Healthy Foods

Page 1

General Plan of the Work Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 General Plan of the Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Index of Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Index of Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 How to Use this Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Table of RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


Foods for Humans


Foods for the Eyes


Foods for the Nervous System

29 39

Foods for the Heart


Foods for the Arteries


Foods for the Respiratory System


Foods for the Liver Foods for the Stomach



Foods for the Digestive System




Foods for the Blood





167 177



Foods for the Intestine


Foods for the Urinary Tract


Foods for the Reproductive System

Foods for the Musculo-skeletal System


Foods for Infections



Foods for the Skin




Foods for Metabolism






Foods and Cancer

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abbreviations and Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English Synonyms and Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Alphabetical Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


368 374 375 376


The Healing Power of Vegetables



They help avoid arteriosclerosis and thrombosis, and also protect against cancer, as orange does.

They lower the blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as avocado does.

Anticarcinogens Phytochemicals of broccoli and other Crucifer plants, retard or stop the growth of cancerous cells.

Digestives They aid the digestion process, as pineapple does.

Antianemics They promote blood production because of their iron and trace element content, as pistachios do.

Laxatives They stimulate intestinal function, as plums do.

19 - Foods for the Eyes


Preparation and Use

A true medicinal food Carrots, together with alfalfa greens, are the richest food in provitamin A, which makes them a true dietary medicine.

Raw: In salads, whole or grated and dressed with lemon juice. Carrots strengthen childrenʼs teeth. ➋ Cooked: Carrots combine well with potatoes and other vegetables. They are sweeter when cooked. They maintain their beta-carotene content after cooking. ➌ Juice: Carrot juice makes a refreshing, delicious, and nutritious beverage. It combines very well with apple juice or lemon juice.

Apricot Gives sparkle and beauty to the eyes

Synonym: Apricock; French: Abricot; Spanish: Albaricoque, damasco; German: Aprikose.

APRICOT Composition per 100 g of raw edible portion

Consumption of apricots maintains vision in good condition and gives the sparkle and beauty to the eyes that are characteristic of good health. This is not due exclusively to the action of provitamin A, but also to the combined action of other vitamins and minerals that accompany it.

Energy Protein Carbohydrates Fiber Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Niacin Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin E Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Iron Potassium Zinc Total Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium 1%



48.0 kcal = 201 kj 1.40 g 8.72 g 2.40 g 261 µg RE 0.030 mg 0.040 mg 0.850 mg NE 0.054 mg 8.60 µg — 10.0 mg 0.890 mg α-TE 14.0 mg 19.0 mg 8.00 mg 0.540 mg 296 mg 0.260 mg 0.390 g 0.027 g — 1.00 mg 10%




% Daily Value (based on a 2,000 calorie diet) provided by 100 g of this food

20 - Foods for the Nervous System

Almond Invigorates the nervous system and reduces cholesterol


Regular consumption of almonds strengthens the nerves, and tones the muscles, and helps overcome stress, depression, and fatigue.


Fiber 10.9 % Minerals 3.03 % Carbohydr. 9.50 %

Fat 52.2 %

Protein 20.0 % Water 4.42 %

Oats Balance the nerves and lower cholesterol Oats provide the most important nutrients for the proper function of the neurons: glucose (released from starch), fatty acids, phosphorous, lecithin, and vitamin B1. All of these have an invigorating and stabilizing effect, and improve mental performance.

21- Foods for the Heart

Provides energy to the heart

The risk of myocardial infarction diminishes as the consumption of walnuts and other oilbearing nuts increases.

Risk of Myocardial Infarction according to walnut consumption 100%

Relative risk of myocardial infarction



74% 50% 52%

0% Less than From one to once 4 times

Walnuts are a highly concentrated food containing high levels of essential fatty acids, vitamin B6 and trace elements such as zinc, copper, and manganese.

5 or more times

Weekly consumption of walnuts and other oil-bearing nuts

Banana Very rich in potassium

Because of its richness in potassium, banana is an ideal fruit for those willing to take care of their heart. It is also useful in the prevention of high blood pressure and arrhythmias.

22 - Foods for the Arteries

Avocado Lowers cholesterol and fights anemia

An avocado paradox was revealed in 1960 when a researcher discovered that eating this fruit, so rich in fats, actually lowered blood cholesterol levels. Avocado also decreases the plasma triglyceride level (triglycerides are a type of fat that circulates in the blood).

As a fresh fruit, avocado is one the richest in high-value nutritional fats, proteins, vitamins E and B6, iron, as well as vegetable fiber. They mix together very well with all kinds of salads and other vegetable dishes. When avocado is used in place of cheese in salads, the result is a significant reduction in calories, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.

Strawberry The most antioxidant fruit

The antioxidant action of strawberries neutralizes the so-called free radicals that oxidize lipoproteins. This oxidation process, if not checked, results in cholesterol deposits on arterial walls and arteriosclerosis. Strawberries are particularly appropriate for those working to improve blood circulation in the arteries.

