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Meet the 2015 Grant Recipients Thanks to your generous gifts, the SAEM Foundation Research Training Grant has been increased to $150,000! Help us give more opportunities to young investigators by donating today. The Society will match all gifts through July 31 up to $100k! Donate at www.saemfoundation.org


EDUCATION RESEARCH GRANT - $10,000 “Comparison of the visual centers of attention of experienced vs novice providers” Current techniques for teaching acute care providers to run resuscitations are limited to general feedback after an encounter (simulated or live) and lack focused and objective detail. Previous work has suggested that experienced providers focus on different aspects of the environment with less variability in focal points than novice individuals. Data examining visual centers of attention in the simulated cardiac arrest setting are lacking. It is thought that experienced acute care providers follow these same trends where focused visual centers of attention are a marker of proficiency and may translate into safer patient care. The hypothesis is that experienced providers will have a more focused visual center of attention than novice providers. The aim of this study is to determine if there are differences between novice and experienced acute care providers’ visual centers of attention during cardiac arrest resuscitation.




RESEARCH TRAINING GRANT - $100,000 “Timing of airway interventions and survival after out of hospital cardiac arrest” Over 36,000,000 calls for EMS occur annually in the US. Despite this staggering demand, clinical research in EMS remains unfocused and underfunded. In 2010, the American Heart Association acknowledged, “there is inadequate evidence to define the optimal timing of advanced airway placement in relation to other interventions during resuscitation from cardiac arrest.” Dr. Benoit will gain advanced training in research methods, biostatistics and epidemiology using a combination of didactic and applied learning experiences to develop skills in statistical modeling and interpretation through this study which will address this fundamental question. The central hypothesis is that the risk-to-benefit ratio for advanced airway interventions will change throughout the time course of OHCA resuscitation attempts. The aim is to evaluate the effect that the timing of prehospital airway interventions has on the minute-to-minute likelihood of achieving return of spontaneous circulation. Evaluate the effect that the time between establishing an airway and hospital arrival has on the probability of achieving neurologically intact survival.

INCOME PORTFOLIO — Jan. 1, 2015 - April 30, 2015


exceeds the amount of donations received, $118,940 73%

Investment Income


Because the amount of grants funded each year


EducaHon Fund ContribuHons

2340 S. River Road, Suite 208 Des Plaines, IL 60018

Research Fund ContribuHons

invested, generates more income for grants.

means YOU) to continue offering these programs.

$24,890 15%

See You In

$15,128 $5,308 9% 3%

of SAEMF income on average, which, when

we need more support from individuals (that

New Orleans

YOUR GIFTS constitute between 15-30%



Income Por6olio Jan. 1, 2015 -­‐ May 31, 2015



Investing in Our Future Dear Friends and Colleagues, First, I would like to say, thanks to each you for your presence and support at SAEM15. We really had a lot of fun at each of the Foundation events, and we hope you enjoyed them as well. If you weren’t able Robert Hockberger, MD to attend, you can see what you missed inside this issue. We are sorry you couldn’t make it, but we hope you can join us next year in New Orleans. As always, your support of, and contributions to, the SAEM Foundation are truly appreciated. This year, SAEMF is looking forward to continuing the progress we have made as an organization. With the leadership of our new CEO, Megan Schagrin, and the hard-working volunteer members and staff, plans are underway to add new philanthropic programs that will allow us to invest more in EM research and education. Dr. William Barsan, Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan, will be leading many of these efforts with our Development Committee which is now under the SAEM Foundation for better coordination of outreach efforts. So be on the lookout for more information from Bill in your inbox. Next, I have some exciting news to share with you. This year, between April 1 and July 31, the Society for Academic Emergency

Medicine (SAEM), our parent organization, has committed to match every dollar you give up to $100,000. During this time, each contribution you make to SAEMF will have double the impact on patient care. The purpose of the SAEMF $100K Challenge is to increase the assets of the Foundation to $10 million, so more researchers and educators can receive funding to improve emergency care. Already, with the donations we have received, we have been able to increase our Research Training Grant up to $150,000! Help us continue to fund more emergency care education and research, and make a pledge online today! You can pay it off monthly if you like, or give it all at once. Either way, SAEM will match your contributions to double the effect of your gifts. Thank you for your continued commitment to SAEM Foundation. We know you have many philanthropic options, and we are thankful you have chosen to invest in the future of your specialty through your SAEM Foundation. Thank you,

Robert Hockberger, MD Chair, SAEM Foundation Send us an email and let us know how we are doing! grants@saem.org

MISSION – The SAEM Foundation is a 501c3 public charity. The mission of the SAEM Foundation is to improve the emergency care of patients through medical research and scientific discovery; to enhance research capabilities within emergency medicine; and to help emergency physicians develop the skills to become successful investigators.

Megan N. Schagrin, MBA, CAE, CFRE

has been named Chief Executive Officer of the SAEM and the SAEM Foundation. Schagrin is an experienced association executive, and comes to SAEM Foundation from the American College of Chest Physicians where she served multiple roles as Executive Director of The CHEST Foundation, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Chief Operating Officer of CHEST Enterprises Inc.



CHALLENGE Between April 1 and July 31, the Society is matching every donation to SAEM Foundation up to $100,000. Donate online or make a pledge to pay later. Your gift will have double the impact on patient care!


