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Join the SAEMF Annual Alliance Today

Invest in your specialty’s future and inspire the work of the most promising researchers and educators in emergency medicine

At a time when the life-saving importance of emergency medicine has never been more widely understood, less than one percent of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding supports research in the specialty. The COVID-19 pandemic shines a light on the need for expert, evidence driven care in medical crises from the everyday to the epidemic—and the quality of that care depends on the strength of the research that supports it. The SAEM Foundation is our specialty’s leader in funding research that empowers emergency physicians, saves lives, and improves outcomes for patients everywhere. At a time of great need, we’re ready to make a large research investment in our specialty’s future. Browse our SAEMF Donor Guide to learn about the Foundation’s impact, our researchers and the work they are doing, as well as our bold vision for EM research. You will also read about a cohort of dedicated SAEM members, the Annual Alliance, who are forging a philanthropic coalition that will lead to more discovery and launch the careers of future research leaders who will carry forward the specialty and EM patient care in new and better ways.

Donate Today!

You can ensure investments in emergency medicine research and education continue by joining the growing number of SAEM member donors who support the Annual Alliance. A gift of any amount in 2022 will enable us to welcome you as the next Annual Alliance donor – making even more funding available to researchers like Bernard P. Chang, MD, PhD, featured below.

SAEMF Grantee Update

SAEMF grantees like Dr. Chang contribute significantly to EM’s body of knowledge. Many go on to receive additional funding from NIH and other sources and some choose to pay it forward through mentorship of colleagues.

“Thanks to our SAEMF grant, we were able to use this pilot work to submit an R01 grant to NIH that was favorably reviewed and received a fundable score. Thank you to SAEMF donors!”

Bernard P. Chang, MD, PhD

SAEMF COVID-19 Research Grant $25,000, 2020-21

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