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Briefs and Bullet Points


Introducing Your 2022-2023 Leaders!

Elections are over, the results have been tabulated, and SAEM is pleased to announce the results of recent elections for your SAEM, Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine, SAEM Foundation, SAEM Residents and Medical Students, and Academy leaders! Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and congratulations to this year’s winners. The 2022-2023 leadership will take office at SAEM22 in New Orleans. Here are your newly elected leaders!

Introducing New SAEM COVID-19 Toolkit for Providers

The COVID-19 Provider Toolkit equips providers with “need to know” information and trusted resources, such as posters, educational videos, and downloadable information, including: • Video Dr. Ramsy Explains:

Communication With COVID-19

Patients • Video Dr. Ramsy Explains: Treatment

Options for COVID-19 Patients • Tips and tools to break down communication barriers • Facts about treatment recommendations • Evolving and emerging therapeutics • Use of monoclonal antibodies • EPIC SmartPhrases fact sheet This educational initiative is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from GlaxoSmithKline. For more information about this initiative, contact SAEM.

Announcing a New SAEM COVID-19 Toolkit for Your Patients

The informative COVID-19 Patient Toolkit features basic information to share with your newly diagnosed patients, including downloadable resources, posters, and educational videos that help them understand next steps and treatment options as well as: • Video Dr. Ramsy Explains: Tested

Positive for COVID-19? Now What? • Video Dr. Ramsy Explains: What is

Monoclonal Antibody Treatment? • What to do after discharge • How to stop the spread • Guidelines for quarantine and isolation • What to do after diagnosis and monoclonal antibody treatment for high-risk patients This educational initiative is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from GlaxoSmithKline. For more information about this initiative, contact SAEM.

Introducing MedEd Sound Bites: A New Podcast Series From the SAEM Education Committee

In the inaugural episode of MedEd Sound Bites, Teaching in the Emergency Department, Drs. Ryan Pedigo and Dina Wallin provide an overview of the series, and kick things off with a discussion on the basics of teaching in the chaos of the emergency department. Get ready to learn some (sound) bite-size morsels of goodness that you can use on your next shift, featuring guest host Dr. Michael Gisondi. In the second episode, “On Shift and Bedside Teaching, Drs. Ashley Heaney and Julie Tondt, with guest host Dr. David Manthey, expand on the basics learned in episode one to discuss how to best teach at the bedside, including teaching procedures and providing effective feedback.


Submit Your Project by March 18 for the 2022 SAEM FOAM Showcase

Are you a social media innovator and a FOAMed content creator? The SAEM Virtual Presence Committee is looking for the most innovative Free Open-Access Medical Education (FOAMed) creations of the past year. Those selected will have an opportunity to impress the audience and a panel of judges with their quality academic EM social media content at this year’s FOAM Showcase in New Orleans! One presenter will be awarded the SAEM FOAMed Excellence in Education Award and earn the title of best FOAMed project of 2022! Submit your FOAMed innovation by March 18, 11 p.m. CT.

Accepting “In Memoriam” Submissions for SAEM22 Tribute

This spring, at SAEM22 in New Orleans, we will pause to remember our SAEM friends and colleagues who have left us during the past year. We are seeking the names of individuals who have passed away since April 1, 2021, for an “In Memoriam” video tribute to be shown during the SAEM22 Annual Meeting. Please send your “In Memoriam” submissions (name, institution, and a photo) to Stacey Roseen at sroseen@saem.org by April 4, 2022.

Wanted: Junior Researcher Ideas for 9th Annual SAEM Lion’s Den

Junior researchers are invited to pitch their research ideas to a panel of experienced investigators who will consider “investing” in the presenter and idea through mentorship, editorial expertise, and more! Interested participants should complete this form or email Dr. Anish Agarwal at anish. agarwal@pennmedicin.upenn.edu by 5 p.m. CT, April 15, 2022. Selected presenters will pitch their ideas during the Lion's Den event on Thursday, May 12, 2022, from 2-2:50 PM CT during the 2022 SAEM Annual Meeting in New Orleans.