Brian J. Zink, MD

Donor Alliance Status: Dean Professional Title:

Professor, Chair & Physician-in-Chief


Alpert Medical School, Brown University

“As emergency care researchers, we recognize that getting funding for our research is very challenging” Dr. Brian Zink took a moment to share some of his thoughts on the status of emergency care research, and on how SAEMF Donor Alliance Members can help break through the obstacles of obtaining federal funding. As a Professor and Chair of Emergency Medicine, and past president of SAEM and AACEM, Dr. Zink has a strong devotion to training researchers and to the mission of the SAEM Foundation. Now more than ever, there is less clinical revenue that can be used to support research and NIH resources are very limited. Industry support is important and we are starting to gain some momentum in that arena. But how can we expect them

(and others) to give us funding if we are not investing in ourselves? Anything we can do to promote research is crucial. During my time on the SAEM Board (1996-2002) many of us [SAEM members] recognized that the majority of researchers in EM did not have enough experience to compete for NIH funding. There was a major need for research fellowships, and there was an opportunity for our academic community to fund them through our Society. SAEM committed an initial $1 million from its reserves, and we started the process of awarding research training grants. This eventually led to creation of the SAEM Foundation

to continue addressing this need. And today, there is still a lot more we can do to increase our opportunities for funding. I give to SAEM Foundation because I feel a deep personal connection to SAEM and our academic community. SAEM helped me cut my teeth in academics, so to speak. I had the chance to meet incredible people and to become a leader in a national organization. Also, I remember my first career development grant, and I know how much it helped me. I see the people we are funding through the SAEM Foundation, and I see what a difference it is making in their careers. They are becoming our best researchers. Right now, we are the major funder of our young emergency medicine investigators, and we have the perfect opportunity through our SAEM Foundation to fund something or someone that can make a difference. If we want to increase opportunities for federal funding of emergency medicine research, we have to show that we believe in our own talent, and are willing to invest in ourselves.


Thank you to everyone who has donated to the SAEMF $100k challenge!

SAEMF wants to recognize you for your gifts over the years through the SAEMF Donor Alliance. Alliance members’ receive many benefits including, but not limited to, the following:

Individual Champs

As of June 22, 2015

•S pecial recognition on www.saemfoundation.org, in publications, and at events • First look at new opportunities from SAEMF • Access to Alliance-Only benefits • Gold plated lapel pin If you are not yet an Alliance member, one gift of $100 will earn you the status of Supporter. Donate a lump sum, or make payments over time – whichever is most convenient for you. Help us carry on the legacy of the academicians before us by shepherding the next generation. Donate today at www.saemfoundation.org.


Katherine L. Heilpern, MD, FACEP, Dean

Mary Ann Schropp, Dean Robert Shesser, MD, Dean

Michelle Blanda, MD, Honorary President

Judd E. Hollander, MD, Dean

Robert S. Hockberger, MD, Honorary President

Debra Houry, MD, MPH, Dean

Susan A. Stern, MD, Dean

James W. Hoekstra, MD, Honorary President

Gabor D. Kelen, MD FRCP(C), Dean

Scott T. Wilber, MD, MPH, Dean

D. Matthew Sullivan, MD, Honorary President

Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH, Dean

David Wilcox, MD, Dean

Andra Leah Blomkalns, MD, Dean

Ronald S. Moen, Dean

Brian J. Zink, MD, Dean

Glenn C. Hamilton, MD, Dean

Michael S. Runyon, MD, Dean

SAEM Foundation’s Annual Meeting Events

Srikar Adhikari,MD, MS Tahroma Elaine Alligood, MPH Harrison J. Alter, MS, MD David Josef Amin, MD Nana Yaw Michael Berko Appiah, Pharm.D. Kavita Babu, MD David Barbic, MD Jill M. Baren, MD Rebecca A. Bavolek, MD David G. Beiser, MD Justin Benoit, MD Simon Berthelot, MD MSc Sara C. Bessman Edward S. Bessman, MD, MBA Mary Colleen Bhalla, MD Kevin Biese, MD, MAT Steven B. Bird, MD Mark Bisanzo, MD Andra Blomkalns, MD Michael A. Bohrn, MD Jesica Bravo

Elizabeth Rhea Erwin Burner, MD Patrick Burnside, MD Jestin Carlson, MD Steven Casto, EdD Anna Marie Chang, MD Andrew K. Chang, MD Theodore A. Christopher, MD Kathleen J. Clem, MD Stewart Coffman, MD Bernadette Colas Darian Collins, BSN Cameron Crandall, MD, PhD Theodore R. Delbridge, MD, MPH M. Kit Delgado, MD Deborah B. Diercks, MD, MSc Gail D’Onofrio, MD Jeffrey Phillip Druck, MD Thomas Evans, MD Robert P. Ferm, MD Ray Fowler, MD Jennifer Frey, PhD Romolo Gaspari, MD Marc Gautreau, MD Nina Gentile, MD

Walter L. Green, MD Danielle Hart, MD Phillip M. Harter, MD Debra Heitmann, MD A. Zach Hettinger, MD Holly Hinson, MD Cherri D. Hobgood, MD Robert S. Hockberger, MD James W. Hoekstra, MD Judd E. Hollander, MD Jeffrey B. Hopkins, MD Jason Hoppe, DO Ula Hwang, MD, MPH Chris Kabrhel, MD, MPH Amy H. Kaji, MD, PhD Bory Kea, MD Taryn Kennedy, MD Christopher King, MD Ryan Kirby, MD Paul Kivela Terry Kowalenko, MD Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH Michael C. Kurz, MD, MS Nancy Kwon, MD,MPA

FUND 20 RUN 15 MAY 14


Our academic EM leaders founded Trustees has diligently cared for and


the SAEM Foundation in 2008. The

nurtured your gifts. Each donation

goal was to fulfill SAEM’s mission to

you make is multiplied through


lead the advancement of academic

investments in order to provide

$9,536,160 As of May 31, 2015

EM through research and education. significant funding for research and With an initial endowment of $1 educational training for you - the million, the Foundation Board of academicians.

