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Fitness Center
Site analysis
In Taichung, there is a site which belongs to residential and commercial mixed district. This site is in-between the old low housing and new hyper building. Generally, the business area faces main streets and the residential area is usually designed behind or above the business area. When it comes to privacy and publicity, the architects also tend to design it as the general way. However, if the main streets are big enough, the private area could be kept facing the main street because of the far distance. Likewise the public area can be placed behind the main street because the other buildings are right next to it. Therefore, I decide to let the private area face the main street and put the public area in the back in order to match Taiwanese typical landscape.
An alternative interface between traditional layout and innovate layout
2006 , Fall Individual project
Scope: Urban analysis / Spatial design
Advisor: Part 1 project, Chang-Hsiu,Lin Mail: hsiu_x@yahoo.com.tw Part 2 project, Ming-Wei Huang, Mail: wei@thu.eud.tw.
Location: Taichung, Taiwan
Program: Healthy dining area/workout area/ sports courts/ swimming pool
This project is located in a traditional and developing mixed area. In this complicated urban fabric, I attempt to develop an alternative interface and innovate layout to impove individual privacy in a hostile environment.
Commonly, public space is put on the main street side and private area is placed facing back to preserve privacy. I propose an alternative to this common layout in Taichung by reversing the private-public convention of normal orders to fit unconventional layouts for healthy living. When the street is wide enough, the private area can be kept facing the main street because of the far distance. Likewise, the public area can be placed on the back, close to neighbor buildings. My aim for the wealth center is to provide a place where people can enjoy a physical and mental healthy lifestyle, allowing different levels of privacy to fit their needs.
Low building collapses surface to provide privacy .
Since main streets are big enough, it is possible to provide privacy and scenery for user.
To switch traditional privacy and public orders make public architecture become more private and public..
How to create a permeability of public architecture to match a contemporary urban context?
To shift traditional private and public layout makes public architecture becoming more private and public. us, the permeability should be created from the outside of main street.