Healthy Juices

Page 1



Smoothies, Shakes, Infusions, and Other Healthy Drinks Purifying and Weight Loss Cures DR. GEORGE D. PAMPLONA-ROGER

Healthy Juices is one of the most complete works written about this issue.

Book To the Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 1

Drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 12 Description of the different types of beverages, from water to cocktails What to Drink? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Healthy Drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juices and Smoothies - 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juices and Smoothies - 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juices and Smoothies: Machines . . . . . . . . . . Sweeten Drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cereal-based Drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plant-based Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plant-based Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soy Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Almond Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oat Milk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quinoa Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcohol-free Drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcohol-free Wine and Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cocktails - 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cocktails - 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cocktails - 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drinks with Drawbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cow’s Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soft Drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coffee, Tea, MatÊ and Guarana . . . . . . . . . . . Harmful Drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcoholic Drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


14 16 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 38 40 42 42 43 44 46 46

Chapter 2

Drinks for Every Part of the Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 48 Juices, smoothies, broths, infusions, and other healthy beverages that are appropriate for the prevention and treatment of the most common diseases of each bodily organ or system

Drinks for the Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Drinks for the Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Drinks for the Cardiovascular System . . . . . . . 76 Drinks for the Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Drinks for the Respiratory System . . . . . . . . . 110 Drinks for the Liver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Drinks for the Stomach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Drinks for the Intestine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Drinks for the Urinary Tract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Drinks for the Reproductive System . . . . . . . . 156 Drinks for Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Drinks for the Musculoskeletal System . . . . . 194 Drinks for the Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Drinks for the Immune System . . . . . . . . . . . 216

It is a structured program to improve health through healthy drinks.

Outline Chapter 3

Chapter 5

Practical advice to carry out a detoxification or purifying cure based on healthy drinks

Practical advice for losing weight based on drinks, without health risks

The Detox Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 226 Detox Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toxins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal Cleansing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Four Channels of Elimination . . . . . . . When to and When Not to Do It . . . . . . . . Benefits of a Detox Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Types and Variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three Days to Detoxify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variants of the Detox Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lemonades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Purifying Broth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purifying Infusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fruit Cures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Complements of the Detox Cure . . . . . . . . Complementary Natural Treatments . . . . . Detox Cure for Specific Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caffeine Detoxification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tobacco Detoxification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcohol Detoxification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pesticide and Heavy Metal Detoxification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

228 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 242 244 246 247 248 250 250 252 252 254 256 258

Chapter 4

Healing through Drinking . . . . . . . . p. 260 Practical drink-based menus for cleansing or preventive cures for various disorders

Liver-cleansing Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intestine-cleansing Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alkalizing Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acid Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alkalizers and Acidifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antidiabetic Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vision Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neuroprotective Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anticholesterol Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardioprotective Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weight-gaining Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cure against Arterial Hypertension . . . . . . . . Anti-aging Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Skin Beauty Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antiallergic Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immune-stimulant Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anticancer Cure - 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anticancer Cure - 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Losing Weight through Drinking . p. 290 Slimming Down with Fruits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drinks to Lose Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Some Weight-reducing Juices . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flatten the Abdomen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replacing Meals with Smoothies . . . . . . . . . . How to Enrich Smoothies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thermogenics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fat-burning Juices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fat-burning Infusions and Supplements. . . Fat-burning Spices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weight-loss Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solid Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ways to Follow a Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benefits of a Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defeating the Addiction to Food . . . . . . . . Types of Beverages to Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Losing Weight in Three Days . . . . . . . . . . .

292 294 296 298 300 302 304 304 306 308 310 310 312 314 316 318 320 322

Epilogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Alternative Ingredients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Units of Measurement and Abbreviations . . . . . . . 330 Nutritional Daily Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Index by Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 Index by Type of Drink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Index by Ingredients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Index by Medicinal Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Alphabetical General Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346

262 264 266 268 270 272 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 282 283 284 286 288


Healthy Drinks


No other beverage quenches thirst like fresh

and pure water.

Know the different characteristics of the drinks that are consumed on the daily basis and discover which of them are appropriate for you.

What water to drink?

le for • Drinking water: It is the one legally suitab water ding regar laws e Th n. human consumptio Alcohol-free Dr water quality, in many countries, allow drinking inks of tities quan rtant impo but small in conta that numerous toxins such as arsenic, cadmium, or cyanide. The cumulative, toxic effects of Healthy alternatives to the alcohol versio small quantities of toxins consumed daily with n of these d ed. studi ughly thoro be to yet are drinking water by • Alkaline or ionized water: It is obtained Those who do not wa treating drinking water through electrolysis nt to do without the its flavor or other electrical processes. Accordingoftocertain, typically alcoholic drink s suc this ofbee 8.8) to and (close pH ne r alkali can the , no nents w find non-alcoholic h as wine propo versions of g e drinks. those sam type of water makes it effective in neutralizin t excessive acids in the blood. An antioxidan is ect co and anti-aging effAl ho of l-free wine kind attributed to this Alc ohol-free wine is a hea lthy alternative to not is there ver, howe ; water the consumption of typical wine. It is pro rt c suppo duced ough elim sufficient scientifithr inating the alcohol in fermented wine. Alcohol-free win to justify it. e diff ers fro m grape jui ce—cal ingled must—since Drink • Filtered water: un dergone fermentatio it has d n and it water that has passe Alcoholcontains almost no sugars. ally free sang through a filter, norm It is clear that the car dio e -protective (p. 102) of activated carboeffn.ectThof wine is not due to alcohol; nate Very refreshin filters generally elimi rather , to the polyphenols drink made w les,ginating from the suspended particori grapes. of fruit. (not microorganisms Alc ohvirus ol-frees, e wine or, better yet , ine Alcohol-f chlor le),gra pe jui which are filterabthe ce (must), protects ree Drink the allow , they hea but juices rt ides, much more than wine does s pestic and No matter how ilk M d se ba twit an ho Pl ut ical s sho win.gIntro any of duc etes the majority of chem Diab smoothies, and other drink its mación ny dra wb ack contaminants to pass. s. are consumed, there is a liquid Alcohol-free cocktails, a nates vanta Origi that should never be lacking: ges • Mineral water:Ad lso called "m a re in style a or ocktails" or ns. a n ies • tei d have man It water. Any of the detoxifying suppl is pro gs, exe in sprin mp st from he t fro ric m the the virg d neg an ativ y advantage lk, e ibed descr ents ects ofrals. all plant-based mi weight-loss treatm nt ofeffmine of alcohol (destruction amou s over tradit ble lar varia pu po st mo . ed the of is nd It me ion om must rec neu ers is chapt ron lk three s, mi ntees increased risk of can in the last When bottled, it guara The use of packaged soy Traditional cer, and liver damage, amon co be accompanied by a number of g ck oth ers ta being germ-free. ). il • It preserves the rescombined. But, fo s are prepared with Alcohol-free l glasses of water per day. liqueurs o reverse unat ol and polyprthen byof cered(tw treat cover Wate •pro ckatr stater can , wpre ally ta ithpar olsely, there are al Gener and il win s, ast seve edrawit e. bre w t h ins ic aga of nt h some ca lo solve tritional of • Protects sis.ically holmi Water is the universal eop -fcal pract isoro t ostIt ree pro ll mocktails coche inssis: osmo aga nu headu Th st and mo ctsaland e n) lthy • pr the mo Un are ep like com s st . winal aration of a ter mo drir.nkIt cleanses the body plete e the wit of h alc lk or soy oh art matte ol, speci ifi Soy miliving to cia alc thereduce anks ohol-free win l flavors. They d Th . com co and water ce are a, s ck pure hm rt tein ta ast ai pro e es, il, n eir rgi includ s the oxidative stress skill an cr alle lk. Thde. Yet, at the same ega-3 mioutsi nt-bas lk. and ea e ed ondic • It does not promote 90% 's mipre insid enven pro tivi -alcina s, betwe od pies ty. Alcohol ing nme n give aninalthed blo with cow and los mem ohl ol ar urs brane calz o pla ts arteriosccaler icper lthy thanks to their om , as occ Cómall ty ties, b are hea -free co osis or widte lacck ir fats rnng kin at and the production of mucus can also be the medium eni oh iv water and ol. pe, req e salts time, of tagilsalc 1 ral to the mine art of u eri 95% ch ar es. and e to en a t. joyable ge ten con t d together of aci fattyetin es: sirable toxins to enter the • Calc for unde friends. contaminants are eliminated in rtant impo is it n, B reaso l that For dón, lana o hilo. o body water erties.algo Propdo: Clarificationyt nss . Th ody Mary 3 Teji ge gen oing og ro . nt-based st str edrink es ton drink oe to all pla phyto to choo commo e nam t are water thawhat sese regarding ph

Alcohol-free Win

e and B



Soy Milk

e of th Besides tho , the la viya que facilitan can lead to confusion from Queen M is cocktail, Bloody M r:28)clar milk: 3 Colo , soyo, (p. milk 16 • Although the name e asknow ary ary sam cow's milk. n the t tha n no iro are s re mo gen es n as Mary I of England (1516 - comes 15 timde heridas. (packaged), ntainsción effects of phytoestro • Coliza Tu m d . ciu or ens sua cal , h C rog gr wit est at d anddaughte 1558), hol ic llora 1 Stocker ngn RA. those of animal-base • Tends to be enriched portion as cow's R, O'Haki anDea r of the d qu lcohee olize sa te ndof sin redSp athe d mo y pro , wine e rosc ly pro etar leros sam apr be not is in en the do apol aidecr ca deb ing soy ipop n. ease no m in ply rote os, Qinde supgad E gene-de16:14 usee 3 Hol ofeinhibition of lipide famouin ficient mice nden • Phytoestrogens Mtlyary s23/12/15 fothe pen peroxidation CJan; 100 ml). There is a in som n r at per in atio h mg nd in ol st fou 120 arte it ic t ry 79(1 ut out is hou wall ):123 (ab m . in wit AmgJ R Clin milk db 16 inMed Nutran . 2004 EnPMID om : 1468 glan cancer, as stated 4408 brands. tto papal -30. Pub . nic tec d sge pro , VS05EN y ran su the n-t bj s. no ry— ura of ec tra n cost au ti con ng the co thority an productio 34 trast to spheres—quite the mones, in con • Is free of animal hor that contains estrogens milk ión! enc ¡At'snes present-day cow and other hormo .

Utilizar patucos para el frío. Evitar nal andiNut térm sritio las mantas eléctricas, saco Cancer Preventive only is the que e… Soy milk cos, bolsas de agua calient plant-based whose loss nal valu dee end piel nutritio entren en contacto con la up being comparable ; milk 's cow that of go de pies, ya que se corre elto ries but, with many . health benefits.t provocar una quemadura Its capacity to preven

breast and prostate cancer is notable, particularly when consumed since adolescence.