The VIP Luncheon with Dr. Peter Rosen was a time to be treasured.

Dr. Peter Rosen is one of the founding fathers in Emergency Medicine. His ambitious personality and extensive experience makes for the most fascinating stories.

William F. Toon, Ed.D., NRP Vicken Y. Totten, MD, MS Joseph Adrian Tyndall, MD J Scott VanEpps, MD, PhD Gregory A. Volturo, MD Scott T. Wilber, MD, MPH Richard E. Wolfe, MD Kabir Yadav, MDCM MS MSHS Shahriar Zehtabchi, MD Brian J. Zink, MD Anonymous Anonymous

Organizational Champs CORD Massachusetts General Hospital Medical College of Wisconsin Summa Akron City Hospital

Thanks to our wonderful sponsors and runners for making this year’s FUND Run so much fun! Sponsors: CORD • Louis Ling, MD • Mass General Dept. of EM • Medical College of Wisconsin University of Massachusetts Medical School • AAEM • EMRA • Summa Akron City Hospital

Congratulations to the winners!


Timothy F. Platts-Mills, MD Marc A. Probst, MD, MS Susan Promes, MD Michael Pulia, MD Marc C. Restuccia, MD Stacy L. Reynolds, MD Sean Rhyee, MD Kristin Rising, MD, MS Brett A. Rosen, MD Christopher Ross, MD Kirsten L. Rounds, RN, MS Susan Rowell, MD Stephen Sanko, MD Robert W. Schafermeyer, MD Kinjal Sethuraman, MD, MPH Willard Sharp, MD, PhD Greg Simsarian, MD Richard H. Sinert, DO Peter E. Sokolove, MD Lauren Southerland, MD Rory Patrick Stuart, MD D. Matthew Sullivan, MD Sophie Terp, MD, MPH Benjamin Terry, MD

It was a pleasure to see you all bright and early on Thursday morning and to cheer you on while you crossed the finish line. With all of the features we had this year, we will be sure to top it at our 2016 FUND Run in New Orleans. Thank you to all of the runners and walkers who were able to participate.


The 2015 Wine Tasting and Networking Event was a huge success! We would like to thank you for your attendance and your support. We hope you enjoyed the wonderful selection of California wines and the great conversations with your colleagues. A special thank you to Jane Scott, ScD of NHLBI, Brian Zink, MD, Megan Ranney, MD, and all of the K12 scholars and mentors!

Shana Laborde Charlotte Lawson, MD Rochelle Lima-Babigian, MD Alexander T. Limkakeng, Jr., MD Kory London, MD Tracy Madsen, MD Jennifer Lynn Martindale, MD Brandon Maughan, MD, MHS Jason T. McMullan, MD Edward R. Melnick, MD Roland Clayton Merchant, MD, MPH, ScD Joseph Miller, MD Andrew Milsten, MD Ronald S. Moen Nicholas M. Mohr, MD Anthony Montoya, MD Bryn Mumma, MD Toby J. Nagurney, MD MPH Craig D. Newgard, MD Constance Nichols, MD Monica M. Orozco White, MCP/MCDST Daniel Pallin, MD, MPH

Thank You for participating in the 2015 FUND Run SAN DIEGO, CA

Donor Alliance Member Brian Zink, MD comments on the challenge of getting funding for emergency care research


Brian J. Zink, MD

Donor Alliance Status: Dean Professional Title:

Professor, Chair & Physician-in-Chief


Alpert Medical School, Brown University

“As emergency care researchers, we recognize that getting funding for our research is very challenging” Dr. Brian Zink took a moment to share some of his thoughts on the status of emergency care research, and on how SAEMF Donor Alliance Members can help break through the obstacles of obtaining federal funding. As a Professor and Chair of Emergency Medicine, and past president of SAEM and AACEM, Dr. Zink has a strong devotion to training researchers and to the mission of the SAEM Foundation. Now more than ever, there is less clinical revenue that can be used to support research and NIH resources are very limited. Industry support is important and we are starting to gain some momentum in that arena. But how can we expect them

(and others) to give us funding if we are not investing in ourselves? Anything we can do to promote research is crucial. During my time on the SAEM Board (1996-2002) many of us [SAEM members] recognized that the majority of researchers in EM did not have enough experience to compete for NIH funding. There was a major need for research fellowships, and there was an opportunity for our academic community to fund them through our Society. SAEM committed an initial $1 million from its reserves, and we started the process of awarding research training grants. This eventually led to creation of the SAEM Foundation

to continue addressing this need. And today, there is still a lot more we can do to increase our opportunities for funding. I give to SAEM Foundation because I feel a deep personal connection to SAEM and our academic community. SAEM helped me cut my teeth in academics, so to speak. I had the chance to meet incredible people and to become a leader in a national organization. Also, I remember my first career development grant, and I know how much it helped me. I see the people we are funding through the SAEM Foundation, and I see what a difference it is making in their careers. They are becoming our best researchers. Right now, we are the major funder of our young emergency medicine investigators, and we have the perfect opportunity through our SAEM Foundation to fund something or someone that can make a difference. If we want to increase opportunities for federal funding of emergency medicine research, we have to show that we believe in our own talent, and are willing to invest in ourselves.


