The Exciting Work of Mike Bennett

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LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING. In me you will find the finest mind. I deliver quality and corprate illustration and design. My work is both classic and original. My illustration is put to good use in my motion projects. Not only is my work quality, but it is done in a timely fashion.

I am the best mind in media.

THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS BOOK This book was designed to not only show off my illustration skills but also to display my layout and design. I’m very proud of the work within this book and I think in reading it you will glean a better understanding about my process. I hope that this book will encourage you to see my web page and motion pieces.










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I will address the work I IN THIS SECTION

have done making and using logos. The main focus is my self promotional “Parody� series and my Kulkahs ad campaign.



was made for a fictional product, which is the combination of a hookah and a refrigerator. The name comes from the word kulkas which means fridge.

The posters were

made to look like blue prints and the tag lines are made to reflect that concept. This was a great chance to use illustration without having it hit the audience over the head.

Finally, Science got something right.

America’s Only Hookah.

It’s like cold fusion, but with smoking.

America’s Only Hookah.


These Logos are described below:


Is a fictional theater name, featured on a t-shirt design.

kontra t


Also fictional, this is a line of snow boards and a shop located in Aspen.

Sad Sack Productions: The name of my freelance production house. The tag line is “Happy Drawings from a bummer of a dude.”

Detroit Zoo:

This is a redesign. I went for a very Detroit look with a diner/ Motown image.

Morton Salt:

It has been described to me that, though we don’t consider Morton Salt a good logo, it will never change. This is my idea for a modern look.

Morton Salt 00007

The Parody Series. Below are

my personal logos made to poke fun at the design community.


was the last of these logos I made. The idea for this was to grab normal people who may not know about the other logos.

London 2012

was the key to grab other designers. I had found that my peers all hate this logo, were I like it. That’s when the idea became a series.


easily the least known of my series but it was what inspired me. It is widely hated in Venice and personally it is my favorite.


Mike Bennett

Mike Bennett

Above: Below:

This is the direction the series of business cards made from the logos. I went with a playing card series and ideally I’d love to make the entire deck. For now this is my business card. It’s illustrative and has a clever studio name and tag line.

“happy drawings from a bummer of a dude.”

Illustration, Design, Fine Art

Michael Bennett

productions 989 600 3747


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HERE WE HAVE some work that I have

done as a labor of love that I hope will one day be seen by lots of people. Writing and drawing comics is a passion of mine and I’m going to share some of my work with you now.


Borough Market This Comic

is basically an H P Lovecraft world but everyone is a bunny rabbit. The lead character is a Jackalope named Gilliam West who researches ancient evils. It’s also about his new assistant and his spiral into madness.


I-Land After five of work, I-land is my most finished years work and my favorite story. Issue one went through two drafts, one was self published and the first was inked and letter in a coffee bar. The story is about immortals and their day to day lives, which mostly involves coffee and gossip The first issue, “Open 24 Hours,� is available online however I plan to shop it to publishers soon.


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MOTION have become an important GRAPHICS tool in my arsenal as well as video editing. Everything in my motion graphics I illustrated in Photoshop. This did add to the time to complete, though all my work is very high quality.


LEAD YOU is a HOME music video made for the Delayed Green. Entirely made in after effects and illustrated in Photoshop. Based on characters from my comic book I-Land.


OTHER VIDEOS I have made in after effects which allowed me to label myself a Motion Illustrator. Everything I have made was illustrated by myself and animated as well.


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BEFORE THE MAINevent, I thought I would first

show off the use of my illustrations in promotional venues. I am at first an illustrator, but that doesn’t mean my talents cannot be used to inform or excite a target market.


Come one c


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Band Posters

These were all made traditionally and compiled in Photoshop. The black and white were lettered by hand. The top three bands are The Casionauts, the Eels and They Might be Giants. The bottom is for the Shady Civilians. It was also traditional, though mixed media. It is: ink, water color, charcoal, and acrylic. Next to that is the fictional band the Sprocket Holes.


Heros Posters This poster series was made to promote speakers. Though this concept is fictional, the artist style is emulated by me. All of these artists have inspired me and I want to do some work that used heavy illustration to promote an event. All done digitally. Top left: Roman Dirge, creator of Lenore. Top Right: Gris Grinly, creator of the Wicked Nursery Rhyme series. Bottom: Jhonen Vasquez creator of Invader Zim.



everything up to this point has CLEARLY had an illustration in it. I made this book to promote my artwork and to show off my layout abilities, which I believe are quite capable and as unique as my drawings. The rest of the book is art for the sake of art.