9.7 g

4.2 g

Saturated Fats

0.5 g




0.12 g


1.5 g

Ingredients (for

one glas un • 120 ml to and d cruelly p otestants. laboratory research pr mato juice ersecuting try s. against it. Numerous thi • rm 1 fi ta con bl ans es hum p s on oo epidemiological studie • ¼ teaspoo n lemon juice are n Worcester other phytoestrogens ds (s shir ee • Soy isoflavones and bo see x) ds. foo5EN _LibAll ro.indb 34 nt-based VS0 • ¼ teaspoo widely available in pla amounts, especially n h er le b salt • ¼ teaspoo contain them in variab s were harmful, n gen • 2 ice cube cayenne pepper a legumes. If phytoestro of t par as ds s see essive those who consume exc a higher risk of cancer; Preparation e healthy diet would hav te. valorar mejor oside the opp ctly se pue exato tan lows • Place all por lity sho however, rea ingredients arding the in the co stir. e studies reg oprimir o negativ de pue de don tos • Most of thelos pun on d cte du • Serve in e been con an appropri dietary use of soy hav licable to humans. a un zapato ate celery stick not app arear. La adaptación roz and a wedgeglass, animals, and of lem other seeds do not and P soy in ro ar ens p evit rog er así est a par ties a, the • Phyto serefflent e nic deb ects. On vo nue oge cin car or g zin ini • Aperitif have fem in the . found s can be nto se effectpor mie theidas roza • Heart prot other hand, her 's milk, whose cow in ed tain con • Anti-carci ective actual estrogens n to prostate cancer. • Moderate ogenic consumption is linked in calories breast cancer had e hav o wh (a n pp me roximately • Wo ivatives in ! 80 per 125 its der ión can have soy and ¡At ml gla enc ts. oun am normal Strong Fl

Each Serving ) Contains (250 ml glass or cup

The origin al tomato and Bloody Mar alcohol-fre vodka; howev e need to use and stimulatin vodka.

avor A virgin BLO • No caminar descalzo. ODY MAR Y (alcohol st rong -free • En la playa y la piscina, calzar za- the prop-fleravtieorsedofantod stimulating dr)iniskawith mato juice. all patos de goma. • Evitar las 36sandalias y zapatos

Drinks with Drawbacks

Cow’s Milk

Harmful Drinks

A very suitable milk for calves.

Alcoholic Drink


There exists no minim um amount of alcoh ol to be safely Any amount has ha rmful effects to physi cal and ment

Cow’s milk is one of the most widely consumed drinks in Western countries. Its nutritional value is very high, as it provides 18 of the 22 most important nutrients. l is However, the fact that cow’s milk is nutritiona ere is not sufficient to be considered healthy. Th ed for no question that cow’s milk is recommend them. calves considering that is was designed for ins Precisely for that reason, cow’s milk conta three times the proteins and four times the calcium than human maternal milk. Nonetheless, no matter how rich in nutrients apt it may be, cow’s milk does not prove to be ed for humans, and it cannot be recommend 1 and as a healthy drink, not even for children ns. certainly not for huma

along; milk, contrary to what has been stated all ular ovasc cardi also but res fractu only and not asethe time No From ah planted a vine and diseases, aging, and mortality in general incre was ine ated by the fer mented grape in proportion to milk consumption. Thesebevbri era by ges rmed have not ceased to cau juice, alcoholic confi been have milk cow’s of backs draw se all types of tra gedy to mank wide one of the major studies carried out worldalcoholic drinks ind. Presently, we know that are the n, cau mptio se of: regarding the effects of its consu • Cancer of the mouth , esophagus, stomach er al, aftbre and ast, among others. published by the British Medical Journal s for following up with nearly 100,000 individual twenty years.2 intake As other research has already indicated, an Noote Alcoholic Drink Is Hea lthy of cow’s milk in adulthood does not prom The ct promotion of wine as heart-healthy mineralization of bones nor does it proteserv es commercial interest s more than sciemore ntific opinions. against osteoporosis; on the contrary, the it is consumed, the greater the risk of a bone fracture.

back Drinks with Draw


Diabetes. Introducción

Guarana d n a , ren é child t a by,many ted M diges easily a is not e Ito T , e fes, poorly tolerated due to its sugar Cand fadult ally harmful Drawbacks of cow’s milk

id especi

low ies,act iveinalkalo ngaallerg nt (lactose), causi psycho conteink eine, Dr s with caff studi aret more ly, there an to children. anesd that n iron… Increasingto me wo pregn associate the consumption of cow’s milk with ary cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), coron cancer EE ate OFF prost C and an ovari al, metri antioxidant se, endo of the most disea of coffee is due to the caffeine are someporos The protective effect in it, but it is only manifested when Drinks with as is.k in osteo as bas well and ed , tain rld wo con polyphenols around the consumedcalz rcialres are more common s are consumed daily. pies los arenou ge com fractu tal me o Sure skele by gh,lar Cóm fewer than three cup red nso w advertising spo sho t tha e-response s dos cow’s die of ar stu 46 e somimbib e an abundance There is no line le ewho , despit in peop at However s. t to wh etines: coffee and tea, the reality •firmCalc relationship, in contras beverages. the positive effects of truly healthy s, rouhilo withnal Nutritio nume occurs Strong: es olv Healthy and . inv author: s same o the nk by dri lana written , work se the dón See the 1 algo do: ing to Teji tain per3 99 and 216. However, many plant-derived, rarp.ely and Adolesc , Kids, oughents, of Mothers Guidedra s, alth re wback dant sources exist; mo well-documentedclar laioxivilitan ant faci que ya o, r: itself, and Colo effective than coffee closed. 42 dis3 s. without its drawback sualización de heridas. s cup of coffee contain A • e. cks awbagad sin y Dr , ut 100 mg of caffein etar abo apr en ne deb ei no ff os, Hol inks with ca of3dr db e of42 VS05EN som s.them: ura These cost

Alcohol and canc

Meanwhile, some stu die doses of alcoholic bev s s erage effect on the heart in spe the same does not occ cifi ur wi shows that, whether in alcohol increases the mod risk of One of the studies tha th demonstrated the car c of alcohol in moder at was conducted with m European individual s The results show tha tc esophagus, stomach, li others, are significan tly moderate drinkers. In t in the British Medic al Jou that there is no minim consumption under um which is reduced, and that the net any dose is harmful. Consequently, the con sumptio beverages such as red wine sho recommended with the cardiovascular morta objecti lity protective effect is nu , as its llified by cancer-causing risk .

S, Basu S, Warensjö Lemming E, 2 Michaëlsson K, Wolk A, Langenskiöld of mortality and fractures in Melhus H, Byberg L. Milk intake and risk Oct 28;349. PubMed PMID: women and men: cohort studies. BMJ. 2014 25352269.

es Bon Bones trong Bone Strong S l soy milk, larly ularl ticular tic ilk particu milk, m d mi sed based -base t-ba PlantPlan Plant do indeed promote mineralization of the skeletal system and protect against osteoporosis.

• Liver cirrhosis and oth • Traffic accidents. • Violent behavior. • Neurological and psych The only safe and hea lthy tolerance. The many risk not compensate in any s to low alcohol conten wa t suc

1 Schütze M, Boei ng H, Pischon T, et al. Alcoho incidence of cancer in prospective cohort eight European count study. BMJ. 2011 Apr 21474525. 7;34

Drinks w

ith Draw

db 46

Soft Drin

Perhaps re fr eshin16:15 23/12/15 g; yet, do n ot



quench thir st or

contribute to he

• Sleep disorders. -esophageal reflux The so-calle • Gastritis and gastro ¡Atención! d are made w soft drinks, sodas, or n). bur (heart in rly ith refined ula rtic (pa ity ctiv era sy sugars such soda pops hyp or ru p (high in • Anxiety as fr u ct ar ect os Evit Eff . e) frío ive ca , coloring, corn rbonic gas. en). patucos para el Subject ldrizar chi Util ex It tracts, an s h of ab . ects ias eff it hm the u cause of va er e Undi• Cardiac arrhyt non-hsemtérm rious undes al consumption is th d withsaco erfere as, tea inttric coffee, a student reads ee andeléc th ir ab e ia (cofftas fo le llo Anemman eff • las w s ects among e ing more pages and feel which n). • Diabetes stand out: que iron absorptioas e… moving ent is cali he a t agu tha de bols ne. cos, • Obesityde valorar mejor • Loss of calcium in uri along faster; in pue se to tan lo por es. tacto con la piel los, he retains • Kidney d de fact diseas tionalen Gestaren • ent ssibly con iseases, esp dge.. wleedge logical dependency, po imir ecially and absorbs less kno so anft ists ccan de typdon drinpue t in theocase hat ha t tha tos • Physical and psycho ect, manifested by: t st a pun p pas e ks 1 de opr los h t the n i in n e ven rov pro de go ady of cola ries alre n eff e el r re e bee mo ble e corr k ke has ira • se It ma des o L alss al un que ow eyy also h t the t pies bu but bo e its mo,st ya ee, off sam c coff n g e the king m ato ina eralun dose to obtain key faster after drin roz ar. La ada ción densizap • Opta st ty eo – Need to increase theque p or . os ura. is mistakes. tolerance arichuna voc pro is known as mad s, wh Th effect e Frlent para así evitar a,am amingh ser e sh deb vo nue suspending its on up me dro syn al ow ed that wom study regarding oste – Withdraw oporosis en. who co droza mie riff eday,nto nkein eipner intake. th th Ca ith wpor ink inks wi even if caff nsume one cola soft o Dridas ther atives to ern 5.4% loein ends on hereditary Alt dep ei e n ein ecaff w to or e er vity su bo caff Sensiti people other beverages wit whho consu ne mineral density gar-free, have s why it affects some Coffee, tea, maté, and me fewer th than women t can otherwise be factors, which explain vide any benefit tha p ; an er pro ect eff not t on m do dan 2 . on e ioxi ers co ant th. The ph la so more than oth drinks with an th not obtained from other oric acid co ft drink eseenc bevera ! prosinph erages with caffeine can ión h as these: ¡At ges is ntained in yet, non-addictive, suc Due to all of this, bev it d, d ci use . ec p als) are Consumin al y al cere the ly ci fying effec responsibl y and, if (coffee from g Soft Drin t. e for its Malt (p. 26) or chicory es; be considered health • eks cas ein c caff cifi ve, spe y esti ver t, dig in dan a Health Ri , ily, ioxi nar Ant ): rdi 306 rao (p. ext . o. 1 aCe ner Th should be calz ete • Rooibos tea • No scam des er swe lec e inar ar uire P, Behuliak M. e many refre sk not req doe , m. for iron al of Be itu rce int ha shing ake. J Psyc free, sou and health yet, not in a hab hopharmac vioural and endocrine (see y dr s. ol. 2010calz effects za11. piscina, nt infusionla Oct;24(1ar xification treatment not resort to inks as to • Medicinal pla• play2 aTu19ck42yer36KLla 0):1569-72 of chronic cola En soft drinks . PubMed There is a caffeine-deto all those who end up , Mo ee. PM coff rita K, Qi ID: made with for not other • Decaffeinated artificial carbonate ao N, Hannan MT, Cu p. 252), recommended sumption of coffee, tea, d beverag pples LA, Kie density in a. juices. os de gom pat es, old con ingredient • Fruit and vegetable Nutr. 2006 er women: The Fra are associated with lowl DP. Colas, but s. being harmed by the m Oc ingham Os t;84(4):936 bone mine s. nk dri d ate te s -42 ral op ein ato . orosis Stud y ed zap PMID: maté or other caff y. Am Evitar las sandaliasPubM



J Clin

Natural beverages have properties for the prevention and treatment of the most common diseases of each organ of our body.