Thank you to everyone who has donated to the SAEMF $100k challenge!

SAEMF wants to recognize you for your gifts over the years through the SAEMF Donor Alliance. Alliance members’ receive many benefits including, but not limited to, the following:

Individual Champs

As of June 22, 2015

•S pecial recognition on www.saemfoundation.org, in publications, and at events • First look at new opportunities from SAEMF • Access to Alliance-Only benefits • Gold plated lapel pin If you are not yet an Alliance member, one gift of $100 will earn you the status of Supporter. Donate a lump sum, or make payments over time – whichever is most convenient for you. Help us carry on the legacy of the academicians before us by shepherding the next generation. Donate today at www.saemfoundation.org.


Katherine L. Heilpern, MD, FACEP, Dean

Mary Ann Schropp, Dean Robert Shesser, MD, Dean

Michelle Blanda, MD, Honorary President

Judd E. Hollander, MD, Dean

Robert S. Hockberger, MD, Honorary President

Debra Houry, MD, MPH, Dean

Susan A. Stern, MD, Dean

James W. Hoekstra, MD, Honorary President

Gabor D. Kelen, MD FRCP(C), Dean

Scott T. Wilber, MD, MPH, Dean

D. Matthew Sullivan, MD, Honorary President

Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH, Dean

David Wilcox, MD, Dean

Andra Leah Blomkalns, MD, Dean

Ronald S. Moen, Dean

Brian J. Zink, MD, Dean

Glenn C. Hamilton, MD, Dean

Michael S. Runyon, MD, Dean

SAEM Foundation’s Annual Meeting Events

Srikar Adhikari,MD, MS Tahroma Elaine Alligood, MPH Harrison J. Alter, MS, MD David Josef Amin, MD Nana Yaw Michael Berko Appiah, Pharm.D. Kavita Babu, MD David Barbic, MD Jill M. Baren, MD Rebecca A. Bavolek, MD David G. Beiser, MD Justin Benoit, MD Simon Berthelot, MD MSc Sara C. Bessman Edward S. Bessman, MD, MBA Mary Colleen Bhalla, MD Kevin Biese, MD, MAT Steven B. Bird, MD Mark Bisanzo, MD Andra Blomkalns, MD Michael A. Bohrn, MD Jesica Bravo

Elizabeth Rhea Erwin Burner, MD Patrick Burnside, MD Jestin Carlson, MD Steven Casto, EdD Anna Marie Chang, MD Andrew K. Chang, MD Theodore A. Christopher, MD Kathleen J. Clem, MD Stewart Coffman, MD Bernadette Colas Darian Collins, BSN Cameron Crandall, MD, PhD Theodore R. Delbridge, MD, MPH M. Kit Delgado, MD Deborah B. Diercks, MD, MSc Gail D’Onofrio, MD Jeffrey Phillip Druck, MD Thomas Evans, MD Robert P. Ferm, MD Ray Fowler, MD Jennifer Frey, PhD Romolo Gaspari, MD Marc Gautreau, MD Nina Gentile, MD

Walter L. Green, MD Danielle Hart, MD Phillip M. Harter, MD Debra Heitmann, MD A. Zach Hettinger, MD Holly Hinson, MD Cherri D. Hobgood, MD Robert S. Hockberger, MD James W. Hoekstra, MD Judd E. Hollander, MD Jeffrey B. Hopkins, MD Jason Hoppe, DO Ula Hwang, MD, MPH Chris Kabrhel, MD, MPH Amy H. Kaji, MD, PhD Bory Kea, MD Taryn Kennedy, MD Christopher King, MD Ryan Kirby, MD Paul Kivela Terry Kowalenko, MD Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH Michael C. Kurz, MD, MS Nancy Kwon, MD,MPA

FUND 20 RUN 15 MAY 14


Our academic EM leaders founded Trustees has diligently cared for and


the SAEM Foundation in 2008. The

nurtured your gifts. Each donation

goal was to fulfill SAEM’s mission to

you make is multiplied through


lead the advancement of academic

investments in order to provide

$9,536,160 As of May 31, 2015

EM through research and education. significant funding for research and With an initial endowment of $1 educational training for you - the million, the Foundation Board of academicians.

The VIP Luncheon with Dr. Peter Rosen was a time to be treasured.

Dr. Peter Rosen is one of the founding fathers in Emergency Medicine. His ambitious personality and extensive experience makes for the most fascinating stories.

William F. Toon, Ed.D., NRP Vicken Y. Totten, MD, MS Joseph Adrian Tyndall, MD J Scott VanEpps, MD, PhD Gregory A. Volturo, MD Scott T. Wilber, MD, MPH Richard E. Wolfe, MD Kabir Yadav, MDCM MS MSHS Shahriar Zehtabchi, MD Brian J. Zink, MD Anonymous Anonymous

Organizational Champs CORD Massachusetts General Hospital Medical College of Wisconsin Summa Akron City Hospital

Thanks to our wonderful sponsors and runners for making this year’s FUND Run so much fun! Sponsors: CORD • Louis Ling, MD • Mass General Dept. of EM • Medical College of Wisconsin University of Massachusetts Medical School • AAEM • EMRA • Summa Akron City Hospital

Congratulations to the winners!


