To access the companies catalogues and videos Simply Click on the link in the catalogue and video columns

NO. COMPANY COMPANY REP. CONTACT DETAILS CATALOGUE VIDEO 1 Angel Footwear RamlakanAshley M: +27 455 8367 T: +27 31 902 6373 E: ashley@angelfootwear.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/angel_fw_catalogue https://vimeo.com/441950794 2 BBF Safety Group HeyerTven M: +27 83 790 0400 T: +27 31 710 0400 E: tven.heyer@bbfsafety.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/bbf_saflec_catalogue https://vimeo.com/442014250 3 Bolton Footwear HopwoodStuart M: +27 82 494 5241 T: +27 21 590 7000 E: Stuart.Hopwood@bolwear.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/bolton_footwear_company_profile_interactive https://vimeo.com/444182086 4 BurgundyCollective BoshoffWillem M: +27 82 708 0865 E: willem@burgundycollective.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/burgundy_collective_catalogue https://vimeo.com/533487775 5 CobraCape SchaferJustine M: +27 82 818 2996 T: +27 21 448 5316 E: justine@capecobra.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/cape_cobra_ _classics_collection https://vimeo.com/471861958 6 Chimpel MajdaRabin M: +27 83 235 8565 T: +27 21 697 5875 E: majda@chimpel.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/chimpel_catalogue https://vimeo.com/518543547 7 WhittingtonDick GonyoraTavonga M: +27 73 104 9540 T: +27 33 398 1124 E: tavonga@dickwhittington.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/dick_whittington_shoes_gatz_a5_59a16391c9e755 https://vimeo.com/465738399 8 EddelsShoes CarrollIan M: +27 84 501 7933 T: +27 33 3428111 E: ian@eddels.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/eddels_mens_all_ranges https://vimeo.com/444183025 9 Footstyle MustaphaMohsina M: +27 79 329 8840 T: +27 31 563 2777 E: mohsina@footstyle.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/footstyle_catalogue https://vimeo.com/444184692 10 FootwearFred RollandEboru M: +27 82 632 4565 T: +27 41 484 5151 E: Rolland@fredfootwear.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/fred_footwear_catalogue_a252a9b6a83b0d https://vimeo.com/466465091

COMPANY COMPANYREP. CONTACT DETAILS CATALOGUE VIDEO 11 CollectionFSP BorthwickFiona M: +27 21 447 3099 E: info@fspcollection.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/winter 2021 22 fsp collection lookbook https://vimeo.com/475396016 12 Hopewell Footwear WearneVoden M: +27 82 4466 871 T: +27 31 4682431 E: voden@hopewellfootwear.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/hopewell https://vimeo.com/444185920 13 Jim Green Footwear CrouchGareth M: +27 33 3979519 T: +27 825628372 E: gareth@jimgreenfootwear.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/jim_green_catalogue https://vimeo.com/444186364 14 ManufacturersJodam FittinghoffJodi M: +27 82 927 7927 T: +27 11 887 7736 E: jodi@jodam.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/jodam_catalogue https://vimeo.com/473353256 15 LaboraShoes ParbooArlene M: +27 82 657 5148 T: +27 31 409 1146 E: arlenep@labora.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/labora_catalogue https://vimeo.com/444186735 16 HarveyLou HarveyLou T: +27 31 100 0099 M: +27 83 657 6599 E: lou@louharvey.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/lou_harvey_cat https://vimeo.com/470530498 17 FootwearNasron RodneyNaidoo M: +27 82 775 9791 +27 65 941 4218 E: rodney.nzn@gmail.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/nasron_20catalogue https://vimeo.com/475458299 18 Nikkita Footwear GaneshReno T: +27 31 403 3697 M: +27 83 777 1452 E: reno@nikkitafootwear.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/nikkita_cat https://vimeo.com/444840156 19 OneEachof TamburaiChirume M: +27 82 937 0859 T: +27 21 802 5894 E: info@oneofeach.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/one_of_each_catalogue https://vimeo.com/516215595

COMPANY COMPANY REP. CONTACT DETAILS CATALOGUE VIDEO 20 FootwearPalm PattundeenRajeev M: +27 83 645 6869 T: +27 31 902 1505 E: rajeev@iafrica.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/palm_fw_catalogue https://vimeo.com/444841290 21 EventsPlanet MoodleyPaul T: +27 31 465 5655/6 M: +27 83 777 7710 E: planet@telkomsa.net https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/2021_planet_brochure https://vimeo.com/541519404 22 ReeferShoes MathesonSeb M: +27 73 621 0507 E: seb@reefershoes.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/catalogue 23 TradingReptile SampsonHelen M: +27 82 255 0777 T: +27 21 534 3033 E: helen@reptiletrading.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/reptile_trading https://vimeo.com/533512269 24 Saddler Belts Leathercraft& FenwickAndrew M: +27 82 443 4008 T: +27 31 569 3951 E: production@saddlerbelts.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/saddler_catalogue_864c87ce83f214 https://vimeo.com/466458780 25 FootwearSmileys Balvan Rishidaw M: +27 76 147 3293 T: +27 31 468 5586 E: balvan@smileysfootwear.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/smileys_footwear_2021_catalogue https://vimeo.com/516110417 26 The Little Slipper SaaligaBaboo M: +27 61 101 3949 T: +27 41 484 7207 E: saaliga@littleslipper.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/little_slipper_catalogue https://vimeo.com/444187041 27 InvestmentsThurling ThurlingVidrik M: +27 82 787 0177 T: + 27 21 531 3611 E: info@thurlinginvestments.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/thurling_product_catalogue https://vimeo.com/476267598 28 LeathercraftVermont MandyOwen T: +27 11 792 7991 M: +27 823327087 E: vermont@vermont.co.za https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/vermont_catalogue https://vimeo.com/544974837 29 WEEF Dévan Swanepoel M: +27 832911155 E: devan@weefwear.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/weef_product_cataloge__2020___2021 https://vimeo.com/475396606 30 CollectiveXYZA SavannaXyza M: +27 83 271 7793 E: hello@xyzasavanna.com https://issuu.com/saflec/docs/xyza_catalogue https://vimeo.com/472721545