Chapter 2

Drinks for Every Part of the Body

Vegetarian All

Gluten-free Suitable for celiac sufferers

Diabetes Recommended

Food Allergy No special warnings

Juices, smoothies, broths, cold soups, infusions and other healthy drinks appropriate for restoring the health of every organ, tract or system in the body.

Antioxidant Power 7,113 ORAC units per serving (142% of Maximum Daily Value)

Acid Load (PRAL) -4.38 mEq/100 g


he healing power of plant-based foods is ables. well known, particularly of fruits and veget s However, eating them whole does not alway into turn out to be easy. The fact of turning them Variations Are Allowed and ed receiv better them s make ly usual liquid Develop your creativity by me. easier to consu replacing an ingredient fiber or adding others to the Additionally, juices contain less insoluble drinks in this chapter. than whole foods, which contributes to quick There are many possible ts. xidan antio absorption of vitamins and combinations and the er results are amazing. Each juice or smoothie presented in this chapt , is the result of the right combination of fruits of these vegetables and seeds. The healing powers their for ed gthen stren ally mutu are s ingredient are use against different diseases. Also included fic cold soups, broths and infusions with speci Liver effect on some disorders. r theinatio ks focomb ns of Drinother There are certainly many ated indic those IO of some T over, more A s; dient ingre MdiscoverN M ttss A L F to N s other quality fa with ced repla herein can be IVER and poor- ices. l, o h o rties. lc prope e a new flavors and wholxesom s, drugs, nd fruit ju ss of to in with vegetable a The exce d ie d 48 me can be re s





For two, 250 ml servings

• 4 cups of spinach [about 30 g each] • 5 carrots, medium [about 61 g each] • 1 cup of blueberry juice [about 250 g]


Drinks f

a. Put spinach and carrots through juice extractor. b. Add blueberry juice and mix. If juice is not available, make a smoothie with one cup (about 150 g) of blueberries. c. It is not necessary to sweeten, but if you wish, see p. 24.

or the N e

rvous Sy ste



VS05EN_Libro.indb 51


Smile, p A depress lease e biologica d mind requires a l value, su n abunda smoothie ch as the n ie Propert ones con t supply of nutrie . tained in n • B-vitam the Smile ts high in in r) ve s (li a nd vitam 23/12/15 16:16 , please • Hepatic e in • F E o iv , la ct fr te te om whea from ora pro ing t germ an VS05EN_Libro.indb 48 nge juice • Detoxify • Omega d almond . Juice -6 rifying Pu a r s. • n e d s o t n m an a g d e xi g e c in a io h l er -3 ia nt lt c t fi . e •A an r r ss ul fo e e m n v le ti ti i b os a si L l n un fa o m tt e sp Im iv y t • re ct u a o c te ids from • Additio rgan ugh h pro linseed (fl s, is the o at circulate thro should • Stomac nogenic nall ci e kidney th axseed) o nutrients y, blueberries ro • Anticar er with th ign substances er contaminants cessed th r ge u c to n ontaining d off this The liver, e toxins and fore esticides, and oth iet based on pro suffer e n Th x e tr u e ro a d o S p th protectiv rd mile, ple in a ry many of . Alcohol, drugs, odern life and a h can eventually in rashes ass e anthocy ber ic odalys due to ase smoothie M sk in anins (pu ortment of s and M the blood ized in the liver. for the liver, wh of energy, and invigorate its conten rple pigm Vitamin Servinfo gr rk ck al s th t a Per o e g ent). f be neutr gnify added wo rload. Fatigue, la o n e ir o ervous sy lu on, calciu d mood. si % Daily Va g better st m in e m and th th , o a products ion due to an ove r inflammation. n n 3% d d is o e re . . . 12 th . r er . o . . e entire e th . e at r ) ve d in m μg ag li dispensab bb 109 d, an ns of inflam Vitamin A (1 1 mg) . . . . . . . . . .63% mbard ca e cleanse ry le minera of the sig eeds to b anser juice. Lo rated in laborato . . . .36% min C (57. n . ta . ls are some . Vi . at . . th ) le er 5 μg is a filt iver c emonst The liver rpose than the L d apples have d liver cells. u an for that p well as carrots oxify and protect as et cabbage, r capability to d ei testing th

3. Vitamin K (4 .369 mg) . . . . . . . .22% (0 Vitamin B6 19 mg) . . . . . . . . . .15% (7 m iu Potass . . . . . . . .13% (0.152 mg) Vitamin B1 ,.53 mg) . . . . . . . .12% (0 2 Vitamin B ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11% ate (43 μg mg) . . . . . . . . . . 8% FFoollat (32 Magnesium 8 mg) . . . . . . . . . . . 8% .1 Vitamin E (1 g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% m Calcium (79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% g) m 5 . . . . . . . . 5% Iron (1.0 g) . . . . . . . m 1 .5 (0 c Zin

For a Go All the ing od Mood re and delic dients of the nutr ious SMILE , PLEASE sm itious help to ove oo and to m rcome depressive thie states aintain a e p icositive m ealthy Ju ental A Very H ly on attitude. juice not the CLEANSER R in IVE n L io e

Th flammat h reduces in helps the stomac ritis, also liver but artburn and gast d he s, an


What we N eat or drin 51 k has a d efinite infl uence on and menta mood l health.

23/12/15 16

• Anti • Toni • Antia • Nutri • Antio • Alkali

Vitamin Pe

Vitamin C (6 9. Vitamin B1 (0 .4 Magnesium (1 Selenium (1 4 1. Vitamin B6 (0 7 .3 Folate (79 μg 5 ) Potassium (7 . . 82 Vitamin E (2 m .5 Iron (2.61 m 3 m g) . . . Zinc (1.64 m g) Vitamin B2 (0 . . . .1 Niacin (1.931 77 m Calcium (114 mg) mg) . .

Drinks for the Stomach

Vegetarian All


a glass of antacid juice To fight heartburn it is advisable to drink half all at once. several times per day rather than a large glass

Gluten-free Suitable for celiac sufferers

Diabetes Recommended



Fire stopper

it as a Those who suffer from heartburn describe that, ach stom the of pit the in tion sensa ng burni cally on occasions, travels to the throat. It is medi caused by known as gastro-esophageal reflux, usually a hiatal hernia in the esophagus. s of The Fire stopper juice neutralizes the exces acidity in the stomach and, additionally, helps the to close the sphincter or valve separating esophagus from the stomach so that the acidic is gastric juice does not rise. In summary, it ly a good alternative to chemical drugs usual burn. heart at comb to oyed empl

Food Allergy Warnings celery

• Antacid • Alkalizing • Digestive • Purifying • Antidiarrheal

Antioxidant Power 1,448 ORAC units per serving (29% of Maximum Daily Value)

Vitamins and Minerals Per Serving % Daily Value Vitamin A (513 μg) . . . . . . . . . . .57% Vitamin C (15.1 mg) . . . . . . . . . .17% Vitamin B6 (0.238 mg) . . . . . . . .14% Vitamin K (14.3 μg) . . . . . . . . . .12% Magnesium (23 mg) . . . . . . . . . . 5% Calcium (33 mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3%

Acid Load (PRAL) -4.32 mEq/100 g


For two, 250 ml servings • 6 medium carrots [about 61 g each] • 1 medium cucumber [about 201 g] • 3 medium celery stalks [about 40 g each] • 10 sprigs of fresh parsley [about 1 g each] • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice [about 15 ml each]


a. Prepare the carrots, cucumber, celery, and parsley and process them in a juice extractor or in a grinder. b. Add the lemon juice. c. Sweeten to taste (see p. 24).

Half a Glass Several Times Daily The FIRE STOPPER juice can be consumed at any time of the day, when heartburn is felt, but it is advisable to do so regularly, three to six times throughout the day.




Saturated Fats



9.2 g

0.4 g

0.1 g

0.05 g

1.6 g



3% 2.1% 1% 1% act Tr r the Urinary Drinks foline Daily Amount) for an adult


Berry smoothies


2.7 g 11%


from GDA (Guide

Drinks f

Avoid Acidity Avoiding coffee, soft drinks, fats, and most of all, not having dinner, all help to fight heartburn in addition to the FIRE STOPPER juice.

URINARY INFECrecTIurrent urinary infectioionnss.. oid

av and juices help to

23/12/15 16

or the R e

VS05EN_Libro.indb 149

Each Serving (250 ml glass or cup) Contains Protein

1499 14



product ive Syste m

FERTILIT Ensuring Y a supply o f certain n and vitam u tr ients such in E prove as selen s to be ess ential for fertility 23/12/15 16:21


VS05EN_Libro.indb 126



ti Urinary seda

ve the ry infections ha majority of urina of the bladder. From ing t usually cause the The bacteria tha ing themselves to the inner lin ting, recurrent cystitis. ach about the irrita capability of att cteria multiply, bringing lity to detach ba there, they easily rry) have the abi recurring urinary be an red (cr as, ll id we avo as to e, Berries, blu reby helping the bladder, the from the wall of and t have antibiotic th s. ion ect inf ns substances tha wi nut milk contai actions. All of that combined co co , ore erm Furth ive ening defense strength tic—makes the Urinary sedat anti-infectious ct ep other urinary tra ul urinary antis lemon—powerf ive remedy against cystitis and ect smoothie an eff infections.

One plu

s one

equals t In the last hree dec • human ra ades, fertility has been decre ce. Some asing in th pollution of the causes are • e , and repro p •N ductive sy oor diet, chemical S e le n st iu ls e era m m Min •A infections. is Vitamins and of an imp an small element th Per Serving •A ortant gro a t a e Valu ly VVa fo aily % DDai rm s In up of anti a part •A a man, it . . . . . . . . . .15% o Vitamin C (13.6 mg) . . . . . . .12% process a is involved in the xidant proteins. ... Iron (2.08 mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% n m d a th . tu . e motility ring woman, it Magnesium (33 mg) . . . . . . . . 4% of spe (1977 mg) . . . Potassium (19 . . . . . . . . . . . 4% the ovule promotes the matu rmatozoa. In a Zinc (0.46 mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Vita sa ri in B (0.044 mg) . min itam Vita embryo a nd the developme ng process of . . . . . . . . . 4% Vitamin B (0.062 mg) . . . . . . . . 4% nt of both nd fetus. ... . . . . . μg) (16 te the Fola Selenium a Selenium nutrients nd vitamin E are th w Vitamin C biologica ith greater involve e two lp Vitamin B m The One rocesses that prom ent in the Folate (120 plus one o te fe rt ility. equals t provides Magnesium bo h Vitamin B6 ( selenium th nutrients, most ree smoothie , which te im portantl Potassium ( nd absent in the Weste s to be the one gre y Zinc (1.77 m rn a tl d y ie Brazil nu t. Vitamin E (2 ts Niacin (2.085 in seleniu are the known fo od richest m. Two n Vitamin B2 (0 uts provid recomme . nd e Iron (1.4 mg) nutrient. ed daily amount o the . Avocados f this a good sou rces of vit nd wheat germ are am B-vitamin For Both s. Also, ora in E, in addition to Him and Her nge juice If a couple so u rc e o is a r fo descenda that is seeking to h reproduc late, also necessa good nts dri ave