Coming April 1-2: SAEM Western Regional Meeting

The SAEM Western Regional Meeting, “Innovation and Inclusion,” April 1-2 in Palo Alto, California will feature two days of didactics, interactive workshops

and simulations, and speakers sharing expertise on research innovations, medical education, and clinical practice. The meeting will highlight work on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and precision emergency medicine. Register online for the conference or become an institutional event sponsor. This year’s event is hosted by Stanford University Department of Emergency Medicine. Visit the event website for details.

New England Regional Meeting is April 6

The New England (NERDS) Regional Meeting, with in-person and virtual options, will take place April 6 at the Hogan Campus Center, Worcester, MA. The in-person segment will feature a traditional poster session, lightning orals, plenary orals, innovations, and a keynote address, “Measuring Emergency Care Globally: What’s Feasible and What Truly Matters,” from Dr. Junaid Razzak, vice chair for EM research at Weill Cornell Medicine. The virtual portion of the conference will include posters, lightning orals, innovations and a keynote address from Dr. Lise Nigrovic, associate professor of pediatrics and emergency medicine at Harvard Medical School. Included with the in-person registration is access to all virtual sessions starting April 7 for 30 days. Visit the event website for more information and to register.


Celebrate Match Week With SAEM and RAMS!

Join us all week long March 14-18, as we celebrate this huge milestone in the lives of medical students. Then, on Friday March 18 — the big day — be sure to tune into SAEM social media. All day long we’ll be highlighting your match day announcements (tag @SAEMonline and @SAEM_RAMS and use #RAMSMatch) and posting congratulatory videos from residency program directors and chairs from around the country who will be sharing their words of wisdom and welcome to all the 2021 medical students who matched. SAEM sends good vibes and best wishes to all our medical students for Match Day 2022, and we’d like to help you celebrate with a chance to win great prizes. Just use #RAMSMatch and tag @SAEMonline and @SAEM_RAMS when you post your Match Day announcement photos and you’ll be entered to win a stethoscope or trauma shears. SAEM will randomly select and announce the two lucky winners on Match Day, March 18. May all your hopes, wishes, and matches come true. Your friends at SAEM are pulling for you!

Dr. Addie Burtle, Washington University in St. Louis, Wins 2021 RAMS Video Contest!

SAEM RAMS is pleased to announce that the winning video in the 2021 RAMS Video Contest was created by Addie Burtle, MD, Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Burtle’s winning submission: “A Chance to Change Things for the Better,” hit all the right marks for theme, originality, inspirational power, and wow-factor. Congratulations Dr. Burtle and WUSL!


AEM Education & Training AEM Education & Training is Accepted into Emerging Sources Citation Index

Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training (AEM E&T) has been accepted into the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). Part of the Web of Science Core Collection™, ESCI contains quality publications selected by expert editors for editorial rigor and best practice at a journal level. Indexing improves the visibility of the journal, provides a mark of quality, and is good for authors, as articles in ESCI-indexed journals are included in an author’s h-index calculation. Congratulations to editor-in-chief, Susan Promes and the AEM E&T Editorial Board!

Academy of Geriatric Emergency Medicine

AGEM ARMED Scholarship Recipient Grateful for Opportunity

Pete Serina, MD, is an emergency medicine resident at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago. He is the

Dr. Pete Serina recipient of the 20212022 Academy of Geriatric Emergency Medicine (AGEM) Advanced Research Methodology Evaluation and Design (ARMED) scholarship. “Emergency medicine research is a small but growing community, and it has been exciting to meet and learn from existing leaders in the field and other course participants like myself who are just getting their careers started. “The ARMED course provides an excellent overview of the nuts and bolts necessary to design a research project and grant proposal. Coming up with a great idea is only the first step for a successful research project. Through lectures and workshops the ARMED faculty has done a wonderful job breaking down what it means to take a project from the start to finish. Your idea needs to address an important question, but it also needs to be testable and feasible. What literature already exists on the subject? What study design would best answer your question? What group would be willing to fund your research and how do you convince them that they should? And most importantly, how do you continue to ask questions that you are passionate about? “One of the most powerful lectures in the course was led by Dr. Mark Courtney, a former SAEM president and currently the

