1 minute read
What you need to do
Most food suppliers have been chosen via our catering and procurement team, based on quality, safety, menus and supply timings.
If a department intends to use a company for the supply of foodstuffs which is not included on the ‘Approved’ suppliers list, then the Head of Department must follow the appropriate ‘Procurement’ procedures as set out by Finance. Refer to OS/01: Purchasing of food for further information.
1. Most supplies are purchased through national and local contracts which have had compliance checks carried out on them. Occasional products may be purchased from local suppliers such as from a branch of a national major food retailing supermarket. High risk products such as meats and certain ready to eat food e.g. ham must not be purchased from approved contractors
2. Do not sign any legal contracts
What to do if things go wrong
1. Report problems with suppliers to your line manager who will then speak to your Health and Safety Adviser
Prove it
T A copy of the University’s “Approved” supplier list can be found on the Finance webpage
Safe methods you need to consider at this part in the journey:
T Food Allergens: Allergen Control
T Fitness to work - Personal Hygiene and illness
Safety Point
Suppliers that have been checked will meet appropriate food safety standards, meaning they can trace food in their food supply and have good food safety systems in place
Food that is not purchased from an approved supplier may not be to the quality or safety required
Safety Point
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a food safety management system. It is form of risk assessment that identifies hazards and the likelihood of the hazard occurring
HACCP is conducted at each stage of the food journey to ensure food processes at the University are conducted in a safe manner