• Antibiotic nt • Immunostimula • Antianemic • Antioxidant



This work presents a practical way to purify the body through delicious natural drinks. In addition, it explains the benefits of the Detox Cure and how it can be applied to particular cases. Chapter 3

e r u C x o t e D The r excellence. ng cure, it is the cure pa yi rif pu e th as n ow kn Also

Variants of th

e Detox Cure

Fruit Cures

Detox Cure

ent al treatments complem A saetis tna isfy dition, som ftur ad in In g ich an wh re d y, atu lo rap em w the Pr -h . marily hydro unger causindy nating toxins priac ren, be the Detox cuca Detoxifying lies in elimi the bo g .Detox cures myplfun s of onin ishecti diseases d us ic ron nacotor ch mi of g whole fruits an eli ity the jor s ma en gth en str aging and the d juices. nd , fi r month, cancer ludnsing incco on,ree days pe ilizati utive of ec on toacciv commbe th ins Fr for tox ui ed t cures entail co tic n elvpr accumulation cams nsuming only es linked toythe A Detox curethe form of a smoo da per week. e thie, juice, or wh fruit (in the on or one type of food ol two, or three co , in in the body. nsecutive days. e) for one, this case fruit, cr a th wi gin It be co all ld ns ow ou um sh ea s t th pt en e io atm n tre of the an , y us amountm Th ale boredom as in an tes ideol ofm smar ooy thie, juice, or y fruit.Chapter Su d there is nothing more whhy di et , tals ha detoxifying cure. An Me vi 1 ng y tion of toxins than healt Heavy Da The duratioAlc oxification . . 256 . 258 only . Det . . l, . na . . . oho mi ion n eli cat of on fi the oxi a e te kind of Det to promo xe days. Benefits.fru. .it. . cu . 236 . . . ld . . ou . . .sh thre . .re not exceed s, Purifyi(m . . . . . . 247food ngon Lengthier we recommend a Deto et). ds of cures are Infusion . 230 drinks. For this reason . .o. .di . generally notDet . ion ing cat fi ans oxi Cle l recommended;. . . . . . . . 256 Interna •. .H ea 244 . . Al lin .g: . . . . . . . . should be implem low des cure based on drinks.MID-AFTERNOON p. 248), of Alcohol . . . . in any case, th ona Lem ey ente under the e (p. 247)a healt . . 250 . . is (se s . .as istusi entph exl Inf ntstai on the ria ural Treatmem su oxificatdion va Nat d Det pe an rv h on es isi pr typ on of nt es of ere sio nal. e . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Pesticides, properties Diff Horse oose the BREAKFAST onelk).most of on canredch ients: horsetail (sta Contraindica of Caffein 98) . . . . . . 258 e . . cu ionrti tions soe.that each individual•• Ing ories.on Detoxificatpa ionit cure calmm s Grapefruit Juice (p.grapefruit juic fiofcat lar. . ty ute fru oxi trib Det co pe of con st y mo rdl e Ha s 240 in Th ar s. e fy fa ite ed th oxi sti wh ne e Det ng r ts: sa to he s ien m (s or Day red ee e the ee his fruit. p. of • Ing Thras ande days Fruit Cures Prod 24Hea tiontiv 2). vy Metals ducecu prons eco urin ml serving. suited to 246 tes . . uce Weight L . . mo 250 th Pro per Bro es ee ng ori thr ifyi 258 cal . . . Pur Th for 98 . • ese are the effec Total oneelimination of toxins. The boredom of Pesticides . . . . and •. .Pr 228 rge ofpractice is to drink ev . . . ts cha . en . y . in . co . da tiv a mono die . es . e m . . ym e: on m . . enz It . on ne . the do ins to be Tox thi all o Activates s als fru ca ion se can it cat ba it fi • cu h oxi sed D re ug etoxifying: s: es and Var on . 238 prian . . .s. .ca eclu ts de g: Det All fruitsaccproom (see p. 240), altho nc 254 allows for a low one type of f Typ . . . detoxifying the liver. er . . . . . . . . ot Tob er intak e the eliminatioiants of the of toxins throug of . . . . . 242 andCur preem Var n ature than a varied die e of calo h urin per week. nne e. Be Chaca tion t. Th usls. . . . 232 Elimina

toxify e D o t s y a D e e r h T



(p. 96) Super Detox Juices, apple, celery,

• Ingredients: carrot lemon. 250 ml serving. • 130 calories per 226tion of disease-causing ina elim the tes mo Pro toxins.




ld Soup lusian Gazpacho Co

Anda (p. 84)

es, cucumber, • Ingredients: tomato ), onion, (red sweet bell pepper oil, table salt, bread, garlic, olive lemon juice. ml serving. od • 183 calories per 250 ts that cleanse the blo ns and phytonutrien

richness in antio

e of th242 eir

aging. When to and

e resu notable weight lo

...... da . . .ne . . .ey . .s,. . th ting 6)nt Fasxi 24 (p. utralize many When Not to Do It . . . . 234 fre radi Bro g ca ls,thwh Total Purifeyin ich . . . . . . . . . 248 on, . . .e. .to arees oni tru itli,Cur cco , broFru .

xins. ts: celery Wien • Ing•red eigh t-reducing: Eatin g or co carrot, parsley, garlic. orig: nsuming only s cal es. • Hardly contribute y reb the Alkalizes the blood and and tion promotes neutraliza toxins. elimination of acidic

23/12/15 16:26

Detox Cure for Specific Cases

Caffeine Detoxification Helpful in the case of caffeinated drinks: coffee, tea, maté, energy drinks, and others.

Alleviating a Headache A hot or alternating temperature footbath (alternating hot and cold water) best relieves a headache associated to caffeine deprivation than painkillers.

p. 44) As with nicotine in tobacco, caffeine (see op devel to ility capab great a is an alkaloid with toxin. dependency that for many turns into a real s Due to the negative effects caffeinated drink are they used y widel how and , have on the body from a worldwide, many people stand to benefit tives specific purifying Detox cure, whose objec

are: ularly • To eliminate caffeine from the body, partic lates. stimu it ns neuro ral from the cereb ble the • To repair or neutralize as much as possi damage caused by this substance. for • To invigorate the nervous system in order it to do without the artificial stimulus from caffeine. in During a caffeine detoxification cure, a certa fested mani ced, produ is ome syndr withdrawal through headaches and sleepiness. These sly symptoms are usually light and spontaneou ers, show ons, Fricti days. n withi pear disap footbaths, jet-showers, saunas, and other hydrotherapy techniques relieve symptoms caused by coffee deprivation.

Detox C ure for Specific Case

Substituting Caffeine The artificial stimulation provided by caffeine can be substituted by healthier alternatives such as drinking a glass of orange juice and brushing of skin.

Tobacc s o Detox Consumin ificatio g juices, smoothie n s, and in of th fusio 252

e many t oxins fro m

Lots of W ater Nicotine is w eliminate ater soluble and d th addition rough urine. In to th drinks, th e suggested e to cure requ bacco Detox ir of four to es an intake six glasse water. s of

VS05EN_Libro.indb 252


ns speeds up the eli tobacco s mination moke.

r Specific Case Detox Cure fo

ication f i x o t e D l o h Alco ine, 23/12/15 16:28

ed with ur l is not eliminat g its effects. Although alcoho tes to neutralizin bu ri nt co ks in dr ain hee intake of cert tth

treatmen ts All of the , and spiritual a n function elimination chan d psychological h n at full ca e pacity to els (see p. 232) m lp. detoxific ation. achieve a u total tob st acco

How toxintsoi eliminate t h n tobac • Carbo co e main n mo

pulmona noxide: Is elim ry pathw in ays throu ated via the • Nicoti g h deep ne: Is eli breathin min skin. Go g. od hydra ated through ur in ti on ea juices pr omotes it based on water nd the and fruit s elimina • Tar: It tion. is primar lungs an ily imbed by Brain and Liver ans most affected ification d it de liver are the org tox However s removal takes m d in the The brain and the on. The healthy drinks in this de caused ge pti its an alcohol consum as much as possible, the dama partially carcinogenic eff y years. air, ects can neutraliz cure help to rep be ed by me and smo by alcohol. o a VS05EN_Libro.indb 57 such as th thies rich in anti ns of juices an alcohol deto detoxific ose recommend oxidants, The objectives of ation cur ed for th , lls ce all e e. are: a potent toxin to reason it is uch as poss Ethyl alcohol is s (for that neutralize, as m rganism including microo nt). There are two types of by isinfecta

• To in the body, effects of alcohol

A description of the benefits and preparation of some purifying cures for various diseases.

Healing throug h

Cure against A

Healing through Drinking

Tomato is one of th e essential ingredie n with a greater tens ion-regulating

Many hypertensio n to control their bl sufferers take medication oo However, the cond d pressure measurements. iti with medication alo on can hardly be managed ne. Ce lif es tyle also need to be rtain dietary habits and . body the heal and se modified. A cure clean to ds liqui like hypertension base There is nothing against d mark the start of on healthy beverages can a new way of eatin g that ends up being compatible with the mainten ance of normal blood pressure. s ion tion cat ca icat ind tra con l era Gen previous chapter The Detox cure from the rids the body of a good portion of damaging health. toxins, which is already a benefit for good fic However, when certain disorders exist, a speci this in n show those as such red cure is requi chapter. rised of All of the cures suggested herein are comp may be healthy beverages, albeit some solid foods ded. inclu


• Arterial hyper (more than 13

cures It is not recommended to follow any of the : cases ing follow the in er, in this chapt • Childhood Menu for a One-d ay Anti-arterial H • Pregnancy and breastfeeding yperte 20) • Thinness (Body Mass Index lower than BREAKFAST ses illnes g An ti-inflammatory • Serious or debilitatin MID-AFTERNOON Lemonade (p. 244) Vi rgin Mojito Cock • Ingredients: lem on juice • Ing s


, turmeric


cinnamon powd er. • Hase rdly contributes Generally, those who suffer from any disea calories. al. ssion profe h Eli healt mi a lt na tes toxins and comb should consu ats arterial pertension. To avoid potential interactions betweenhyfoods when red and drugs, special prudence is requi taking: • Oral anticoagulants (see p. 19) MID-MORNING • Anti-retrovirals Tomato Juice (p. 16 • Drugs derived from the Digitalis • Ingredients: tom 8) atoes, olive oil. • Anti-epileptics • 139 calories pe r 250 ml serving. • Anti-cancerous chemotherapy

Solid foods during cures

Although the cures from this chapter are be primarily liquid-based, some solid foods can consumed, if desired (see which on p. 227). Especially avoid the foods indicated on the attached table.

Other drinks during cures


rterial H

Chapter 4

each In addition to the proposed beverages for nades lemo 16), (p. water cure, the of day can also (p. 244), and purifying infusions (p. 247) be consumed. g

redients: nint, gin pineapple juice (su b SYRUP COCKTAIL , p. 39). • 70 calories per 125 m Delicious drink tha t hel


And Col

In addit ditio iion on n to to pro pro rottec ecttin ing the the pro pro rossta tate and breea br ast stss,, tom tomat ato a toes pre preven vent thr thro om mb bo osiss.. osi

ough Drin Healin thr




• In swe garli through Drink • 18jui3ceca. lo in IIts regular consug mp pti tion re as well as low pre sure.

