Dr. George Pamplona-Roger Dr. Marcello Niek M. Leal
21 Days to Change How to develop healthy habits and improve your quality of life
General Plan of the Work Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Why Change? 10 Because Something Is Happening to Us ........................................ 12 Because It Is Necessary to Comply with the Laws of Health ........ 15 Because Health Primarily Depends on Lifestyle ........................... 18 Because Making Changes Has Great Results ................................. 20 Because Prevention Is Better Than Cure ....................................... 23 Because I Wish to Overcome My Poor Genetic Makeup............... 25 Because Healthy Habits Can Compensate for Genetic Risk ......... 27 Because I Feel That I Need a Change in My Life ........................... 28 Because I Notice That My Body Is Giving Me a Warning............. 30
Change... for What? 32 To Improve My Own Health and That of Others.......................... 34 To Break Harmful Habits................................................................ 36 To Lead a Healthy Lifestyle ............................................................ 42 To Eliminate Risk Factors ............................................................... 44 To Live Longer and Better .............................................................. 46 To Feel Good ................................................................................... 49 To Have Healthy Intestinal Flora ................................................... 50 To Lose the Extra Pounds ............................................................... 52 To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes ............................................................ 54 To Reverse Coronary Disease ......................................................... 56 To Reduce the Risk of Cancer......................................................... 58 To Avoid Anxiety and Depression ................................................. 60 To Leave a Legacy of Good Health to My Descendants ................ 62
How to Change 64 Having the Will to Change ............................................................ 66 Starting with the Mind .................................................................. 67 Planning ......................................................................................... 68 Forming New Habits....................................................................... 70 Adopting Healthy Habits ............................................................... 72 Changing Gradually and Progressively ..........................................74 Creating Positive Reinforcement ................................................... 76 Overcoming the Withdrawal Syndrome ....................................... 78 Eating Smart ................................................................................... 80 Practicing Intermittent Fasting ..................................................... 82 Reducing Medications .................................................................... 84 Practicing Self-care ......................................................................... 86 Observing My Body........................................................................ 88 Practicing the Eight Natural Remedies.......................................... 90 Overcoming the Resistance to Change ......................................... 94
Week 1: Adaptation 96 Day 1: Sunday ................................................................................. 98 Day 2: Monday ............................................................................. 100 Day 3: Tuesday .............................................................................. 102 Day 4: Wednesday ........................................................................ 104 Day 5: Thursday............................................................................ 106 Day 6: Friday ................................................................................. 108 Day 7: Saturday ..............................................................................110
Week 2: Benefits 112
Day 1: Sunday ................................................................................114 Day 2: Monday ..............................................................................116 Day 3: Tuesday ...............................................................................118 Day 4: Wednesday ........................................................................ 120 Day 5: Thursday............................................................................ 122 Day 6: Friday ................................................................................. 124 Day 7: Saturday ............................................................................. 126
Week 3: Consolidation 128 Day 1: Sunday ............................................................................... 130 Day 2: Monday ............................................................................. 132 Day 3: Tuesday .............................................................................. 134 Day 4: Wednesday ........................................................................ 136 Day 5: Thursday............................................................................ 138 Day 6: Friday ................................................................................. 140 Day 7: Saturday ............................................................................. 142
Alternatives for Change
Discover New Options.................................................................. 146 Alternatives to Sedentary Life ...................................................... 148 Alternatives to Alcoholic Drinks ................................................. 150 Alternatives to Sugary Soft Drinks ...............................................151 Alternatives to Refined Sugar ....................................................... 152 Alternatives to Coffee and Tea .................................................... 153 Alternatives to Cow’s Milk .......................................................... 154 Alternatives to Cheese .................................................................. 156 Alternatives to Meat ......................................................................157
On the Way to Life 158 Integral Health–Holistic Benefits .................................... 160 Maintaining Healthy Habits ........................................... 162 Testimonies ...................................................................... 164
Why Change? The main reason for a change in lifestyle e is not merely to prevent diseases or increas longevity but to improve the quality of life. 18
21 days to chan
Because Something Is Happening to Us It is nece
ssary to consider the relationship and the increase between in chronic and de generative diseas
We currently live in a contradictory world: more technology eases are decreasi to accomplish thi n ngs quickly but less time with the so-called for ourselves; dig ita lly-connected with ma associated with lif ny people but les s in touch eases, there are fo with each other; bigger production of food to behavior: tobacc worldwide yet more people are suffering and a sedentary from hunger; im lif mediate and wide ciated with the fou access to information abou t health, diet an namely, cardiova d lifestyle, yet a growing nu sc mber of people are cancer and diabe suffering from diseases tha te t could be prevente bin ation of those t d. What is happening to us? and disease gro up The profile of the 80% of deaths rel diseases of huma at nity as a whole has been changing for the past 150 years, but in recen t decades change 1 Hunter, D.J.; Red has been more rapid. The inf dy, K.S. ectious and contag The New England Jou (20 rnal o ious dispp. 1336-13
43, (PMID: 2408
21 days to change
Diabetes. Introducción ly ri a m ri P h lt a e H e s Becau Summary Depends on Lifedeicasl catyrele health status; are determinants of
Us......................................... 12 Because Something Is Happening to d m ssary to Comply with the Laws of Health ......... 15 Is Nece entItan nmuse Heredity, enviroBeca nt. nds on Lifestyle ............................ 18 rtaDepe impo mos arily theHeal thtPrim le isuse however lifestyBeca Results .................................. 20 Because Mak ing Changes Has Great 20 Cure ........................................ 2321 days to chan ge ts of Cómo calzar los piesBecause Prevention Is Better Than em nc va ad r ..............en ulaeup.. 25 ectac e sptic Mak th to Gene e Poor Du My e y, com tur Over to cen Wish Because I nineteenth • Calcetines: ce since thetic 27 ....... medical scien Risk n beGene ma hu... ate for h of ts Can Compens healt e Habi thy th . Heal at hilo use th o t Beca lana gh , ou dón many th 3 Tejido: algo on up t en ng ....... 