Timothy F. Platts-Mills, MD Marc A. Probst, MD, MS Susan Promes, MD Michael Pulia, MD Marc C. Restuccia, MD Stacy L. Reynolds, MD Sean Rhyee, MD Kristin Rising, MD, MS Brett A. Rosen, MD Christopher Ross, MD Kirsten L. Rounds, RN, MS Susan Rowell, MD Stephen Sanko, MD Robert W. Schafermeyer, MD Kinjal Sethuraman, MD, MPH Willard Sharp, MD, PhD Greg Simsarian, MD Richard H. Sinert, DO Peter E. Sokolove, MD Lauren Southerland, MD Rory Patrick Stuart, MD D. Matthew Sullivan, MD Sophie Terp, MD, MPH Benjamin Terry, MD

It was a pleasure to see you all bright and early on Thursday morning and to cheer you on while you crossed the finish line. With all of the features we had this year, we will be sure to top it at our 2016 FUND Run in New Orleans. Thank you to all of the runners and walkers who were able to participate.


The 2015 Wine Tasting and Networking Event was a huge success! We would like to thank you for your attendance and your support. We hope you enjoyed the wonderful selection of California wines and the great conversations with your colleagues. A special thank you to Jane Scott, ScD of NHLBI, Brian Zink, MD, Megan Ranney, MD, and all of the K12 scholars and mentors!

Shana Laborde Charlotte Lawson, MD Rochelle Lima-Babigian, MD Alexander T. Limkakeng, Jr., MD Kory London, MD Tracy Madsen, MD Jennifer Lynn Martindale, MD Brandon Maughan, MD, MHS Jason T. McMullan, MD Edward R. Melnick, MD Roland Clayton Merchant, MD, MPH, ScD Joseph Miller, MD Andrew Milsten, MD Ronald S. Moen Nicholas M. Mohr, MD Anthony Montoya, MD Bryn Mumma, MD Toby J. Nagurney, MD MPH Craig D. Newgard, MD Constance Nichols, MD Monica M. Orozco White, MCP/MCDST Daniel Pallin, MD, MPH

Thank You for participating in the 2015 FUND Run SAN DIEGO, CA

Donor Alliance Member Brian Zink, MD comments on the challenge of getting funding for emergency care research


Brian J. Zink, MD

Donor Alliance Status: Dean Professional Title:

Professor, Chair & Physician-in-Chief


Alpert Medical School, Brown University

“As emergency care researchers, we recognize that getting funding for our research is very challenging” Dr. Brian Zink took a moment to share some of his thoughts on the status of emergency care research, and on how SAEMF Donor Alliance Members can help break through the obstacles of obtaining federal funding. As a Professor and Chair of Emergency Medicine, and past president of SAEM and AACEM, Dr. Zink has a strong devotion to training researchers and to the mission of the SAEM Foundation. Now more than ever, there is less clinical revenue that can be used to support research and NIH resources are very limited. Industry support is important and we are starting to gain some momentum in that arena. But how can we expect them

(and others) to give us funding if we are not investing in ourselves? Anything we can do to promote research is crucial. During my time on the SAEM Board (1996-2002) many of us [SAEM members] recognized that the majority of researchers in EM did not have enough experience to compete for NIH funding. There was a major need for research fellowships, and there was an opportunity for our academic community to fund them through our Society. SAEM committed an initial $1 million from its reserves, and we started the process of awarding research training grants. This eventually led to creation of the SAEM Foundation

to continue addressing this need. And today, there is still a lot more we can do to increase our opportunities for funding. I give to SAEM Foundation because I feel a deep personal connection to SAEM and our academic community. SAEM helped me cut my teeth in academics, so to speak. I had the chance to meet incredible people and to become a leader in a national organization. Also, I remember my first career development grant, and I know how much it helped me. I see the people we are funding through the SAEM Foundation, and I see what a difference it is making in their careers. They are becoming our best researchers. Right now, we are the major funder of our young emergency medicine investigators, and we have the perfect opportunity through our SAEM Foundation to fund something or someone that can make a difference. If we want to increase opportunities for federal funding of emergency medicine research, we have to show that we believe in our own talent, and are willing to invest in ourselves.


Thank you to everyone who has donated to the SAEMF $100k challenge!

SAEMF wants to recognize you for your gifts over the years through the SAEMF Donor Alliance. Alliance members’ receive many benefits including, but not limited to, the following:

Individual Champs

As of June 22, 2015

•S pecial recognition on www.saemfoundation.org, in publications, and at events • First look at new opportunities from SAEMF • Access to Alliance-Only benefits • Gold plated lapel pin If you are not yet an Alliance member, one gift of $100 will earn you the status of Supporter. Donate a lump sum, or make payments over time – whichever is most convenient for you. Help us carry on the legacy of the academicians before us by shepherding the next generation. Donate today at www.saemfoundation.org.


Katherine L. Heilpern, MD, FACEP, Dean

Mary Ann Schropp, Dean Robert Shesser, MD, Dean

Michelle Blanda, MD, Honorary President

Judd E. Hollander, MD, Dean

Robert S. Hockberger, MD, Honorary President

Debra Houry, MD, MPH, Dean

Susan A. Stern, MD, Dean

James W. Hoekstra, MD, Honorary President

Gabor D. Kelen, MD FRCP(C), Dean

Scott T. Wilber, MD, MPH, Dean

D. Matthew Sullivan, MD, Honorary President

Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH, Dean

David Wilcox, MD, Dean

Andra Leah Blomkalns, MD, Dean

Ronald S. Moen, Dean

Brian J. Zink, MD, Dean

Glenn C. Hamilton, MD, Dean

Michael S. Runyon, MD, Dean

SAEM Foundation’s Annual Meeting Events

Srikar Adhikari,MD, MS Tahroma Elaine Alligood, MPH Harrison J. Alter, MS, MD David Josef Amin, MD Nana Yaw Michael Berko Appiah, Pharm.D. Kavita Babu, MD David Barbic, MD Jill M. Baren, MD Rebecca A. Bavolek, MD David G. Beiser, MD Justin Benoit, MD Simon Berthelot, MD MSc Sara C. Bessman Edward S. Bessman, MD, MBA Mary Colleen Bhalla, MD Kevin Biese, MD, MAT Steven B. Bird, MD Mark Bisanzo, MD Andra Blomkalns, MD Michael A. Bohrn, MD Jesica Bravo

