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SAEM23 is packed with opportunities to expand your knowledge on critical physician wellness topics. It’s also a great way to expand your community! While our specialty is extremely rewarding, what we do is also challenging and greatly demanding. The didactic sessions offered at this year’s annual meeting address issues that often compromise our physical and mental health, lead to burnout, and in extremes, physician suicide. The SAEM Wellness Committee offers a wonderful opportunity to learn how each of us, individually and as a community, can be part of the change in the culture of academic emergency medicine. Check out and plan to attend some of the engaging lectures being offered at SAEM23 that cover career building, mental health, moral injury, self-advocacy, resource utilization, creating a sense of belonging, and much more!

Wednesday, May 17

2:00 PM–2:50 PM CT The Emergency Physician and Suicide: Do No Harm to Yourself – Lone Star Ballroom F: Level Three

3:00 PM–3:50 PM CT Building Vitality and Sustainability in an Academic Career Amid Rising Burnout in Emergency Medicine – Lone Star Ballroom F: Level Three

3:00 PM–4:50 PM CT Workplace Appreciation: The Power of Feeling Valued in the Era of Quiet Quitting – Lone Star Ballroom D: Level Three

4:00 PM–4:50 PM CT Negotiating Favorable Hospital Policies for Pregnant and New Parent Physicians in Emergency Medicine – Lone Star Ballroom G: Level Three

1:00 PM–1:50 PM CT The Acting and Theater Focused FUN Workshop to Improve Connectedness With Yourself and Your Patients – Lone Star Ballroom C: Level Three

1:00 PM–2:20 PM CT Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Resident Unionization – Lone Star Ballroom D: Level Three

Thursday, May 18

2:00 PM–2:50 PM CT Reframe the Education Alliance with Collective Advocacy: Maximize the Learning Environment for Educator and Unions – Lone Star Ballroom H: Level Three

12:00 PM–12:50 PM CT Making the Most of Your SAEM Membership – Lone Star Ballroom C: Level Three

1:00 PM–1:50 PM CT Moral Injury: Definitions, Triggers, and Treatment – Lone Star Ballroom G: Level Three

1:00 PM–1:50 PM CT #StopTheStigmaEM: Shining a Light on the Hidden Mental Health Experiences of Emergency Physicians – Lone Star Ballroom D: Level Three

5:00 PM–5:20 PM CT “I Have a Therapist and You Should Too”– Lone Star Ballroom A & B: Level Three

3:00 PM–3:20 PM CT Outside the Box: Peer Support Structures for Emergency Medicine Physicians– Lone Star Ballroom D: Level Three

Friday, May 19

8:00 AM–8:20 AM CT Challenging Conversations When Time Is (Always) Tight: 3 Communication Frameworks to Use in A Pinch – Lone Star Ballroom: E: Level Three

8:30 AM–8:50 AM CT Switching Jobs In Academic Emergency Medicine: Fast Tips to Avoid Bungling a Job Change – Lone Star Ballroom G: Level Three

11:00 AM–11:50 AM CT Dark nights, Dark Moods: Workforce Solutions to Circadian Disruption, Cognitive Impairment, and Fatigue Management – Lone Star Ballroom G: Level Three

11:00 AM–11:20 AM CT Safe in the Storm: Using Psychological Safety to Improve Bedside Feedback – JW Grand Ballroom 4: Level Four

12:00 PM–12:20 PM CT Inclusion and Not Assimilation: Why Fitting In is Not Enough to Advance Diversity and Equity – JW Grand Ballroom 2: Level Four

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