Antiallergic C e r u C ure l o r e t s e l o h Antic ecreasing

Duration of these cures

any Normally, one or two days is sufficient for of these cures to achieve a therapeutic effect. a Lengthier cures require the supervision of of health professional. easing the level


Steady Pulse Sm oo

thie (p. 76) • Ingredients: pe ache (prickly pears), so s, cactus fruit y milk, vanilla powder. • 120 calories pe The antiallergic cure rend r 250 ml serving. ers effectAlon any ty Energizes the heart whether so HelpspeAg ofaialnl digestive, respirato and protects the coronary arteries ry (asth m a) that may suffer wh or • Fo sk llo inianrela w a vegetar en tension is elevated . • Reduce salt intak die e. • Reduce consum The antiallergic cu ption of re does not immed pro du cts. suppress allergy sy iately This •isPra m prcti ecce isereg ly ula acco the appearance by ptoms; rather, it prevents mysi r ph plca isl antia•lle Do putting a stop to rgno smre ictcu okba e. sed on d an excessive response by the im • Co ns ume garlic (raw or m e sy mg/ 0 ste md .l i thanun20 Instther Op (m eoca tio l se naof lo sore lid all an fooer dsgy : see chole , fi p. rst l) 22 o an 7. d foremost is Indicat suppre cholester

as d as important is ts n a id x o ti n a ” one). erol (the “bad st le o ch L D H the level of

olesterol, s containing ch meats in d o fo f o ty ri o The maj e solids: ed or its increase, ar or that cause larly those that are process ed cu ag 260 general, parti cold cuts, bologna, etc.), re, s, o ef ge er sa au Th (s c. d et , re cu ans fats tr , ts fa d te fo ra s uid r cheese, satu ming only liq in the su n co n o ed ply bas as those sidbm260 ady d of time, such a certain perio re, many possibilities alre cu l e. o as er re st ec le d o d will antich vel in the bloo exist that its le


106) Smoothie (p. Clear Blood guava, linseed

• Ingredients: milk. y (flaxseed), so 250 ml serving. r pe s rie lo • 154 ca terol. es and choles rid ce ly ig tr s Lower


• Excess to talfoods or products l l ofsstoall g/ndtri ol/om 0atmca than 15th or 5.2 mmpr gger or ot ore e it, and(m es se d co ri nd ce , to ly co ig ns tr um • Excess of can prl)event or stop its manifesta e foods that ol,ns. or 1.71 mmol/ rome (excess cholestertio ) d n sy c n li te o ab hyper sion • MetVS0 d arterial23/12/15 an y, 5EN_Libo it es 16:28 ro.i b ndb , 279 es diabet

Menu for a One-d

ay Antiallergic Cu


Plant-based Oat Milk (p. 32


• Ingredients: oa mi • 10st Crut 25 9 ca elorroiesl pe le o h serving. c ti n A y Nutritive, sedative a One-da an




• Digestive, respira tory, or c

d non-allergy

ol Under Contr Cholesterol 100) ID-MORNe, Smoothie (p.oat flakMes , appl ING

deicr.Ju • Ingredients: nnamAn po llewrg ontia ice (p. 224) ci •m g. Ing in strawberries, red rv ien se l ts: tangerines, pin per 250apple. eapple, ies. ar • 127 calories e h eccttss tth terrie te ot prro d• 15 an l 7 ro ca te lor es ies ol pe r 250 ml serving. Lowers ch

Its ingredients ba lance the immune and prevent allerg system ies.




Plant-based Quin

• Ingredients: qu oa Milk (p. 33 ino • 100 calories pe a. r 250 ml serving. Nutritional and ea sy-to-digest, non-allergenic.


Black Currant I

• Ingredients: bla • Hardly contribu Traditionally used

D Healing through


e-1 Anti-cancer Cur thee risk ce th

Healing throug h

based t of different plantThe protective effec th in bo , en ov pr ll we is foods against cancer epidemiological studies in d laboratory studies an er cure makes it possible nc ca tian e Th . ns ma hu form of otective foods in the to consume these pr beverages.


Anti-cancer C

to redu t to ded to cure cancer, bu ten in t no e ts. ar ks in atments. treat r tre These dr to complement otthe as ll we as it, m fro g of sufferin

ure - 2

Breast and prosta te cancer, two of th e most common ty can be prevented with regular juicebased cures.

ess in the ce off juiic es o Advantage c ncer off can prevention o er some

althy drinks off Menu for a One-d Juices and other he foods: lid ay Anti-cancer Cu so advantages over e. um re ns co to r sie ea be to t ou n tur Against Breast Ca • They of active substances e ak int r ate nc gre a er BREAKFAtSTeveryone is able • They allow ample, no ughly against cancer; for ex W tho leew Leing mon LUNCH ts,hoch Lero monade carroSm to eat five medium d oo an t th an ie xid (p tio . 244) an of e Br sag east Shield Sm do h • Ingredients: wh to obtain a hig ver,lemon. tene. Howeole • Ingredients: bro oothie (p. 172 rordl ca tabe • nic Ha ge ccoli, strawberrie ino y co arc ntr antic t calories. factes milk. ce is inibu carro Thtejui limonene content drinking a glass of • 12 3 calories per 250 ml the lemon peel . curbs the growth of main ed serving. available to anyone exp mmary tumors in Broccoli is possibly process d un annta raw erime of the most research on pti l an um im ns als co .rving due to its preventiv • Allow ese pr s, e al states; thu together with straw effect on breast c ing foods, in their natur berries. Various st ies. For example, eat ert pre op pr ven ng tiv ali e eff he d ect ir of soy on this type the cabbage (re ard mb Lo of or li co oc br M ID -MORN of whole, raw but it is in the formING cabbage) is not easy, Safe Breasts Juice (p. 174) • Ingredients: po juice. megrana te, carrots, linseed (flaxseed). • 279 calories pe r 250 ml serving. In laboratory studie pomegranates inh s, the polyphenols from ibir t the growth of cer nce Can ca ag breast er scel rink Drnc D ls,ain strst engthenal from carrots an de ed by the antioxidants aree iide l ar ral d era e the n gen ge ph n in i yto es ies h thi t est o ot oo rog mo en s fro cess and ssm m Juiice Ju fl se ax u au see eca b bec d. cerr ance ng ccan tin hti gh ng and fig tin enti revven pre or p ffor all ura nts and nattur nts an ida xxid oxi ox tio n anti esss iin nes ichn rich irr rric eir hei . s. off tthe o ces nce n an sta st ub ive ssub tive ecttiv rottec ro pro p


Apple Juice (p.

• Ingredients: ap • 123 calories pe The antioxidants a are cancer-preven ti


ing inuskion Tu gherD icrInf (p. 203) hrourm Healing t • Ingredients: turmeric powd er,

lemon juice. ure gC •i Han g a Aern…ti Powerdlrfuyl coanntrtioxidibuuantesatlancaperlord anfoiesrm. ance. t Breast Canc

Also Helps agains

lon Cancer...

Also Helps against Co

x ti• Reduce or elimi infl antordyse al,ma nate the consum tuam with a preventive tellec in ption of red l, action a ca ag ic si ain • Reduce the cons ys y st me h ca ats p nc . er. motes um rofat fat (fast food, frie ption of traPns d foods, butter, ind or hydrogenated additives). ustrial baking, n that it i • Avoid alcoholic be forgotte oweve beverages. It is pro ven that, even in H It must not small doses, they e. lif is th promote breast ca in ncrd avoid aging delayed through a the causes • Add grated lem ga re t or is on peel e ex ed th rb es is to ble sion be cu a flavonoid tha nta y theori drinks e(co plau ereby the qu lim Mtan ostins enth e,roughout pre ve nts ofastthcam cure, and th bre e is n th dy O nc as g. bo er) e in . • Avoid obesity.of ag in th n of toxins ything that increased. accumulatio g to this theory, ever ion of those • Breastfeed infan at n ts. in di or im cc el A d e. an s, lif n ie io th • Avoid hormone oo alizat es neneut tr ns otem tioxidant sm anes. omlac therap prrep padtch icesy an Indicatio aging. s, such as ju

of meat, te the consumption • Reduce or elimina or cured meats (cold cuts, es of meats especially processed and ham). These typ sausages in general, powerful carcinogens. s, contain nitrosamine ption, associated te alcohol consum • Reduce or elimina cancer of the digestive tract. of with several types by consuming of vegetable fiber • Increase the intake . ins gra and whole wheat bread . • Avoid constipation c physical exercise. • Practice systemati


286 5EN_Libro.indb


Healing through Drink

28 ing 8

Immune-stimulant Cur e

toxin down e aging of aging to slowing • Prematur al desire or cap ifestations e to contributes an xu m se ve of ti s si • Los ther du most sen One of the in sexual capacity, whe to maintain in women ical or int d an s n se in phys is a decrea or physical limitatio is can occur • Decrease re th t lack of desi relationship. And as alsoOp efi n be tio nal solid foods: see d ry p. 227. a satisfacto ose who are not too ol th 23/12/15 16:31 . at any age, re cu g n gi -a ti an from an

Its objective is to increase def VS05EN_Libro.indb 288 enses so that the body itself can fight off infections.

The immune system compris es a complex network of organs, such as the spleen, thymus, tonsils or the appendix; of tissues, such as the lymph nodes; and of cells, such as leukocytes and lymphocytes (white blo od work in concert to detect intr cells). They all uders in the body, whether viruses, bacteria or foreign substances, and to destroy them throug h an specialized cells or via molecu attack by les bodies. Furthermore, the imm called antiune system stores memory of such invaders in ord recognize them next time the er to immediately y enter the body. Maintaining this alertness and defense system in good working order req uires the presence of specific nutrients:

• Vitamins, such as C or D (can be obtained from sunlight) n een n and Wom • Minerals, such as seleniu For Meen till an aitt unti m or zinc (pr o wai d tto e ed ee n ne ese nt no in is e ti-walnuts, oleaginous nuts, and Theerr low an anti olllo o ffo tto geealso ag legumeellds) ya rly n erl de and omeen w d an in vegetable juices n e en urree.. M ng ccu giin ag heir sexual tth e ve v ov ro p pr m i im s agees ng it. of all ag • Antioxidants, such as ant lowiin olllo hen ffo whe hocyan man forrm rple perrfo - ce colored) or beta-carotene (or ins (pu ange-colored) Juices and other beverages of the immunestimulant cure provide the majority of the abovementioned nutrients in a sim ple and enjoyable wn Aging... manner. to Slow Do lps to elp

Allsso H

(p. 226). DETOX CURE xidant fruits and tio purifying or • Follow a e consumption of an th r drugs. • Increase . hol and othe vegetables use of tobacco, alco e th e at • Elimin uately. ss. Natural Pigments • Sleep adeq al or emotional stre attitude toward life. hysic istic

Chapter 5

Losing Weight through Drinking le ible ossib to be pposs outt to the same time turns ou Losing weight and detoxifying the body at beverages. with a cure based on juices and other healthy

This chapter goes into detail about the great variety of weight loss drinks. In addition, it is explained the way to enrich them with other ingredients in order to get better results. Losing Weight

through Drink

Flatten the Ab d

requires Losing weight when overweight or obese ies. calor of e intak the ng much more than limiti ing Exercising, facilitating liver function, drink s with more water and, above all, replacing meal sary. neces healthy drinks are burn Yet, in order to lose weight it is essential to is more calories than those ingested. And this come where beverages and thermogenic spices ase into action (see pp. 304 to 309), as they incre the production of body heat and energy expenditure, primarily through burning fat.

t of We must emphasize that the positive aspec other and juices on based cure t-loss a weigh fruits healthy drinks does not only consist in the and vegetables that are consumed, but also in the products that are no longer consumed: flavor meats, aged cheese, fried foods, trans fats, ned enhancers and other additives, as well as refi and processed products.