28 the nti....... ....... lly co Life nta....... Myme in da Chan aing s fun I Need Thatla s wage viI Feel usefaci Beca lieved litan que ya People be30 o, e. clar r: eiv rec Colo 3 coauld they .......s, more e ng h car Warning....... alt Me he Givi Is Body on My ati That ce dic use.I Noti Beca s, more me idas sualización de her that more hospital were re organ transplants mo , ms roo g tin era sin al y op , idu etar apr div en in deb of F no el ro os, m antiqu 3 Holgad e the lev ity until to needed to improv . ion lat a pu day, num b po out how costuras. health and of the erous exa li fe es style influ cad de t en rec mples can in n see ve ences our ha be As a result, we in es, health. vic ser tal spi ho in se rea ¡Atención! inc le rab s a conside ha t Bu . ns gical interventio drug use, and in sur proved hnical resourcesPim tec of ossibein ar he Evit nc . frío ala ly,g” the av th ll-b we l Utilizar patucos para el ral alth or “ove relationship e oldest experience the population’s he between li about th s mediha ips térm rha s pe saco Or as, d ? festyle an tric e el HO iverance e las mantas eléc probably d health is of the peo as defined by the W th g lon pro did not p to d the ge 3 p na ,5 le ma 0 ly o 0 on f y gy Is ea que in Egypt. rael from olo e… rs hn ent cali tec ag a its cal agu o g de as vin w bols hichor pro E cos, im gy ut p o tho is t f wi E re life x mej n co ovalo dus. Arar rded in th huma de of lo pue se mo • They le tanto pro h?ording to duration por e book e healtcc g tru arned th tin man the biblica y aspects thout at h entren en contacto con la piel de los obedience l o o quality, that is, witos ac f imir th co opr de ei u pue er r ancient nt, de ch eth don to the law wh an pun ion los g est e qu fr li sts de o fe ali go m eci ries st re el sp y e th ce ny le corr e se ma iv h moment ed thro Today, pies, ya que althzap vof e fo gor od ato they left Egy ad to fo un arthe nantlición y years termipta still in effe ugh Mos l deada ar.ntaLa roz dame pt to asdic the fun ct today. 1 and in what we wou . s re ura on fu mad ati que g ee una ar me voc on ca pro ld call tod masí based pd s th The result al care evit a rouar par ay of Si a, is medic lent g an s ser h e n o een deb ai u vo scr o t nue : th f such ch the wilder es replete wi was that a ness they wer sophisticated devic in de• ies rit T tho h au ey h . e able nto alt mie he st , roza of life in opped ea ion por dit idas ad her In . ns tto the camp bu prov- ting meat an diettha ont im and ment in d based th are confirming ma na-, the deser the bread veloped countries eir s, eqnuip Giv on ati t. They dic en me an re fr th mo y o at they w m heaven epidemic ing health based on lly ere accust or maln . ancia potsbe offin likely wh mea omed to s turns out to t theytate en more th utrit the ment and hospital tha in Egypt, h aveph asinzed ! an one ión em in b , enc ee ore ¡At su th ref the is ch an d, must not conditio easy n change for unsustainable an buim ns. Nor d nt tha t itpo many dis surta the Israel rely s more wa on m nti u ea ve st pre se it ry h prima p. hysical o. strength anavd e contributed to theiesr, records. Psalm s10o5f the Egyp tionscalz ervendes al intinar Nogiccam tec•hnolo endu :37 re • n
Because M ak Has Great ing Changes Results
They ha rance. d to imar calz plezapisc ment stri • En la playa y la ru les, ina, including ct hygien the use o ic in f water fo patos de goma. g themselves, somethin r washg to whic h they • Evitar las sandalias y zapatos
one feeble among His affir demonstra tribes.” tion of th e ef to preserv e public an fecti d indiv
1 Exodus 15:26.
Why Change?
Because Prevention Is Better Than CureBecause I No 30
21 days to chan
tice That My Is Giving Me a Wa rning tifying the
tive health care Statistics show that the greater the cura ention, and the lower the effort in disease prev er the population’s welfare. the greater the expense and the low Iden
signals of the body that something is with our health co n nstitutes a powerfu l reason to chang
ors, To most people, health involves doct it of All ery. surg and itals hosp medications, emerges. is necessary to cure disease when it is to preHowever, the most important thing efore, clude the disease from occurring. Ther there that so it ent prev to is tive our first objec is no need for a cure. the latPrevention begins with lifestyle and yle lifest ging Chan ts. habi by d ter is determine introduce to eliminate harmful habits and to t chronic healthy habits can prevent mos zation.” diseases, also called “diseases of civili
Types of Prevention
icaPreventing a disease involves the appl the on g ndin Depe it. tion of measures to avoid
measures, timing of the application of such n: Normally, disease there are three types of preventio gives us a warning before set ting ed in. The presence of appli one the is It on. enti prev some of these sym ary Prim • toms can pbe indicative of a se disea the re befo ls bodily imbalance to healthy individua due to some unhe alt hy tive life habits. appears. This is the ideal and most effec habits prevention. The abandonment of bad ones in and the adoption of other healthy is the ge chan yle the framework of a lifest n. entio prev ary basis of prim the one • Secondary Prevention. It is s, but idual indiv hy healt ingly aimed at seem even who, in reality, already have a disease, inobta lves invo It . eable if it is not yet notic still ing early diagnoses of the diseases that already do not display any symptoms, but osis of diagn early the for s paign Cam . exist
Persistent tiredness
ome rc e v O to h is W I e s u Beca akeup My Poor Genetic M
diseases osition to certain isp ed pr tic ne ge e er lifestyle. Overcoming th change to a healthi is a good reason to
Cómo calzar los pies • Calcetines: Heartl,” da saises infu Disea is very pa keup oerhilo. ma lana , ne Canc dón and Ge tic 3 algo do: tic Teji ne ge at th s happen es and cancer are us geneticist. It so Heart diseas es litan la vinc ue faci nseq que ya o,etheco r: dclar for th Colo causes of early 3ily main blame eup is eas or po a d an s most .countries. h habit healtción e liza herinidas dedeath ome negativ sua Both can be avoided in most cases the one e asetar yle. , y sin le chang through deb noa lifesty or os, c apr gad nised 3 Hol roen e cases chpropo in this work. m so in at th e is tru 2 e typ as eases such diss. ura icable -communcost
In addition to co these symptoms sho correct negative ha bit doing physical ex erc following the oth er r healthy lifestyle.
Inexplicable weight loss Diabetes. Introducción
Skin eczema
21 days t o
c han g
Difficulty concentratin g
Because I Feel That I Need a Change i n My Life Individua l and perm an in order to e
ent “healt
h refo
y good h rm” beco ts or ealth. mes nece enital heart defec ssa betes, non-cong so, en ev t Bu ! d. ión ne enc mi ¡At ter de y cer is geneticall s tell us that: Modern demiological studie life, with - . Evitar mufrío omel n-ca lized foo als no tot e par th uco of pat rt pa izar d, frequen its fashions, indu Util all Only a sm e Th stria. tu gin escalators ry ori of hereditatric and elevat se of the automo es are tas easman Changin s térmisaco as, nicable dis eléc bile, by o or su rs le las , p sty st g Delive p life re ly ss, and th of legal d mined by rs e ample ru T arger part is deter he major g s d li ru que k e… gs, leads e alcoho ent cali a ca agu de use of mo g. as tin bols l, or illeg cos, us torar co ntal set u n or a rt tr mej ali p ca environme ies is card al athogenic de sing li disorder or festvalo por lo tanto seupue iovascula on to a o or disease yle. ositi de los to data fro edisp piel la ry pr con r dise tact con en Hereditaent , ren m ted iva th Ade e WHO, 8 t timpue es, de oprimir o utralized or deact myocard 0% of los puntos don ial infarc a disease can be ne low-qualit the trend toward elle. riesgo de hy lifeesty se altcorr tion and que he ya a p , ac y ro gh pies fo ci rou ce d th o en ss d es, ed and oun ce ts ato r zap (C a a se in in most cas V ción d A pta pio an en ) e ada can b , th tary life p almost im rozar. La nome certain h own ge hisuna .y rogresses ura ing ar perceptib mad que uenc abits such e avoided disease sh voc After seqpro log le bio ar an m as evit um d an así o a “H ie a wspar t poor in ner until lenta, up. That ch said: nuevo debeaser fruits, vege sedenta a healthy li is why, to er of genomic resear imagor the use tables and festyle, w maintain mplicated than we co re o v e mo f ig to far m . il lly nto b u an ua 1 mie ac st act rozat by changin co. be perman they heridas porbee Up to 40% out the genes that ently g negativ n gradual e habits th of cancer e. Everyone talks ab But in r. ly practic he fat o d f at cases (the an m er h th o av Taking ca ed in our rtality mo e re of our daily acti ceived from their with an ad in the world) cou vities. health in ry little impact on ve im ve ha p s ld li ne eq es ge our curren uate diet, changing eality, those reducing ely not t world eliminatin disease-c reform ! genes are absolut the intak ] ión au [… enc in ¡At s, si g me n o tco g u ou r lifestyle habits an e of mea fe beverages ation almost on d t an A healthy lifestyle . give us useful inform a daily bas ur fate. They can in most t ws you to bu is allo e, . T eas h dis es of k e ris ex sed o. am ed rea calz erit des inc inh p e inar le th the cam s show ho bout •tain No overcome l cause change is w effect in having determine the actua predisposition to cer zaa healthie ar ases they will not ting healt calz ina, pisc la y a g play hin la ryt r hea En 1 eve • h t y h es. No ab eas ” dis it se. ea s. dis C e ertainly, it effective th of th ted tten in genes uc wri is m nd is an t co s tha m die a. ed stu gom ications, b gical patos de coronary ypass su Many epidemiolo stents for has to be fulfilled. probability e th at lo th w ow im s sh er ato s portantly, ing chole with immigrant ste • Evitar las sandalias y zap it is much t deterronic disease is no more inex p of contracting a ch eir
21 Days
To Improve My Own H and That of Others
Choosing to change is a personal decision that can affect our health and the people aroun
Change... for What?
