Copenhagen Summer Festival International guide

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copenhagen summer festival 2014

young muso’s play the classics!

recognising denmark’s

young classical musicians

duo amal

uniting cultures through music

al classibc er cham ith a music w l youthfu flair

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Summer Festival 2014: Classic music with a youthful flair

A festival second to none The Copenhagen Summer Festival has existed since 1969 and is focused on presenting classical chamber music played by young upcoming talents. The festival is one of Denmark’s most important chamber music events and has played a significant role during the breakthrough of many of today’s leading musicians and ensembles. The concept of engaging highly profiled artists side-by-side with the stars of tomorrow, ensures the overall quality of the festival. The man who has been at the helm of the festival for the past 12 years, Poul Rosenbaum, sits down with us and shares some of his highlights and expectations for this year’s event. Poul has only praise for the selection of young classical musicians performing over the 12-day long festival. “The artistic quality of the programme is extraordinary,

perhaps the best we watching, he boast“The artistic quality have yet produced. fully said, “All of of the programme The foreign soloists them!” Although he is extraordinary, are highly-profiled does say that there on the internationare in particular a perhaps the best we al music scene, and few that are definite have yet produced.” also the Danish mumust-sees: “On the – Poul Rosenbaum sicians and young 27th July patrons will performers are just be fortunate enough as exciting,” he enthuses. The festo hear one of the hottest string tival’s unique selling point is that quartets around today, having it introduces an international auperformed all over the world, dience to the young talent, and here together with upcoming star provides them with a springboard the Russian clarinetist, Sergey to a successful career. “Compared Eletskyi,” he promotes. For the with most other Danish classiclosing act, the festival have secal music festivals, Copenhagen cured international piano duo, Summer Festival is unique in the DUO AMAL, from Israeli and a remarkable collection of performPalestinian heritage, the pianists ers and programmes on offer to have just come off of a big tour the general public. I would enin the USA and South America – courage Copenhageners to attend through heir collaboration, provas many concerts as possible,” ing that in art you will find undersays Poul. standing.

Talent-packed performances When asked which concerts he was most looking forward to

She is only 18 years old, and already prize winner in Denmark, as well as in the USA and Russia,” says Poul. He goes on to say that he could continue to list all the fantastic performances on offer, but says that it is best you experience them yourself, as he encourages interested classical music lovers to attend the daily, 16:30 concerts at the Charlottenborg Festival Hall. He also encourages you to check out the event website,, and reviews in this supplement for more information.

“The Copenhagen Summer Festival Talent Prize will be presented to Anna Egholm on the 30th July, following which she will perform.

President and Publisher: Ejvind Sandal ● Editor: David Nothling ● Layout: Lyndsay Jensen ● Sales & Marketing Director: Hans Hermansen,, Tel: +45 2420 2411 ● Picture credit for images: Copenhagen Summer Festival

 Venue: Charlottenborg Assembly Hall  Date: Sunday, July 27  Time: 16:30  Ticket price: 100 DKK

Opening concert

(People under 25: 50 DKK)

Leading string quartet performs with the famous clarinet player Sergey Eletskyi. Russian quartet Russian violinist Andrey Baranov, who won first prize in the Queen Elizabeth Competition 2012, presents for the first time in Denmark, his string quartet. Baranov was born in St. Petersburg in 1986, where he also earned his conservatory training. He has studied with some of the leading soloists and educators of our time, including Amoyal, Pauk and Kushnir. The quartet’s other three musicians are Rodion Petrov on

violin, Fedor Belugin on viola and

the opening concert of the Co-

Alexey Zhilin on cello. All three

penhagen Summer Festival 2014.

belong to the group of leading,

Born in 1989, in Moscow, Eletskyi

young Russian musicians. They

graduated in 2009 at the Acade-

have won rave reviews in a variety

my of Music in Lübeck under Prof.

of international competitions and

Reiner Wehle. Since then he has

have been soloists at major fes-

gone on to be a prize winner at

tivals as well as performed with

international competitions such







The programme includes music

Debussy Competition in Paris

by Haydn and Schostakowitch.