Elizabeth Rhea Erwin Burner, MD Patrick Burnside, MD Jestin Carlson, MD Steven Casto, EdD Anna Marie Chang, MD Andrew K. Chang, MD Theodore A. Christopher, MD Kathleen J. Clem, MD Stewart Coffman, MD Bernadette Colas Darian Collins, BSN Cameron Crandall, MD, PhD Theodore R. Delbridge, MD, MPH M. Kit Delgado, MD Deborah B. Diercks, MD, MSc Gail D’Onofrio, MD Jeffrey Phillip Druck, MD Thomas Evans, MD Robert P. Ferm, MD Ray Fowler, MD Jennifer Frey, PhD Romolo Gaspari, MD Marc Gautreau, MD Nina Gentile, MD

Walter L. Green, MD Danielle Hart, MD Phillip M. Harter, MD Debra Heitmann, MD A. Zach Hettinger, MD Holly Hinson, MD Cherri D. Hobgood, MD Robert S. Hockberger, MD James W. Hoekstra, MD Judd E. Hollander, MD Jeffrey B. Hopkins, MD Jason Hoppe, DO Ula Hwang, MD, MPH Chris Kabrhel, MD, MPH Amy H. Kaji, MD, PhD Bory Kea, MD Taryn Kennedy, MD Christopher King, MD Ryan Kirby, MD Paul Kivela Terry Kowalenko, MD Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH Michael C. Kurz, MD, MS Nancy Kwon, MD,MPA

FUND 20 RUN 15 MAY 14


Our academic EM leaders founded Trustees has diligently cared for and


the SAEM Foundation in 2008. The

nurtured your gifts. Each donation

goal was to fulfill SAEM’s mission to

you make is multiplied through


lead the advancement of academic

investments in order to provide

$9,536,160 As of May 31, 2015

EM through research and education. significant funding for research and With an initial endowment of $1 educational training for you - the million, the Foundation Board of academicians.

The VIP Luncheon with Dr. Peter Rosen was a time to be treasured.

Dr. Peter Rosen is one of the founding fathers in Emergency Medicine. His ambitious personality and extensive experience makes for the most fascinating stories.

William F. Toon, Ed.D., NRP Vicken Y. Totten, MD, MS Joseph Adrian Tyndall, MD J Scott VanEpps, MD, PhD Gregory A. Volturo, MD Scott T. Wilber, MD, MPH Richard E. Wolfe, MD Kabir Yadav, MDCM MS MSHS Shahriar Zehtabchi, MD Brian J. Zink, MD Anonymous Anonymous

Organizational Champs CORD Massachusetts General Hospital Medical College of Wisconsin Summa Akron City Hospital

Thanks to our wonderful sponsors and runners for making this year’s FUND Run so much fun! Sponsors: CORD • Louis Ling, MD • Mass General Dept. of EM • Medical College of Wisconsin University of Massachusetts Medical School • AAEM • EMRA • Summa Akron City Hospital

Congratulations to the winners!


Timothy F. Platts-Mills, MD Marc A. Probst, MD, MS Susan Promes, MD Michael Pulia, MD Marc C. Restuccia, MD Stacy L. Reynolds, MD Sean Rhyee, MD Kristin Rising, MD, MS Brett A. Rosen, MD Christopher Ross, MD Kirsten L. Rounds, RN, MS Susan Rowell, MD Stephen Sanko, MD Robert W. Schafermeyer, MD Kinjal Sethuraman, MD, MPH Willard Sharp, MD, PhD Greg Simsarian, MD Richard H. Sinert, DO Peter E. Sokolove, MD Lauren Southerland, MD Rory Patrick Stuart, MD D. Matthew Sullivan, MD Sophie Terp, MD, MPH Benjamin Terry, MD

It was a pleasure to see you all bright and early on Thursday morning and to cheer you on while you crossed the finish line. With all of the features we had this year, we will be sure to top it at our 2016 FUND Run in New Orleans. Thank you to all of the runners and walkers who were able to participate.


The 2015 Wine Tasting and Networking Event was a huge success! We would like to thank you for your attendance and your support. We hope you enjoyed the wonderful selection of California wines and the great conversations with your colleagues. A special thank you to Jane Scott, ScD of NHLBI, Brian Zink, MD, Megan Ranney, MD, and all of the K12 scholars and mentors!

