping. To develop and maintain good communications and working relationships with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation Division, and/or its successors. To assist them in their efforts to maintain adequate horse campgrounds and riding trails and to help generate revenue that will enable horse campgrounds to become self-supporting. To promote horse riding and camping by providing information to the general public on the location of horse campground facilities, horse trails and the recreational benefits available. Our Association was founded in 1989 by a group of riders that had been using the trails for quite some time. They decided that much more could be accomplished by organizing, and we have grown to over a hundred family memberships since then. We are a calendar year organization, offering family membership of $20.00 that runs from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st . We also offer a lifetime membership as well. As a trail riding group we try to have at least 3 events per year, one being a fundraiser for another nonprofit organization, such as Cancer Families United. We also like to have a kid’s FREE event once a year and then a club fund raiser for improvement's to camp and trails. Our events are held at our Horseman’s Campground on Duffy Road in the Yankee Springs Recreation Area. Our monthly meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month, usually with a potluck and the meeting to follow. Except for our annual banquet meeting, which is subject to new time and location as the board sees to change each year. Newsletters are biannual. YSTRA will continue to improve and create more equestrian trails for our trail system with the help of our public land managers. In 2016 YSTRA became an official friends group of the Yankee Springs Horseman’s Camp. We will continue to work to improve the campground and possibly bring electricity to our horse camp one day. Our website is www.ystra.org and we also monitor a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ystra.org. The current Officers of the club are: Ken Terpening, Vice President, Sarah Buehler, Secretary, Travis Buehler, Treasurer and Ron Walker, President. Mailings should be to YSTRA, 10370 Parmalee Rd., Middleville, MI 49333. Any Questions should be directed to one of the officers or Ron Walker, 5780 Gun Lake Road, Hastings, Michigan 49058. Phone 269-945-4556, Cell 616-437-0747, or email: presidentystra@yahoo.com. www.ystra.org
I’ve been publishing our Annual Membership Drive for many years, and I am always thankful to the horse association’s and trail riding groups that participate in this popular section. This is one of the ways that Saddle Up! Magazine supports and helps promote non-profit horse groups in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. It is our great honor to add your group to our printed pages and in our online section for all of 2022 at a discounted rate. Participants have also received a free banner ad on our website under our “Horse Associations” or “Trail Groups” tabs, also to run for all of 2022. This year, we are also promoting the online section on Facebook. Saddle Up! Magazine will cover the costs at no additional charge to the non-profit groups participating. Thank you for your patronage, I look forward to serving you in 2022.
Cindy L. Couturier, owner/editor 810.714.9000 | email: saddleupmag@gmail.com

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