101 Secrets to a Healthy Life

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Dr. Jorge Alberto Gonzรกlez

101 Secrets to a Healthy Life A Manual for a Healthy Lifestyle

Discover a very practical guide to enjoy a healthy life! Little changes in your lifestyle will make a great difference!



Defining Health ............................................................................................................... 10 Understanding Prevention ............................................................................................. 13 Protection and Risk Factors ........................................................................................ 16 It Runs in the Family ........... .............................................................................................. 20 Lifestyle and Personal Factor ....................................................................................... 22 WE ARE WHAT WE EAT The Importance of Diet ..... .............................................................................................. 24 Basic Diet Components .................................................................................................. 26 NutritionTest: Well-being Begins with What You Eat ......................................... 36

LET’S MOVE! Key Advice for Including Physical Activity in Your Lifestyle ................................. 38 Thirteen-Minute Workout ............................................................................................. 45 ............................................................................... 46 Test: What Stands in Your Way? Nutritional Need for Physical Activity ......................................................................... 47 ................................................................................................................................ 47 Recipes

SOMATO-FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS METABOLIC SYNDROME .. .......................................................................................................... 50 A Lifestyle Disease

BITTER SWEETNESS Diabetes ............................................................................................................................... 54 .... .......................................................................................................... 59 Diabetic Patients Test: Understanding the Disease .............................................................................. 61 Dietary Guidelines for Diabetics ................................................................................... 62 ...................... .......................................................................................................... 62 Recipes

FOR THE WHOLE HEART 66 A............................................................................................................. Nonstop Engine ......................................... Six Diseases That Affect 68 the Cardiovascula Seven Enemies of the Heart ......................................................................................... 71 How to Protect and Care for the Heart .................................................................. 74 Test: .......................................... Are You at Risk of 76Suffering a Heart A Heart-healthy Diet ............................................................................................................. 77 Recipes ....................... .......................................................................................................... 77

CANCER, THAT OLD BAD WORD Cancer: What Is It? .......................................................................................................... 82 For Men Only ............. .......................................................................................................... 84 ................................................................................................................. 86 For Women Only Prevention: the Keyword ................................................................................................ 88 Diet and Cancer ............................................................................................................... 95 Recipes ....................... .......................................................................................................... 95

A HEAVIER LOAD ................................................................................................. 98 Overweight and Obesity Child Obesity .............. ........................................................................................................ 103 .................................................................................. 104 27 Habits to Get Rid of Obesity Benefits from Vegetables ........................................................................................... 106 Recipes ....................... ........................................................................................................ 106

GOOD DIGESTION ............................................................................................................... 114 Smart Nutrition ............................................................................ 116 A Guide for Good Digestive Habits


DEFENSES ALWAYS READY Defensive Barriers .......................................................................................................... 118 Parasites (Microorganisms) ...................................................................................... 121 ...... .................................................................................................... 123 Great Aspirations Nutrition for Allergy Sufferers .................................................................................... 126 Recipes .............................................................................................................................. 126 NOT HIGH, NOT LOW: JUST RIGHT ................................................................................................................ 128 Blood Pressure ................................................................ 131 How to Measure Your Blood Pressure How to Maintain or Lower Blood Pressure ........................................................... 133

LET’S TAKE CARE OF THE NECK The Thyroid Gland ....... .................................................................................................... 134 ............ .................................................................................................... 136 Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism ......... .................................................................................................... 137 How to Care for the Thyroid ...................................................................................... 138

CELIAC DISEASE 140 It........................................................................... Is More Common Than Believed How to Select Foods .. .................................................................................................... 143 ...................................................................... Diet for Persons with Celiac Disease145 Recipes ............................................................................................................................... 145


BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS EMOTIONAL HEALTH In the Mind or in the Body? ......................................................................................... 150 Types of Obsessions and Compulsions ................................................................... 154 Test: The Zung-Code Self-rating Depression Scale ........................................... 159 I Forgot to Forget: Memory ......................................................................................... 161

RESPONDING TO THE DEMAND What Triggers Anxiety? .............................................................................................. 162 Stress ........................ .......................................................................................................... 164 Fourteen Key Points to Get Away from Stress .................................................... 167 Test: Stress-inducing Events Scale ........................................................................... 170 Diet and Stress ................................................................................................................ 172 Recipes ............................................................................................................................... 172 PRISONER! Addictions .......................................................................................................................... 174 Test: Addictive Behaviors ............................................................................................. 183 Diet and Addictions ........................................................................................................ 184 Recipes ............................................................................................................................... 184

LEARNING SELF-CARE DAILY LIFE Accidents at Home ......................................................................................................... 186 Personal Relationships ................................................................................................. 190 A Pleasant Trip ................................................................................................................ 190

THE GOOD MANY YEARS Old Age .............................................................................................................................. 192

THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY The Good .................. .......................................................................................................... 194 The Bad ..................... .......................................................................................................... 196 The Ugly .................... .......................................................................................................... 197

EPILOGUE .............................................. .......................................................................................................... 198 GLOSSARY ........................................... .......................................................................................................... 199 INDEX .................................................................................................................................................................. 200


Prevention is one of the most important secrets H ealth has be in order to avoid many be grateful en presented to each one maintained. G to god of us so that ood res w problems, e m at for the life ay take care eincluding nutrition, and of it; thus, ou fac r proper give n to entio Prev yonu has been, is,duty begins there. are key ele As reciproc healthlyissues.

101 secrets to

a healthy lif e

Understanding Prev2ention


guard it, and if it has been lost, help them regain it. i- having go and will always be, thety for the good od defenses Moreover, doctors are no received, the When healmos important stratfeeling of gratitu Many years ag th ist pr longer alone in their ability to de o, a surges natuesent disea a se,rally whe are mpart author, Ellen G prehensive egymto defeat in take action, but insteadco n we are aw . an W ne hi te, r, ar ev e er sting of it. The M y- , to thing Gratitude is a of a health-care team consi seems toor,bemore precisely inistry of Healin go be od tt fe ct er distin el of ; g s in or ipant g, and is no , at more of many partic least, one feel prevent it. than this, it is t a product of s to be in a be tech nia ch go a profe ssion s (nurs es, od tter Being deed. the re shape to grateful cont sult of obeyin evenntion cians, social workers, communi- face anllypreve tuality ri ga perbu be per must te . s to Overa fe W el e in or se g re purpo be the ite and tt rate er cators, etc.), , as w cover on that el ce ities l as avoiding pl yi d as activ more: Balns hasis ceive conflicts (and ance direc tion of the actio theentire . moslife thereby, avoidi span an t ap val pr op longri no ng rs been inverted. Doctoate word to in uses of diseas carcar ns developed orca diAllcaactio te e) . th It to e is one m some im for ag wait po to ni r- ttaofnta to un er have tude of whatried out before the onse derstand that health repres use he or come to them beca in oren rr ts. occu from it Maintainihkeep to de se disea r to retain the ng balance is she is ill; instead, the healt balance pro healththprotask ring are knowan as thtoattherecomat re pr es en ts h qu go ir must es group care at te ical nt techn io more ea in n, or, lt h , it rs, care, is go dediperso cationn,is anmote od munity in which the . to know which ntion d, ofs, co preve ary prim as term ur th se, conings ntinout uitypreve located, and carry reas . aten us, and, pr ties ures or activith incipalpting — Such meas tion meas ures , attem Life anplac ne, , wour hich ones bene personal hygiely ion, nutrit em eque phnt se,coens as nt disead, is, heon fit us. lyperso above all—to preve alnality thwhadeve loplop t are giftsbe ca A our , n w work bo dy chprev entio ch olgo toith th esod keys se atan the tede if disea geed . Lo of eryor rol,- n. one th in recov aidprac (s them to etc.), rather th and loy to emp pp rr rd tice in gene cts g aspe we ha sm other s fe okns ment, and an on granted us ines g, brin n reference to our health,has set in. en, di clos ha us gs wwith anng cads serlinked g that dally stt an nn de ythin ou Ever ot nt h s habit ar whic un be changed (b yle know y lifest de to our w to good rs or very is ta k, It nd lo our w to er ted in eing irela in g are antic da g ts sh des habi ily our olde ring Prevention inclu ould be combi h within r,suffe ibility alte Intack sofm on.at poss thesecti to this or ng heredity, et e ri ned wer found muc it. isare us; aten ith thre s th thing thing e se) some c. of wor l ). or co arriva er the g bett nc ef patin feisctary ept that weaddit choices (for ively,gnat title— inathis desi anded as a ion, aseprim dise mus st m e- h one whic anag know befor to erle may bett peop ewill th thisknow -ba lly, a risk meas beer gift. eb —there since there are things we doMany ntion y, preve lance re technica e risk—mo thingIf could someus. know thesthat we haphand thatect may fall within canthat ures beofbetter that place us at risk. In addi-pen prot s thre n’t alway ; this does or. to them fact ats can remove things, wewant specific protection regarding nt e ca to preveW tion, there are some thingsmean n re that they s isfer as spec This s orsu es. chific selv some our todisea ect prot all sand, to comprehendthwhat factors’ coun ose things,stage that protect our health whenit. Thus exam for , w terparts. We imply hi ch, when re- es, which will somust m rted tople, ust keep in m prevention symbolizes, we nes vacci , cethe of ation applic rt ai nly provide ou ind that the ns that r esknowledge interpret it as the actiohe alth w,ith ion proc edur nizat immu or pr of ot them ec th and tio nt eir benefits erst preve und n to n To (m motio ors. in fact ai place we ntaissed n- in All diseases carry risk ing it) -as (this is not adequa will be addre well topic dis as t of diste onse the pr he otection; lp in g ific chapter).us re- incorpor only some basic examples are necessary:easeco . ver it. a spec GOD ation of th

ears ago, the criterion for the educ ation of docto rs, the objec tive gon, ywas life that of pripara and a health ts to secre mary -care med icine . Thus , docto rs had to wait in their offices until a person felt that his or her life was in peril. That person then turned up at a docing help, and tor’s office aseek healthy life 101 secrets to ve would recei care. However, for some time now the paragon has clearly been preventive medicine. The paradigm of modern medical practice for a healthy person is: Maintain people’s health, teach them to