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vice chair of emergency medicine at UT Southwestern. Dr. Courtney encouraged us to self-reflect and provided the framework for creating a Personal Strategic Plan (PSP). This concept of a PSP is from the business world and was new to me. Through the framework he provided, I performed a 360 review of myself, doing a self-assessment, interviewing research mentors, coresidents, and friends. As I finish up residency and move on to my research fellowship in gerontology next year, I have used this opportunity to reflect and create a PSP with a set of actionable, sustainable goals and future steps. ARMED with this new self-awareness and a plan, I feel ready to make the most of my training program and achieve my long-term goal of becoming a physician-scientist working to understand how to improve the outcomes and experiences of older adults in the emergency department.” For more information on the ARMED course, visit the webpage.

Simulation Academy

Announcing the 2022 Simulation Fellows Forum

You are nearing the end of your simulation fellowship. You have learned all about debriefing, mastery learning, deliberate practice, how to troubleshoot the mannikin, and return on investment. You have been working on your project all year and you want to show it off and maybe get some feedback. Where do you go? To the SAEM Simulation Academy Fellows Forum!

The fellows forum was started nine years ago by the SAEM Simulation Academy during Josh Hui’s tenure as the president. The idea was proposed by Michael Falk when he realized that simulation fellows needed a venue to present their research ideas and receive feedback from established faculty outside of their home institutions. Josh and Mike developed the format that is still used today, whereby fellows give short presentations of their research or innovation and the faculty provides focused feedback about the project. Feedback often relates to evaluation tool use, innovation testing, or building on work done. Fellows and attendings alike benefit from the forum and the many opportunities for mentoring, networking, and collaboration.

The Simulation Academy Fellows Forum continues to develop in response to fellows’ needs and interests. We now award prizes for the best innovation in addition to a prize for best research which reflects the significant work done to improve simulation modalities, learning, and evaluation. Projects are evaluated by a panel of simulationists who note the project’s originality, methodology, impact, and presentation quality. The numbers of fellows that present continues to grow. During the last two years, 10 people presented at each forum—an increase of five from our inaugural session. Over the last nine years, more than 50 fellows have presented their work at the forum. Projects have covered novel task trainer creation, validation and testing, novel teamwork tool evaluation, VR/ AR adaptations, and usability testing. We adapted to a videoconferencing format two years ago due to the COVIDpandemic and have benefited from a larger audience and the ability to crowdsource feedback from Simulation Academy members joining virtually. Read more about it here. The Simulation Academy Fellows Forum helps fellows to connect with the larger simulation community and hone their research ideas. It is one of the essential services we offer to the membership. Plan now to join the next Simulation Academy Fellows Forum, on Thursday May 19, 2022, in New Orleans! Stay tuned for the call for presenters coming in April. For more information email Stephanie Stapleton snstaple@bu.edu


Fellowship Approval Fellowship Approval Program Spotlight

Dr. Sari Lahham Sari Lahham, MD, MS, Thomas Jefferson University Fellowship Type: Telehealth Leadership Year of completion: 2020 Q. What advice would you give to someone who is on the fence about doing a fellowship? What did you see as the cost-benefit? A. Pursue a field of massive growth. I entered telehealth when people felt it may or may not be the future. Then COVID-19 hit and almost suddenly it was the most important fellowship training one could have. Q. What was the most career-enhancing, or eye-opening thing you gained from the fellowship? A. Trial by fire. Blazing new trails and frontiers that had never been pursued before was extremely challenging and rewarding. Q. Who is best suited for this type of fellowship? A. Those who are business-minded and interested in hospital operations. For more information visit the Fellowship Approval Program webpage.