(2010), Aeolus Contest in Düsseldorf (2011) and the ARD Competi-

Musician profile: Sergey Eletskyi

tion in Munich (2012). Since 2012,

One of the world’s leading clar-

Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre of

inettist, Sergey Eletskyi will be

Russia. In 2013 he won first prize

playing alongside this quartet at

in the Carl Nielsen Competition.

Copenhagen Summer Festival Talent Award

he is the 2nd solo clarinettist of the

 Venue: Charlottenborg Assembly Hall  Date: Wednesday, July 30  Time: 16:30  Ticket price: Free entry

18 year old, Anna Egholm, is recognised for her world-class violin talent. a cash prize of 15 000 DKK. Having won first prize at both Danish and international competitions, including; Berlingske Competition, DR Play for Life, Sound Soloist, Jacob Gade Competition and Net foreign Music Talent Moscow 2009, Egholm is no stranger to international recognition.

Recognising young talent The aim of the Copenhagen Summer Festival Talent Prize is to stimulate young classical music talents, to create role models, and to strengthen the understanding of quality, devotion and ambition. The prize is given to a young,

classical soloist younger than the age of 20 years old. The recipient of the prize must have an extraordinary talent at an international level. This year’s Talent Award recipient, violinist Anna Egholm, is a worthy winner of the honour that carries

Musician profile: Anna Egholm Anna Egholm was born in 1996 and started playing the violin at age five. Her teacher since 2003 has been Alexandre Zapolski. In 2013 she became overall winner of “Jacob Gades Violinkonkurrence” and also won first place and Judges’ Distinction Award in the American Protege competi-

tion “International Music Talent Competition 2013”. She was also first place winner in the American Protege “International Competition of Romantic Music 2013” and following that she has played twice in Carnegie Hall, both in March 2014. In April 2014 Anna won “Nordisk Solistkonkurrence” and played as a solo with the Bergen Philharmonic Orcheatra. Egholm is playing an Italian violin – a Gagliano from 1763 – sponsored by the Augustinus Foundation, and plays music by SaintSaëns, Ysaÿe, Rachmaninoff and Ravel. Talent Award sponsored by Nykredit, and is presented by the Copenhagen Mayor Carl Christian Ebbesen.

The DUEN chamber orchestra One of the best European String Ensembles, with star soloist Priya Mitchell, on violin.

Danish Youth Ensemble Conducted by Morten Ryelund, The Danish Youth Ensemble was formed in 2004, under the auspices of Danish Radio. The orchestra developed into one of Europe’s

leading youth ensembles, and in 2011 released Self-employment, independent from Danish Radio. Presently, the DUEN perform under the Holstebro Music School and Classical Music Days in Holstebro.

The ensemble is of great importance for young talented stringers, giving them the opportunity to play in an elite orchestra. The young musicians convey an openness and passion for the music that is clearly felt by the audience and allows concert-goers to experience the intensity and joy of the music. As a national youth ensemble, DUEN constitutes a greenhouse, which gives the young talents the possibility to benchmark with the best musicians from the country’s educational institutions, whilst at the same time experience both musical and personal development,

Winner – 2014 Danish Radio Chamber Music Competition

 Venue: Charlottenborg Assembly Hall  Date: Sunday, August 3  Time: 16:30  Ticket price: 100 DKK (People under 25: 50 DKK)

facilitated by an open and friendly atmosphere.

Musician profile: Priya Mitchell At this year’s concert, The DUEN will be accompanied by the English violinist, Priya Mitchell for a special solo performance. Mitchell is one of the most significant soloists of her generation, and has played alongside major orchestras and is a frequent guest at chamber music festivals. The programme for this concert includes music by Sibelius and Elgar and Mozart’s Violin Concerto in A Major.

 Venue: Charlottenborg Assembly Hall  Date: Wednesday, August 6  Time: 16:30  Ticket price: 100 DKK (People under 25: 50 DKK)

English piano trio, playing music by Schubert and Sjostakovitch. Musician profile: Niklas Walentin

Trio Vitruvi Join the Copenhagen Summer Festival for an unforgettable performance by this terrific young trio, comprising; Niklas Walentin, on violin, Jacob la Cour, on cello and Alexander McKenzie on the piano. The trio has just won the

DR Chamber Music Competition 2014, which has opened them up to many concert opportunities, and this year the Summer Festival is honoured to have them perform. The programme includes music by Schubert and Sjostakovitch.