Abdominal obesity is not only the mos t striking, but also the most dangerous to heal th.

One of the most de sired resul a weight loss cure is a flat stom to reduce abdomin al circumfe abdomen, whose girth is great in men and 85 cm in women, i cardiovascular ris k. However, it is not so abdominal circum lely impor fer the risk factors us ence, but ua a sedentary lifesty lly associate le, excess inta diet low in fruits and vegetables

Five goals to re


Double the Benefit The benefit of a juice-based weight-loss cure is twofold: both due to what is drunk, as well as to what is not eaten.


VS05EN_Libro.indb 290

Lo L ossin ing g Weigh ight t thro rough


Drinks to Lose Weight

Smooth h t i w s l a Me Replacing

Drinking to lose weight is eas ier and more enjoyable than foll owing a solid food diet. Do Not Add Sugar Do not add sugar or caloric sweeteners such as maple syrup (see p. 25) to the drin ks of the weight-loss cure. Instead , non-caloric sweeteners such as Stevia can be used.

To reduce abdom inal girth, these must be simultan eously met: 1. Reduce caloric in any of its variatio take: The we ns (one slimmin day, one day base d on drinks, or t days, see p. 322), easily achieves it 2. Burn fat: Severa l the burning of bo drinks and sp dy fat (see p. 304 3. Avoid constipat io intestine can be re n: Retention o lieved with laxat more on p. 264): • “All Things Fibe r” k (pin . 13 g 2) • “Light In rin De” htin ugtes o (p r . 13 h 4) t t h ig e • “C W hi a g W n ate in s r” (p. 178). Losi 4. Avoid excess ga se use they almost no insolubl s: Becasu itut eeifigh betr,byjuicebssthe w lp se intestin lo to al fl le atu b lence. Cearta enri beebenve it is possi vein h ra g ey 23/12/15 16:32 rtain rules, digestive th if iadllyanti-flatulent effec especan s,wi Following ce ie t, su ooth fo sm llo h ng it : w ls ea complete m • “Digestive Infusio th n” (pof. 12 the5)factors e are some smoo. thies w 5. EliminatThe esliq of t ui ds ec : Li eff qu id reod ming ten s:tio slim manifests its lid fo r so elf in thtee fo sto l, ue m: In acge a substitu Diraur beverages (se es ri lo e p. 32ca1) prom oo wer a sm h ot it e w re l na l ea contribute to• Fe m d oog re um du-fcin solid coalnscir e ab do ar m es in ri lo c d 500 less ca en ies



ndb 298

Green Juices: Ideal for Wei ght Loss Juices from green vegetables provide many vita vvit itam ami min ins, minerals, antioxidants, and few calo

y: Smooth • Monoton s than a varied ou on ot on m oun smaller am for which a consumed som oothies are • Satiety: Sman many solid th g in satiat


fici s can be de • Smoothie although in , nutrients restrict than some ded in recommen s p ie the smooth ion it from a nutr io pt • A consum ly ri not necessa ts dietar y habi in of weight ga to in addition


Fat-burning Juices

Weight-loss Cure

De efeating the Addicti

ase the production of bodily Thermogenic or “fat-burning” drinks incre fat. heat, and with it the burning of accumulated ” Thermogenesis means “production of heat. ents nutri g ducin y-pro energ s burn body e Th order) (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, in this caloric to create bodily heat. Normally, 10% of the This intake from foods is used to produce heat. percentage can increase slightly by consuming juices, infusions, spices, and thermogenic supplements such as those mentioned in these be pages. With thermogenics, the following can accomplished:

A cure based on healthy jui ces and beve very good benefits when ad diction to

• Slightly increase bodily temperature. • Encourage heat loss through the skin. • Burn more fat to produce bodily heat. • Burn more calories. • Speed up metabolism. Thermogenic beverages and products have a fat-burning effect, as the body reserves of ed in a carbohydrates are scarce, stored fat is burn ise exerc cal physi if ially espec days, matter of a few is done. Caffeine also has a thermogenic effect, but due to its many side effects (see p. 252), do not especially because it causes addiction, we cure. t-loss weigh the recommend it in

The addiction becoming ove identified in o on juices and successful.

Characte food addi

It proves difficu all need to ea between physio add char • Ea feeli even A ty start cont until • Ea do so cases • Pri produ desire being – Ca sugar – Pro as cer

Grapefruit juice

ss Weight-lo


A great ally in weight-loss cures been (see p. 290). Although its effect might have ating exaggerated, it certainly contributes to regul sterol metabolism, in addition to reducing chole be and triglyceride levels in the blood. It can other consumed freshly squeezed, combined with fruits and vegetables. All citrus fruits have a lipolytic effect (fat-burning), but grapefruit has it more than any other. Its enzymes speed up metabolism and keep the fat from accumulating in the body.

dvice A l a r e n e G st be taken cautions mu

rtain pre t-loss cure, ce gh ei w a outcome. g in nd pleasant a Before start ve ti ec eff for an


er cleansi

t with a liv

our mouths ters through es hing that en the blood initially pass to in , ed et rb di so ab 304 heavily loaded ell h the liver. A with excess weight as w or ci lly asso ated ion of toxic substances pt ’s h the consum patic function, the body loaded liver overloads he 304 VS05EN_Libro.indbra tory. An over hemical labo ses proteins, fats, and es d quately proc s down metabolism, an ow sl t. s, fa te ly ra di yd oh of bo cumulation ss cure motes the ac ery weight-lo liverev , ul sf es cc a su to be d to ke rder t lin ed or at leas uld be preced p. 262). ee (s nsing cure

The Secret of Success n ofct exists or produ food ogenic No therm atio imin elburn hecan bodily fat alone. That effect Promote tthat ning caloric is achieved through combi it must essful toxins e, , exercis be sualcc tion, restric re tophysic cu h the ss ug lo tro th gh xins ogenic and thermn of tofoods. For a wei :

eliminatio ls (p. 232) promote the tural cleansing channe na ur fo ’s body • Lungs • Intestine • Kidneys • Skin

an the e water th r o m k in r D k for weight usual VS05of portant drin

Lo L osi sin ng Weight in Thre 23/12/15 16:32


Weigh ight t-l t-l -lo oss ss Cure

e Days

Food Ca Studies c that the food add that of a

A met me hod for rapid weight loss : A one or two-day cure may electively be carried out .

fact EN_Libro.indb 318 most im the simple Alth Water is the dayh rapid weight-loss is generally advised served that theoug ob ut en ho be s ug ro ha against, loss. It of water th e there are occasions in which an ke es ta ob in in e t th gh accelerated reduction of bod increasing bodily wei y mass is necessary. s to reducing Rapid weight-loss can have contribute a psychological effect 1 on a person who is unable . ts en to lose weight through pati

Optional solid food

If a drink-based, weight-loss cure ends up bei excessively restrictive, som e solid foods can be e add ed; their consumption sho rrying uld always follow ay activ any method, and who beco loss cure, ca to mes discouraged in the the weight-loss beverage. ly ng a weightis of results. abse ter nce wa ing hile undergoi cise is important, not on toxins by Th ink e following solid foods are . Dr nt , Gardner CD the most suited f er e n independe t F, Popkin BM eight dieting womeA thre the cure (see p. 312). -8. y, weight-loss cure t physical ex es, but also to eliminat 1):2481e-da JD, Constan erw contributes to 1 Stookey with weight loss in ov Spring). 2008 Nov;16(1 ri lo ca e boo r stin or • Salads g morale upon realizing that associated tivity. Obesity (Silve urn m weight loss is ac piration. possible. . of diet and • Fruits ID: 18787524 eans of pers PubMed PM The secret of success lies in • Seeds and nuts mai reducing the weight attained ntaining or even weight. ss after the three-day ce • Germinated (sprouted) grai ex t ba m co to peri r od. ns or legumes de Gor ging or mus t be avoided once a cure has amental in • Dextrinated or twice bak been completed in order to e liver is fund ed bread prevent the onset of Cleansing th an “up and down” or, as it is also known, a “yo-yo” effect, which predisposes to er Other drinks during a metabolic disorders Left lobe, liv and er grea cure liv ter , weig ht gain (see the Right lobe For the duration of a cure, to Eat at the End of a Weight- paragraph What any of these beverage loss Curee, p. 315). can be freely consumed, in addition to those indicated for each day : Stomach Bile ducts • Water, plain or with lemon juice (see p. 244). • “Grapefruit Juice” (see p. 98). Pancreas • “Ch ia Wat er” (see p. 178 ). adder

Healthy Juices includes practical tables of alternative ingredients, units of measurement, and nutritional daily values.

Index l a r e n e G l a ic t Alphabe

Abdomen),, fl20att2en, 298

ion, 78-87, 104 Arterial hypertens 9 27 , for e re ur –c – cu sion, 87 Arterial hypoten 88 Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis, 202 Aspartame, 24 Asthma, 114 Eyes beverage), 26 olee (Hot ma– ize Attol A Gla