Protection and Risk Factors



Protection Fa







are pre- ese There are risks factor Almost all of Dthat sYinNou ArM haeIC the protectio bits EQUIL le. Thes n mod IBRIUM is neifiab able or ctorsceare pr Conseqfauen cess ar y. Risk factor eciselvent y the risk habd to our h linke o rally m gene are e o s tasis canNinety-five percent of lung canFor example, smoking, beits. or kers smo are cer patients high choorlthavin Smoking Hea ing inactive, h Pgified r ote(ifcwe former smokers. tion Factors 10:38 mod 22/4/16 be can lesterol Performing da ily physical ge Ents).v: ironment NEV29EN_01_Total health.indd 13 chan actihabi vities sufis risk as imofposuf The need to Salt increases the rtant as nutriti acrtive othe . ever, there are be How PHY . SICAL M on fering high blood pressure ENTAL : ified risks that cannot be mod High salt r their daily Individuals who lowe Eating fruits and vege heredity, and some FAMILY/ gend tables age, 35 percent : Seer, intake ven daily serv salt intake by 25thto SOCIETY/ e oc currence of di we cons se iderablyCre as es.rs. They are partinofgsus; othe OM duM reduce their cardiovascular Srisk ceUNITY PIRITUAcann L ot change them. by 25 percent.Eating whole -grain cereals: rs have modSom Theier risk of vitamins, m presfacto ence in our di inerals, and an et en po-sures a supp ble com nonm e and xidant ifiabltio for all ybody fu ly s—hiodifia ghly essential nctions. Additional sedentar ple, stress: I canexam For s. nent hours at work translate Sedentary not change the world around me Incogrea rporter to a 68 percent ating antioxid LATERAL REthat thre NSaten rs LATIO anand H me, ts in facto lifestyle diet: Th e. th that obes ese substanc IPS ensure risk of becoming e proper func I can chan t, play a I reac , which the wayes buttioning of certge protective role (vitamins/min ain biological , are elements erals) that are, Hence, stresssyisstaems. Antioxidant reac my in thetion. (fruits, vegeta rig ht qu s are elements antity, presen bles, whole gr in a proper di ainsd). risk factor; some of its tasmixe et Sunburns before the age Exposure to sun othand ified, mod be can s pect risk the le doub of 15 Maintaining w without ot. eia. ght within ers melanom of sufferingthfrom ideacann NE V29EN_01_T l levels: Benef e cardiovascul sunscreen otal health.ind the for a riskitsfacto all syrst d 12 ar and osteo- Stress is ems, but espe muscular-artic cially ular . ases. y dise incidence of man This classification, modifiable esting millig adram For every R100 equastely and 22/4/16 su ff ic ie , becomes odifi manlne : Adequ andntlynonm intak r, the,e strength ateable of cholestero rest influence ening of defens s, in with a d significant est. when face importan Saturated we increase, on average, ent prev or ce l redu to stero need chole d the bloo the level Rofec fats intake eiving immun izations as sc risks of contracting a dists. the by five poin hedu requ led: As well as ired, but are re casethsoswe commendeease e thmus . In such at arte not d unde r certain cond itions.


Nutrition al Need for Phys ical Activ ity

Here you will the Let’ssee Move! importance of physical activity in your life and how you can combine it with a healthy diet.


Frequen t hysic al activ s import GENpETIC Y ity ant as s HEREDIT is l S u p p ith good lementin eeds or g se nu tr ition nuts: a r v in g ( 1 t ptimal b to ensu s m a ll a ody perf r e pie b le s p o o o r n c mance. es). o r 2 -3 Whethe r you pr The con actice m ate or h s u m a b leHEALTH od- f r igh inten om thes amount sity in p activity, e s hysigroups o PROTEC it is S v TOR in it FAC f foods TION ally impo crease a hRISK w or decr ealthy lif rtant, TORS ill easeFAC e, to sta ing on th d e rt the da penda good b e type of p y ity, reakfast h y s ic among o al activ. A good ther fac breakfas t o r s. By havin t should : g this ty in- fa p e of brea st in our Fresh fr kdaily live uit. If in s s n , e w c e e in s eason, t sary nu clude . he p t r ie n t s h y f s o ical perf r good Whole g ormanc rains (u e . The mos nrefined ably: wh t signific ), b e ole-whea ant wou carbohy t bread, ld uinoa, gr d r a t es and anola, et quality g oodc. fats, a iry prod s an e source; ucts or nergy proteins substioy or alm and min such as ond milk erals potassiu , tofu). m and s primaril odium, y.

101 secrets to a healthy life


Ee! LET’S MithOSeV sam

able Spa

ghetti w

101 secrets to


a healthy life


Improves mood

imes endorphins and, at the same time, im

Releas Prepara proves self-esteem. tion 1. Cal y ookAct Physic vegeivit squed The Ne ash,for tables in b julien- m Improves oiling wate inutes. Rem ns r fo iratory1fun r 7 be beo are 1 v body 0resp 80 ctio e frides the activity prov o ions, since m p e th course, respiratorygcondit r of enned he benefits that phys And, e servin theical w m. Reysday. ater, sstrthat thing es, e deep breat hing as well asg — 1 cup pass r lates a time v stimu it As in e in ever th n g e better know ing w com a lungs to the te ng r n, and r French be abdominal breath EnErgy ing, allowi boil will to . Coity noolead knowto okwill d thebeco so, le valudoing an/greptenus to this 2activ by and, s d E spagme expan prom in C ar it bohydrat hetti unetithis, Es there . improving3oxyge ProtEins nation. total 56 Kca ed the habit of practicing it.bToda l al dsince can argu ut noyt no l saturatEd e n fats 57 g te tooone (c soticin o o ft k fats 13 g 22/4/16 10:40 ), e its d for u ity activ s ical in phys g g prac 8 ort th 1 .5 supp 8 that e g % ies ppedare stud b y g man ro e ta th 1 1 b .7 in 9 fr le g to % o s m the ve, plus the a health.i 29EN_01_Totasl m 25% allndd cub19es m 13% fits. o bene y u man n t o to f finely chop 9% cook th trans being water necessa nteapahum ed of body moveme sta pan Any ptype ry fats ro p fibEr e rl y . 3 is , toacarr time . Aified sodium can0 calo fter perio stedies out during a spec be safe g ries straindinof Burt ns m 7ly .2 st that dietPotisassiucu PhosPhorus g ated g s , p 2 rren fa work 8 a at ct .6 g 4 g tly the most im or ther fat whe h y fo ity, bod e r s activ eit uce tti, transfe her enjoying and red grocons 9 0% 8 portant .5 und idered physical bowl and add th g he alt h 2ffe or 20rin r 2 su fa ct to 9 gg from dis , %hu 1 ea h tin a whic e , g time is re v a leisu e g g ea m or durin % se. In e an ted, ta -rela be work ing b ’s le sesame see 1 basic ed, and s, oil, garlic be common am ti (½ packa this seems to 22% ong all living be 4% ne ds.mMand bolis , and ge)bly increases meta ing ay be serve i ro s. considera n Diet, aroundCalth Ciume world d warm. magnE, siu fomr human being 3.8tfo ent en Prev t pla mg energy consumption. Carrying out physs has complete rms 1s:17th er eg ar2e places whZinC .3 ly differm is ros opo oste of4 mg er e food that satisfie factors that it the is of one re is ity latively easy to eed,ical alactiv loss, especi 2 g ts miner s no oil t onlyalta 1% ty preven Since2mobili obtain ste bum t als 1

s: dium Italia n


The Importanc e of Diet



inlyso o individual need me pla bones , ince calcium s2it%. is not6as s; however, % easy 1to obtain the com 3% and healthy food bination of tast . y It is also true that each indivi dual can repres case, since ne ent a particular s vatur ry baesed on ag esedpos rov e, theImp place where on nts involvedthe work being perform thens e livthe es eleme Because it streng (consider . th ed, or ail e weather, i.e.), men les, tendons, joints)ing ts thyat (musc activit in the each resistance, individual bears.

fers greater protection for the body.