If we do not know where we want to go, we run the risk of taking any path, even if it is the wrong one. Living without clear objectives hinders personal decision-making.1 Knowing what one wants is the force that drives us to act and allows us to consciously choose favorable options in our lives. Many people live without a clear idea of what they want for their health and lifestyle. They are merely content with the idea of not being sick, as if health were simply the absence of diseases. However, this concept has been obsolete for decades.2 Health is a state of complete well-being and balance between the
es In this chapter we will analyze the objectiv of lifestyle change and the positive consequences that are to be expected. 40
1 Dijksterhuis, A.; Aarts, H. (2010). «Goals, Attention, and (Un) Consciousness». Annual Review of Psychology, vol. 61, pp. 467-490, (PMID: 19566422). 2 OMS – Organización Mundial de la Salud. Constitución de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Conferencia Sanitaria Internacional, New York, USA, 1946.
21 Days
different di social and s who we are is far more means feel others and as a preciou
Our Life Our Hea
The man lifestyle, de habits exer and spirit is, everyth gradually f lives. Henc the impor because we
C han g e
To Break Harmful Habits (Part 3)
of Others .......................... 34 To Improve My Own Health and That ........................................... 36 To Break Harmful Habits ..................... .............................................. 42 To Lead a Healthy Lifestyle .............. .......................................... 44 To Eliminate Risk Factors ..................... A. n 46ega .......................................... tive hab To Live Longer and Better.................... it should e it 49ith g ...... n ....... w ....... a ....... h ....... ....... ....... not be e C ....... ....... a health o ....... t ....... ....... d Goo ys Feel To a D liminate 1 y one. 2 ........................ 50 d witho ....... ....... ....... ....... Flora tinal Intes ut repla To Have Healthy ....... 52 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... To Lose the Extra Pounds ..... 54 .......................................... An Asian pro To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes .............. verb say 56 .. g ....... in ....... ....... ....... g to ....... ....... s that, “ ....... in fill ....... ase k Dise nary in your life Coro rse h t To Reve when t u o th h with he ere ....... w.il58 n witer .............. h e ..................... ....... v althy ha you belt l ....... e a b e s e Canc h of it n Risk r b o cegthe The Ha a u To Redu ro o h T h e o e p m in fact. is for harm bits, soon bit of C 60that th n shaession ................................................. repeat s caDepr ful hab bitand d upTo a e h n on h iety a e a Anx d b r S b Avoi e it a u aturate it n s w o s d m , e .” o g s u n u st m in a o c b e 62 e d n e ... d and T B t of harm accomp of h....... e areTo Leave a Legacy of Good Health to My Descendants ....... w e t a a n a fu lt ra ie h h l d w y T b he cons habits, se. about thecse umptio just as re y the adoption han for wor pgaeges. r th o to s n r o it e c s o t b e o t a f m h com mended ore for be s which in cessed fo monly used in hat is m shows u W s . k o rm o . b e fo o This practic ones to choleste ds causes obes m into h new autorol, coro put the nd whic that we abit pend on to a e s d w n nary he o o ri ly h e ti osclerosi ed ac ant is ar bad h ing larg s. import well-be are learn ce a good or to d n d a e ir h n u Habits lt q a O e re T t. h a h is r e e u g p fat in fo O lly re inkin er by od enha its. matica a sensati much th r behavior easi nnce our hab ed, not on of sa isio e ou c k e a d m f is form s o it tiety, bu ss b r s e a u c t s H o i a l . ro tu o b p in it tr a ra e d x n t e is o H le te c p rc -c u l d e e d m u x is o a e co nd tran cru rkietly intr Ha r mf ing the s fat c r to the addictiv of cowo s are qu e it simplify mewhat simila c b a n e e h h l u a fl in , so bile. Harmfu f trends ariOnly go bit that mu elming making automo g pull o nt for v overwh od and n of an us to importa ompellin l es. The c e v d health p e li n a operatio consum th l im u friends, powerf ed. s. ublicity d it p re b n f a a a o s h it rs ts e e b — in m r h Ha o c io e e v tl b a b , h su Replace ns: peated our be bit has and the with th ous reaso when re day are it, a ha rmine hearty s eh alizing ey dete e perform each ns that, peat o re th re ti t c e u se a o u w alad wit a h d w it n s w a n s s o • Bec e n ti c m ro h a ti u e e e y ac n th n f r a o u M in o ge, s . most
bits a H l u f m Har k a e r B o T (Part 1)
bit han lt of ha ult to c the resu e diffic v o r p y s use the ful one e our • Beca fluenc lly harm especia ively in is c e d y use the • Beca . health
of it corded y aware been re ing full e b t u o it with
The Ha bit of E ating M The con eat sumptio
addictiv n of me e habit. at can tu But it is rn into a meat is well pro n detrime ven tha n ta probably l to the t red being ca heart, a side fro rcinogen WHO. m Similar ic accord ly, proc ing to th (sausage e ssed m e s, bacon ea ,
The anim als that we kill w Replac ill in e with eating. the ha bit of v
How to CHang
Starting with th e Mind Cha nge must begi n from the in side out— from what is not visible to what is visible .
3 How to Change
An effective program of ch ange utilizes useful resour ces to ensure success. Thes sources include e reknowing the different dieta options and th ry eir effects on the physiologic mechanisms, al understanding th e ity to engage body’s capacin adequate lev els of physica activity, expe l riencing the res torative powe rest and learn r of ing about the different natu resources and ral their effects on our health. If we add to this the developm ent of a healt balanced an hy, d restorative spirituality th promotes tru at st and peace of mind, we achieve the fu will llness of a he althy life.
Change Lies in Our Way of
The inapprop riate use of medication s can reinforce habit s that are destructive to health.
of some dest ructive health ha bits. What is worse is that in many cases the medications tempora rily alleviate the symptom s, thereby sil encing the sig emitted by th ns e body indica ting that som thing is failin eg which reinfo rce s the practice of harmful ha bits.