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Sprocket Holes Shirt

Matching to the CD


Kontrast Shirt

Illustration for the sake of a t-shirt is a clear answer and I believe my craft and disregard for rules lets me make interesting and unique clothing. Besides these digital shirt I also paint illustrations on men’s suit jackets.

kontra t




Traditional art

is important to me!


The walls of my apartment are covered in my past and current work. Unfortunately you are reading this book and not looking at all the images in fine detail over a cup of tea or coffee. The best I can offer you, my fine reader are photos of my work. At first I thought of peeling them off and shooting them one at a time, but this I felt, gave you a better understanding of my space and what sorts of things I see daily.

Running down some of the pieces on the left page (most pieces omitted): Top left: The Mad Tea Party. Top middle: Hatter Contemplating a Metal Tomato Middle: The Swirling Form of the Sleeping Women. Right page: Middle: The Winged Coat. Right: Yagu Jubei (The first of the Legendary Series)


Most of these images have

no name. I paint a lot, on men’s suit coats. I’m sure how many I have and actively wear, but it’s the upper twenties. On the next page, the large painting on the fence is titled “I miss winter, I miss Detroit and I miss you.” which I made during a particularly tough time. Prooving to me that hard life experiences can create beauty. Beside that and above is a portrait of two characters from my I-Land comic book, Caine and Thanos. Below that is another self portrait, more upbeat called, “Lil’ Mikey Loves the Night Time.”



Lastly these images here

also have no name. There was a period of time when I would sit outside, smoke hookah and meditate with ink paintings. The top left on the left page are those images as well as a few figures. The far right is my first self portrait. I smoke tobacco, regularly through a hookah and that is what this piece is all about. A relaxing and contemplative piece.


Sad Fantasy Creatures

These sad creatures were made for a PSA campaign for reading. In it I play a wizard who informs people that Mystical Creatures are endangered, citing dragons are victims of knights in shining armor and trolls’ habitats are in danger from deforestation.


The Swirling Form of the Sleeping Women. This drawing is featured because it was a mile stone for me. This was made while at Delta college over eight years ago. Of all my older figure drawings this was easily the best. It was made with charcoal. This was drawn on two pieces of paper because in those days I had a hard time getting large paper. I thought going into it that it would be a piece and I am happy to report that it is a glowing success.


Yagyu Jubei This is a series of watercolor and ink drawings that make one large piece. Taking a note from my self portraits and the image on the last page I realized that there is something to taking many images as one piece, particularly the human figure. Jubei is the first of many I plan to execute, who include Robin Hood and King Arthur.


My own favorite enemy

Skateboard art

I’m so very proud of this piece. It won a contest to be made into a skate board as you can see. It is a marriage of my two working art styles, traditional and digital. The left is entirely digital and the right is entirely traditional (with minor color correction). The concept for the contest was to make an autobiographical board and I did just that. These are two self portraits showing my duality. I am staring into my ideal, but which is me and which is the ideal changes from each stage of my life. I hope to have the chance to make more boards like this.


The Fan art was made for fun, though it does show off my ability to take one idea and work it into my own style. From left to right: Belldandy, Ginko, Haru, Kamina, Lina Inverse, Lupin the Third and Viral.



Plug Pirate

The Geek Fight Illustrations are in a few different stages. As of this printing only the Plug Pirate (shown on opposite page) is the only card to have been printed. The other cards may or may not be released but I’ve been paid for all three. This has been my first paid illustration and one of my best clients.

Rick Roll’d

Charon’s Business card



Michael Bennett

989 600 3747

Profile: Illustrator for many years

Trained in design and digital art Proficient with Photoshop, Illustrator After Effects and Final Cut Pro Very familiar with FLash and Indesign Trained in Traditional Art: Ink, Watercolor, Dry Mediums amd Acrylic Conceptually minded and very likeable personality


Full Sail University (2009) – Bachelor of Science in Digital Arts and Design. Delta College (2001-2002) - Drawing and art courses. High School Awards: 2nd Place Statewide in Illustration, for the Update (school paper). Honorable Mention Statewide in Comic Strips, for the Update.

Technical Skills:

Digital: Photoshop Illustrator After Effects Final Cut InDesign Flash Animation


Drawing (charcoal, pencil) Ink Water color Acrylic Reel to reel SVHS editing


Contracted to Illustrate:

Plug Pirate and Rick Roll’d, for Diving Dragon games, made with Photoshop. Illustrations for motion bumper, Marriage Builders. Mural work, painting for swain valley middle school.

Probono Work:

Music Video: Lead you home, for The Delayed Green, made with Photoshop and after effects over a period of three months. Business cards: For CJ’s Hairstyling and

Photography Out of the Box respectively.


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