Key Advice


Food and Nouri


Th nses ent eserov defe two es Imp term s, which are of ten considere not th uli e saoug thr m h stim

Many modern diseases are associated to a wrong lifestyle. In this part of the book, the II Diabetes Type author explains the Metabolic Syndrome and its consequences. At the same time, he helps us to understand diabetes. Bitter Sweetness

101 secrets to a healthy life



1 | The stomach converts

A Lifestyle Disease


2 | Glucose enters the bloodstream.

food into glucose.

Genetic influences

Diabetes magas of 1988, arising out of a publication in bolic or X synmeta zine, this phenomenon, also called pluricurrently sufle peop many which n, drome, became know

4 | Glucose is unable to enter the body effectively.

Central adiposity

fer from. many of those suffering The significance of this situation is that the world’s population of h fourt a h thoug from it are unaware, even few are aware of how ted, affec are many ugh Altho it. is affected by important it is to correct it.


What Is Metabolic Syndrome?


affecting a person at This is the name for a group of disorders insulin, ficient insulin, pancreas produces sufficient The pancreas produces suf 3 | The such diseases as ring suffe of risk r highe a ing effective use. but there is resistance to it but there is resistance to itss effective use. the same time, creat ure press blood high as Stomach diabetes and cardiovascular disease (such occurrence. Adipocyte or heart attack) in the years following its Anyone suffering from Its greatest significance may very well be: er) to diabes it is susceptible (their probabilitie are great ure. press blood tes or high It is also important to highlight that the age olic Syndrome Inflammatory Metab r this disorder appears is occurring earlie markers more and more (30 to 35 years), and the condition could be caused by mistakes in people’s lifestyle.

lic Metabo


levels increase. Glucose levels increase. 5 | Glucose

TEST: Und erstan ome Test Wh


at You K


ding the D isease

re may b sity esweetness.indd NEV29EN_05_Bitter more th55a tral obe cerides n one corr l Cen of trigly 1 | ls ect answ ve D le ia b e te re l High er. u s l is ss ro th re te p s e d le o r o e h lo s c a b u L . .I h In lt n D ig s o H H u f: f lin l o ls re ve s 3 | le is ta Indicate nce equate b.T . The body which tre l Inad tance option or atment not produ lin resis e l Insu options a c in in tl in g is a s a u w n lin y d e re used s a for ea l Incre

NEV29EN_04_Metabolic syndrome.indd

c. The bo dy not pro ducing enough in sulin 2 | In this type of d iabetes, th e pctaonrcsre l fa ta n e m as does n n o ir Env ot produce insulin: a. type I d iabetes b. type II d iabetes c. gestati onal diab etes munity Innate im


What W

ere Your



lic synd



4 | We sti ll do not h a u nderstan f diabete ding of th s. (Circle 1 e p r im a ry cause for type I, of type 2 for type or g for II, tes. We do gestation know, h al diabete which ap s, that it’s pos pears ne s ib le to: xt type of tr to each a. Preve eatment) nt it b. Delay it 22/4/16 10:39 c. Lead a Insulin healthy lif e eve though w 1 2 g Diet e suffer fr om d . Manage 1 2 g Oral anti it diabetic pill ch type o










1. a, b, c. ? Diabetes is caused insufficie by lin in nt insulin type I. Oc because the resista es casionally of med Cytokin nce to ins an oral ication is ulin or a to tal lack o carefully ­ tered f insulin p a d minis­ for some roduction . women w 2. a. In ty gestation ith pe I diabe al diabete tes, s. creas ha s stoppoceyte the pa5n1­ Exercis e: I, II. This insulinacaroltphage mon d producing is very be M ogether. ficial for ne­ all types o f diabete 3. Insuli b u t cannot c s, n: I, II, G ompletely . The thr types of replace ee insulin for typ diabetes e I diabetic cann be c trolled wit io s. on­ 4. a hla inm s ma,tbut , b, c, d. A ly the firsInfarkeurlin it is rare­ s lt h o u g h t method m w e cannot blame pe of treatm ople for c for any ty ent abe ontractin pe of dia te g

thy life to a heal

s e n i l e d i u G Dietary s c i t e b a i D r fo

101 secrets

etables, the of fresh veg g in rv e s y life afy greens , and ert s to retm sslth 101csec , daehea of them, le a ty re ri e jo a ic , m ts ee olesterol should sw with low ch n rs io e it th tr o u n d n s ’s a hroom mato, ar. gitrahinMus A diabetic w ggplant, to wheole same sug e ic x, e R e le th p ild lik ; s m W t e o n c lin te e in cu­ con guid l Rich — ½ plate asparagus, a t fl o u r , i, 180 g per serving any fulfill certain e r in h h fo c t (w c ie s zu d , y te h : h a s lt ion r a at ­ a u ar e e yd q ep h ri h s Pr a o va b agoresaucepan, car abizebpot nts, o th e r w h o le , cm-s that govern redie s rydiu Inge t ele d, me , a n d ng P ri cto um1.bInear,covcere c n C w s E ro rvi . ). b se n s 1.4 g 6 o e onion becomes il ls e 4 unt 10.5 g u . ry th p s pers g cele 6 d g m and n g n o on a o 15.1 oni ro a té m o en onion/Chinese onion, finelyties,saumush 178.6 Kcal uingre qcup are a f e g o ) lik in e ned w 7% s k ien in (jul llo % s ta l 16 ts fo ra ½ oom in shr g fa e 12% mu Th 5% te d 9% t be teed th e transparent. Add raslic lyppeudn s a tu ra s that mus l Mode . in e s. s a ing g lin son in M e cho sea id rv and l , s, u e ­ s s g ond P d ­ rice, ralm M s , sdee to taste, o f dietary ilsppe ree dailyutes and slowly t o thing stalk,ocho taryble twté eve gecele ½ cup min h a low gly­ 53 mg fruit2.s,Sau asl ve 6.8 g ryth fors3w h c 3g : ts u d n s e, e g u rell it 5.3 w nte o g cha 0 , r­ llo m ake a d a fo tes: shit mueshr r aoom f the c l 2m cupos d 2% hoose foo broth. On high heat, 27% l 0% roportion o 0% addCwater or homemade of ) 0% shroom n u ts , in por muke ster (oy l The p ta ola ts in girg , fa e ello tob d th n l. in a ediately change to low , n ve imm s o le and l in ti boi c ic a te to u g g m d ro brin e in ,p asua nd c a rel 1cup wild rice, or brownsericefo t us suntil ieute d dmin Z i bohydrates e as and s aboriute50 cek aforva ctiCoo cover. t, ra ts as tho hea fa ) is the sam lP d ts te n ainr ­ ie 5.2 mg 1.8 mg mthe ra ; ano tr 0.6 g y tu s u ute a d tr n for stit s d o s ere sub a fo cov p pot t; d , ve e ie Lea m (macro d d t. a n sof l a re 12% tly toasted thethererice coismme 29% 0% y, butter,ondcs, slivered, ligh ed in a norm ned t tur le for main uc(setse . hrhea ding duoff. e of in dair l ½ cup alm ro utegsuwit h p recommend min c n 10 s o r ti c ze la le son ti e sea e s p , a teapspoon poultry tain3. aMixrecontents a bit with a fork before servson, the roducl ts1½ avo sity­ ) obeid for this rea ard,ing inta regke ision to­ p in tion c sec e te the d in ro t pe or with a bit . p n reci a h als rt tc o a lW . Garnish with fresh parsley c­ meing etaable n t is an imp veg e ­ h ie ade e d em w ir a hom y or u rl ter q la wa re l 3 cupp y life s, sarticu ets to a health more ground almonds. ti n g d a il y s ing excesbro ward mee th y saturated fats a b companied ments. . c a rb o h y­ le p and cheese im s in l Low , in meats s ie , generous d n ily a a c d u n d in lude a c fo Bean Casserole In l re a s , s k d ra te n ri d h one y, soft Alubia (Whil te) Low glycemic level jams, je lly, leve – 1 plate emic ..... glyc..... 250 g per serving te , kiwi, pear, ra ................................... e d ..... o ..... M ..... ..... ..... es, cherries ..... ..... g s ..... n ng .. ..... ..... ra rvi ..... se O ..... s 4 ..... e s, ..... nt ..... m t die l .......... P ­ Ingre ­ .......... swee leve . Legu M .......... .....ic orn em , cdRO t L , addice gly.....c..... STE reOLE h ..... each, apple b p CH ig..... l , a H..... e m E E ................................... . ry, lu m P .) p cele le cup tc l o C m. e 1½ For h the Whole Heart ER W OVERd eas, 0.7 mg 2.9g um boaxiilemu T IDE 4.5 g or0 m 9.6 g tod, 20 g waALterWEIGHT LEVELS: 12 ta HEIGHT WEhIGH nti:ls, chickp oata Preep pinim doniis d dice s,atleion on, ke0 m BLOOD anar e th b1alarg l s,d). 197.3 Kcal 29.6 , obt (b , a lab test will be per gar, oney, 0% PULSE to ke pep u o on, s 0% ta o , oni o c ain e ry, p % s 7 cele o o To fry c % to t, let, 19 t o lu skil GRE 10% tro ris d k factor. PRESSU 1. In atalargael dente (no ete ie, dice 10% bper s a akfast t/ l pep h ra re e bel hig B en e . A . gre b l ary en d ½ ), ess a Wh s n nec oil. a re e ki P b oliv s lespoon (with with a ctab nad , ices. White and garlic ro nappe .....s.... ............. , blyacho .....e Pof the M u ts,.add beans and tom lic clov t l 1 gar ato. sBranch of the ..... ane,gofine p...otato f .....a..... d..... irybleps aredten ..... it, m e a ..... u h Aorta Aorta D .... fr s ..... s der d ..... e ..... M g 63.7 m . ri ..... 733ary d ls ... ary eta g a ..... veg e oil 193pulmon e g / oliv ..... ..... n in 7.5 g cere rn virg ra o g on 0 o c spo , p l tea e ls. 1 o p d. 1.2 g d ad gra arteries 16% ckers, pr factor, place w lore,n,an er he deep dish or soup bow ar vena c e in mb ra ve nu c 21% Ser rm , . e son % te 8 c Sea a ri 2. Superio % r n 30 vena cava ava 0% roxwcorresponding to you Bbo 0% l 2 cups white beans it very good. ears or older rs oldon dill or cele51 y Adding brown rice makes yea tructions: Mark the earl court. ry seed powder e. 50 41ic 10 ju 1 spo se l tea ld cr 1 s o et p ear s 0 y to 31-4 a he Z nErgy