Change is som ething possible In reality, th for everyone. e difficulty to change is mor conceptual th e We Are Wh an real based on the fact th at We Think many start fro at m the outside Each of us is in by initiatin programs, di reflection of ou g ets and seem r own habits. Everything th ingly appeal treatments. Th at we incorpor ing ese practices ar ate as routine our lives beco e not tied to inner willpow in mes a part of an er and a shift ou rselves. Habits are nothing in thinking an are interprete more than a d d by the body reflection of thoughts, for as something our desirable, akin we are what we unto a sacrifice or think. 1 Changing habits be the price to pa in exchange fo gi ns by a y ch r a fleeting rew ange in thin and the latter king, ard. As a resul all these effor , in turn, is th t, ts do not achi e consequenc voluntary decis eve lasting res e of a ion . Ha ul ving a defined On the other ts. assuming the hand, many pe plan and personal com ople are slave to the myth mitment of ca ing it out, vo s of medicatio rrylu n— nt ar to ily using selfmagical pills th a group of limit-setting control and at will correct mechanisms the consequenc can consider es increase the eff ably ectiveness of lif estyle change 2 s.
In this chapter we will discover where begin the process of lifestyle change ought to and how to put it into practice in an easy and pleasant way. Summary
78.... 66 .......................................... 21 Days Having the Will to Change .............. to Ch ange1 Proverbs 23: .............................................. 67 7. Starting with the Mind..................... 2 Rogers, T.; Mil 68 kman, K.L.; Volpp, ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... K.G. (2014). «Commitment ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Devic ....... Planning Behavior». Journa es: Using Initiatives to Change 70 . l of ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... vol. 311, nº 20 (Ma the American Medical Associatio ....... ....... ....... ....... ts Habi y), pp. 2065-2066 n, Forming New 24777472). , (PMID: ........................................... 72 Adopting Healthy Habits ..................... ...........................................74 Changing Gradually and Progressively ............................................. 76 Creating Positive Reinforcement ....... ........................................ 78 Overcoming the Withdrawal Syndrome W 80h pa e ng ha We are a reflect .........................................it tience a ion of our own 21 Days to C Eating Smart .......................................... habit s. nd persis o ve82 ..... ....... r ....... c ....... t o ....... ....... e m ....... n ....... ng ce, the d e Fasti and a ne Practicing Intermittent ifficultie w lifesty s of chan ............................................... 84 le gradu Reducing Medications ..................... a ll y 86 ... e ....... m ....... ....... ....... e ....... r ....... ges. Practicing Self- care ............................ ......... 88 ............................W ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Body My it hdrawa Observing l is the 90 eted ....... abit....... compl process d is . It m ral Remedies ............................h t Natu ep an Eigh stthe g e ticin gl eans dep Prac sin of brea a ith w ns gi s o riving o be 94 m k ....... al ....... e ....... th ....... ....... ....... in ge A long w Chan r abstain king a r. to g e he tanc . Frequen Resis ot A the an ing s r com te w Over af it ing from h every the decis step tly, that p by taking one
Overcom ing the Withdraw al Syndro me
ually Changing Grad ly and Progressive
ion to in terru
rocess o f chan
p g s some d iscomfort t something alw e, ange is not a che mical, p of lifestyle ch . a E ys it at h th e ram r The process og due to p sycholo it a pr dency, g hysical, gical or process. Nor is producing quick, linear iv e ys m da in w o fe g a ti up so onal dep eted in pro-the min can be compl enchange is a “re d, in mo mething is inte ults. Lifestyle rpreted s re, it is t fo c ere miraculous res a th s g; e in s by , of liv y a wa s e a th of fe ually eling of gramming” nsists of grad loss. process. It co the , us Th s. a continuous ge sta g life habits in to reconstructin le and turns in ge is sustainab an ch ed ain att a new lifestyle. cess A Rapid Pro n Generate Ca ge an of Ch Effect a Rebound lous als of miracu
y propos ise There are man ities that prom ets and activ . programs, di tacular change ec sp a d an loss y rapid weight programs ever e es th in jo ople efMillions of pe ful that with nt and hope will be — se year, confide ten in ry times is ve fort—which at ed result. the long-await rewarded with diets can end fad e tiv alterna Some of the sult, but at re d ise g the prom in metaboup producin ge an of a sudden ch ge in way the expense an ch a mpanied by t lism not acco titude did no at l ta en m e ce th of living. Sin over, the old is m ra og pr the change, once . habits return previis a return to e cases, there
feelin by specifi c signs o r sym manage d well to minim
The Wi thdraw al From
the poin to the appe arance o f vie f withd spite bein g it is an in unpleasant, is dication that th of habit s is und er way. withdra W wal symptom syndrome wh s exhibit involve specific a degree of disco to cope m with for most pe op Withdra the brok wal symptoms en habit an teristics of the in d depen volved s eral, the ub signs of dis by head ache, irri comfort tability, tachycard ins ia, trem bling, d sudden ryn mood sw ings. The best w a y to syndrom cope wit e lies in h preparin gramme g in a d chang e of hab new one its, th s to crea te a c ad
han g e
Reducing M edications Over time, hea
ences h t that most influ As diet is the habi mpanied co ac be t ange mus every lifestyle ch nal habits. by healthy nutritio
lthy habits are gradual are steadily ly abandon adopted an t with ed, by then d harmful Star can be pro , the intak o n gressively re es od Breakfast Go a e of medic we duced. ations of the day when at the beginning
ything Not Having An Between Meals the main
outside of Consuming foods e ive physiology, ov est dig e th ts rup dis d an ty esi ob promotes the stomach and als r an adult two me bolic disorders. Fo t. In th ien fic suf are , ch breakfast and lun ner, i nsumed for din something is co urs ho ree th st at lea be very light and . ep going to sle
It is and nutrisupply of energy need the greatest es glucose, vid pro t fas ak bre ents. A complete minerals One of th and vitamins and e benefits essential fatty acids, . ns of adoptin uro habits and ne dy cells and g healthy making a needed for all bo lifestyle ch you can do al proF vit o e r th t, C an fas h ge is that either of th olesterol break e following: By having a good l and ua ect ell • Reduce Statins is th ted and the int the dose of e most com cesses are activa medicatio in the morning. m taken; ves ed pro m im on ic ce at an ly ion to low ns being rform cal crpe ysies ibed t-Based Prod er choleste phpr ories, according • Do wit rol. How Consume Plan that, in equal cal to various hout cert beeren , observed s les studies likeIt hasev l State ce conducted ain medic du ra akfast pro at New Yo ations; theing Replace so in Their Natu on est e ed during bre rk Universi those g the me medic Medicine, 1 rin du ed ssible packa est po as ing ty e ch ones with Schoo ations wit statins har l of in than thos Avoid as mu t ga fewer side h milder dly manag weigh th e a long list ri th sk ef wi fe es to reduceday. of cardiova ts cts or with plants. scular dise processed produc medicinal t of the with moder ingredients. ases res ial ific in art er at pa e oth ti d in en crease in ch ts It all gives tives an far more ef olesterol le added valu at least 50% of the fective prot vel. A itself. The le e to lifesty ommended that ection can by followin le change ss medicatio be or minimally pr w g a vegetari achieved n is needed consume be ra an diet (pri of Of course , th m e ea be t tt an mar er. d meat prod any change ment mus ucts) accom ily, free in a patien the practice t be evalua t’s treatpanied by of physical 86 21 Days to ted and pr doctor. ex er ci se. escribed by The advan Change a tage of a ve getarian di panied by exercise is et ac co mthat it redu diabetes, w ces the risk hile statins of increase it. cholestero Additionally l-lowering , medication side effects s have other such as mus cle disorder s. 1 Kuptnir ed juices and
Practicing Selfcare Peo
atsaikul, V.; Da eez jpratham, P.; Drinking freshly squ (2014). «Effic Taecha ac is a good way to Compared wi y and Safety of Curcum arpornkul, W. et al. natural smoothies e a day.” a Domestica th Ibuprofen A Multicenter Extraacc the objective of “fiv in Patients wi h plis cts om 451-458, (PM Study». Clinical Interven th Knee Osteoarthritis : tions in Aging ID: 24672232 , vol. 9, pp. ).
ple should ta ke an active ro le in the man and care of th ag eir own healt h.