Index by Diseases Disease s and

disorders d Acai (Juice iscussed in grouped by this book, Acesulfame K, 24 thie), 192 organs, tra oo cts, or syst Acid cleanser (Sm ems. Acid load, 268 4 Acne, 21 ucoma, d, 318 Addiction to foo Respirato – Macular 54 2 ry degener,at78 e (Smoothie), 18 – Asthma, – Re thie) ion of retina, Additional volum oo ti na (Sm s , es m pr 114 ac ex a 52 ul an ar degener an – Erectile – – Vision Br on Agave, syrup, 25 ation, 52 chitis, 110dysfunction ab, flour, 303 disorders, 50 113 ob Ba – – Hypertr C ou ing gh, 112 Ag ophy of th , 162-1 43 s, N ink er dr 25 vo y, soft ne us by e prostat ho – e – ed In Be Im rat fe ele p ct cc otence ions –a – ol34 Alcfre ohe, 0 olis – Otitis, 11 , respiratory 110 – Infertility , sexual 162-165 m, 74 cure, 316 Beer, alcoh –cure against, 28 0 – Aalcwe , s re os d t-l uc ohigh ed 160 olism – Respirat – Insuffici Benefits of or en – Alzheim , detoxification, 25 Aguas frescas, 15 – Sinusiti y infections, 110 er’s disease 6 – Period, d t milk, 176 urs, 34 s, Bitters, 35 11 – Anxiety, ion , 64 is 0 Alcohol-free lique (Juice), 102 or 7 d 24 ers, 148 58 ), – Prostate nt (infus ria Liver Black cu–rra Cer ca Alcohol-free sang ebral emb – Prostate ncer, 168-171 olism, 72 , 34 22 ne er, – wi – e 37 nd Fa C l], , fre Ble hy er tt tai oly ck eb p oh liv ertrophy, [co Alc ral thro er – Reduced 166 oto (earthquake), – Inflamm , 122 – C23 –hand, erebral va mbosis, 72 fe ation of liv Alcohol-free terrem sc9ular acci – Sexual d rtility, 160 92-10 er s, – – , ink In 11 C dr d fl , off es en am 8od ire ee 12 t, Blo 16 m 72 , decrease, , detoxifil,ca36 2 atory states Alcohol, – Sexual im 156-1 cktai tion, 252 , 198 co epry, Ma p ress Blood–y D ion, 56, 66 Stomach –and cancer, 46 6 fusion), 136 – Sexual, d otence, 162-165 l (in ne -7 – fen 1 d D an et 25 a, es n, ox nn tio ire se ifi cation from 8 , decrease, – Gastritis toxifica Boldo–, deeto –d 156-1 an tion,al Det 46 Metabolis geoxs,ifiex capla – Heartbur d ulcer, 130 tionnafrom cohol, 256 Book–pa m Alcoholic, drinks, n, 126 56ffeine, 25 Detoxifi oofrthie),ca – Abdomin (Sm cation r – Helicob we 2 74 , po sm ain oli Br om oh al ac Alc – Insomni tobacco, 25 – Diabetes obesity, 298 a, 60 – Indigesti ter, 128 toxifying, 259 4 , 184-189 Brea–st, on Alga "chlorella", de rup), 25 Loss of mem75 – Gout, 19 – Stomach , 124 sy 2-1 b or 17 ro r, y, ce (Ca 62 an 2 ina –c – Memory ulcer, 130 Algarrob 6 17 , – ion – Stomach, loss Metabolic tat lac , 62 nt – Nsu –in heartburn, erffi –cocktail, 39 vocie us ex(Sm , 172 – Obesity syndrome, 190 126 th,ie) tion d hausoo iel in m –eaNst sh Intestine 56 er Br vo Alkaline water, 16 us 0 ne 27 – Obesity, 17 etabolic syndrome, 56 2 0,, 11 idifying, foods, , 11ss – Cancer, Sm 8-181 chokitis Br–on ing, Alkalizing and ac co – 116 Overweig 6 – Celiac d lon 146 Sm ht e.oxifi hok irintyp the g, det Br–ot to isease, 144 ing – Syndrom , 178-181 Alkalizing, cure, 26 thie)wo ord acc d 2 upe 13 gro , ca 9 rk, – ti 18 – Stre e, on, 254 this Colitis, 14 inoo abetic, ges r (Sm idi, 56 ntss Bev s fibe –a ingera – Thinness metabolic 190 All th 6 – Stroke – Colon ca 0 , 182 72 rifying, 24 ncer, 146 –total, pu – Triglyce Allergy, 224 – Constip ri des at Cardiova syndrome, in metabolic –cure, 283 sc – Diarrhea ion, 132-137 , 138 – Arterial ular – Uric acid 190 74 , Almond, milk, 31 hy – 44 ink e, D per drnsion, isease, ce it te and gout, tus fru – Artac inks with caffein 192 – Weight eria l hypdrotink – Gastroe liac 144 Alternatives to dr 64 44, 78-87, 104 gain, 178sion e, ens, nteritis an – ACa ffein 181 872 rter se, – ea W dis io ei ’s d sc er g – d ht le im G ia he ro luten, into 25 rrhea, 138 loss, 182 Alz si n, 84 s, tio ), ca 88 up xifi so – ld eto C le or–d rance, 144 onary disea acho (Co – Intolera Musculosk 5 Andalusian gazp , 90 , 30 nc cese – Dis eaigu Ca el se,a, – Irritable e to gluten, 144 cojui ronary,oh 245 e, – Arthritis etal fre olAnemia, 94 co 90 – lo alc H , n, ea ha 14 rin rt , 202 ipi at 2 Ca s – ta 0 sion U 28 ck Infu lc re, , erous colit 90 milk, 29 g, cu – gin C tia – hr An Ic on tu , is, 104 ic fati s, na 72 ry seed Alcohol-free drinks tiallergic (Juice), 224 – Sedative, 61– StreCa – Inflamm gue, 196 Urinary An ssaica atory states ed ), 86, e, 34 he ncer art, 306 – Alcohol-free winAn 76 – Hibiscus tea (JamCa – Lo – rgic, cure, 283 In w lle fe tia p hysical per , 198 ctions, urin , 8775 172-1 st,sion infu r, 35 looderic –brea thie), 114 formance, andBturm ar oo er y – Ging (Sm – Alcohol-free beeAn – 15 – O tic st Ki 2 ma eo d sth neys, st 194 arthri tia 146 – Ane 120 olo, n, sion –c infu mia – Osteopor tis, 200 286-289 – Liquids, ones, 154 , 94 – Marion this–tle – Bitters, 35 71 8-1 re os Anticancer, cure, 16 te is te, D , nt sta 20 et ro ion, 148 oxifi–p 4-207 6 27 125 – ca ve, re, Lo esti ti cu Dig on – ss ol, of salt from 89 6-2 Skin 28av Anticholester andand re, he ym Broths pes el,,cu136 – Mineral s, 150 et s Cafenn tinc cider, es – Boldo, sen–na, 25e salts, loss, 8 to alcohol,al46 iabetic, cure, 272 – Acne, 21 Heavy met tid, 121 liver ies, 20 th du 15 oo er, – – Purifying for the An sm nc 0 4 Re d 143 Ca al an dic, na s s, smo ce l lithiasis, detoxificae, cure, 277 – Antispa – High ch – Cellulite, 189xidants in jui h, tio tectiv tion, 258 – Re-91 ol,es iop 210 – Antidiabetic brotAn rd188 tention of 154 te sion Ca roro ion), 143 nHinfu l, 10 fus amo 76 (In s, Cinn – – ic 0ink – od dr 10 liq ig D sm m, 5 ry ui h pa tis246 triglyrd ds, 148 syste skin, 208 Anh, – Urinary , 189 larsion as, cu infu a) iov rides – Total purifying brot (Bau Ca cehini id in orch 10 fe – ilian ct Braz Ir 6 – – on io -91 Ec 76 ns 58 d zema, 10 , 152 eficiency Anxiety, ascular, drinks, , 92 rdiov , 203 – Ir infu – Infectio 4 ks ple (Juice), 64 on,sion roductive – Turmeric defiCa Cereal-based drinAp ciency, 92 Drinks in th–Rep ns, skin 21 – Br O 7 2 247 ve 29 – ea on, t, deli Sk rl st Dan is igh oad of toxi – in infectio canc work er, 17 – Malt, 26 –to lose we a nso, 96 ns, 212 2re (t 17 27 – – li k), Br 5 Pe drin st -9 fa ch ea 247 st ed 9 pea le, ci st ic and nett ides, detox , insufficien li a ta cc – Green te o rd fi Im in n – Mote con huesillos (Wheat ification, 25 din t lactation, g to pmaugneenu – Cgan – Thant, thceem alasse 247 r, bre 8 mia, 104 ),asgt ro 346 erage), 27 – Black curr 172u17 ped 17o6rdin 3– Alle – Atole (Hot maize bev – Cancer, – Thromsion rgy, 224mber bosis, ,247 prostate 16 5 acc23/1 infu il seta 16:3 g –toBath Hor 10 – 27 t, 2/15 8 llien – Decreas 8-171 – Toxins, ov ct eiiarl an – Peruvian emo er indgvireradl iniefents. 306 e erlotea, tea tea or red ad, 96 307 – Rooibos – Cold, 22 – Dysfunc of sexual desire, 156ctions, 222 Acai – Kurozu (Black vinegar), 27, 0 tion, erecti 15 9 26 80, k), – drin le – Dysmen Defenses, orrhea, 14 162-165 – Chicha morada (Purple corn weak, 216Juices – Acai [Juice], 20 8 – 219 Influenza, 26 Banana db ,346 , 138 50 2 hata horc 33 5EN 2 arroent, – Mexican VS0 – Triple Apigm lg – Weak def 220 bi60 na (Carob – Virgin piña enses, 216e, juic sy rry ru Che – – co Al p ), la ga sy da 219 rrob a (Car Broccoli rup [Coc – Sweet se Cocktails ob sy e,ai64,in297 renity [Smoo ktail], 38 juic – Apple[C ockt – Vegetabl l], 39 n, 72 rup) cocktail – Green en thie], 58 – Bloody Mary, 36 e-based erad atio irrig er d gy ease 37 Incr – [S e), moothie], 68 Almond thquak icator [Smoothie], – Banana ex – Alcohol-free terremoto (Ear VS05EN pr regulator, 82 sion –_LTen ibro.– – Intestinal 128 indA – Antiasthm ess [Smoothie], 78 blm 33on 2 d milk [P pr – Virgin San Francisco, 38 ot at 88 la ec ot, ic nt carr tor [Juice], [Smoothie], -based milk – Sim–ply Smile, plea – Breast sh – All things 146 114 ield [Smoo fi – Virgin piña colada, 38 rt, 90se [Smoothie], 66 ], 31 hea thie], 17 – Gre–en Whi – Green an – Natural Vi ber [smoothie], 132 te ga ktail, 39 Coc p) rli syru ob c (Car [C tiina ag ol rrob di d ra abetic [Juice 2 – Alga soup], 70 96 [S x, m –A deto erdd oo – Sup th – iti ie Vegetable onal volum ], 164 ], 186 Banana: se anti-inflam [Sm e, 98, e304 – Virgin mojito, 40 e Plantain – Tr pefr opuit – Gra matory icaljuic [Juice], 200 insulin [Sm102 oothie], 182 Baobab, fl oo ria, – th sang – Virgin pisco sour, 41 N free ie ew hol], ou 184 – Alco batteries [S – Total purif 23/12/ – Orange ju r ying broth , 104 moothie], 196 – Alcohol-free caipirinha, 245 ice with ba [Broth], 246 15 1 Aloeatvegerm – Whe Brown rice ra obab [J ui ce ], 108 20 e, 4 – Intelestgrap – Who inal pe – Kurozu (B Cold soups ac,e110 Barley [Smoothie], lack Alous – –Muc e juclea 140 ice ring [Cereal-bas vinegar) [Juice],112 – White garlic, 70 – M 21 al 2 ed drink], 27 t g, [C thin er brea p ea Dee – A l-b 84 nise, anisee ased drink] , 307 Cabbage – Andalusian gazpacho, – Peruvian , 26 ree, d116 emollient ke-f ––Smo Diges tiv e – [Infu [Cereal-bas G re en si cks on wba he 118 r, dra ], nse ar 12 with clea t [Juice], 90 Antisr pa Drinks –– Live smodic [Infu122 5 – Alcohol-f ed drink], 27 – Happy st tor, sion], 143 ree beer omach [Jui regenera Live –nn – Cow’s milk, 42 A ce anras [A – G lc : as oh se tr ol e ic -f Pi 124 protector [J ], 124 ree drink], 35 ne,ap py stomach ple – Soft drinks, 43 uice], 130 A–pHap ple B as Ca il, bbage or cu leaves stopper, 126 – Coffee, 44 rly cabbag ––HFire ard drive [S ector, 130 – Increased without th e moothie], irrigation e hea – Green tea, 45 – – Gastric prot


Index by Type of Drink C

Index by I ngredient s

It also includes useful indexes of diseases, type of drink, ingredients, medicinal properties, and a general alphabetical index in order to ease the search of information.