rans fats



onoun saturatEd fats

olyun saturatEd fats




aturatEd fats

otal fats



ffering u S f o k is R t a u o Y TEST: Are a Heart Attack?

nErgy valuEs


10-20 years old



known hereditary heart history

21-30 years old


(2) A family member began having heart conditions after 60 years of age

s Two family member rt started having hea conditions after 60 years of age


althy life ) (6 ½ )teaspoon cumin powder (4 powder l ½ teaspoon garlic Pulmonary valve Two or more family er mber A faml ily ½me salt members started sea on spo tea Left atrium rt rt hea ng avi d h , rte der sta powditions lic con garart e and ing he cayennhav ch re H l ion pins b ea efo bef rtofore Right atrium fa condit ilu re age of ars is ye 60 m ore en tio ne d w ale he bef hears ion 60w ye hen tissue dies opt n of thage ar t’s ca pa ) ty (6ci (as in a heart ) to attack); perf(4 orm one of when l

4 | Heart Failu re


RECIPESarbanzo Salad



rans fats





180.8 g

3.5 g

1.1 g




otal fats


onoun saturatEd fats


olyun saturatEd fats


Branch of the pulmonary veins

Aortic valve

blood flow to its oke func han Mitral valve re t tio ns the is 30 he ar t fa dare moG re ancig hi a Sm 29w ce -29 20 20 no d,ui oke ils (a s in ob Smdu Q s a day ch ca tte serving — 1 plate per n g 0 oc Tricusp 22 id valve es cu ity r y for w hi ch day , in poon da Left seare Smoke 10-14 cig vette ras a l re ca se as on s: its pu(6) bles th Nonsmoker ventricle e rvinmg an — 1d tafo neae atgion (4) epare tendi m pi ng pumPrChorda cigarettes a day r: sede pe r ab ili ty s sa 2 otal 1 png t (3) pi cho rvi , ng se or EnErgy CarbohydratEs ProtEin ked quinoa nts, hiban re4ngUse ghzos fats retidie er. Add mount Right v ); orcooas s ade th s ex garentricle onst (2) pis valuEs haces 1. Cho sble in high ra Monoun­ aall t ain pIng or obt r, amount to re cr ja bl P d ea 9.3 g (0) una oo s sm Ed otallemon g t re (if rat se g Use r 37.3 d ked ve 8.8 lic, satu l d o d, coo co gar , pr Kca ase t d l 268 alnim ppe al-b s qui am , cho supar Muscle es sm l 3 cupor all in aof a resley(w s fats goun es, s insp r re irat fats nt tomEato he ieanoa ase oruse ped l-b mal- ts,Use eddd o y ddi ma serv nErgy nim ani ProtnEin it is 4 s sm insgr of a this eal-b forsSeptum ak ea Rarely uses ani (40 12% Sh ats be se 18% 14% ohydratEs yct e safol-rced id f leaves.2.9 g 1. masol 13% ha ds ien of a th%) rice toand nimal-based or er re uE k Carb Garnish with parsley co%) g broplwnicnt ov wvalor ,m in noa ly 4.1 g Does not consume qui (30 (30 d oil. to ats re fat e la at g id f o di oliv olid a 1 ed sol s m or s S 0. e, uc ed th juic ie bas ly h) e ed . sh pr %) 7g gr Fat 0. (20 oc (20 fre in d ats e, e ase id f ) al ic es l-b th . (6 sol Kc ju e ­ ma in dish 0% ani Monoun e39.6 Polyun­ spsrinofklhe ed%as a ma atosis. And (10%) ons lemon mmend0.5 6% ) pe) recim fibEr is complet trans (4 reco% saturatEd saturatEd pe isava salansdur This reci l 4 tablespo til thzoeof fats fats vena c fats vena ),ve 2.Inferior or solid fats 1 unban (3) se lygar ickp , eas Aorta abo gee nt beaco 2% cava kg g lemon g 17 sslarg 16 6.0 ittin han(ch om d g g , m )ed re t 4.7 1.1 cup hot an (1 Mo g fro ved 0 l to ad ser 1 t es be ht y igh bl eig we verrw ove getaeight In winter, it ma veal w (0) 10-15 kg o eide squeez th l t ht oi trans eig en e sodiuM rw erw iv ev ove ov % ol pr 24 Ed kg r in rat % 3-9 To uga 0 atu % s rg 0 s ­ 0% Polyun ealbl espoons vi fats ly dressepred.cooked serving juice. satu 2 kg above idta mg ratEd fats w l 3 medium 1.5 g 130.5 ngd just before More than 2 kg belo fats Al g,rr essippe drcho 0g ees,h h weight th ato yt d tom lt 2 ad 0.6 g m sa ht a eig ia in se g al w ) ilt 4 s (6 on ide 0. w ZinC iron 5% aspo indicated sugar 0% l ¼ or ½ te (4 0% parsley, freshly chopped l g Hav ½d.)cup ) d 2% in (2 3.7 mg 1.9 mg ce g 0.9 in an la m rk , % sa 0 ad wo e es th eq es,te ent ) rlic clov Sed darary ppe he 2 ga cho rk/lic clovua l 1 or (1 t-e time 3 gar 12% rect pumping, l ary (0) 2 to wo 21% e beatSed rhent 0% yt hm work/Intense and leisur is among the he ise e ofe,th ed ercon sil Sedentary wo ba ex cal squ d ate ysi hly ie der e ph fres dr Mo ate m art’s juic der oseez or g import l ¼ cup lemon Mo ing t rin fresh dur du e l ise fu l rcis erc nc ica exe l ex hys tio sica an e p ns. However, mem t re Intens e ti sur qu both phy ire during lei entsinfo oil(6 the rhythm exercise during olivreco h time l) time leisure tim r- ) can chan naure l 2 tablespoons virg ptioleis exercise during bot (ond ) ge because of (4 rk a wo e tim ure salt a high(3) sea work and leis on spo tea l ½ er amount (t (2) achycardia) or (1) lo wer amount (b Pulmonary valve radycardia ADD RISK FACTOR or blockage) of S) ION NS (TE SS RE heartbeats, ST NUMBERS because of sk :44 67 y: tense. ipped (ex22/4/16 10 NORMAL ELEC xAnxious personalit TROGRAM . tr ied asystoles) or orr n w T AR Competitive, ofte ve HE ry UR YO erratic (fibrillatio K RISK ATTACK n) heartetne ... ss.indd 64 swe ..... : moderately tense. t..... itter lity 5_B..... ..... ona N_0 ers 29E ss p NEV tle Res beats, and, in extreme 62 cases, circul d Closed Open ees.tness.ind atory arrrie r sw wo _Bitte lity 05: no ona N_ TACHYCARDIA Calm p V29E NEers rest. All thes e events KEY are known as INTERPRETATION Mitral valve arrhythh. mias, which ca y remote possibility n ca Ver you t bu n 4­9 e, ra nge your heredity or ag in severity an . You cannot modify d, at the Remote possibility bits such as diet or ha 10­15 er oth or ing ok eful. sa m e tim e, or change your sm BRADYCAR r emotions and e possibility: be car (1)


Smoke 15-19 cigarettes a day


Italian Dres


Here, Dr. González explains us what is cancer and what can we do to avoid it, particularly through a healthy diet, giving us 27 habits to get rid of obesity.

y life 101 secrets to a health


Diet and Cance


Men Dietary habits ar e one of the ex ternal factors th he most widespread. r is t nce g ca lun n, en, me In m at most influ 1 | In ly than 16 percent of new s o more es t ute but trib ntri con It It co million men aned cases, and affects 1,1 diagnosed Pr ev en tive Items… nually.

