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2022 Membership Application
Membership Type
New Renewal
Farm Name
City State Zip
Phone (home) (work)
Breed of Horse Vehicle Type(s)
Annual Dues: $30.00 for Individual or Family Please send check payable to: MHDVA and this form to: Linda Aloyo 4123 S. Portsmouth Rd. Bridgeport, MI 48722
Membership questions can be directed to: Linda Aloyo (810) 397-1586 rlaloyo@gmail.com
Visit us online at: www.mhdva.org
Does your association have a Mission Statement? The by-laws for MHDVA states, in part, that it shall be the purpose of the association to aim for the preservation and maintenance of carriages; carriage literature and related items; the exchange of information regarding horse drawn vehicles and the development of the driving horse; to serve as an accurate and technical source of information for the benefit of its members and the general public; to encourage the use of carriages and other animal-drawn vehicles for the promotion of public interest in their contributions to our cultural, social and economic history; and promote knowledge of, and safety in, horse related activities.

What year was the association founded? 1972 What is the average number of members? Approximately 50 families Does your membership run January to December? Yes. What breed/discipline does the association focus on? Open to all breeds, our club was founded to promote carriage driving. How many events do you hold each year? We host one pleasure driving show and several pleasure driving events. Please refer to our website at www.mhdva.org for more details. Do you have an annual banquet? Yes, our annual banquet is held on the first Sunday in November. Do you have monthly meetings? No, our meetings are held in December, January, February, March and November. Do you have a newsletter? Yes, we try to publish it four times a year. What is your association website? www.mhdva.org Who should be contacted with questions? Please contact Linda Aloyo (810) 397-1586 or email: rlaloyo@gmail.com

Visit us online:
Visit us online: www.proudlaketrailriders.org
2022 Membership Application

City State Zip
Phone Email
Membership Rates
please check one Single Family Business $15.00 $20.00 $25.00
(includes Free enhanced listing on the PLTRA website)
I hereby release Pontiac Trail Riders Association, Inc., its membership and officers, of all and any liabilities resulting in physical injury, property damage or personal loss to myself or my family members in connection with any activities sponsored or organized by this Association. I realize horses can behave unpredictably and I agree to participate in these activities fully aware of the potential risks involved.
Signature Date For more information please email Nancy Efrusy at efrusy@yahoo.com
Please make checks payable to:
Proud Lake Trail Riders Association, Inc.
Please mail your application to: PLTRA Memberships, 3210 Red Fox Lane, Milford, MI 48381
Does your association have a Mission Statement? To Preserve, Promote, Improve, and Expand the horse trail network in Proud Lake Recreation Area and the State of Michigan by developing good communication and work relationships with the Department of Natural Resources and the surrounding community for horseback riding purposes.

What year was the association founded? 1996 What is the average number of members? 65 Does your membership run January to December? Yes.
How many events do you hold each year? Five
What breed/discipline does the association focus on? Open to all breeds.
Where are they normally held? Proud Lake Staging Area Do you have an annual banquet? Yes, usually in February with a guest speaker. Do you have monthly meetings? We meet quarterly. Do you have a newsletter? Yes, it is mailed unless the member has email, then it is emailed. What is your association website? www.proudlaketrailriders.org
PLTRA Annual Banquet FEBRUARY 4, 2022
At Bakers of Milford, Milford, MI 6pm Doors Open, 7pm Dinner
Who should be contacted with questions? For more information please email Nancy Efrusy at: efrusy@yahoo.com What goal would you like your association to obtain in 2022? We would like to construct a pavilion in our staging area and further our donation efforts to horses in need.
Benefits of Joining the PLTRA
• Meet new friends who love horses as much as you do! • Participate in events that help your horse become more confident and a safer trail horse! • Receive newsletters for all upcoming events • Our goals are to promote horsemanship, educate and most of all, have fun!