21 Days to Cha
The developm ent of public health care an systems for d the treatmen However t of diseases ha brought with ve them great so this model cial advancem in recent deca ent des. However life expectan habits , the danger ex in placing em yourself. As new an is th r ts tte ph be in addition, as g dy is in bo on rd ur co he re yo s d al th an ow n g ca el, on doctor re personNo one kn estyle, observin s’ offices and creases, both ated into your lif on hospitals relegating to g. in at ul , th im are being incorpor e st words, we li background th ry ve is e ac pl individual. e role of the are taking and become the changes that “I lead my lif technically im e, and if I ge t sick, I will given the nece health care s be ssary treatmen t, that’s why we ha ve su ch re po su go pulation in es od Pr doctors and ho Blood medispitals,” some ayth theink. In this have sophisticated rce exertedmby fo e th is e ur m ess an Th There is no need to are ner, the person e only su s that Blood pr thive as ss a pa becomes observe the change e subject who lls of the arteries ma facing deve cal instruments to se role simply e, rried out. od against the wa urin ca blo is ess pr ge an od re ch ce blo e co iv yle th ns est ists of g care from th e higher and reinforcin taking place as lif e public heal heart pumps it. Th meamake, andth th system some of the simple eir private insu ort the heart must or from eff are e ng th r wi in ate llo healthcare fo gre e es. e e Th th rance. e arteri assess th k to the walls of th e to observe and se lf -care. the greater the ris sures that allow on brings . of healthy habits body’s condition n The integration ca ich wh in blood pressure with it a decrease g the 21 days of din en re fo be ed now be notic ge. the lifestyle chan nsidered 0/80 has been co Traditionally, 12 2017 the in r, ve essure. Howe an ideal blood pr d a new he lis ab est n tio socia American Heart As e Table 1). chart of values (Se
y Observing My Bod
Heart Rate
ting art beats while res The number of he ute. in m r pe the 80 beats should not exceed ar and ul reg be t us m beats In addition, the rhythmic. Systolic Pressure Hg or upper in mm
Diastolic Hg or lower in mm
4 Week 1: Adaptation In this health program, simple and practical tips are given to help people build healthy habits for a new lifestyle. In this manner, the daily actions, objectives, and recommendations will encourage and empower the reader to make small changes. As a whole, these changes form a synergic model that can positively transform the way of living. Each day, new habits to be formed will focus on aspects of diet, life habits, and emotional and spiritual health. The program can be carried
out following one or more rows a day. The fundamental thing is that the activities ought to be developed with regularity and that for each day, new habits are to be added to those incorporated on previous days. In this first stage of adaptation, which encompasses the first seven days, new actions are put into practice that achieve a transformative effect which impact the body in a positive way and initiate the process of lifestyle change.
......................................... 98 Day 1: Sunday ........................................ ...................................... 100 Day 2: Monday ........................................ ...................................... 102 Days to Day 3: Tuesday ........................................ Chang Wednesday ........................................................................ 104 e Day 4: ............................................ 106 Day 5: Thursday ................................ ......................................... 108 Day 6: Friday ........................................ ..............................................110 Day 7: Saturday ................................
Day 1: S unday Action
y Day 7: Saturda
s Object
Star t lun ch salad pla with a hear ty te ever y Adapt th day. The amo e palate unt can to more natural be gradu increase flavors. ally Inc d as you rease th build a ta for it. e intake ste to of fiber encoura of satiety ge the sensatio n .
Drink at le water th ast six glasses o f ro increasin ughout the day , g the am you feel o the desir unt if e.
h 21 Days to C
Cultivate a taste fo water in r pure ste beverag ad of other e s. Create a fe for drink asible schedule ing wate r.
Dif ficu
Tiredne ss repetitio resulting from n of salad of the same typ y without . Makee this a da L ack of oid all types Av s. od fresh pro ed fo er duct s afri h o m e. s, tof fried food wheth Diet t. ee sw T h e ha s or ry savo te eat som and the need to ething fa st.
It is easy to forge t to drin water. k Through out the day, ma activitie ny sk s from drinking eepLiufe water if w pay atte ntion. Habitesdo not Other b ev adequate erages do not ly substi tute pure water.
y without Make this a da ications or ed m analgesic regularly d an s ler kil in pa week. y er ev it e observ days, r he ot Extend to ible. ss po as r fa so in
Objectives ke of calories Reduce the inta . and fats ation of Reduce the sens stomach e th in s heavines af ter eating. on. Improve digesti
Frie app fat tex
. Detox the body ical em ch e th ce Redu organs e th to n aggressio g the yin rif tasked with pu blood. dy’s general Improve the bo . ce balan
C h e r
5 Week 2: Benefits this week, we will strengthen the actions already taken and begin to experience the benefits of a change in lifestyle.
In this chapter, we will continue with the lifestyle change program. After the stage of adaptation (chapter 4), the second stage of benefits lasts another seven days. During
.............................................114 Day 1: Sunday ................................... ..116 e ...................................................................... ng....... Mon 2:C Day haday o t s y a D ............................................118 Day 3: Tuesday ................................... ............................................ 120 Day 4: Wednesday ............................ ......................................... 122 Day 5: Thursday ................................... ....................................... 124 Day 6: Friday .......................................... .......................................... 126 Day 7: Saturday ...................................
y a d n u S : 1 y Da Actions
hy source of Have a healt fats. proteins and e n trol of blood nsume o Improve con Regularly co ts u n f o ) ut 30 g sugar level. serving (abo vary to y Tr . g in ter sleep rn in the mo Promote bet day. ch ea ts u n f o the type qualit y.
21 Days to Cha
Day 6: Friday Dif ficulties Actions
e expensive. Nuts could b ning when Lack of plan er Drastic pping in ord compl ally reduce or grocery shoDi etely b la uetct s avai le consumptioneliminate the to have prod of liquids during meals, be it wate at home. e it h w juices or soft drin of eating n o ks ti . ta p m Te tries ever y as p r o ad re b , ause it is fast morning bec . ve pensi easy, and inex
Practice five min utes of stretching exercis Life es three times a day to ac g hi Habiots n eve ki n ri d muscle The habit f cult relaxation between fi if d ry ve e b work-related activ alcohol can ities and ore if there isbenfo e going to sleep. m o rc ve o to it.
Drastically re
duce or onsumption
take of Reduce the in calories. us negative Prevent vario e body.
andon firm will to ab ages at er Alcoholic bev as an outlet n times functio nsion and for ner vous te anxiet y. r
21 Days to Cha
Day 1: Sunday
5 6
Week 3: n o i t a d i l o s n Co to the lifestyle Now 14 days in t , we face the las change program e is iv ct je ob e th w ee k in w hi ch e, n. In th is st ag co ns ol id at io
must be deeply healthy actions a w ay th at th e ch ro ot ed in su tegrated into the habits are fully in new lifestyle.