23 - Foods for the Blood

Lemon Cleanses and regenerates the blood

Lemon juice is best when it includes all parts of the lemon, including the peel. This way, it includes all properties of the lemon including its aroma. Sweetened with a little honey, it is an excellent beverage for everyone.

A medium-sized lemon that weighs about 150 grams provides the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) of vitamin C for an non-smoker adult (about 60 mg). Smokers require about 50% more of this vitamin (see Vol. 1, p. 396).

Red beet Its red juice combats anemia Drinking 50 to 100 ml of raw, freshly prepared beet juice before meals twice a day provides the greatest anti-anemic effect. This is particularly indicated when the patient does not respond well to iron treatment, which is the case in anemia caused by low blood production in the bone marrow (hypoplastic anemia).

24 - Foods for the Respiratory System

Onion Effective against bronchitis and asthma

Figs Soothe the bronchial passages and invigorate the body

Figs relieve cough, facilitate expectoration, and soothe the respiratory tract. Their use is recommended in cases of chronic bronchitis, as well as acute respiratory infections caused by colds or flu.

Comparison of the Composition of Fresh and Dried Figs per 100 g





Proteins Fats Carbohydrates

0,75 0,3

3,05 1,17






Vitamin B1



Vitamin B2



Vitamin B6









Iron Calories

0,37 74

2,23 255



Vitamin A Vitamin C

Eating raw onion can stop or relieve an asthma crisis because of its anti-allergic and bronchodilator properties. These effects last up to twelve hours. Inhaling the onion’s essential oil is also beneficial, and is more appropriate for children.

14 2

13 0,8

25 - Foods for the Digestive System

Papaya Activates the digestive process

Cauliflower The most digestible cabbage

Papaya is considered the perfect breakfast throughout the tropics. Perhaps this is because of its digestibility and vitamin richness. A papaya shake is one of the most pleasant ways of eating this fruit.

Cauliflower promotes all digestive functions, from the stomach to the colon. It also regulates transit through intestine both in cases of constipation, as well as diarrhea.

Romanesque or minaret is a yellowgreen cauliflower. It is richer in vitamin C than the regular white cauliflower.

26 - Foods for the Liver and Gallbladder

Artichoke Detoxifies the liver

Cynaryne of artichoke increases bile production thus decongesting the liver and enhancing the detoxifying function of this organ. The artichoke is truly a protector of the liver.

To keep the artichokes from turning dark because of the oxidation of its mineral salts being exposed to the air, moisten them with lemon juice or rub them against half a lemon.

Radish Promotes bile production

The piquant essence of the radish, • Increases bile production, thus decongesting the liver; • Facilitates gallbladder drainage; • Softens bronchial mucus; and • Prevents cancer.

27 - Foods for the Stomach


Cabbage Heals ulcers

The stomach’s friend

Pineapple is the perfect friend for the stomach: aids digestion, relieves heartburns, and prevenys stomach cancer.

Pineapple juice should be drunk immediately to prevent the loss of its digestive properties. It must be taken slowly and well salivated.

Raw or cooked cabbage, as well as its fresh juice, relieve stomach inflammation and contribute to the healing of gastroduodenal ulcers. In addition, cabbage can prevent cancer.

Fermented cabbage is an effective blood purifier (depurant) and it should be included in the diets of diabetics and the obese.

28 - Foods for the Intestine

Pomegranate Reduces intestinal inflammation and enriches the blood

Tap the rind of the pomegranate with the bottom of a spoon to release the sacs.

Pomegranate is astringent and anti-inflammatory within the digestive tract. In addition, it contains a significant amount of copper, a trace element that facilitates the absorption of iron. Thus, pomegranate is also helpful in case of iron deficiency anemia.


Apple treatment

A treatment with apples is done by eating as the only food two kilos of apples a day for 3 to 5 consecutive days. The apples may be eaten raw, as apple sauce, baked, or cooked but without additional sweeteners. This treatment is ideal to cleanse the bowel, to detoxify the liver and to lower high blood pressure.

Cures both diarrhea and constipation

Apples are the quintessential fruit. They are well tolerated by everyone and combine well with any other food.

29 - Foods for the Urinary Tract

Melon A source of living water

Melon enriches the blood with mineral salts and vitamins and enhances the filtering capacity of the kidneys. It is better to eat the melon before a meal than afterwards as a dessert.

Nothing quenches summer thirst like a big slice of melon. Moreover, nothing is as helpful to the kidneys as the plant serum that is the water in melons.

Blueberry Prevents and treats cystitis

Cranberries are ideal for women, since they are effective in cases of urinary infection and help improve venous circulation in the legs.

30 - Foods for the Reproductive System

Soybean The superlegume

Per equal weight, soybeans contain more proteins and iron than meat, more calcium than milk, and more vitamins B1, B2 and B6 than eggs; and all of this with no cholesterol.

Tomato Protector of the prostate

Tomato contains lycopene, a natural red pigment that protects the cells of the prostate from oxidation and abnormal growth.

Soybeans, soymilk and tofu contain a kind of vegetable hormones (isoflavones) which relieve the symptoms of menopause and prevent breast and prostate cancer.