Shana Laborde Charlotte Lawson, MD Rochelle Lima-Babigian, MD Alexander T. Limkakeng, Jr., MD Kory London, MD Tracy Madsen, MD Jennifer Lynn Martindale, MD Brandon Maughan, MD, MHS Jason T. McMullan, MD Edward R. Melnick, MD Roland Clayton Merchant, MD, MPH, ScD Joseph Miller, MD Andrew Milsten, MD Ronald S. Moen Nicholas M. Mohr, MD Anthony Montoya, MD Bryn Mumma, MD Toby J. Nagurney, MD MPH Craig D. Newgard, MD Constance Nichols, MD Monica M. Orozco White, MCP/MCDST Daniel Pallin, MD, MPH

Thank You for participating in the 2015 FUND Run SAN DIEGO, CA

Donor Alliance Member Brian Zink, MD comments on the challenge of getting funding for emergency care research

Meet the 2015 Grant Recipients Thanks to your generous gifts, the SAEM Foundation Research Training Grant has been increased to $150,000! Help us give more opportunities to young investigators by donating today. The Society will match all gifts through July 31 up to $100k! Donate at www.saemfoundation.org


EDUCATION RESEARCH GRANT - $10,000 “Comparison of the visual centers of attention of experienced vs novice providers” Current techniques for teaching acute care providers to run resuscitations are limited to general feedback after an encounter (simulated or live) and lack focused and objective detail. Previous work has suggested that experienced providers focus on different aspects of the environment with less variability in focal points than novice individuals. Data examining visual centers of attention in the simulated cardiac arrest setting are lacking. It is thought that experienced acute care providers follow these same trends where focused visual centers of attention are a marker of proficiency and may translate into safer patient care. The hypothesis is that experienced providers will have a more focused visual center of attention than novice providers. The aim of this study is to determine if there are differences between novice and experienced acute care providers’ visual centers of attention during cardiac arrest resuscitation.




RESEARCH TRAINING GRANT - $100,000 “Timing of airway interventions and survival after out of hospital cardiac arrest” Over 36,000,000 calls for EMS occur annually in the US. Despite this staggering demand, clinical research in EMS remains unfocused and underfunded. In 2010, the American Heart Association acknowledged, “there is inadequate evidence to define the optimal timing of advanced airway placement in relation to other interventions during resuscitation from cardiac arrest.” Dr. Benoit will gain advanced training in research methods, biostatistics and epidemiology using a combination of didactic and applied learning experiences to develop skills in statistical modeling and interpretation through this study which will address this fundamental question. The central hypothesis is that the risk-to-benefit ratio for advanced airway interventions will change throughout the time course of OHCA resuscitation attempts. The aim is to evaluate the effect that the timing of prehospital airway interventions has on the minute-to-minute likelihood of achieving return of spontaneous circulation. Evaluate the effect that the time between establishing an airway and hospital arrival has on the probability of achieving neurologically intact survival.

INCOME PORTFOLIO — Jan. 1, 2015 - April 30, 2015


exceeds the amount of donations received, $118,940 73%

Investment Income


Because the amount of grants funded each year


EducaHon Fund ContribuHons

2340 S. River Road, Suite 208 Des Plaines, IL 60018

Research Fund ContribuHons

invested, generates more income for grants.

means YOU) to continue offering these programs.

$24,890 15%

See You In

$15,128 $5,308 9% 3%

of SAEMF income on average, which, when

we need more support from individuals (that

New Orleans

YOUR GIFTS constitute between 15-30%



Income Por6olio Jan. 1, 2015 -­‐ May 31, 2015



Investing in Our Future Dear Friends and Colleagues, First, I would like to say, thanks to each you for your presence and support at SAEM15. We really had a lot of fun at each of the Foundation events, and we hope you enjoyed them as well. If you weren’t able Robert Hockberger, MD to attend, you can see what you missed inside this issue. We are sorry you couldn’t make it, but we hope you can join us next year in New Orleans. As always, your support of, and contributions to, the SAEM Foundation are truly appreciated. This year, SAEMF is looking forward to continuing the progress we have made as an organization. With the leadership of our new CEO, Megan Schagrin, and the hard-working volunteer members and staff, plans are underway to add new philanthropic programs that will allow us to invest more in EM research and education. Dr. William Barsan, Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan, will be leading many of these efforts with our Development Committee which is now under the SAEM Foundation for better coordination of outreach efforts. So be on the lookout for more information from Bill in your inbox. Next, I have some exciting news to share with you. This year, between April 1 and July 31, the Society for Academic Emergency

Medicine (SAEM), our parent organization, has committed to match every dollar you give up to $100,000. During this time, each contribution you make to SAEMF will have double the impact on patient care. The purpose of the SAEMF $100K Challenge is to increase the assets of the Foundation to $10 million, so more researchers and educators can receive funding to improve emergency care. Already, with the donations we have received, we have been able to increase our Research Training Grant up to $150,000! Help us continue to fund more emergency care education and research, and make a pledge online today! You can pay it off monthly if you like, or give it all at once. Either way, SAEM will match your contributions to double the effect of your gifts. Thank you for your continued commitment to SAEM Foundation. We know you have many philanthropic options, and we are thankful you have chosen to invest in the future of your specialty through your SAEM Foundation. Thank you,

Robert Hockberger, MD Chair, SAEM Foundation Send us an email and let us know how we are doing! grants@saem.org

MISSION – The SAEM Foundation is a 501c3 public charity. The mission of the SAEM Foundation is to improve the emergency care of patients through medical research and scientific discovery; to enhance research capabilities within emergency medicine; and to help emergency physicians develop the skills to become successful investigators.

Megan N. Schagrin, MBA, CAE, CFRE

has been named Chief Executive Officer of the SAEM and the SAEM Foundation. Schagrin is an experienced association executive, and comes to SAEM Foundation from the American College of Chest Physicians where she served multiple roles as Executive Director of The CHEST Foundation, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Chief Operating Officer of CHEST Enterprises Inc.