Trio Vitruvi has evolved with great musicality under the guidance of Nikolaj Znaider and the Tokyo String Quartet. Reviewers have written about the trio’s empathy, youthful enthusiasm, balance and purity.

In the summer of 2013 Walentin became Trio Vitruvi newest violinist. Walentin has made a name for himself as one of the most talented violinists of his generation. He has played concerts both as a soloist with an orchestra and chamber musician at home and abroad. Walentin was in 2012 the first recipient of Copenhagen Summer Festival Talent Award. In this constellation, the trio has already held several concerts in Denmark; Silkeborg Classic and Fano As-merkoncerter, and in Germany; Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the series Junge Elite.

Marianna Shirinyan

 Venue: Charlottenborg Assembly Hall  Date: Thursday, July 31  Time: 16:30  Ticket price: 100 DKK (People under 25: 50 DKK)

Leading European pianist performs music by Beethoven, Nielsen and Chopin. The Armenian (non-resident) pianist with an impressive international career, Marianna Shirinyan, began her piano studies in her home town Yerevan, Armenia, at the Tshaikowsky Music Academy. Later she came to conservatories in Hamburg and Lübeck, studying with Elisabeth Leonskaya and Leif Ove Andsnes. Winning five prizes at the 2006 ARD International Music Competition in Munich kick-started Shirinyans international career as soloist and chamber musician, and it has developed impressively

and steadily ever since. She is a welcome guest at a string of international festivals, among them the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Schwetzingen Festival, Festspillene i Bergen and the Stavanger International Chamber Music Festival in Norway, and the MDR Summer Music Festival. Simultaneously she has won the reputation of being one of this generations leading pianists through solo appearances with such leading Scandinavian orchestras as the Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Oslo Philharmonic, Göteborg Symphony, Trondheim Symphony, Copenhagen Philharmonic, Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, Umeå

Nordic piano quintet Experience these young talents courtesy of the Royal Academy of Music.

Youthful sounds The Nordic Piano Quintet, with debutants from the Royal Danish Academy of Music, presents a cast of young but highly skilled and talented musicians. The cast is made up of Heidrun Petersen and Mads Haugsted Hansen, on

violin, Daniel Eklund on viola, Live Johansson, on cello and Marie Louise Bode Dorff playing the piano.

at their castle in Caix in France. The pianist has won several international awards, and the string quartet has also played with Russian piano soloist Boris Berman. Later that year they formed together with the German piano player Marie-Luise Bodendorff.

Programme The ensemble was formed in 2013, where the cast played at the royal couple summer concert

Shostakovich – Piano Quintet in g minor, Op. 57 I. Prelude: Lento

Symphony Orchestra as well as Odense, Århus and South Jutland Symphony Orchestras. The pianist’s first CD was released by EMI in January 2010, presenting chamber music by Frédéric Chopin, and also featuring Danish cellist Andreas Brantelid and Norwegian violinist Vilde Frang. The CD has been positively received by listeners and reviewers alike, winning the Danish “Grammy” (P2 Prize). Since 2013 Shirinyan has been on a two-year term as Artist in Residence with the Odense Symphony Orchestra in Denmark.

 Venue: Charlottenborg Assembly Hall  Date: Monday, July 28  Time: 16:30  Ticket price: 100 DKK (People under 25: 50 DKK)

II. Fugue: Adagio III. Scherzo: Allegretto IV. Intermezzo: Lento V. Finale: Allegretto Schumann – Piano Quintet in E flat major, Op. 44 I. Allegro brillante II. In modo d’una marcia. Un poco largamente III. Scherzo: Molto vivace IV. Allegro ma non troppo

Award-winning Danish clarinettist

 Venue: Charlottenborg Assembly Hall  Date: Monday, August 4  Time: 16:30  Ticket price: 100 DKK (People under 25: 50 DKK)

2013 Carl Nielsen Competition prize recipient performs together with an exciting young pianist. conducted by Michael Schøn-

Musician profile: Mathias Kjøller

the seat of solo clarinettist in Aarhus Symfoniorkester. He held this position while continuing his studies in Århus and later on in the soloist’s classes at Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium (DKDM) - with Lee Morgan as his teacher. In 2009, in Los Angeles, he started regular studies with Yehuda Gilad.