A Good Supply


of :


Antioxid cer tsaffe 800,000 ancts d ph h year, prostate canan ytochemicals Each Eac : own s sh As n. n. A Vit me amines (C,


Trans and sa

Nitrites, nitra


Sugar 101 secrets to Normal prostate

a healthy life

Grated Corn T

Highly comme Toxic derivativ acrylamides, d

Prostatic cancer

omato The major reco m st ce s third; it affects almo r are: a varied ank Ingred3 er r anc on c | ien Col ts for 4 serving prostate, and colors vegetable-origin l 4 large 0 men a year. Lung, Preparatl ion: 700 cor,00 n 0 fo o 40 percent of al al cancer contribute t l 400 g ectal 250 g pe and eaten ra 1. Remove corn ker Creole pu in m w mp . (T nel kin h ales s wit h cers a knife. Peel can l 2 Garlic and dice pumpkin. In are steamed, bo st cloves, minced lea , a sau en ile cep oft EnErgy y an, sa pla to h ce dic wis ed valuE l ½ cup Carbohydra pumpkin, corn ker that one does not fresh parsley, chopp nels, garlic cloves, 143 Kcal 24.3 ed f ever there was a word g and l ¾ cup parsley, and add wa ho . me er ma nc de vegetable broth or ca ter or vegetable bro 7% 8% nca th. as r of all hear; that word is fea Coo ch k wa on mu ter low/medium heat eases that instill as between 25 to trans sugar 30 minutes. Before rin½g, Plainly, there are few dis cup tomato puree with suffel fats s ou removing saucepan ym on syn en 0.9 g be s ha fro er m 0g nc ca l hea lly, t, ica sal add t, to h, tom tas ug ato te tho t, pu ep ree cer does. Histor nc , on e tablespoon of 0% This co 0% l 1 tab grape see , even terminal, results. aspects orlespoon grape seed or sunflower oil millet d or sunflower oil. Can serve on a pain, surgery, or tragic in rta ce are re the hamburger or with sodium iron What’s more, a poached egg. nts has radically changed. 546 mg 1.8 mg Prior to this dish, you light of the advanceme in up d are cle can be inc st lud mu e a green 23% salad (such as arugu 10% interpretations that la and Japanese lettuc rapeutic options. e). Carrot ience and available the t all tu-


Types of atumors

of sc

Cancer: What Is It?


d Ct onoconut Sha Rememberntha ke nig n

er ou s. Be Ingr rsedar iene mo ts ca nc l 2 cup Prteparation us) do no rot juinc orsscar(no ce ancero tum l ½ cup 1. t x both ingredients by Mi ea onutre mipr lk esent any thr beating or blenspreadcocor din s. ception g. You may drink as appetizer to dinner. to life, with very few ex

to grow out the body’s cells begin of me so en wh rs cu ncers Cancer oc ers exist, they all begin Different types of ca h many types of canc ways. t en fer of control. Even thoug dif lls. can manifest in growth of abnormal ce C o lo rf c u ati east l br C tem d an a sys through an unbridled g u a in wple am exlo er, lun As anlif lls grow, divide, and die g, ndilyin co ltip ct The body’s normal ce tin mu d wing an Ingredients for 4casencer are very dis rvings erous cells continue gro nc ca e us ca ng ve Be rvi ryi l n. Pr va su y hio a ep fas aration: n dying, the1 cauliflower, small tions. They grow at normal cells. Rather tha m fro t l 1 large 1. en Rin fer nn se dif cau ge tly e lifl are en car nu y ow rot, finely grated an d re ac t dif fer er well.to the they conti Grate in ra te, than normal cells, plus l 1 small essor or finely chop usiop le a food proce tim of d rio avo pe r cado, peeled and dic ge pe ng a paring knife. Comlon , re for a efo er Th ed t. sm en all l ½ gre tre atm bine with rem ing lls. en belere l pepper, fin reien- ts and top with e julienne cut r fro m caain eringred ting new abnormal ce dy, wh lthy life s of the bo l 2 tables French dressinnc ffe ea ar su 101 secrets to a hea era o er wh oth po to g (recipe to follow). on vel s on tra ion, chopped en oft lls ce us s all thi ero ecific y Canc l is, as tas quire a treatment sp e normal tissue. Metas 4 radishes, sliced lac rep d an ow gr to m ncer. they begin enter the bloodstrea designed for such ca son rs as cancerous cellsrt will be96useless ifsttheca per , er nc cond-leadprocess is called, occu arly necessary, Fo se ea effo br the the in butr example, Cancer is . cle and does not els n, be ss ve atio will c m situ ati tea the d ph of lize lym ss cia spe dy’s liver, seriousne developed gnitude and A consultation withora the bo the marse er organ such as the ledgedis oth ing cause of death in now to anefic ack s not m doe lls reppe bleen ce ial change in habits. opposed to us ero ben a canc ent male and res dealing with this pro wh the as ly would most like e to be called breast cancer, countries; half of ications that er decide to follow indsu populach canc will continu ale . V29EN_07_Ca loriesNE one third of the fem ncer that old bad nsumed and used ca co n ee wor of er. tw er in d.in es nc be nc dd st ca typ r ca exi 95 liver that a balance should tion will suffer from form of a tumor. Some 1. Always remembe Normally, cancer takes on the d, are tea re ins the y tumors; their lifetime. Today a, do not generate an mi ke leu as ch it eisu e ce , ar du er o canc s that pro d keep them. millions of people wh the blood and the organ 2. Set mealtimes an er alt lls ce us d ero gh ha nc ou ha ve their cameals. and circulate thr th er livi ng wi th or between rrow, lymphatic system and spleen), 3. Do not snack (bo ne ma cumulate. cancer. ghly.ans’ tissues, where they ac rouorg tho chtew se the 4. Eat slowly andou meal of the day. rtant t it is the most impo fast; keep in mind tha underscored: important should be antities. Something qu rve when the se d ob an d ); ue an y val d qualit sed on nutritional (ba ed um 6. Be selective of foo ns co be to mind what needs It is good to keep in amount. moderate as to the be , de ma is selection t; it is highly ly of fiber to the die 7. Add a good supp

trans fat



150 g per seCalCium rvi

Ph ng — 45.7 mg 104

EnErgy valuE CarbohydratEs 79.5 Kcal 10.4 g

4% trans fats



5. Do not skip break

old bad word.indd 82

al.29EN_07_Cancer that NEV benefici nine calories of fats (they supply erate)) with the intake od (m d line cip dis 8. Be highly




Obesity f o id R t e G to s it b a H 27

EnErgy 150 Kcal

22/4/16 10:43




ProtEins 2.1 g


3.3 g



monoun­ saturatEd fats

Poly­un­ saturatEd fats




0.4 g


4.2 g



perspiration Fibromyalgia l Tension headaches l Sexual dys functions l Hypochond ria l Mood diso rders l Addictive behavior l Depression l Insomnia l Fears or panic This list, of course, is mu ch more extensive. We mention only the most common; there are many more.


We pro mp t, em pha size, and affirm that, in the balance signifying health, there is a participation of somatic, mental, spiritual, and social aspects. Sometimes the manifesta tion s app ear tog eth er, whi le some others display mor e predom inan tly; how eve r, any organic disease will have an effect on the mental area, and vice versa.

Many diseases of the body are born in the mind. They are expressed as psychosomatic disorders. Good decisions, stability, and a good diet can help us to have emotional health.

101 secrets to a healthy life



I Want It Now! | Anxiety


Anxiety is an emotional reable, sponse or a set of respon ses ty is that come to or remain with a illnes person on a continuous baders. sis and condition a behavAn ioral mode. ing us Anxiety is an unpleas- cho log ant state for any person flicts m who suffers from it, even Fee if they have lived with it for tress, a long period of time; getcompa ting used to it does not it occu mean having the abil- iors at ity to control it. other t The ability to conIf an trol anxiety is attain- sen ts a

previously discussed n the corresponding chapter, we have bodily structure one’s every in t onen comp that an important that it manifests is the mental or intellectual aspect, and of us. each in with balance or disturbance in behavior . At times, it area this in ders Many illnesses can cause disor ges, or chan , toms symp ering trigg can be the starting point for . body the of s area disorders in other manifestations, We feel it is important to discuss some nd some stratmme which we all end up experiencing, and reco s us to enjoy allow that ce egies to achieve the necessary balan total health.

In the Mind or in the Body?