CHALLENGE Between April 1 and July 31, the Society is matching every donation to SAEM Foundation up to $100,000. Donate online or make a pledge to pay later. Your gift will have double the impact on patient care!

Meet the 2015 Grant Recipients Thanks to your generous gifts, the SAEM Foundation Research Training Grant has been increased to $150,000! Help us give more opportunities to young investigators by donating today. The Society will match all gifts through July 31 up to $100k! Donate at www.saemfoundation.org


EDUCATION RESEARCH GRANT - $10,000 “Comparison of the visual centers of attention of experienced vs novice providers” Current techniques for teaching acute care providers to run resuscitations are limited to general feedback after an encounter (simulated or live) and lack focused and objective detail. Previous work has suggested that experienced providers focus on different aspects of the environment with less variability in focal points than novice individuals. Data examining visual centers of attention in the simulated cardiac arrest setting are lacking. It is thought that experienced acute care providers follow these same trends where focused visual centers of attention are a marker of proficiency and may translate into safer patient care. The hypothesis is that experienced providers will have a more focused visual center of attention than novice providers. The aim of this study is to determine if there are differences between novice and experienced acute care providers’ visual centers of attention during cardiac arrest resuscitation.




RESEARCH TRAINING GRANT - $100,000 “Timing of airway interventions and survival after out of hospital cardiac arrest” Over 36,000,000 calls for EMS occur annually in the US. Despite this staggering demand, clinical research in EMS remains unfocused and underfunded. In 2010, the American Heart Association acknowledged, “there is inadequate evidence to define the optimal timing of advanced airway placement in relation to other interventions during resuscitation from cardiac arrest.” Dr. Benoit will gain advanced training in research methods, biostatistics and epidemiology using a combination of didactic and applied learning experiences to develop skills in statistical modeling and interpretation through this study which will address this fundamental question. The central hypothesis is that the risk-to-benefit ratio for advanced airway interventions will change throughout the time course of OHCA resuscitation attempts. The aim is to evaluate the effect that the timing of prehospital airway interventions has on the minute-to-minute likelihood of achieving return of spontaneous circulation. Evaluate the effect that the time between establishing an airway and hospital arrival has on the probability of achieving neurologically intact survival.

INCOME PORTFOLIO — Jan. 1, 2015 - April 30, 2015


exceeds the amount of donations received, $118,940 73%

Investment Income


Because the amount of grants funded each year


EducaHon Fund ContribuHons

2340 S. River Road, Suite 208 Des Plaines, IL 60018

Research Fund ContribuHons

invested, generates more income for grants.

means YOU) to continue offering these programs.

$24,890 15%

See You In

$15,128 $5,308 9% 3%

of SAEMF income on average, which, when

we need more support from individuals (that

New Orleans

YOUR GIFTS constitute between 15-30%



Income Por6olio Jan. 1, 2015 -­‐ May 31, 2015



Investing in Our Future Dear Friends and Colleagues, First, I would like to say, thanks to each you for your presence and support at SAEM15. We really had a lot of fun at each of the Foundation events, and we hope you enjoyed them as well. If you weren’t able Robert Hockberger, MD to attend, you can see what you missed inside this issue. We are sorry you couldn’t make it, but we hope you can join us next year in New Orleans. As always, your support of, and contributions to, the SAEM Foundation are truly appreciated. This year, SAEMF is looking forward to continuing the progress we have made as an organization. With the leadership of our new CEO, Megan Schagrin, and the hard-working volunteer members and staff, plans are underway to add new philanthropic programs that will allow us to invest more in EM research and education. Dr. William Barsan, Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan, will be leading many of these efforts with our Development Committee which is now under the SAEM Foundation for better coordination of outreach efforts. So be on the lookout for more information from Bill in your inbox. Next, I have some exciting news to share with you. This year, between April 1 and July 31, the Society for Academic Emergency

Medicine (SAEM), our parent organization, has committed to match every dollar you give up to $100,000. During this time, each contribution you make to SAEMF will have double the impact on patient care. The purpose of the SAEMF $100K Challenge is to increase the assets of the Foundation to $10 million, so more researchers and educators can receive funding to improve emergency care. Already, with the donations we have received, we have been able to increase our Research Training Grant up to $150,000! Help us continue to fund more emergency care education and research, and make a pledge online today! You can pay it off monthly if you like, or give it all at once. Either way, SAEM will match your contributions to double the effect of your gifts. Thank you for your continued commitment to SAEM Foundation. We know you have many philanthropic options, and we are thankful you have chosen to invest in the future of your specialty through your SAEM Foundation. Thank you,

Robert Hockberger, MD Chair, SAEM Foundation Send us an email and let us know how we are doing! grants@saem.org

MISSION – The SAEM Foundation is a 501c3 public charity. The mission of the SAEM Foundation is to improve the emergency care of patients through medical research and scientific discovery; to enhance research capabilities within emergency medicine; and to help emergency physicians develop the skills to become successful investigators.

Megan N. Schagrin, MBA, CAE, CFRE

has been named Chief Executive Officer of the SAEM and the SAEM Foundation. Schagrin is an experienced association executive, and comes to SAEM Foundation from the American College of Chest Physicians where she served multiple roles as Executive Director of The CHEST Foundation, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Chief Operating Officer of CHEST Enterprises Inc.



CHALLENGE Between April 1 and July 31, the Society is matching every donation to SAEM Foundation up to $100,000. Donate online or make a pledge to pay later. Your gift will have double the impact on patient care!

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