We have prepared this book with great enthusiasm for all children since they are fascinated by nature. Here you will discover that nature is a friend that teaches us many lessons.
In this section, you will meet two very good friends: Luis and Ana. You can discover with them how life begins in plants and animals. There are many examples and activities to help you understand everything more clearly. You will also discover where children come from, so you will know how you have arrived in the world!
Toni and other friends will take you on a fantastic journey. You will see the natural elements and agents such as water, sun, the air so that you will learn to love and take care of our surroundings. You will travel to many exciting places, and in each of them, you will have at least one valuable
lesson. Also, these friends will live adventures, face the enemies of health (alcohol, tobacco and others) and enjoy the “food theater.” We invite you to go with them to learn to enjoy the amazing wonders of nature.
In this section, we will take you on an entertaining “safari” to learn many amazing things about wild animals. Dare to discover where and how they live or fight and defend themselves. How do they take care of their families? Do you know that they can be very similar to us? They have, for example, curiosity, tenderness, beauty and love in their lives. It is a pity that human beings are changing and destroying natural environments. Such actions endanger the animals that live in them, so today many species are in danger of extinction—from the friendly dolphin to the fierce lion, the funny giraffe and the peaceful gorilla. All of them are wild but they can also be our friends!
Let’s plant lentils!
We need:
• An empty yoghourt jar
• Some cotton wool (enough to fill half of the
• 10 lentils
amigos_AMI.indd 5
“Ah, it’s something you should know about, and Louis too,” said their father. “You know that our body is made up of cells, the same as animals’ bodies. Cells come in many shapes and sizes. To form a new human being two special cells, sex cells, are necessary, and there are two kinds: ovules which mommies form in two organs called ovaries; and fathers have . . .”
“Hang on, hang on . . . ! It’s on the tip of my tongue. Granddad told us . . .” Anna grumbled.
“Sper-ma-to-zo-a,” said Louis, with a triumphant smile.
Ovaries (with spermatozoa inside)
Ovaries (with their ovules)
The pitter-patter of the falling rain outside seemed to be chatting to the tick-tock alarm clock, until this went off with a “Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!”
Tony’s face appeared from between the sheets and the blanket. Nothing, not hair, the pillow marks on his face, nor even his sleepy eyes could stop a smile creeping his lips.
“Mm! Today is the big day!”
• Introduce a balloon into the bottle with its opening on the bottle’s mouth
• Inflate the balloon and when you are done, cover the hole with your finger. The balloon will remain inflated
• Fill the balloon with water and when you are ready uncover the hole. A jet of water will burst out of the balloon
• We recommend you to do this experiment outdoors
our when
After the elephant, this is the biggest land animal. He lives in Africa forming herds of ten to fifteen specimens and is characterized by having a large mouth and very large teeth.
Unfortunately, tigers are at serious risk of extinction. In the 20th century, hunting and destruction of forests have reduced the population of tigers from 100,000 to possibly less than 2,500. In 2016 there were aproximately 4,000 tigers in wild worldwide, and more that 10,000 in captivity just in the USA. This means we can visit them from time to time.
Red Kangaroos live on the isolated, arid plains of Central Australia.
They are the most common of the marsupials (animals with a pouch on their tummy). They have powerful hind legs, large feet adapted to leap (they are the only large animals that move about by
We can for most iskangaroos, a day like other, but amother-to-be very special She is getting for the birth her little baby. cleans the inside
Have you ever had a famous friend? In this book, we will introduce you to several people who became famous all over the world. They are known for their inventions and discoveries. Others have become famous because they have inspired many people with their examples, inventions, or their art.
Inventions That Changed the World. Inventors and entrepreneurs.
First, you will learn about the lives and challenges of people who dreamed of a better future and made it happen. You will meet great teachers here like Al-Juarismi and Gutemberg and scientists like Edison, Bell, and Marconi, who applied their knowledge and creativity to make our lives better. You will learn about other men like Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and others who were great entrepreneurs. You will be inspired to have big dreams and, most importantly, to make them possible.
with them to new places and learn from their victories and experiences.
People Who Changed the World. Leaders of service and spiritual leaders. In this section, you will learn from several important personalities that have changed the world with their example and integrity. Each faced different difficulties due to their place of birth or the time in which they lived, and thus managed to improve society and the world. Some examples are Saul of Tarsus, Francis of Assisi, Florence Nightingale or Helen Keller. You will witness compelling testimonies of these men and women who have been recognized for their greatness, contributions and leadership—people whom you can look up to. You will receive valuable lessons drawn from their challenges, struggles and decisions.