Drastically redu ce or eliminate the co nsumption of processed mea ts, such as sausages, hot do gs, hams and other deli m eats.
Replace, whenev er possible, sedentar y activiti Fight seden es with other challenging Im prove bl bodily movement. Prevent obe
Life Habits
Prevent Reduce t and satur Reduce th processed
to 21 Days
C han g e
day r u t a S : 7 y Da
Emotional Health
Cultivate a creativ e hobby. Practice it at lea st once per week. Actions
mmary Su 21 Days
0 ....................... 13
to Change ........................................ ............ ...... 132 Day 1: Sunday .... ............................ ............................ .... .... .... .... y da Day 2: Mon .................. 134 ............................ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 136 Day 3: Tuesday .... ............................ ............................ .... .... .... ay sd ne ................ 138 Day 4: Wed ............................ .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ . 140 Day 5: Thursday ............................ ............................ .... .... .... .... .... .... Day 6: Friday ................. 142 ............................ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Day 7: Saturday ....
Day 2: Monday Actions
Practice intermittent fast ing Improve insulin resistance two or three times per . week, spending at least Improve physical and sixteen hours without mental disposition. ingesting any food. Make Avoid neurodegenerativ e this a regular habit. diseases.
Spiritual Health
Get used to natural food e Increase th ay ins, m a whole d m d ta en vi sp to Tr y ed , plant-bas fiber. eating raw ch as salads, su ly on Do withou s od Reserve spfo s, ed se ecific, gtim ated ermeinto be products c Diet in th ts ui fr e midst of natstu a Deveload diteives p th nu . re, If d pat an possible, daily. capacit chemical
Dedicate time to appreciate the simple things in life. Turn of f your m obile phone for some time ea ch day.
Strong desire of eating at Life night due to the rooted habit of eating dinner. An imbalanced diet during the day, especially if it is it contains sugar and refined flours, stimulates the nee d to eat at night.
Life Habits
Reduce emotional overloa d and stress. Reduce the temptation of always having something to do. Provide mental rest and
Social net works and inte rnet use can turn into addicti ve habits. The pace of modern life creates the uncontrollabl e need of always having something to do.
y to refle Accustom the so things. Value the mome spiritual tranquil i
the lly reduce Intentiona nsumed co s od fo amount of ur meals. yo daily in all e e size of th y of Reduce th d the variet an s on ti por l. ea ch m foods in ea
Dif ficulties Habits
Emotiona Health
Drastically reduce or eliminate the use of technology out side your work schedule. If you must utilize it, do not do so two hours bef ore going
Alleviate emo Develop O je pa btie perseverance.
Spiritual Health
e changes ar Accept that par t of life. and allow Be flexible ur change yo to lf yourse . lifestyle
Reduce calories Preven Improv and pr heavin
Stre to a diff Lea be
ate in to par ticip Make plans vity together ti ac a spiritual people. with other it y in commun ed lv vo Get in lunteer vo d an h utreac
7 Alternatives for Change Knowing safe, appealing, and effective alternatives can be the key to success in change.
............................................. 146 Discover New Options ..................... ........................................ 148 Alternatives to Sedentary Life .............. ........................................... 150 Alternatives to Alcoholic Drinks ....... .........................................151 Alternatives to Sugary Soft Drinks ....... .................... 152 DaysAlter tonativ Cha Refined Sugar ................................... to e esng ............................................. 153 Alternatives to Coffee and Tea ....... ............................................ 154 Alternatives to Cow’s Milk .............. ............................................. 156 Alternatives to Cheese ..................... ...........................................157 Alternatives to Meat............................
to 21 Days
C han g e
s Alternative ilk to Cow’s M k is an id
Cow’s mil
Discover New Options
Changing the way of th inking leads to seeing th ings from another persp and, eventually, doing so ective mething different and fin ding alternatives. To be successful in ma king a change in lifestyle, we must under stand how this process develops internally. Th e major success factor lies in changing our wa y of thinking so that subsequent changes wil l be solid, sustainable, and lasting.1 This mean s that true change involves not only trying to do things differently but also finding better alternatives.
Thought Induction Mechanisms
There are two different mechanisms to build a new way of thinking : positive and negative induction.
r calves eal food fo
Negative induction functions when we attempt to change som ething because our current conduct is negat ive, that is, it is bad for us and detrimental to us. In this manner, the negative mechanism leads us to stop doing something. Positive induction fun ctions in the opposite way. We convince ourselves to do something differently becaus e we expect a positive effect, in other words, something good and desirable. In this mann er, the positive mechanism leads us to do som ething.
r human
but not fo
many p For years, necessa is k il ing m . Yet, es n o strong b m re ilk i where mo rope, h Eu n er h nort ell pro w is rosis. It ults d ad of milk in t osteopo n ve re p r o t nee You do no by cow ed li p p su is wing su The follo and fix n o retenti in K f m a • Vit in D o • Vitam ium • Magnes one v • Isofla gumes).
cks Drawba
s all • It cause ry p • It is ve up • It ends e av h o h w milk). be • It can viruses, a chemical c • It can cancer-p n • Its abu prostate Plant-b l not be ca
21 Days to Change
Alternatives to Alcoholic Drinks
and misfortunes No substance causes so many diseases as a substitute as does alcohol. Finding alternatives lifestyle. for it is fundamental for a change in
21 Days to Change
Alternatives to Sedentary Life
The only alternative to sedentary life in giving up all those excu ses that come to to remain idle at home .
Grape Juice1
This is the auth enti c wine—the pure grape juice that is not fermented. It has been shown that grape juice contains many more polyphenols and antioxidants than fermented wine. Plus, it cleans the arteries, protects the heart and promotes healthy liver functions.
3 Alcohol-free Wine
Unlike grape juice, alcohol-free wine hardly contains sugars that is why its flavor is not sweet. It can now be found in specialized stores.
3 Ibid., p. 34.
1 Healthy Juices, p. 34.
2 Alcohol-free Beer An g e for Ch Alcohol-free beer canAlternAtives It
replace alcoholic beer. has the following benefits: it aids in digestion, makes the blood thinner and stimulates the production of milk in breastfeeding mothers. 2 Ibid., p. 35.
The lack of physical exe rcise is one of the main risk factors of chr onic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, osteop orosis or circulatory disorders. However, des pite being so harmful, sedentary lifestyle is pre ventable by just moving around. The greater the sedent ary lifestyle, that is, the more time spent sitt ing, the greater the risk of premature death, as revealed by different studies. It would not be far-fetched, therefore, to say that a couch or a sofa kills. It is well worth it to see k alternatives to sedentary life, like those pro posed in these pages. 1. Set a goal of not usi ng elevators or escalators. Climbing stairs on foot helps to maintain the heart’s normal function.
ves AlternatiAlc ohol-free ails ekta Coc T d n a e e f f to Co ffee, porting co
2. Do Wh on
These cocktails are a fun way of trying combinations of flavors s the risks of alcohol. tiveout rnawith
ments sup s advertise u ro de alte e m u n e must inclu le y st rages. Despite th fe li ealthy ictive beve h d a d a rd a se o w th change to to replace 4 Ibid., pp. 36-41.
numedrug with addictive ch as su the body, 1 effects on ue to D s. ti ri d gast ally anxiety an su u ffeine, it is ith w ature of ca ee ff co f ose o rease the d
one fect, until the same ef g in in . ta b se o do 3. When planning the the aim of d harmful activities to be carried elevated an or depenout in your spare tim n o ti reaches an ic d e, give priority to ad m o fr it those involving movem suffer lves from ent such as going Those who ee themse 2 fr n ca for e wal ks, n pra cticing a sport or gardeni ffei x cure. ng. o et dency to ca d e n ei g a caff by followin
AlternAtives for ChAn
2. 2 Ibid., p. 25
offee Chicory C oking 3
ee ated Coff ictive of the add ee fr is It
t it ffeine, bu effect of ca it at th n ea m does not eD k. n y dri is a health n ca ee ff co caffeinated to l fu se ng u end up bei l with a ca better dea y ll ia ec p x, es ffeine deto psychologi is e er th when cy. dependen cal coffee
by co It is made d chicory te as ro d dried an ory . ater Chic root in w minisre r o av fl (with a ery ffee) is a v cent of co al in ic l med b e n e fi c ia and er v li e th plant for on. for digesti
ot Maize n Atole (H ) Beverage beverage 4
dia of 3 Encyclope
ants, p. 446.
