Lesson Category: A
Confused Y
Objectives: To teach and reinforce the (y) sound, and (y) as a vowel sound in words, following directions, art, music
Materials: song, drawing paper, pencils, colors, poster or chalkboard, chalk (Song located here ===> Music ) (Y) as a Vowel
Have the children sing the song several times. Tell them that it is good to memorize words with a (y) because sometimes (y) has the sound of a vowel in some words. The Vowels are (a,e,i,o,u, sometimes y). Give the children a sheet of drawing paper and a pencil. Demonstrate and tell them to fold the paper in half. Then fold it in half again. When they unfold the paper they will have four sections. Draw a diagram of the four sections on the chalkboard show how to write in each section. Write a number in the left corner of each section (1, 2, 3, 4). Write a (y) at the top of section one and draw a picture of a big (yam) for the (y) sound. Write an (e) at the top of section two and draw a big (bunny) for y as the (e) sound. Write an (i) at the top of section three and draw a big (fly) for y as the (i) sound. Write an (a) at the top of section four and draw a big (gray) cat for y as the (a) sound. Tell them to write the names under each picture and color them.
Copyright © Revised 1995-2016 MagicVineJr.com
Sometimes Y as a Vowel
What sound does (y) represent in each word. Write the sound on the line next to each picture. Copyright © Revised 1995-2016 MagicVineJr.com
Listening for Sounds Represented by (Y)
Read the list of words to the children and allow them to answer what sound (y) represents in each word. Then write the words on a posterboard for the children to see. Give them drawing paper, pencils, and colors. Tell them to pick six of the words and draw a picture that shows the (y) words they choose. Then write the words and color your picture.
Word List
bunny - e fry - i sky - i pony - e puppy - e candy - e yellow - y funny - e sunny - e hay - a fly - i dry - i yard - y eye - i yoke - y key - e fifty - e my - i shy - i thirty - e yes - y you - y jelly - e yarn - y dry - i buy - i lucky - e say - a baby - e tiny - e yell - y year - y day - a may - a boy - e toy - e
Copyright © Revised 1995-2016 MagicVineJr.com
Confused Y SONG
(Y) is sometimes (i) like in my! (Y) is sometimes (e) like in key! (Y) is sometimes (a) like in may! And (y) is sometimes itself, like in yes! So (y) confuses itself! (Y) is sometimes (i) like in cry! (Y) is sometimes (e) like bunny! (Y) is sometimes (a) like in clay! And (y) is sometimes itself, like in your! So (y) confuses itself! The words with a (y) we must learn to know. Lots of words in your mind makes it grow and grow! (Y) may be confused, but you know the rule. So don’t let confused (y) confuse you!
Copyright © Revised 1995-2016 MagicVineJr.com
Color Confused Y
Color Confused (Y) different colors to show that it is confused about what sound it should be.
Copyright © Revised 1995-2016 MagicVineJr.com
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