31 - Foods for Metabolism

Wheat The king of grains

Wheat germ and its oil improve physical condition and resistance to fatigue.

Cherry Satisfies the hunger and purifies the blood

A treatment with cherries one or two days a week allows weight loss while purifying the body and cleansing the blood. The slowness with which cherries must be eaten partially explains their satiating effect.

32 - Foods for the Musculoskeletal System

Coconut Mineral-rich

Black currant Combats rheumatic pain

Rheumatics and those suffering with cardiovascular and circulatory disorders will find black currants to be a good medicinal food. Eating currants halts the inflammatory processes in the joints and relieves the pain.

Mature coconut pulp contains a fair amount of carbohydrates (6,23%), proteins (3,33%) and mineral salts of great importance to the musculoskeletal system such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Monounsat. 1.43 g

Polyunsat. 0.366 g

Saturated 29.7 g

COCONUT Percentage distribution of fatty acids


Preparation and Use

Fiber 9.00% Minerals 0.970% Carbohydr. 6.23%

Fat 33.5%

Protein 3.33%

Water 47.0%

Raw: Black currants should be eaten ripe. ➋ Cooked: They are perfect for all types of pastries and desserts. ➌ Preserves: Black currants make excellent jams and jellies. Although they lose some of their vitamin C in the process (from 10% to 20%), they are still very rich in this vitamin. Their minerals are not affected. ➍ Beverages: Black currant juice makes a very refreshing beverage that is rich in vitamin C and iron.

33 - Foods for the Skin

Cucumber Cleanses and beautifies the skin

Because of their high water content, the cucumbers are among the lowest calorie vegetables. Nevertheless it is rich in skin-protective ingredients.

Mango Nourishes the skin and protects the arteries

Mango is the fresh fruit with the greatest vitamin A conent. In addition, it provides other antioxidant vitamins such as the C and the E. All this makes mango very suitable for: • Skin conditions. • Retinal conditions. • Arteriosclerosis prevention.

The best results are obtained by combining cucumbers’ internal properties and their external effect on the skin.

34 - Foods for Infections


Kiwis keep very well in the refrigerator for weeks or even months. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and iron during winter months.

Increases resistance and prevents anemia

Orange Much more than vitamin C Four oranges a day is the recommended dose for those wishing to increase resistance to infections.

Orange juice has become very popular as a breakfast drink and natural refreshment. Its composition is similar to that of orange, but with less calcium and fiber. Both of these nutrients are found primarily in the pulp.

E a t i n g To A v o i d Weight Gain Cherries or Pastry?

Calories are not the only important thing

One-half kilo of cherries (about 1 pound) supplies 360 kcal, approximately the same as 100 g (about 3.5 ounces) of chocolate pastry. Eating the same number of calories, the pastry fosters obesity, while the cherries prevent it. One reason cherries help prevent obesity is that they take longer to eat.

1/2 Kilo of Cherries

One Hundred Grams of Pastry

• Is eaten slowly (about 10 minutes). • Produces a feeling of satiety. • Supplies rapidly absorbed simple sugars, but since they are combined with fiber, they are absorbed more slowly than if they were part of a pastry. • Contains B group vitamins, which facilitate the metabolism of sugars. Consequently, they are utilized more easily than if they were part of a pastry.

• Are eaten rapidly (a minute or less). • Are not filling, so one continues eating. • Contain saturated fats and refined carbohydrates, which become fatty deposits in the body unless intense physical exercise is done to burn them.

The concept that carbohydrates are “fattening” and therefore have no place in a weight loss diet must be discarded.

Diabetics, like the obese, must become accustomed to eating controlled and weighed portions of each food, with the objective of not exceeding the total daily allowance and maintaining the balance among nutrients.

Substituting foods to

Reduce Cholesterol

Red Meat, Shellfish, Sausages

Fish or Skinless Poultry

Butter or Bacon


Virgin Olive Oil or Seed Oils

Whole Milk

Nonfat Milk

Soy or Almond Milk

Industrial Pastries and Sweet Rolls

Whole-Grain Baked Goods

Legumes, Meat Analogs, and Other Alternatives to Meat

Sweets, Chocolate

Dried Fruit, Honey, Molasses

Foods that Help Prevent Cancer Fruit Fruit, together with vegetables, is the most effective anticarcinogenic food. All fresh fruits are rich in antioxidant vitamins and phytochemicals, which are capable of neutralizing carcinogenic substances entering the body.

Olive Oil Olive oil’s anticarcinogenic effect is due to its richness in antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids, among other factors.

Whole Grains The fiber in whole grains accelerates movement through the bowel. It also retains and removes carcinogenic substances that may be in the digestive tract, excreting them with the feces.

Vegetables All vegetables protect against cancer to a greater or lesser degree. Their richness in provitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidant phytochemicals explain this anticarcinogenic effect.

Legumes Soy and its derivatives, particularly tofu and soymilk, provide a variety of anticarcinogenic phytochemicals.

Yogurt Protects, particularly, against breast cancer.

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