Medicinal Pl
5 ollient m E n ia v Peru om barley, is made fr
This mon and (linseed), le flax seeds . plants medicinal
4. Reserve time each day to practice some type of physical exercise.
5. Enroll in a gym or a spo
rts club.
21 Days to Change
Maintaining Healthy Ha
With the 21 Days to Ch ange program, you ha v a new life in which the acquired healthy habit sw
On the Way to Life
“Doing is easy; the difficult thing is maintaining.” the first cup o This phrase is a reality for many people. dri nk, the first There are those who begin the process of television sessi change, purchase books, download recipes from exercise. The fir the Internet, enroll in a class, buy clothes and oth ers. The ho special equipment but do not manage to mainenters can mak tain the actions undertak en. After some time, The objective o they are discouraged and may even give up. to leave holes t The first actions must into your new l be continued and maintained in order not to lose the initial pace in the process of cha nge. You must avoid Each New S interrupting the proces s of change as it is more Pr oves Easi difficult to resume each time. To do so, special e gon e attention must be giv Each new sta en in order not to fall During the three previous weeks, you hav less time and wit for the first glass of win e, and s the first cigarette, moted by health through the phases of adaptation, benefit t, the body and fac wha , why The . nge cha tyle consolidation of lifes habits. For that you. You1 are follow the pro and how to change are now clear to 16 ife ay tO L e he W som ner unti to t s tive n rna O alte lthy already aware of hea incre health. of products or behaviors that do not benefit the face en lly tica imis You are now prepared to opt n a
set best time of your life. Now is the time to nge. course to a new life in which you are in cha
.......................................... 160 Integral Health–Holistic Benefits ....... ............................................162 Maintaining Healthy Habits.............. ......................................... 164 Testimonies ..........................................
into corporated anently in of m ay er w p r e u b o only part of y e ar ey ew n th build lifestyle if portant to ce, it is im of life. In s n o si nking. Hen en ferent dim if d e necessary th is in it , bits consumed is at h how the w dition to e is spent, f how tim o is with l fu ip d sh in be m e relation th w o h itual s, se g the spir ody exerci how stron d ion ct an ra le te p in her peo tence and is ex r to co fe d ce hat we re fe is. Balan factors is w e es th f o l etween al health. s holistic
nges o the Cha
nt ple, differe n, for exam ar er le th o to , e se m ci ical exer It is the ti abits rms of phys h fo e iv ew n at , v o recipes n and inn f relaxatio options o of rest.
Changes ating the Incorpor style New Life you into the habit suits e of a new
ly practic to your dai When the at habit in th ur te yo ra g o in rp redesign well, inco e, , it involves m es ti m r ti t ve A O . s. activities new habit e s th e rn d tu u incl lthy habits routine to f new, hea o n o ti ra o the incorp . e ral process pt for som into a natu iet” conce “d e t th ce ietary
On the Way tO
tain ctions to Main Ten Practical A ange of Lifestyle Ch y it u n ti n o C e th
ions of sure s or tempt at 16 es4, pres sir de to 2 in 1 gi g Daysu should ve in. t of not givin haningcr not mean that yo to uCw es Create the habi do le ab ill eeaail av that it is Over time, yo it. do t n’ others. The fact do , ng hi et m so do t to o” If you decide no Learn to say “n ore strength. singly garner m e so want to consum n. If you do not n or io io at pt pt m um te ns of co form with the teedad R cia so as Eliminate ever y sh es ac pu a pl b ho d o t re ndas” t buy it. Avoi l cw ious of “furie ases of ho Be caput mething, do no d. oi h av y to e si nd bl w people c te ra al, menta you in Promote a favo have succ l and spir the practice that not want to do. do u yo at eeded in th it t u ng hi al health environmen improvin you to do somet with the 2 1 Days t to se ra o Chang e key ph deserve…” is th st to enjoy concessions. “I “I weigur ju s all st sm ue ith nq h w co e ns d yo 13 kilo Defeat begi t givescup heon personal duled fo ful to4yo iss aan le change. Do no is harmr bariatruic su d I was already ch hi w m destroy a lifesty ng a hi n et y m different rgery. I h Little by Giving up so diets a little ad tr ons th t. small pleasures. Avoid concessi not a punishmening beyond small nd did not achieve ied to my life.” I felt that normal sl is it n; io cis de , isolated anybut then and wise I w uld g novtem Dopro . im ain months o itoan ar twan eigew st ht again. ve ents, fixf impled r, he ot an After five ha m or u J. S., 51 en yo ay my life ch t abando tin what d in one w For more nged. I d n g this 21-d ain ror. Do ano yp If you have faile er ue e ro gl nt sin g co id a ra th d et of n m an s; a e o n thirty y , instea ppedt follow an becaus constipati have ears, I su ym d asto ruin ever ything es where yoduIha o . Resume activiti I lost 42 kilos and re-education of my ore di- days wit n. At times, I reO ed ev hi ac If you fall, acn the dy ea h li alr o fe fe u st e t li l y li h v le in k a . e a brand ving a bo hed u g a“Ihth lf up e that was ealt urse yoto ead. oh ah ck u w n pi g ht y e el mov h w aig li ng t v fe str ha p C e I e .” ry had it all rson fru 60 21 Days missing so buth t Iosweas alw eral discomfo strating. I always rt w,ith mac sta , et ns h tio in g rt le a . ib yesad willi W. itShinith ss and suff ont verpo h A ffere wh smallere ered from aches.ng elminlfg an n.,w39mye, Peto yourself facing di “aFb eath was aab opd rfos rold ari ur se emdpbe tingi leo avro ole nout n raeiyo r fo esnfi m s. theing When you find als uo go I ev e n b w nu sy nc y er dsm a ea m de s n y t in y greaeng n Se . a co o b rt th rs d t lo a fo co co , an d e ef n in I m th m ss e. m e le o sl x o foT I aplw od od. I fe eob rth- e pro eso eri pin ta aeyn r.a”te m demanding gin s cneee illto lt fo . Sst w m u d b le e yo lo eo d , e b on ed if ay p n le t w fi e, es w m is to da c si th o u o sp is r u lt b In e . a e ld y n ts th t n d en le n ex a a h em o t Solve the ea w st n t ea I ate very at s no was ours pursu cormaete achiev . Ilewvoisuio p J.oM onin a good nturned o . Tghaeltsiern ldn thLaatte t aware of it. I wa first lenati igh uncom vem s not drin r, I dis ce new challenges. t’ s s fo sl “ ad r e fo It g c e e rt o e p a or m tt v ab , ll w fav k e in y b e in st re a le the u fe s g a . is, d t t co rt el I th th tha re ed m v ic, e al ti a er t cli ves wizain ized fo y ttti on w plete u overw lenu life are synerg ow