101 secrets to

Psychosomatic Disorders

disorders generating The expr essio n “wha t you rect mood tions. After clarifesta mani have is psychosomatic” is heard such hont by psychomea is what fying and repeated many times and ders disor ss discu let’s tic, soma is s is interpreted as “your illnes ses that begi n with in your mind .” We shou ld be or illnes the mind if what is hap- some sort of root in life ours lthyelves askin a hea s to g 101 secret gh sothrou ssed expre pening is imaginary or whether and are l changes. tiona -func mato it exists! l Irritable bowel We have prep ared an an- l Ulcers imag not is swer: Yes, it exists. It t foods that selecepsia ea sy to y l Dysp ver is it , that ns pt acce itio ld nd shou co l One . sfu inary es str r de Un usl. Gastroesophageal reflux tter for ing be of beder leadteaddisor healtthofinsthe ouronse worsenthe l Dysphagia ing to symptomatic manifestal Lump in throat in tions, gene rally somatic, is l Bronchial asthma corto ally, our minds, and, logic Try to Avoid . . . l Rhinitis some in , tions festa mani the . . rect . e os Cho hssed foods ous proce hlycoug pt to cor- l NervHig way, we must attem processed foods


Diet and Stress


a healthy life

l health.indd 151

TEST: Stress-induc

Psychosomatic means that Lifea Event (Pas t 12 Months) disorder originates 1 De at h of spouse or partn in the mind and er 2 shows up in theDivorce 3 Marital separa tion body.

4 Imprisonment 5 Death of close family member 6 Injury or serious illness 7 Marriage the mind, body, 8 Loss of employm and soul ent deserve 9and Marital reconcilia tion 10 l care need equa Retirement ition nutr and 11 Illness of a family member 12 Pregnancy 13 Problems in se ally xual relations Fresh foods; minim Fast food, junk food 14 Birth or adoptio n of a child ds foo Easy-to-prepare 15 Business readjus ts, and in saturated fats nu h , hig es s oliv od tment s, Fo do ca s: avo 16 Select vegetable fat Change in finan cial state 17 seeds Death of a close friend s) od go 22/4/16 10:50 y ls, ker rea (ba 18 ce ies ain str -gr Pa Ch ole ange to a differ wh ing us s he dis ed ent line of work ten ee 150 Sw dd health.in l motiona NEV29EN_14_E 19 Arguments with y, and dry fruits spouse brown sugar, hone 20 Acquisition of ne t ls, w mortgage de Lack of variety in die etables, fruits, cerea bt 21 Foreclosure of A variety of foods, veg m ortgage , tea ck bla legumes Change in resp coffee, soft drinks, 22 onsibilities at wo Caffeinated drinks; rk 23 a So co n or daughter lea co d an te te, titu ola bs oc su e ch ffe co ving home s, tea l rba he , ter wa 24 Plain Trouble with inlaws 25 Outstanding pe rsonal achievem ent 26 Spouse begins or stops working 27 Begin or end co llege 28 Change in living conditions 29 Revisions of pe rsonal habits 30 poo les Tr tab ounsble with boss 3 30 g per serving — at work 31 Preparation: Change in wo alrk for aturatEd s ho ept otal t ur exc l ts s or conditions s wel Ingredien EnErgy CarbohydratEs ProtEins 32 fats Chanfatsge 1. Mix all dry ingredient valuE 1.1 g in residen al (instant) salt, illa, 3.5 g van h g wit e 4.3 ce l 4 cups quick oatme juic g mix 16.7 116 Kcal monds. Separately, 33 5%Chan6ge % m, toasted in school 9% 6% l ½ cup wheat ger dd to dry ingredients.


Wheat Germ Grano





Events Scale



2 2 2 26 26 25 24 23 20

Millions of people today are slaves of addictions. A substance or a behavior that produces dependence creates addiction. Here you can know how to be free from them.

101 secrets to a healthy life

lthy life

101 secrets to a hea


Diet and Addictions Below we are introd ucing some recipes that may be included in the diet of those who are trying to abstain from using substances that hold them as “prisoners.” It is essential to be well hydrated through the absorption of plain water, juices, vegetable and fresh fruit smoothies, which helps elimin ate toxic substances in our body.


apter, may strike as as a title for this ch fithe word “prisoner,” doubt it is the most ong, but we do not e th by ed pp being somewhat str tra is a prisoner and o int s rn tu t dic ad ting as an nsumed. st century, resubstance that is co ns, in the twenty-fir tio dic ad of ct bje su Tackling the the start: veral concepts from something that quires clarifying se ing dependent on be ns ea m t dic ad l Being an our behavior, and of reason, conditions n do an ab us s ke traps us, ma for the body. rmful consequences Their health is endcourse, produces ha considerable risks. to d se po ex e ar ts l Addic , there can be inciprogressive decline a m fro ide As ril. lessly in pe death. capable of causing ndence. dents of poisoning Multicolor Stuffed Tomato come his or her depe s needs help to over re. ra e l An addict alway ar n ow eir th on e Ingredients for 4 servings are able to break fre they Preparation: Cases in which they to addiction, though l 4 round tomatoes vior or an inclination rve 1. Cut a small lid in tomato; remove the pulp co re a g l Addictive beha irin qu re l salt, in moderation t en lat ins and put on a plate upside down to drain any corrected, rema oiding the l 4 teaspoons brewer’s yeast may be resolved or H d cautious about av liquid. Next, season the inside with salt and an o d w ar gu to on be B l s reak Fr2 carrots, ; raw, grated ee medium ing addict to alway brewer’s yeast. from Adicedddictio2.a bitnIn ofasbowl, l 2 beets, medium; cooked, se). lap (re W ha lem ob t pr ca combine grated carrots, beets, n me be sugg184 sa ested lto4 cauliflower florets; steamed and



What Does It Mean


to Be an Addict?

avoid or reduce

250 g EnErgy valuE

119 Kcal

Carbohydra 15.2 g





saturatEd saturatEd er puree, cheese spread, garlic, and fats the dangercauliflow pureed 1.4 g 0.3 g l Alway of faLet llinstand parsley. g pr s be aware of a ey few minutes ; to fill tomato bacco or al0co tablespo % ons cheese spread the lda4 ng 0% ho er yo l? toes with u mixture ar . e exposed to whe l 4 black olives ofr pare l Fo n types an y of 3. Remove th olive pits esand nts, especially, l 100 g endives, julienne e spread niaCin a layer subsover ZinC tanc es discuss these cut sorbe of endives, finely julienned. This dish can are7.9ab bjects with yo mg 0.7 mg l Garlic and parsley, to su l Additio taste ur chwith ildregrain nally for pare be served n. rice with garlic and 39% 5% nts: always ke ep in mind th parents do. If at some onion. yo

ving certain eans be- dency of ha Being an addict m ts. being tied to though ing a prisoner, or t ou nce with u have a prob children copy the use of a substa lem, resolve to or “learn” from e. us ke its what they s l Prom ep l ro it nt from developi co to ote and carry at be ing ab le ng into a bad th ing out a healthy anyth n example. ca e us life vit ug st dr y, yle an of t (w d form good ha ith a good and Th e ele m en bits. affects reasoning wholesome di acteristics: et), incorporat k ris at u e physi have different char yo l ces pla Se ek an vio d ha ac be ce , es pt nc as ta si bs st ke su ta l an ce to resolve chemica king a mis ma of these difficulti la ab us e, re laes. ra l vic es , alc oh ol Prisoner! nn te a o als d an s, ed 4 ne | Caffeine tionship



in its various product forms, is on rs vio ha Be e tiv e of the substa dic Ad : ST TE nces w ith th

e hi gh es t ad elements, di ct iv e prisoner of any of the «classic» addictive propertie u, the reader, do not consider yourself a s to th close at have signifi elf yours may find you that note to sary neces is it er, cantictions.indd consumption in NEV29EN obacco, alcohol, or drugs; howev various coun_16_Add tries y involved in some addictive behaviors. around the wor ld. ions and provide honest answers: It is contained, d like you to ask yourself the following quest in varying levion than advisable? els of concentr u notice that you are watching more televis ation, in coffee, black tea, mat e control? annot control your anxiety for the remot e tea, chocola tes, and soft dr g coffee? inks. you tried spending a few days without drinkin



ifficult to limit "delicious" food? ou taking medication for any symptoms? ?

ou have soft drinks in your fridge at home ou buy things you do not really need?

ou choose a certain brand of clothes? things? te" 174 tions.indd ddicropria “inapp read N_16_A ou watch or29E NEV

ou want to know everything? just heard about? difficult not to comment on something you card? you find it difficult to control using a credit need of help. your behavior thoroughly; you may be in

22/4/16 10:49

Effects of Ca

Acts as a stim

ffeine in the B

ulant of the re

spiratory, circ


ulatory, and ne Causes tachyc rvous system ardia (increase s. s heart rate), by extracysto which is comm le (irregular h on

avoid prod ucts containing caffeine; be aware of its effect s

Every day we are exposed to many dangers at home, at work, on the street, etc. Therefore, we need to learn to take care of ourselves. Here you will get some important tips to protect you and your family. 101 secrets to a

Personal Relatio


101 secrets to a healthy life



r (though someften health can be altered because of mino day to day. Acplace take That s. times important) thing things occurthe of e awar be to rtant impo is it cordingly, h. healt our ting ring at home, outside our bodies, yet affec

Accidents at Home


101 secrets to

e a healthy lif

the rush ed pace prod uced in our daily lives. They often occur when we do not plan for such activities as obligations, chores, etc., or improperly waste time on nonproductive tasks or during spare time. Plann ing how time will be spent has many benefits, since by doing so, time can be assigne d to each need . Time shou ld be set aside for rest, meals, school, or work, as well as for activities that seem minor but time-consuming: for example, physical activity, entertainm ent, and even socia l activity. Disor ganiz ation alwa ys include s seve ral types of setbacks: among them, waste of time. When we are unable to find something, anxiety or someera times depression or exasperaion nizat Orga tion takes over. should always be a part of our activities. In this manner, everything will be more positive, easy, and productive.