Accepting Applicants for 2022 Social Emergency Medicine Research Funding Award

The Social Emergency Medicine and Population Health interest group is accepting applications for a new Social Emergency Medicine Research Funding Award to support pilot studies and other formative work for junior researchers engaged in social emergency medicine. Topics in social emergency medicine that face barriers to funding through traditional sources (such as gun violence) will be considered of high potential impact for the award. Topics that combine other disciplines within emergency medicine (SIM, toxicology, ultrasound, etc.) with social emergency medicine principles and objectives are also encouraged. Deadline to apply is March 31, 2022.

Last Call for Submissions for Rakesh Engineer Award

Did you have an implementation science abstract recently accepted to the SAEM Annual Meeting? The EvidenceBased Healthcare and Implementation Interest Group is seeking submissions

of accepted abstracts that are focused on implementation science for the first annual Rakesh Engineer Award! This award honors the late Dr. Rakesh Engineer, who was passionate about implementation methodology and bringing science to the bedside. Accepted abstracts are eligible if they are focused on a project or study that evaluates the implementation, or deimplementation, of a process that leads to an evidence-based improvement in patient care. Written abstracts will be judged by members of the EvidenceBased Healthcare and Implementation Interest Group and the top 3 finalists will be judged live at SAEM22. Click here for more information.


AACEM, SAEM, ACEP, AAEM Publish 2030 Strategic Goals for EM Research

To support the specialty of emergency medicine’s mission to continuously create new knowledge that will improve patient care and outcomes, the Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine (AACEM) Research Task Force developed and published a set of 2030 strategic goals for the EM research enterprise. These goals have been endorsed by the AACEM Executive Committee and the boards of Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM), American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), and American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM). Follow the progress of these goals by bookmarking and visiting the task force dashboard.

ABEM Releases Two Additional MyEMCert Modules

Two additional MyEMCert modules were released in early February by the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM): 1) head and neck and 2) nontraumatic musculoskeletal. With the release of these two new modules, ABEM-certified physicians can now choose from eight different MyEMCert module topics. Additionally, new Teaching Points are available with the two new modules and can be used to focus areas of study and preparation. ABEM recommends reviewing these

CME is Now Available for Completing MyEMCert Modules

You can now opt to obtain nine AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for successfully completing each of ABEM’s MyEMCert modules. The distributions of specialty credits in pediatrics, stroke, and trauma have also been determined. The cost of the credits is $30 and the credits are provided by either AAEM or ACEP. You must register for the credits before taking a module; credits cannot be awarded retroactively. ABEM’s MyEMCert modules are the alternative to the high-stakes, single point-in-time, traditional recertification exam and the ongoing lifelong learning and self-assessment reading lists and associated tests. MyEMCert modules were designed with the uniqueness of emergency medicine in mind and are informed by the preferences and feedback of ABEM-certified physicians.


Attention Academic EM Department Chairs: It’s Almost Time for the Chairs’ Challenge

Each year, our AACEM/AAAEM Annual Retreat in March kicks off this important Challenge that raises vital funds to help strengthen the pipeline of EM researchers who will advance this specialty in the future. Browse our SAEMF Donor Guide to learn about SAEMF impact, our researchers and the work they are doing, and how you can join your colleagues in supporting a bold vision for EM research. Then donate today to join the Annual Alliance. Since 2019, you and generous AACEM members have raised over $276,836 to support your own researchers and educators through SAEMF’s grants. The Challenge has resulted in a vibrant annual funding campaign which has led to SAEMF awarding nearly $800,000 back to your departments. Last year, you raised over $113,000 and had the most participation since the Challenge began…

2022 is the year to turn the Challenge map green by achieving 100% participation from AACEM Chairs in each state! Why wait until March?

Pledge or donate $1,000 today! www.saem.org/donate or email Julie Wolfe at jwolfe@saem.org Not sure you've donated yet? Check the Donor list.

In 2021 the states on the left, highlighted in green, had 100% of their Chairs participate in our Chairs’ Challenge. Let’s turn the map green this year!

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