Facts of Renting

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How long do you need to lease?

How much are willing to pay monthly?

How many other people do you want to live with?

Do you want to live in an apartment, studio, townhouse, etc.?

Resources: 

UW Student Legal Services: HUB 306 slsuw@uw.edu


#1 Use the city’s Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance (RRIO) checklist at the website listed below to make sure the unit meets key safety and maintenance standards, such as proper ventilation, room size, electrical standards, plumbing, sanitation, heating, security, and fire safety.

How far do you want to be from campus?


RRIO: www.seattle.go v/RRIO

Husky Neighborhood Interns

#2 Always read and understand the rental contract, make sure all promises made by the landlord are in writing, and keep a copy of the lease. UW Student Legal Services offers free contract reviews.

#3 Verify damage deposits,

ing garbage pick-up service, & providing functional smoke detectors.

#6 A landlord is authorized to enter the rental unit without consent only when there is an emergency or the tenant has abandoned the premises. Otherwise the landlord cannot enter without prior consent.

#7 Landlords of rental housing are required by RRIO to register their properties with the city and pass a periodic inspection.

#8 RRIO inspections began in

security deposits, or cleaning fees listed in the lease and ask for receipts. Be sure to check which fees are refundable and which are non-refundable.

2015, and tenants can request a unit be inspected if they are concerned it doesn’t meet standard requirements. Inspections are paid for by landlords.

#4 Know your tenant respon-

#9 If a landlord fails to register

sibilities: paying rent/utilities on time, keeping the unit clean, following rules and restrictions listed in the rental contract, & using appliances provided by landlord in a proper manner.

#5 Know your landlord’s responsibilities: maintaining structural components and appliances (electrical, heating, plumbing) of unit, controlling pests, providing lock and keys, provid-

their property or complete an inspection, they will be subject to a series of enforcement measures that can result in legal action.

#10 The only legal way a landlord can evict a tenant is through a lawsuit brought before a judge. If a landlord attempts eviction without a lawsuit, contact the City of Seattle Department of Planning and Development.

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