NEV29EN_17_Daily life.indd 186

Old Age

man history hroughout hu en many efbe there have the founforts in finding ays with w al t almos tain of youth, e prosth t ha w of lts fruitless resu ever, ow H d to find. pectors hope an cy ct pe ex e at lif it is tr ue th e ed in th past


It could be stated with certainty that among all the aspects that produce good health or disease, personal re sing lationships (i.e., the way in which we interact with the people arou nd us) are extremely important , even though this factor no l Always t considered a think before spea Self-applied cause of funisction kal disorders or ing: It is important to own up to disease. Heimlich the words you sp eak. To achieve To understand this aspect th is, th ou gh t an d re maneuver fle ct io n and to achieve a balance, it is should precede spee chokchok It is possible for you tonebe ch . ceby ss ar toy to: To reach these go ing witho ut anyo ne near als, it will l Sp ea k to als be not yo o may be necessary for ur you h thoug fa Even m help. ily : La yo u to: commun Smile: A smile is able to effec tively strike yourication, l’interrelation th e be st acav ec tousl les mem bres de la cessory that a face ca back , you can do abdo mina n ha fa ve. m ille doit toujours être thrusts in order to dislodge, the prise Moreover, when we portray en a co m place pt so, e et soignée. happy and posit blockage object. To do ive image, it is l n, then M butto ain belly ta your in open communica more probable a fist over that we will retionover withyour your children: This place the other hand is not ceive good responses, and we ma sursur y jus sturd a t a need children ha fist and bend over ve; rather, wi ll ge ne ra te a go od have au ra mo it is you an inh face, like a chair. Once erentshould You aware aspect be that ar not oundWhen of pa reach us. At they rrimp the sa rd enfist me suc tingupwa done this, push your an d a very only importa the quality but also tim the nt intene, sound lau s are this an gh then doing d cla te By . r ha s and down ward duty. sity of sounds can be measured. noises m an y ,be in ne ficprodu which maneuver, you will be increasing ia l phce ef fe ct s. He nc e, bein will ity is measured in decibels Intens abdominal pressure, which inapp ropriate behavio the eject to ively th smiles and out o effect work more (dB, the symbol for decibel). The al wi instab ility, andthals la ug ht er lodged object. es , lif e measurement scale indicates system impai rmen ts. wi ll ex be ce l m ore ile thatsmthere are tolerable levels as Amon p l e a sgathe n t , many s well as aggressive, dangerous, noise even if thdistur that ere b our are prour painful, and intolerable levels. ness, oblem s. voice is oft



Whe n a pers on sudd enly starts choking and does not receive proper care, death can occur as a result of asphyxia. Knowing how to perform the Heimlich maneuver, also known as abdominal thrusts, can save lives. Many stressors are created as a result of not having sufficient time to carry out daily responsibilities, and as a result of

healthy life



them when it is raised recommended level. I necessary to speak in Traveling is a wo tones; it is not recom nderful hab- ob lig at io n, it ca n it and a good wa tu rn in to a ses our y of relaxing. he since alth risk, especia it increa However, in som lly when unae cases, when the soun wa re of so m e stress. Make done out of duty re qu ire m en ts , or to meet an rules, and regulat voice a pleasa nt exper ions. Thus, beyondmany undersreaso tandingns you h th e pr ev ail ing ru about les ofintrthe always keep av el,chapter r which should alway s be ob your vehicle se stres s, rv hyper ed, tension, it is important to pay attention to in good workin and one ofy th other s, a priorit g in other factors th at affect safety condition es ofhavin mo again when traveling, ke st diseas e is eping in mind dis ability. that traffic accidstate of mind. ents make

A Pleasant Trip




22/4/16 10:49


ily life.indd 190

How to Clean an Injury

ould is to say, we w 1. For minor or superficial injuries, take the injured perso grow old. That ore m or g ain youn clean your hands very thoroughly. Then clean the injury wi l at old all like to rem Al.” ld “o t no To arrive wel t bu , ts ul ad ss ve if there is bleeding. Wash thoroughly and compres ha or le tuaceven age, we must sire tends to - ing. n, active though this de ai ex dress al br ic e ys tiv ph ac an ical or ally have biolog a quiet kles t having wrin muscles, and no , ns io at ct pe ng ni ai nt h. ir s, m ai stomac 2. If the wound stops bleeding, apply an antiseptic solution or gr ay ha ure, st po o d an y, ngth, flexibilit re st the l-l-wound, not only the injury itself, with gauze. Then te -in ho ayc ct ps pe cover so ex al or e cy etc., there ar oLife expectan emois an es ts, such as madhesive dressing, or sterilized gauze, an

In this part, the author explains good, bad and

101 secrets to a healthy life


ugly habits, and invites us to make the best decisions for our well-

aware, be corrected; times, though we may be s in that great old West- care, and so must ach of appro the take not do we are that ti- and there are those ern movie by the same ticor, corones good the should never reinforcing tle—“The Good, the Bad, clearly ugly, which ing weed or ones, bad the g rectin of our habits. and the Ugly”—there are things form part . ones ugly the out exex times some These things that are good, sometimes too us, without us realizing good; there are things that are ist within inherently, yet, other st almo it, and h bad for our body’s healt


The Good, the Bad, and the


The Ugly

The Good

Not performing physical activity: It seems to be the s us happiest. same as being sedentary, make that one and refu all, of g sing to gain its benefits. feelin best The though in actuality it is Be grateful: first prescribed diet. es, and whole-grain cereals: as per God’s Consume fruits and vegetables, legum e, routin y dietar your in ng missi not items are If you are a vegetarian, make sure these Dri nkin g alco hol : Alc oholic beverages, whateve as they are essentially needed. r

destroy neurons and liver

their alcohol volumes,

cells, and cause only harm best, youthe to health, behavior, aerobic style that suits and alcohol consumer’s living Perform daily physical activity: Select the environment. daily! es minut but remember to exercise for at least 30 good breakfast, er on diet and read about what makes a Have a good breakfast: Refer to the chapt Usi ng day. dru the of gs: meal Bec tant ause they wipe out reason and remember that it is the most impor , and lead only to bad necessary rest in It is important to allow your body to obtain Obtain rest at least seven hours a day: duties. Smoking: Because tobacc order to replenish itself and to take on daily o kills and genera


tes many diseases.

as a rule d: This is necessary Not Obtain periodic medical checkups, as neede of prevention. 101 secrets to a heal best feelin life gs, such as love: the Cherish positivethy

Be mindful of diet, vitamins, minerals, and functions.


obtaining immunizations as scheduled: Because it means denying ourselves measure. Immunizations are a clearer preventive designed to specifically incr ease our defenses. . health therapy for maintaining

for multiple Beiare ng essen violenttialand antioxidants: They angry: This destroys

The Badindividuals.

bonds, families,

The Good, the Bad, and the


Being intemperate: Be mo ber: being disorganized jeopardizes health. derate remem , and , abs tain from This prevents stress what is harmful, do not con Be organ with what ized: sume it, and be sensible you do that is good. Harboring such this le. indisp negativ one eisfee lingensab s as hat s areas are important, but red, resentment, body’ the of All life: ual spirit re nurtu and greed: Quite frankly, the Deve Exc esslop ive and meals or being overweigh se negative feelings only chip t: These are the cause away it. re Nurtu at of our ma hea and diseases. nylth com and plickee atio p ns us from being happy. first . . . in everything.

ity: Because family truly comes EatMake famil ing out sidey aofprior schedu led hours: This disrupts gas tric function, the stomach, and impairs s ent here. argum metabolis and Giver of life: Because there dist is nourb God as the Creator m. Acknowledge

Throughout the chapters Being sedentary: This is ver in y dangerous; it deprives us this boo of benefitsk and we attr havact e sdis cus sed dise ase . each of the above items; how Having high levels of cho evlesterol: Because cholest er, feeries erol clogwe l it isand worimp s arte thw hile to recirculation. airs iterate, emphasize, and rein force Caffeine intake: Because the importance of understanding it pro duc es 194 dd tac bad....in hyc the good, ard he ia, increases blood pressu N_19_T NEV29Estre ss, prolongs wakefulness, re, pro tes wha t ismo and irritates the stomachwhat is good and not . andRev also the urin ary trac t. iew the list , stu dy it, and Sugar use: Because it lack s nutritional value, produc find out if they pla es fermentation, increas y a es role inrtbu yourn, dependence, and supplies r create empty calories. s dai ly life . Aft erw ard , hea ma ke a choice. You always have the right Not including fiber in diet : Because it blocks intestin to choose, yet be al transition and slowawa reeltha t vem you ent s bow mo s. are making a choice bet ween Excessive salt: It affects the cardiovascular system, incrhealth and disease. eases blood pressure, dam the gastric mucus. s Oh, and do not forget:age God wants us to be healthy and Self-medication: Because to do it is not a good practice: pre scr weliptio l inns eveare by professionals. ryth toing be. issued Lack of hygiene habits: Han ds must be washed frequen tly, shower at least once a during the ingestion of foo day, and be careful ds consumed. Not obtaining preventive checkups: Because it hind ers taking preventive measures. NEV29EN_19