· Alternative Ingred

ients d e r g n I e iv t a n Alter e,

nt n is not availabl When an ingredie plaaccee.. its pl its nts can be used in gredient in e v iv i t at na rn er te al n certai

Ingredient Used in This Work


ients ien Alternative Ingred • Black currant rryy) Cherr ian Che • Acerola (West Indd • Blueberry • Black grape • Cashew • Pecan nut

Ingredient Used in This Work

Linseed (Flaxseed)

Units of Mea and Abbr surement eviation s ts

ien Alternative Ingred d • Chia see


• Peach • Apricot

• Mango


• Guava rees (Centi grhee Calorie: In • Lyc ade) . this work • Jujube butan it is•eq Ram nehren °F Pru enn appllee uiva den lde : Fa lent to a kc • Ambarella, golld heit Degre al (kilocalo es ) . cis cis) Apple g: Gram. 1 as dul rie). ndiias Spoond (Sp • Acai g = 1,000 mg =• 1, ji J: Go Jo 00 s isin ul 0, Ra e. Unit of en 000 μg . • Mango ergy in the kcal: Kiloca ch • Peach Apricot lo AcaIni ternational Syst kilocalories ries. Unit of en• er em of Uni ts.1 J = 0,00 y ypically Chigcor ar cress terrcre Wate used in nu • Wa calories, or e indicated as•calo ty 0239 kca.l ry ber aw trition. Th la y ri d Str gu • es. Other sy Aru spberr ietary calories e prefix “k 1 kg Ra nonyms of of . t O w ran ne ilo” is us cur at rry er ki Red • lbe loca by1oC. 1 kc kki • Mu al = 4.184 lorie or Calorie is th localories are large ually omitted in th Kilocalories Blackberry e process. calo kJ. e approxim or ca lo i ri Com es are not• Aca ate energy ries, dietetic calori • Acai kg: Kilogr a part of th es, nutritio monly Cherry) necessary am. 1 kg = e Internat • Cashew ni to Acerola (West Indian • in 1, cr 00 ea t 0 io kJ: KiloRe ran se the tem st’s g. na cur d l Sy pe Blueberry jo st gra ck em ul • Bla perature o e. Unit of en of Units (S • Goji I). The unit ergy equiva l: Liter. 1 l of energy lentnac = 1,000 m a leaves hay to h/C 1,00 in the IS is l. • Tree spi 0 J. 1 kJked • Kale or cabbage g: Meillnum =, the Joule igram.ber tompag ing Broccoli ord (J ). ust be consumed coo )1,000 J = 0.239 kcal acc (m ed 1 list m are g ns) rk = wo bea h 0. this . raw 00 the ml: Millilite in 1 Drinks in ic g tox = are y 1, • Green beans (Frenc l the ina as00 dic 0 ch r. me μg ina 1 r ir Sp hei m the t . o t to l ) ing = s ong ord 0.001 l. mu acc Cactu u d (Ra upe h gro , nac μ m) spi g the : ter Microgram • Wa (to facilitatefrufiit nding • Fig . 1 μg = 0. 001 mg = Ounce: 1 Cactus perties. pro 0.00 y g. ounce = 28 • Guava err01 pb00 • Ras ar) .35 g. (Prickly pe p.: Page. currant rry Red • be aw Str ond • Alm syn: Syno e], 146 nym stina • Pecan nut – Inte . l protector [Juic • Mustard Leaves Cashew 152 – Green heart [Juice], 90 tive [Smoothie], seda ary Urin – rd e) • Kale Leaves cha ett 110 iss urg e], Sw Alkalizing (Co [Juic ni chiring clea d irliton–) Mucus• Zuc the plus one equals three One – te (M r ayobloo ) EALTHY J icato erad Neutralizes excess acidity inCh rilloH ed sed -bas e-ba able egettabl – Vege UICES · U • Tree tomato (Tama ie], 160 ooth – [SmTom y nits of Mea cor128 • Chiie], and in the internal environment. ato ooth [Sm surement an er pow y third err the to Ch ncy Pote – d Abbreviat y 50 ator e], amm [Juic infl ent t antil ery nu zil – Triple pigm Bra ions · Nutri – Intestina • lk sta • Cel 162 e], [Juic t lnu 60 e], Wa lb [Juic bu [Juice], 144 – Cherry juice Fennel, 186 e], [Juic tic iabe antid 166 n e], Gree 66 – [Juic e ie], com ooth la over [Sm gu se ation • Aru – Inflamm – Smile, plea • Pear er [Juice], 218 cress pow Waleter – Purp ava Gu68 – Safe breasts [Juice],(Pi174 – Green energy [Smoothie], taya)sion], 188 irliton) [Juice], 249 it cure fru e 82 Grap e], gon [Infu – [Juic sion Dra • Cha • lator infu n regu – Cinnamo – Tension Dayotiley(Mvalue Zucchini Kiwi 198 e], 88 e], [Juic g [Juic t lizin is understoo alka carro – Total Lime – Simply Antiasthmatic • y ie], 94 d as the nec a. of each ma. hma sthm st asth off a – Vegetable anti-inflammator – Green antianemic [Smooth omss o ptom Lemon mpt sym es sy vves iev ie l e essary daily Relie R n utrient in a [Juice], 200 amount – Super detox [Juice], 96 114 st ie], a ooth [Sm n ic d mat a asth Anti rd – 112 e], [Juic d 202 g e], ie thin [Juic brea t of 2,000 ca – Acai – Deep 203 ], sion [Infu lo 116 sion e], ries. infu [Juic eric ee – Turm – Smoke-fr Antibiotic bodyy.. he bod – Aloe juice [Juice], 212 n tthe – Depurative for the liver onss iin on tions nfecti iinfec ts h ig Figh F – Velvet skin [Juice], 214 – [Broth], 121 152 – Urinary sedative [Smoothie], – Antiallergic [Juice], 224 – Liver regenerator [Juice], 122 le power [Juice], 218 nade Purp – lemo 124 y e], ator [Juic amm ach S -infl stom Anti ta py – – Hap ndard– M Whiete aantib sureiotic [Juice], 244 – Fire stopper [Juice], 126 ], 247 t-basedsmilk], 222 sion 130 [Plan e], – [Infu [Juic ant r curr ecto k prot Blac – ric – Gast 132 329 – Pineapple juice [Juice], 296 enic – All things fiber [Smoothie], inog carc Nut Anti rien t 134 err cer ance an off ccanc – Light intestine [Smoothie], sett o onse on e h the t ts n ents e v e Prev Pre Pr acid Anti Daily Values 140 Sugaurb rs s its ggrow he h. – Intestinal peace [Smoothie], n tthe rowttth. row urbs and ccurb Neutralizes excess acidity in e], 148 90 g – Look out for the water [Juic gar] ach. vine k stom zu [Blac Kuro tsrozu –FaKu – Stone dissolving [Juice], 154 3 ], 38 23/1N2/15 utri16:3 [Juice], [Cereal-based drink], 27, 307 70 g ent – Virgin piña colada [Cocktail – Potency to the third power Sa 124 e], tu [Juic t-based milk], 30 ra ach [Plan te stom milk py d Soy Hap – Fa – Daily Values ts Ca 162 lcium 164 Bloody Mary [Cocktail], 36 20 g – Fire stopper [Juice], 126 – di – Natural Viagra [Smoothie], So 38 um 1, ], ktail 300 mg 212 [Coc e], 1 166 cisco [Juic e], teas oon in San Fran – Aloe juice come [Juic329 Iron over 5EN_Libro.indb – InflammationVS0 About 5 g – pVirg ent [Juice], 50 2,400 mg (5 168 pigm e e], m Tripl [Juic – Pr l juice of ot ato ei Tom w 18 mg – ns ater) Antiallergic 1 tablesp Magnesium es ievvves elie oon relie – Clear eyes [Smoothie], 54Ab50 onss and rre on – Safe breasts [Juice], 174 ou Staves off allergic reactions Fibe [Juice], 64, 297 gt 15 g (15 ml of wat juice le r 42 App 33 – 0 mg 0 s. – Satisfied baby [Juice], 176 er) their symptom Ph 72 phor1uscup or glass 184 Aos bou – Increased irrigation [Juice],25 g t 250 g (250 – Tropical insulin [Smoothie], ], 32 milk sed t-ba [Plan Fo k) milk drin la Oat – corn te 186 ml of water 1,250 mg ha morada (Purple icha Chic – Ch – Green antidiabetic [Juice], milk], 33 Potassium ) – Quinoa milk [Plant-based 189 400 μg [Cereal-based drink], 80, 26 – Antidiabetic broth [Broth], oothie], 114 [Sm ic mat 4,700 mg asth Anti – e], 90 [Juic t Zi hear n nc Gree – – Tireless [Smoothie], 194 224 VSgic 05EN [Juic _Libre], – Antialler o.indb 33 96 e], [Juic x deto er 0 Sup – – Total alkalizing [Juice], 198 247 11 mg – Black currant [Infusion], 304 Copper – Strong bones [Juice], 206 – Grapefruit juice [Juice], 98, – Orange cure [Juice], 249 ie], 208 104 e], [Juic 0. ass 9 mg atgr – Smooth and firm [Smooth Whe – Selenium Antianemic – Velvet skin [Juice], 214 – Whole grape [Juice], 108 s tes ytes cyte rocy hroc hro ryt 55 mg Promotes the increase off eeryth – Simply orange [Juice], 216 Vitamin A – Liver cleanser [Juice], 118 r or red blood cells. – Lemon water [Juice], 244 – Vegetable-based eradicato 23/12/15 90 0 μg RA 16:33 E Vitamin E – Whole-lemon lemonade [Smoothie], 128 – Alcohol-free terremoto 146 e], 37 ], [Juic r ktail [Smoothie], 244 ecto [Coc , prot l ake) 15 mg thqu Intestina (ear – nade Vitamin C cocktail – Anti-inflammatory lemo – Algarrobina (Carob syrup) – Regained vitality [Juice], 156 90 mg – [Juice], 244 ktail], 39 Viagra [Smoothie], 164 ral [Coc Natu – Vi 246 tamin B1 th], ], 41 e], 166 – Total purifying broth [Bro – Virgin pisco sour [Cocktail Inflammation overcome [Juic – 1.2 m hie], 66


°C:rCelsius Pea deg

erties Index by Medicinal Prop

Nutrition a

l Daily Va

Daily Value U for the GDA sed as Reference Tables


Daily Value U for the “Vita sed as Reference mins and M ineral Boxes



People’s health is being damaged more and more by the contemporary lifestyle. In spite of counting on the best monetary resources, millions of human beings around the world face serious health problems that could be prevented. For that reason, it is important to discover the healthy power of drinks, which, apart from delighting us with their delicious flavors, contribute to the well-being of the body and help to combat and prevent many disorders.

GEORGE D. PAMPLONAROGER is a physician and surgeon and an expert in Public Health. Through his professional life as a surgeon, he has come to know the human body well, both inside and out. And with his broad-ranging experience as an educator in the field of healthcare, he has an excellent ability to communicate and reveal scientific knowledge, making its many complexities easy to understand. Dr. Pamplona-Roger authored the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants and the Encyclopedia of Foods and their Healing Power, which have been translated into major languages from all over the world and published by Editorial Safeliz, in addition to other printed works.

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