Artists Who Changed the World. Creative artists.
who have
Discoveries That Changed the World. Explorers and scientists. In this section, you will
Finally, you will discover
“It is fortunate that we have books to read!”
“What is that about, Melissa?” Leo asked, intrigued. And she replied:
“Well, in the past it was more difficult to communicate in writing. For example, they used to paint on the walls of caves, and later they drew hieroglyphics on papyrus or they wrote on small, waxed tablets. Over time, ‘heavy parchments covered in gothic characters’ came to be used. Melissa then read: The graphic symbol, the printed letter have served man to communicate even when absent.”
“Today Sergio feels like water,” Melissa whispered “Why?” Harry asked.
“Because he is going to very prolific inventor.”
“About Thomas Alva
asked, jumping for joy.
“Yes, the speaker confi immediately began his He was born in Milan, town in Ohio (USA), 11th day of February 1847. He patented
Discoveries THAT CHANGED the world
(1867-1934) 59
Today the presentation of our important figure is going to have a different format. need only glance at Melissa, dressed in the style of early 20th century, to realize involves a truly interesting important figure . . . , specifically the first woman who the Nobel Prize and the only one who has achieved it twice, one in physics and chemistry.
Sergio is seated away and will be the narrator. Pay attention:
Columbus knelt and thanked God for the fact of having arrived alive on firm ground.
Marie: My name is Marie Sklodowska. My parents descended from Polish Catholic and both were secondary school teachers in Warsaw, where I was born in 1867.
I finished high school. Later on, I went to Paris, to dedicate myself to scientific
“Where are we?” one of his men asked him. “I do not know,” Columbus replied. “We must be in China or in Japan.”
However, those people do not appear to be Chinese!
“It is true! We possibly sailed too far south and we are on an island off the coast of India,” Columbus added. “Yes, these lands belong to India!”
“I am not sure that something similar to this story that I have prepared for you really happened. However, one thing is certain: Christopher Columbus was mistaken!” Neal said.
in the year Descubrió América Discovered America 53 amigos_AMI.indd 53 7/2/22 9:28
Christopher Columbus was a navigator and explorer from the 15th century. He was possibly born in Genoa, Italy,
Saul of Tarsus (10-67)
109 117
Preached the Gospel to Gentiles Louis Braille (1809-1852) Developed a reading and writing system for the blind Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)Founder of modern nursing
Helen Keller (1880-1968)Example of selfimprovement
Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997) Explored
Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) Demonstrated great capacity serve others Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Abolished slavery
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Leader of non-violence
Teresa of Calcutta(1910-1997)
Helped the needy
Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) Fought against racial discrimination
153 161
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Italian Renaissance painter and inventor
Michelangelo (1475-1564) Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter and architect
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) Spanish Golden Age writer Francisco de Goya (1746-1828)
18th century Spanish painter
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
18th century German composer
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)
20th century actor, composer, film producer and director
Georg Friedrich Haendel (1685-1759) Compositor alemán del siglo XVIII
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
18th century Austrian composer
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) 20th century Spanish painter
Walt Disney(1901-1966) Creator of animated films
Oscar Niemeyer (1907-2012)
In the pages of this book, you will meet Jesus, the children’s best friend. Benjamin and Alex will guide you through the most important moments of Jesus’ life. With them, you will find out what His world was, the way He thought, what He wanted to teach and many more things He went through. You can enjoy some of the best-loved stories that Jesus told. From these stories, you will understand that you are special and unique to Him and realize He loves you very much. As a result, you will want Him to come back soon so that you can be with Him.
Hello, my name’s Benjamin. I lived two thousand years ago. Imagine that you and I can talk to each other. I’m longing to tell you something about our Best Friend.
Hello, I’m Alex, a boy from the twenty-�rst century. I live in a marvellous time, surrounded by many wonderful things, but I feel unsure . . .
You know, we can have friends but there is one who is the most special of
“It is written.” He was referring to the Word of God (The Bible). Do you know, many children would get upset at his standing so firm, but in the bottom of their hearts they knew he was doing the right thing.
“And was Jesus a happy child?”
I’ll answer your question with another question: When do you feel better, when you do something good or when you do something bad?
“When I do something good, of course.”