19 22/4/16 10:49


The book includes a Glossary and a practical Index to improve its reading and searching.


the ill serve to explain w n tio bu ri nt co e. I hope this medical literatur in d se es pr ex ly are common

ofet some 1 secr mea1ni0ng

biological terms

s to a he althy




índice tem ático


Abstinenc e 18, 176 “without” or “no.” E Accident, A:: prefix meaning s. cerebrova de no Electrocard ph lym of s g 13 c lin u 3, 180, 186, 19 el lar 52, 59, P 69, Emotional iogram 46, 75 ADENOPATHY:: sw Addictions 0 15 g. in th ea Pancre 17 br E 4 mphysem 0 of e nc se A ab : g in EA a N g 192 124, 180 AP Eustress Physica Alcohol 31 165 , 60, 74, 89, 10 E 167, 177, xe rc BRADY: slow. is e 16 5, 1, 11 18 16 7, 9, 13 177, 179, 190, 2, Prevent ting cartilage. 197 CHONDRO: indica the addict. AAllergy 21, 32, 123, 142, 18 ith F w er P th roteins ge to : ntibiotics 8 lly; coaddict Factor Psychos CO: joint/mutua Antioxidan 121 ts 17, 29, 34 protection cell. , 35, 36, 183 functioAn.nxiety 35, 100, 116, 13 d CYTO: indicating ire pa im n: risk 16, 17 17, 18, 93 io ct R 7, 151, 162, 17 Appetite un sf dy l, fu in pa 7, 196 al. 58, 117, 121, 138, 14 Fasting 34 , 52, 59, 72, 93, 132 mhov re ix nd A R pe DYS: abnormal, or rr eflux 98 ap y: 3 yt m hmia 70 ecto Fear 155 Arteries al removal; append Rehabilita ic rg su : Y: M 67 TO EC Fruits 17, al location. Aspiration , 128, 196 Relationsh 25 s ace, at an abnorm Fungi 121, , 29, 32, 35, 53, 183 Asthma 12 123 ECTOPY: out of pl 123 Remedies 3, 15 , 1 Attack 83 Rest 17, 18 , 154, 155 G ENDO: inside. e. in 18 st 6, 193 g an inte Gallbladde B r 90, 98, 11 ENTERO: indicatin Risk 10 4 G lu c o s B e acteria 11 26, 34, 38, 52 8, 121 , 54, 57, 161 EPI: on, upon. Balance . origin ar ul ric S 10 nt , ve 12 or , H 15 ar , ul 18 . ric al , 16 30 au rn 9, te , of l. 10 ex ia 5, 118, 150, EXO: mater tic they can Bbe 190 Salt 16, 69 ; ne ts ge ea H of tb a it ar b un it he al s ar ic arriers al og 13, 15 S:: irregul 8, the biol is 11so Scale 159, Head 114, , 22, 30, 92, 104, 122, 192 EXTRASYSTOLE eh.aItvior 15 120 170 uce, geneBric od 121, 150 pr or e m co 1, Sinusitis be 15 H to 3, e ng 15 a ni lt 4, h ea B 15 m e 7, 123 10 ix ta 17 -c 6, a ro 18 d. 9, oo GEN: pref te bl 10 n e 0 Smoking Health pro ose in th Breast 88 e 29, 94 16, 5 m entration of gluc , 92 Heart 27, otion 13 180, 197 B GLYCEMIA: conc ro e. in n 39 ur c h e , it 66 th is in , 68 d 12 , oo 69 bl 4, , 71, 99, 129, 180 179, 180 esence of 131, 157, Stomach 32, 11 HEMATURIA: pr Heart atta 155,161, 179, C . re c tu k ra 188 21, 50, 52, 58 nt tempe ta Homeosta ns co , S 70 of : tress 164 C , ic 72 a HEMI: half. m ff , er e 13 s in th 3, is e eo 18 m 0 10 5, ho , 11 r; 12 ila 7, Hope 23, Stressors Cancerpressu15 : equal or sim re3,. 169, 177, 181, 196 16 d 165 HOMEO/HOMO Hypertens 7, 192 : high bloobre on si S en tretching rt pe io hy ; n a st 83 128 38, 40 d or high . S re tr c su HYPER: increase oke (cereb blood pres olon 34, 82, 116 w lo rov n: I io ns te po 52, 59, 69, 13 ; hy lu 3, 180, 18 HYPO: low, below Immunity s. prong 16, 73 , 82 , 180 rib e th n ee S tw u 29 be n state 82 , 51, 120 18, 93 intercostal: Influenza skin 93 Sunlight 85 121 INTER:: between; In , 87, 93 . te ne s to ti ne 34 uterus ap ic; same e 92pendix. th Immunizati , 115, 121, 140, 142 of ISO: equal; isoton n io C at a m rb m o fla h o ydra T 120, 125, 188, ns (vaccines) 14, 17 n; appendicitis: in Celiac dise tes 26, 30 , 38, 193 ITIS: inflammatio Tachycard ase, suffere ia Chewing rs 140 dle. Test 46, 61 70, 72, 104, 114 L MESO: in the mid , C 76 h ild e. cl 103, 12 Thyroid 13 , 159, 17 Laws, dieta indicating the mus Cholestero 0, 139 4 ry 30 MYO: muscular or l 16, 17, 27, Tobacco Lifestyle 72,116, 136, 19 32-35, 52, 68 72, 21, 22 , 71, 6 Travel 190 73, 89, 16 L iv e . r C em NEO: new. le st 11 a sy n 4 s a ou ir rv , ne 18 or , 12 Triglycerid 5 Colon 115 g the nerves es 27, 39, 5 NEURO: indicatin M . ne bo e th g tin ca U Men 86 D nd the heart. OSTEO: indi Mental 12 Ugly 194 pericardium: arDou s; le e rc fe ci en n , s e , nd 15 s ou , 136, 139, 15 10, 12, 17, 38 PERI:: ar Metabolic Demand , 118, 120, 16 syndrome 0, 152, 167, 189 5, 193 164 g a vein. tin ca M di 50 in e : V ta D BO e s p LE ta ression 10 sis PH 0, 136, 151, 15 Milk 27, 35 82 ralysis. pa 180, 186 V of accines (im pe 4, ty 15 , ific 7, 10 ec 16 3, 11 5-167, Min PLEGIA: sp rys system. erals 17, 30 7 iabto 120, 125, 188, munizatio spDira ete re or ng lu 54 e , 19 33 th g , 44, 161, 168 tin Mycosis Diet 24, 26 Vegetable 3 121 PNEUMO: indica , 33, 35, 37, 54 . s rs ge fin y an 103, 114, 142, , 57, 59, 71, 74 Virus 20, 92 25, 33, 53, 94 actylia: m 16 , 94, , 11 N POLY: many; polyd Dietary fib 8, 169, 183, 194 V itamins 17 4, 121, 123, 1 er 34, 89 , 27, 28 N e. u tic D tr ac ig it ion 26, 36 estion 11 PRAXIS: pr 4 h. rt bi re fo be : al W at O Disease PRE:: before; pren Water 18 Obesity 98 t. , 25 on fr in c or e st lia fir c : O 161,168, 183, , 31, 32, 44, 60, 1 14 PR . 0 rt pa a of O t ld 193 en a em g lif ac e pl e s re 19 l tyle 50 2 tificia WHO 10 Overweigh PROSTHESIS: ar infectious-c t 35 , W 5, omen 86 ious 1, 12 g the mind. Distress 165 ontagte tb2 eats. Oxygen 27, 29, 31, 4271, , 89, 98 PSYCHO: indicatin celera d he12ar 73 ac a: di ar yc ch ta ted, rapid; TACHY:: accelera



A Manual for a Healthy Lifestyle Imagine you go to see your doctor. You are worried about your health. It may be diabetes, cardiac problems, or high pressure. Maybe you are dealing with some apparently serious disease, or you are simply feeling stressed, anguished, overweighed or you are not getting good sleep. All you want is to be checked-up by the physician and get the necessary instructions to recover your health, but without hurry and not only on pills. You want something that will really help you to change your lifestyle and feel good again. The time that you invest in reading this book will be like spending a couple of hours in the doctor’s office, kindly talking with him. He takes time to clarify your doubts and provides you guidance on the best way you can do things to the benefit of your health, on how to feel better and have more energy to enjoy life. 101 Secrets to a Healthy Life will help you to improve your lifestyle in order to have a good health. Dr. Jorge Alberto Gonzalez has been working for more than 40 year in the field of medicine. He is Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, and specialist in Internal Medicine and Intensive Care.

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