Have a few hours a week or more of free time? Spend it helping an equine focused association or trail riding group. It’s a great way to get close to horses and their wonderful people. Volunteers of any age are always welcome. NO HORSE REQUIRED

Don’t have a horse? That’s okay. No horse experience? That’s okay too. You just need to be interested in and love horses, that’s all it takes! Volunteering is a great way to learn about horses, no matter your age or experience level. There’s always something to do to help out! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
Volunteering your time can be a rewarding experience. Meet people with the same interests as yourself, and make wonderful, lasting relationships. If you don’t have the time, become a member of one or more horse or trail riding associations, financial assistance is always welcome. All proceeds from memberships go directly to the association or trail riding group. There is no middle man – how many non-profit organizations can say that!

WHY BECOME A VOLUNTEER? It’s not for money, it’s not for fame. It’s not for any personal gain. It’s just for love of fellow man. It’s just to send a helping hand. It’s just to give a tithe of self. That’s something you can’t buy with wealth. It’s not medals won with pride. It’s for that feeling deep inside. It’s that reward down in your heart. It’s that feeling that you’ve been a part. Of helping others far and near, that makes you be a volunteer. ~ Author Unknown
P.O. Box 278, Greenville, MI 48838 • 616-225-8211 • Fax: 616-835-9064 www.MIQUARTERHORSE.com Email: info@miquarterhorse.com
MQHA Membership Application* q New q Renewal A few benefits of your MQHA Membership:
Youth Date of Birth ( / / ) q Individual (12 months) Adult Date of Birth ( / / ) q Individual (12 months) q Adult with Spouse q Addition of Spouse (to existing membership)
q Farm, Ranch, Corporate or Partnership (12 months) q Individual Lifetime
$45 $65 $20
• Nearly 50 AQHA Shows Annually • Youth World Show Team & Youth Congress Team • Stallion Service Sale • Michigan Quarter Horse Breeders Futurity • Queen Contest • Various Clinics • Annual Convention and Year End Awards
Please make checks payable to MQHA and mail completed form to: MQHA, P.O. Box 278, Greenville, MI 48838
Name MQHA ID No. Spouse (if applicable) Spouse’s MQHA ID No. Address City State Zip Michigan County Phone q Check if unlisted Email Amt. $ Signature Credit Card Information: q Visa q MasterCard q Discover SVC Code (from back): Account Number Exp. Date / Zip Code: q Credit card billing address is NOT the same as above. If not the same, please write the billing address on the back of this form. Tax Tip: Contributions or gifts to the MQHA are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax; however dues or advertising payments may be deductible by members as an ordinary/necessary business expense.
For office use only:
(Whenever possible, please attach payment to form.)
Date: Payment Type: Check # Cash Credit Card Amount: Taken By:
Does your association have a Mission Statement? The MQHA will be the industry leader serving all horse enthusiasts in Michigan with diverse programs that promote the American Quarter Horse. MQHA will be the first point of contact as a resource for both our members and horse enthusiasts in the state by offering inclusive programs with integrity that provide beneficial services to all. What year was the association founded? Incorporated 1955 What is the average number of members? 750 Does your membership run January to December of each year? Membership runs for 12 months from receipt of your payment. What breed does the association focus on? Quarter Horse. Is there a Breeder’s Incentive Program? No. How many events do you hold each year? MQHA manages six horse show circuits and approves an additional three circuits. We also have our Convention in January and host a tack sale in conjunction with the 4-H Benefit Clinic held in February. We are also a major sponsor of the 4-H Jamboree. Where are they normally held? Lansing, Ludington, and Midland, MI. Do you have a Nat’l. affiliation? All are AQHA approved. Is there a youth division? Yes. Is there an amateur division? Yes. Are there daily high points? Each show is unique, but all have a circuit high point. Are there year end awards? Yes. Do you have an annual banquet? Yes, held in January. Do you have an annual fund-raiser? We have fund-raisers year round. Do you have a Stallion Service Sale or Futurity? Yes, both. MQHA Futurity is held in September at the MSU Pavilion in East Lansing, MI. The Stallion Service Sale starts at our annual banquet in January. Do you donate funds for scholarships? We support the Michigan Equine Scholarship Fund. Do you have monthly meetings? Yes, except in July and October. Do you have monthly minutes? Yes, we have minutes for every meeting. Do you have a newsletter? Not at this time. What is your association website? www.miquarterhorse.com Who should be contacted with any questions? The MQHA Office located in Greenville, Michigan Please Call 616-225-8211 Email: info@miquarterhorse.com