Then Jesus was very happy because he only did good. His conscience was never troubled, he never felt hate, anger or similar feelings in his heart. Do you want to know when he felt happiest? When, after a long day in Joseph’s carpenter’s shop, they were alone at the end of the afternoon, in touch with nature and with God. While walking over the green mountains, he sang, meditated and prayed to his Father. He felt gratitude and peace and that is how we can feel if we live like him.
Jesus returned to Nazareth and attended the wedding of an acquaintance with his mother. The guests were happy that Jesus had joined them and they all chatted cheerfully. Then something considered very unpleasant for those times happened: They ran out of wine. Mary asked the servants to do everything that Jesus asked and he ordered them to:
“Fill the jars with water.”
The order sounded strange to the servants but they did as they were asked.
“Now give some to the head waiter to taste.”
And then something exceptional took place. The water had changed colour and had turned into a delicious juice.
They stayed with their sheep day and night, keeping watch of their every movement and for the appearance of possible intruders: Wild animals or thieves who could shatter the animals’ peace. Shepherds were renowned for the loving care and affection that they professed for each and every member of their flock. Always pending on the smallest, most defenceless baby lambs, they often even carried some in their arms if they were ill or afraid.
ils assujettissaient et trouaient ces mains qui s’étaient tendues tant de fois pour soigner les malades. Quand les soldats prirent le marteau et les
It was then that he heard the cock crow. When he looked towards Jesus, who was being led before Pilate, Peter’s eyes met his. It was then that he remembered what the Lord had told him in the garden: That before the crowing of the cockerel, he would deny knowing him three times. Peter realised what he had done. He left that place and cried bitterly. And Judas? What happened to Judas in the meantime?
Let’s go back a while. The elders and priests had wanted to take Jesus prisoner for a long time. He had pointed out to them what they were doing wrong, and they didn’t like it. They sought someone to betray him. Judas, who loved money too much, agreed to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. He handed over his Master because he thought that he wouldn’t allow himself to be killed. Judas was present during his Master’s interrogation and when it came to an end, he realised what was going to happen to Jesus. Now he couldn’t bear his remorse. He went up and began to scream and beg, dropping the coins at his feet.
“He’s innocent! Set him free, Caiaphas! Jesus has done nothing to warrant the death sentence!” But they ignored him completely. Jesus didn’t condemn him, rather he was willing to forgive him, just as he forgives everyone who asks him. But he knew Judas wasn’t really repentant. Tortured by his remorse, Judas went out and hanged himself from a tree.
“And this place that Jesus is going to take us to, what’s it like?”
I’m not exactly sure. No-one knows. The Bible tells us that there are things no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard. That means the human language is too limited to describe However, God gave the Apostle John a vision of what he called ‘a new heaven and a new
He envisaged somewhere where, instead of ugly, ruined things, the world was new and waters which never dried up, green fields and majestic
“And did he say what it was like?”
One of the objectives of this volume of the “Making Friends” series is to teach children the biological processes of life, as well as their natural environment. In this volume, Luis and Ana explain where chicks, calves, and children come from. Toni and his friends are in charge of teaching the important functions of the natural elements (water, sun, air ...) in our environment. And they also dedicate a special section to the elements of health. Finally, there is a whole section dedicated to going on a safari around the world to discover surprising things about many animals—some common and others more exotic. This book offers not only information but also educational training. Children will enjoy reading, discovering, and making friends.
In this second volume of the “Making Friends” series,“Famous Friends” is presented. Through its pages, children will learn about the most important inventions, people, and historical advances that have shaped the world as we know it today. This volume has four sections. In the rst section, the most signicant inventions are presented. It also explains who their creators were and what motivated them to do such inventions. The second section talks about prominent pioneers and adventurers in their signicant discoveries, both scientic and geographical. The third section narrates the challenges that great
men and women faced to leave the world a little better than
the one they found. And in the fourth section, we share the passion and experiences of the most renowned artists of all disciplines—the creators of the greatest works of art that are admired and continue to inspire millions of people to this day.
In this third volume of the “Making Friends” series,“Children’s Best Friend” is presented. Its main objective is for children to discover the fascinating story of Jesus and the special appreciation that the Master has for each one of them. It contains the main biblical stories and selected teachings from Jesus’ ministry accompanied by beautiful illustrations.Through two friends, Benjamin and Alex, children can relive the biblical stories alongside Jesus in a way that becomes a direct experi-
This book offers information about the life of Jesus and inspires children to follow His example. Children will enjoy reading, discovering, and becoming friends with Jesus.