What to expect after wisdom tooth extraction

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What to expect after wisdom tooth extraction? Recovery after extraction of wisdom tooth should be your number one concern. You generally experience pain and swelling in the first two days after surgery, but the complications associated (poor healing or nerve injury) with extraction is quite low. By carefully following the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, you can prevent the risk of trauma or infection to the surgical site.

Here are few things that you will experience after getting your tooth extracted: 1. Bleeding Bleeding is quite normal and minor bleeding may be observed for up to 24 hours after extraction. Use of gauze and biting it down with firm pressure for about an hour can help in preventing bleeding. You should contact your dentist or surgeon if there is a continued bleeding in the surgical area. You can also bite on a moist black tea bag as the tannic acid in the tea aids in reducing the bleeding. 2. Pain Pain will persist for first 48 hours and your mouth may remain sore for about a week after the operation. During procedure, local anesthetic injections are given, which will ensure no pain for the first 3-4 hours after surgery, but you need to take painkillers once the anesthetic wears off. Painkillers help you sleep well on the first night, which is very important to maximize your recovery. 3. Swelling Swelling is a normal response after this type of surgery. It will appear particularly in the cheek area and both inside and outside of the mouth. Frequent use of an ice pack on the outside of your face for the first 2 days after oral surgery will help in subsiding it. If swelling does not decrease after 7 to 10 days, then doctor should be contacted immediately. 4. Teeth sensitivity The teeth next to the wisdom-tooth socket will stay sensitive for some days but a good oral hygiene can help in resolving this problem.

5. Bad breath Bad breath may be experienced for more than a week. 6. Stitches Stitches will not require removal as they will dissolve by its own, but it is important that you start brushing the sutures away to reduce the trapping of food. 7. Stiffness of jaw You will bear difficulty in opening your mouth and experience stiffness in the jaw joint. You need to eat soft foods for a week to relieve this pain. 8. Fatigue Your body will use energy to heal the surgical site, so you may feel tired after this surgical procedure. Consult a dentist if you need to know anything about Wisdom Teeth in San Diego, as it will help you in recovering fast. You can recover quickly; without complications if you follow proper after-care instructions. However, you must contact your surgeon immediately if you experience any of the following:     

Excessive bleeding Very strong pain that medications cannot control Excessive swelling Displacement of the dressing on the surgery site Fever or a reaction to medication.

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