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Briefs and Bullet Points


SAEM Releases New Position Statements

SAEM understands the value of words and the power they hold to enact improvement and bring about change. To that end, we encourage your review of these recently-released, SAEM Boardapproved statements which reflect our Society’s commitment to addressing issues at the forefront of our specialty: • Position Statement on Sexual

Harassment and Sexual Misconduct • Consensus Statement for the

Emergency Medicine 2022-2023

Residency Application Cycle Regarding

Emergency Medicine Away Rotations • Joint Statement on the Protection of

Health Care Workers and Health Care

Facilities in Ukraine • Joint Statement on the 2022

Emergency Medicine Residency Match

Accepting Proposals on “Creating and Sustaining Diverse Federally Funded Physician Scientists”

Proposals on the topic of “Creating and Sustaining Diverse Federally Funded Physician Scientists” are being accepted for the 2024 SAEM Consensus Conference, May 14, 2024, in Phoenix, AZ. The primary purpose of the SAEM Consensus Conference is to gather junior and senior researchers, thought leaders, and other stakeholders in emergency medicine to generate research agendas for the important, unanswered questions facing potential physician scientists in emergency medicine seeking federal funding. Submit proposals by 5 p.m. CT, September 2, 2022 to consensus@saem.org.


AEM Announces 2022-2023 Resident Editors

Dr. Girgis Fahmy Dr. Robert Stephens Girgis Fahmy, Emory University, and Robert Stephens, Washington University in St. Louis, have been selected to join the editorial board of Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM) for the upcoming year. “I feel confident about the future of science and medical journals because so many talented residents continue to show interest in this program. Their perspective and energy will serve our journal and readers well,” said Mark B. Mycyk, MD, AEM associate editor and director of the resident editor program for AEM. During their one year-term, these senior residents will be immersed in every aspect of peer review, editing, and publishing of medical research manuscripts.

AEM E&T Names 2022-2023 Fellow Editors-in-Training

Dr. Mallory Davis Dr. Chris Nash Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training (AEM E&T) is pleased to announce that Mallory Davis, MD, MPH, University of Michigan, and Chris Nash, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital have been selected as the 20222023 AEM E&T Fellow Editor-in-Training. The fellow appointment to the Editorial Board of Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training (AEM E&T) is intended to mentor a medical education fellow in the process of peer review, editing, and publishing of education research manuscripts.

AEM Announces 2021 Outstanding Peer Reviewers

Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM) Editor-in-Chief Jeffery A. Kline, MD, has named the following individuals as the AEM Outstanding Peer Reviewers for 2021. These exceptional peer reviewers are essential to presenting the highquality academic contributions that fill the pages of AEM each month. • Bernard Chang, MD, PhD • Brian Driver, MD • Justin Kaplan, MD • Paul Musey Jr., MD • Joseph Pare, MD • Jill Stoltzfus, PhD

AEM Education and Training Names Outstanding Peer Reviewers for 2021

Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training (AEM E&T) Editor-in-Chief Susan B. Promes, MD, MBA, has named the following individuals as the AEM E&T Outstanding Peer Reviewers for 2021. • Matthew Ball, MD • Ryan Bodkin, MD • Joshua Davis, MD • Nikhil Goyal, MD • Nicholas Hartman, MD • Anne Messman, MD • Ryan Pedigo, MD, MHPE • Antonia Quinn, DO • Benjamin Schnapp, MD, MEd


May 1 Kicks Off SAEMF’s Annual Challenge

Show your support of research in emergency medicine and help your group climb its way to the top of the leaderboards when you make a taxdeductible donation of any amount before September 1, 2022. Your gift will help to fund more and larger grants like those you’ve read about in this issue of SAEM Pulse. It’s easy to participate, just make a charitable gift before September 1, 2022 by visiting www.saem.org/donate. (If you’ve already donated in 2022, we’re counting that towards the totals for the academies, committees, and interest groups to which you belong!)

Donate Today!

Help Us Unlock the 2022 SAEM Challenge Gift!

SAEM will donate $1 for each $1 donated to the SAEMF during the Academy / Committee / Interest Group Challenge, up to $10,000, for donations received between May 1 and September 1, 2022. Donate today.

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