Mathias Kjøller (b. 1985) started playing the clarinet in Vejle in 1995. At age 18 he began his studies at Det jyske Musikkonservatorium (DJM) with John Kruse as his teacher, and in 2007 he won

Mathias has won several competitions at DJM and DKDM and in June 2011 he was soloist with DKDM Symfoniorkestret, playing Carl Nielsen’s clarinet concerto

niorkester. Besides the orchestral

a programme that includes music by Schumann, Brahms, Debussy and Poulenc. Kjøller is one of the few Danish musicians to have won an award at the Carl Nielsen competition, namely in 2013 he received the 2nd prize.

One of the best clarinettist in the country can be heard this year performing together with one of the most interesting young pianists. Mathias Kjøller, on clarinet and Søren Rastogi, on piano play

Closing act: Duo Amal Uniting cultural differences through music.

tion, but also aim to spread the urgent message for peace, within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The 2014 edition of the Copenhagen Summer Festival comes to an end with the talented piano duo, Duo Amal. Yaron Kohlberg and Bishara Haroni Klaverduo both have equally impressive international careers, but decided to come together as a duo following a peace concert at the Oslo Opera House in 2011. Both having grown up in the Middle East, Haroni with

Palestinian and Kohlberg with Israeli background, the duo is proof that friendship can be developed on the basis of cultural community and musical understanding despite even difficult political conflicts and differences. Amal, the Arabic word for ‘hope’, reflects the meaningful message behind this duo’s work. Together, they are not only a unique collabora-

Duo Amal have performed before enthusiastic audiences in many significant venues worldwide. Among these are the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, Beethovenfest Bonn, Melbourne Arts Festival, Beijing Concert Hall, Tokyo’s Musashino Center, and Korea’s Goyang Center of the Arts. They have also performed with some of the world’s leading orchestras, such as the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO). Following their concert at the New York MET, music critic Henry Rolnick praised the duo’s “lack of ego shown by few young musicians as dynamic as they are…” and sum-

wandt. He has also performed as a soloist with Odense Symfoniorkester, Sjællands Symfoniorkester and several times with Aarhus Symfoniorkester. In 2011 he was appointed 2nd solo clarinettist in the Danish National Symphony Orchestra, while still continuing his activities with Aarhus Symfoactivities Mathias is also playing chamber music a.o. with Den Danske Strygekvartet and Marianna Shirinyan (piano).

 Venue: Charlottenborg Assembly Hall  Date: Thursday, August 7  Time: 16:30  Ticket price: 100 DKK (People under 25: 50 DKK)

marised: “Needless to say, Duo Amal played with their usual energy, and in this rotation of ferocity and tenderness, two emotions which seem to come as natural to them as the naturalness of their wonderful musical partnership.” The Sydney Herald described their playing as “thrilling”. The Straits Times further hailed it as, “close to perfection with melody closely allied with counterpoint, and driven at dizzying high speeds.” The two pianists have won numerous international competitions, including Cleveland Piano Competition and Top of the World. At this closing concert, they will perform a programme that includes music by Schubert, Mozart and Stravinsky.

SHaKeSPeare FeSTival aT HamleTS CaSTle 2014 1 – 4 auguST much ado about Nothing Shakespeare´s globe 6 – 7 auguST William Stockholms musikteater


Fresh and exciting musical performance in English, about the young William Shakespeare

9 auguST King lear Peter Brook movie from 1971 10 auguST Shakespeare in Concert

”William” – an award-winner at the New York Fringe Festival in 2013. The performance tries to find the answer to a 400-year-old mystery - who was William Shakespeare? A fantastic musical performance that reveals much about Shakespeare and his time, delving into the famous 154 sonnets. The performance from Stockholms Musikteater is in English and William is played by the Swedish actor and singer Jonas Nerbe in the company of a female string quartet consisting of two violins, one viola and a cello. Together, they brilliantly tell the tale of the world’s most famous playwright, William Shakespeare.

Performances, film and concert are presented at Kronborg Castle • Castle Courtyard • 3000 Helsingør Tickets: • • +45 7020 2096 For more information:

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