thllat beydliuttsel sm suin gritd g oitre ch discovaesrebecaly , Ihbaeg se I wh s.eaI sines uieany el The benefits of a healthy m io rm ed pr a a E s of n fu b r v la to y d e de l s ck n w or th th ea importdan tuallxyio ork ing so an ant h tinbl ish meolprefu mm eficial habits. , Ius. fisit y ylife m.po nin lin eI th aive begah ansl estata llgy moedu an edo tokm nen d to aIble a ev itasrit live the inclusion of new, ben yeto 21er feh.pr re catiwoonrkof W io w -daI yarpriro eom ep q hat you need reto Gi y ise rn t. d in u en ir ved ed n a e li er grah e c m m , li ty tl I se m y . Make a lis t of w y u . m w ec lf n in od derst co cev and todI d uie hso ldt sa s for them ael any,d “I n nt for a pr uro gce e re m lifedes Noatteodnso eb haer yspdiet, andmpleI te adehan ch tim pdmm stly bit lifebipts, y is most importa ea ng a v ly rit lyi n e s. a y d io g pp b d il Pr e su it id y la d s, ir p n n I m it a u . o d ha als How won iscover n ualityo. vements t t d gan a rities d with new w ghtet rm gain . I m bett njuwsteiin derful to thabteG n ansdo, Establish prio at I matt hole noigth actions associate ore th erap e able tood exeiswts, bauntd lost a ed am ht! to Hbim I had foer nre3p0are ge ca an b sl Ch re kildo. s. it e yle a a I feIebl e ich o est rg oss nd that p p wh f Lif f ro in o a m y w tt g bod e. e re e the ig n of T g e h h w iv u H stat is persona hat it watrate eontakest now fu e t. Synergy is the uremyyou th viding me nc ons vdecliInaessin l vco enf sGlike. u nco iew slee all the new healthy . Tr y to an uld waekry Encompasses in od is pron-belieavnadb woti oulisly ew ne wpell ta ul fe e health is better because of sim . vTer m u gs o le se haisl is th d se !” l v el ura er n ivid ve an ig a ind se n l a h d tha do a et t. ly sp is Di tim to tive an M in ec pt ora m r More Th y wife told fluencing ts of my h not atteFa habits gained collab Do ealth.” me that I habits no longer lthy ll. to hea of we ting e it ctic wan of pra do e s e the tak d m mis how h an ti is s ad the ally. Thi one thing at a sex M one task One can make . vJ.e, an dri 44dyhead and knee Do . . T., of other habits that ar priority to dietM ng givi y p onl 6 ai by 2 e n encourages the adoption styl y . life I was diag euaha change rsve old “I toof and hype bet nosed mple, quality sleep okobe eekesin which yo ll sity rtension, vention eae,chdia th t pree, are also beneficial. For exa mw e endaof It is true thast hieedtary thm ac in e , at ic and I beg c ich th u wh in in ag re od, p e mo ice il die s jo ls and ed on in ess Re et ters ev y pl lf. cen th s m se an er h ase ur co e y e dise yo a c d ch w d oni ay rd ea improves physical fitn chr a o r wa er . ches, bu rld to oth The docto , re Af te tives jec Ev t nothing estyl urr,ob have to st ry r told me sleerp the following d and ses much pas ing yo better om epHow enc eda y, te evenur ke in life I ar w fo w eve de turn, promoar t e lf ee o in n cc se its. rk . t su hab je ds e to ctable insu d. to d yo frien sleep with isco Rew wh that’s when mfort. I w it with yodur o sleep better eat less dueent and shartha lin tre permanen night. Peoplevi I became d ent to do mich more e n diet. und or yid gaining weight,ve ct wh t ch esperate… ze ea o er u n t s w avo s ial, ab o en thu soc l, f o nta d t u me o t h of anxiety and T ct th u set n the o e is d rs in nge re c ifid an tegral healt ds of test. s.Re serve a spec Lifestyle cha I felt an ter physical fitness to Chang h progra e it. All normal d kctic inwaeper usson esw new in turn helps to have bet pra l e itua ho an spir is th and ! d nt on er nal B ab up rta u otio e em pome t out how so wkin awsill ith t iswim suhrpinrised eases co sobe g. met thinu nt. W habeg … me c nstaryth and mood. Iway hiethe an wit gorw stof djupl meu-is coEve Ti n.eeYo ing signins s an ninzegd chan uld be reversed. Ev garo dehou iorit wpr dw w cum a ne are to s. e a t styl As g . E life fi in wit erythin sk v n lthy le ta g e llo hea sty d e a n fo life ch of r o tu n in eaYou cannot changeev you u r he a t w fo th ll The benefits e w ng y re hi h tim , e yt a I er t weeks. I w waspoi it ly fogr ral h e te abnt again and le to learn as in a g ch the ere is a timin s better and increasing can at th son feel lthrea d. You ea started to lative. A per rninsg thcha an about leaefit nging the min d theoncodeyour timelth. The ben m anageebet run every M in p n d re n hea , ed p b ec ter bas ar its o tion betw . d hab in day. y, an tain g pl cer an fo ity ing desires to hav ain d tiv r int ac a sp ma of marathon een irit. I delits general an er, but tho strengthen one precious as ved into h . Health i will powd their influse hab obtained with the change se aab t gr it w d termination or s e an s in ca en smoall n ever hav tried the 2 ob no urjewctelive ish ce e.” -dy.ayEslita another. ein febl Beg.ca style chan neace ss1ar I re t isph ingl-bit. do whaem er nd ov t yo g ou si be e ith s p go w ro t o t P n g bu . ra h A Do no its ea m ive ., lim ss lt 44 y w ur ce h yo y habrm me exith ithoin mpso em wm nth “I was ad I ex or ns or ha its. fro meore rt erienced a fo ef dually expand th d fr ic te e in te e m d o fro fh to sweets injuryonly that: I fe a doctor purse was . eadaches! And and co ur limits always full elt ful not to cause ul not Be aware of yo of candies n in doubt, cons lighter, more alert, he al W l . th ns e tio ti iva and I me. I was and more depr crazy abou serts. If I d t all type id not eat candies, I would
Testimoni es
efits Integral Health–Holistic Ben
Is it possible to change one’s lifestyle? Many people have probably asked themselves this question at some point in their lives. Whether it is to lose weight, reverse a disease, break bad habits or, ultimately, feel better, most everyone needs to alter something in their lives. However, when it comes time to actually make that change, we often find we are faced with serious difficulties that get in the way of forming new habits. Change is possible, and the solution to achieving a healthier lifestyle isn’t found in restricting, prohibiting, or depriving yourself, but in making the decision to develop new habits and tastes. It’s about managing how to no longer crave what’s harmful. 21 Days to Change is a tool that will lead you through this process of change, providing useful information about why to change, as well as how to do so. In addition, it offers a detailed guide to changing your lifestyle in a sustainable way in just three weeks, and it gives the readers a variety of ways to achieve this change, thus increasing the chances of success in forming new habits. How about you? Do you have 21 days? If so, you too can make a change!
ISBN 978-84-7208-705-7