3 minute read
· Set up somewhere quiet where you won’t be interrupted during your class and where background activity won’t be distracting for others. · Keep your audio on mute until you need to contribute. · Use a headset with headphones and a microphone if possible - this will improve audio quality and prevent disruptions to people around you. · Behave as though you’re on-campus · Don’t share Zoom meeting invites, IDs or passwords. If someone is missing from an invite list, notify the host. · Dress and behave as you would when attending a class on campus - you wouldn’t come on to campus in your pyjamas or inappropriate clothing. · Adhere to SAE’s Code of Conduct, and participate fully, with respect and courtesy.
From Orientation onwards, SSOs are the first point of contact for all your student enquiries. At any stage of your learning and student life journey with SAE, SSOs are available to support you with advice or information relating to enrolment or changes to your enrolment, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Orientation, Academic Progression, International student visa and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) enquiries, local campus activities, Student Policies, Procedures and Forms, Graduation, any other enquiry you may have. Please find each campus student services officers email below:
Adelaide SSO: adelaide@sae.edu Brisbane SSO: bne_admin@sae.edu Byron Bay SSO: byronbay@sae.edu Melbourne SSO: studentservicesdeptmel@sae.edu Perth SSO: perth@sae.edu Sydney SSO: sydneystudentservices@sae.edu STUDENT SERVICES ADVISORS (SSA’s)
Our on site Student Services Advisors are here to support your wellbeing and academic success during your time at SAE. They can provide disability, welfare and learning support as well as assistance for international students. Student
Services Advisors can assist with crisis situations and refer you to other internal and external support services. For more information regarding SAE’s disability support please visit https://sae.edu.au/student-services/
To contact your campus SSA directly please find the emails below:
Adelaide SSA: adelaide@sae.edu Brisbane SSA: s.matheson@sae.edu Byron Bay SSA: ssa.byronbay@sae.edu Melbourne SSA: ssa.melbourne@sae.edu Perth SSA: c.carpenter@sae.edu Sydney SSA: s.rahman@sae.edu
Student Counsellors are available to assist students with personal issues or circumstances that might affect wellbeing and study. This is a free, short term and confidential service. Student Counsellors at SAE are on placement in their final stage of study and are closely and regularly supervised by experienced and qualified SAE counselling staff.
The Counselling Service can assist students with a variety of issues such as grief and loss, trauma and crisis, relationship issues, self-esteem and identity, stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health concerns. All SAE students are welcome to use the Counselling Service.
The National Manager, Counselling and Wellbeing also provides short term counselling to students by arrangement.
To book a confidential appointment please email the counsellors on your campus.
Brisbane: Bne_counsellors@sae.edu Byron Bay: byron.counsellors@sae.edu Melbourne: counsellor.melbourne@sae.edu Perth: counsellor.perth@sae.edu Sydney: Acap.sae.sydney@sae.edu
Each SAE campus has an IT support officer who can provide students with support relating to all of SAE’s digital learning environment as well as email, web and network support.
A 24/7 service desk is available to all SAE students to provide support both on and off campus. Students may access this service either directly on campus via Student Services or via the 24/7 email address: service.desk@ navitas.com alternatively you may call the IT helpdesk during business hours on 03 8632 3480.
The librarians at SAE are here to help with your research, whether that be assisting you in finding relevant resources/ information, unpacking your assignments, assessing the suitability of a resource, etc.You can reach out to your campus’ librarian at the library desk and/ or online via the Ask the Library chat, available through the SAE Library website, as well as email.
Make sure you have activated your Library account and E-Resource access
· Brisbane - Blanka: b.arnold@sae.edu · Byron Bay - Casey: c.howe@sae.edu · Melbourne - Jake: j.mercer@sae.edu · Perth - Garth: g.blackman@sae.edu · Sydney - Lalitha: l.paul@sae.edu
SAE’s Tech Team is always available while the campus is open. They are responsible for opening & closing the campus, organising all bookings & gear hire, and general maintenance across the entire SAE campus. Each member of the tech team is an Alumni of SAE, made up of diverse skill sets. They are an invaluable first point of contact and will be able to assist you with most of your questions.
To find out more information about your campus’ Tech Team or the equipment & facilities available, please visit the TechHub, linked below: